GOP Indian Governor portrayed as white guy so as to not scare GOP Base.

Thats a pretty pathetic attempt by Jindal to pass. I bet he is an embarrassment to Indians everywhere. At least the ones that actually like themselves brown.
We're red, not brown.

Now you know, Pale-face.

Never saw a red East Indian I have seen plenty of Black and Brown ones.


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But interesting is that the article does not provide a second photo of the portrait to prove the point.

I would bet good money that if you look at that portrait head-on, it will look just as light as in that photo.

You provided VERY weak sauce. Back to the playpen with you.

Ah, so you scumbag lying assclowns got caught - but you remain defiant.

{That evening, Jindal’s chief of staff tweeted out a photo of the governor’s actual official portrait with the comment: “Thx 4 ur race-baiting tweet.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

You're a lying fucking scumbag statist - that is to say, a typical democrat.

Uh oh, I just crushed a clique member - I better watch out... MUST protect Statist....
People from the Indian subcontinent have a wide variety of skin tones.
Maybe he just thought it was a Bollywood version of himself.


True, but then this is all a fraud, cooked up by racist leftist assclowns like Statist. The leftist scumbags altered Jindal's portrait to stir up their racist base in the party hatred of Whites.
But interesting is that the article does not provide a second photo of the portrait to prove the point.

I would bet good money that if you look at that portrait head-on, it will look just as light as in that photo.

You provided VERY weak sauce. Back to the playpen with you.

Ah, so you scumbag lying assclowns got caught - but you remain defiant.

{That evening, Jindal’s chief of staff tweeted out a photo of the governor’s actual official portrait with the comment: “Thx 4 ur race-baiting tweet.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

You're a lying fucking scumbag statist - that is to say, a typical democrat.

Uh oh, I just crushed a clique member - I better watch out... MUST protect Statist....
The one he tweeted out looks just as white as the painting in question.

People from the Indian subcontinent have a wide variety of skin tones.
Maybe he just thought it was a Bollywood version of himself.


True, but then this is all a fraud, cooked up by racist leftist assclowns like Statist. The leftist scumbags altered Jindal's portrait to stir up their racist base in the party hatred of Whites.
No one has been proven to have altered the painting. You got a link with the original painting?
I think its more the Repub Party is ashamed to have a non-white in its ranks :redface:

Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.
So where is the real portrait? Your link said nothing about this photo being photo shopped.

Correct. Politico says that the "artist" now claims that the person who photographed the portrait somehow used bright light to make his face look lighter, but there are no indications of excessing lighting being used at all. Plus, the artist himself provided no photo of his own work. Who in the world makes paintings and does not photograph them, if for no other reason than the prove ownership.

My gut tells me that Politico is going to be walking this one back....

You ignore the main point of his statement, that he wasn't really thinking about skin color when he made the painting.

Isn't the "color blind" society something that lefties have always called for?

Well, if he wasn't thinking about skin color, he could just as well have made Jindal red or yellow, right? For that would be color-blind, too, right? But for some strange reason, he did not do that...

Your side is the one making a big fucking deal out of this. He made a fucking painting.

You idiots are out of actual political content and have to resort to this crap.
This is what the left has,skin tone in a shitty painting,rather third grade. but when you are left with an empty bag.

did you complete high school because 94% of your posts garner this response

Please post on someone else's threads. PLEASE!!! I beseech you. :eusa_pray:
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But interesting is that the article does not provide a second photo of the portrait to prove the point.

I would bet good money that if you look at that portrait head-on, it will look just as light as in that photo.

You provided VERY weak sauce. Back to the playpen with you.

Ah, so you scumbag lying assclowns got caught - but you remain defiant.

{That evening, Jindal’s chief of staff tweeted out a photo of the governor’s actual official portrait with the comment: “Thx 4 ur race-baiting tweet.”

Read more: Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO}

You're a lying fucking scumbag statist - that is to say, a typical democrat.

Uh oh, I just crushed a clique member - I better watch out... MUST protect Statist....
The one he tweeted out looks just as white as the painting in question.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Its sad that your side is going in the opposite direction, making a stink over a person's hue in a PAINTING of them.
Why a Bobby Jindal Portrait Sparked a Racial Controversy
“Who’s the white guy?”

