GOP Indian Governor portrayed as white guy so as to not scare GOP Base.

Here's a thought you imbecilic, knob-slurping, knee-pad wearing moronic sycophants that think everything some fucking 25 year-old J-School Columbia Graduate thinks is important actually IS important.......

Maybe the artist who did the painting SUCKS.....

Ever think of that of that?

Of course not, you're too stupid
It is a poor painting,high school art class.
Here's a thought you imbecilic, knob-slurping, knee-pad wearing moronic sycophants that think everything some fucking 25 year-old J-School Columbia Graduate thinks is important actually IS important.......

Maybe the artist who did the painting SUCKS.....

Ever think of that of that?

Of course not, you're too stupid
Polichic is a Columbia graduate, know we know why she posts so poorly...
Why is there a painting of David Hassellhoff in congress?
Thats a pretty pathetic attempt by Jindal to pass. I bet he is an embarrassment to Indians everywhere. At least the ones that actually like themselves brown.
It turned out it wasn't actually Jindal’s official portrait, and instead just a portrait loaned by a constituent,

That constituent wasn't Dubya by any chance, was it? It looks like his work.
Here's a thought you imbecilic, knob-slurping, knee-pad wearing moronic sycophants that think everything some fucking 25 year-old J-School Columbia Graduate thinks is important actually IS important.......

Maybe the artist who did the painting SUCKS.....

Ever think of that of that?

Of course not, you're too stupid
It is a poor painting,high school art class.
Thanks for proving you didn't read the SUPPLIED link chickenwing you lazy (quelle surprise!!!) rw'er :thup:


try reading AT LEAST the 1st 5 paragraphs IF THAT IS NOT BEYOND YOUR ABILITIES, before chiming-in. Mkay? chikenwing ? Heres just one of those paragraphs:

(from my link in the OP :banghead:
Jindal's skin tone in his portraits matters especially because it suggests that the "official" image of an American political leader is someone that is not of South Asian or Asian race. The touchy question of skin color remains regardless of the portrait maker's intent, because throughout history, and arguably still today, differences in skin tone, such as those between Jindal's portraits and Jindal himself—even if just a few shades—were specifically used to construct race and Americanness.
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Wow, I guess he's ashamed of his heritage, how sad for him.
I think its more the Repub Party is ashamed to have a non-white in its ranks :redface:

Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.
LOL! So the "artist" never saw him in person and thought he was white, because God only knows only a white man could be elected governor in a southern state.

Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.

dimocraps have no shame