Or so went the jokes of many Twitter users who saw a photo tweeted widely this week of Indian-American Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s purported “official portrait,” in which, well, he’s been whitewashed to the shade of Benedict Cumberbatch. It turned out it wasn't actually Jindal’s official portrait, and instead just a portrait loaned by a constituent, according to Jindal’s chief of staff, Kyle Plotkin, who shared on Twitter the actual painting (still with brightened skin, albeit less so) while slamming users for “race-baiting.”

Bobby Jindal s New Portrait Is White Enough to Win an Oscar

He's as brown as he ever was IRL :rofl:


Liberals only like minorities that are in lock step with Liberal views and agendas. Shocker.
Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.
So where is the real portrait? Your link said nothing about this photo being photo shopped.

Correct. Politico says that the "artist" now claims that the person who photographed the portrait somehow used bright light to make his face look lighter, but there are no indications of excessing lighting being used at all. Plus, the artist himself provided no photo of his own work. Who in the world makes paintings and does not photograph them, if for no other reason than the prove ownership.

My gut tells me that Politico is going to be walking this one back....

You ignore the main point of his statement, that he wasn't really thinking about skin color when he made the painting.

Isn't the "color blind" society something that lefties have always called for?

Well, if he wasn't thinking about skin color, he could just as well have made Jindal red or yellow, right? For that would be color-blind, too, right? But for some strange reason, he did not do that...

Your side is the one making a big fucking deal out of this. He made a fucking painting.

You idiots are out of actual political content and have to resort to this crap.
Sounds more like you guys are running out of excuses for Jindal trying to pass for white. :laugh:
So why did he make him white

He didn't - you racist lying fucks altered the portrait.

Al least TRY to follow along, rodent.

if he wasn't thinking about skin tone? This isn't an abstract painting, it is a realistic painting. There is nothing realistic about that skin tone.

You're as dumb as dog turd, Rati.
So where is the real portrait? Your link said nothing about this photo being photo shopped.

Correct. Politico says that the "artist" now claims that the person who photographed the portrait somehow used bright light to make his face look lighter, but there are no indications of excessing lighting being used at all. Plus, the artist himself provided no photo of his own work. Who in the world makes paintings and does not photograph them, if for no other reason than the prove ownership.

My gut tells me that Politico is going to be walking this one back....

You ignore the main point of his statement, that he wasn't really thinking about skin color when he made the painting.

Isn't the "color blind" society something that lefties have always called for?

Well, if he wasn't thinking about skin color, he could just as well have made Jindal red or yellow, right? For that would be color-blind, too, right? But for some strange reason, he did not do that...

Your side is the one making a big fucking deal out of this. He made a fucking painting.

You idiots are out of actual political content and have to resort to this crap.
Sounds more like you guys are running out of excuses for Jindal trying to pass for white. :laugh:

How does one painting now equate with wanting to "pass for white"
Thats a pretty pathetic attempt by Jindal to pass. I bet he is an embarrassment to Indians everywhere. At least the ones that actually like themselves brown.
We're red, not brown.

Now you know, Pale-face.

Never saw a red East Indian I have seen plenty of Black and Brown ones.


Oh...the REAL Indians. My bad. I love them because they look like a chocolate sundae with a cherry on top!
Correct. Politico says that the "artist" now claims that the person who photographed the portrait somehow used bright light to make his face look lighter, but there are no indications of excessing lighting being used at all. Plus, the artist himself provided no photo of his own work. Who in the world makes paintings and does not photograph them, if for no other reason than the prove ownership.

My gut tells me that Politico is going to be walking this one back....

You ignore the main point of his statement, that he wasn't really thinking about skin color when he made the painting.

Isn't the "color blind" society something that lefties have always called for?

Well, if he wasn't thinking about skin color, he could just as well have made Jindal red or yellow, right? For that would be color-blind, too, right? But for some strange reason, he did not do that...

Your side is the one making a big fucking deal out of this. He made a fucking painting.

You idiots are out of actual political content and have to resort to this crap.
Sounds more like you guys are running out of excuses for Jindal trying to pass for white. :laugh:

How does one painting now equate with wanting to "pass for white"
When your painting makes you look white and you change your name from Piyush to Bobby.
Well, if he wasn't thinking about skin color, he could just as well have made Jindal red or yellow, right? For that would be color-blind, too, right? But for some strange reason, he did not do that...

Yep, he could have.

It doesn't change the fact that you racist fucks altered the portrait to start a racist campaign of demagoguery on twitter though.

You assclown democrats are some racist fucks - but everyone already knew that.

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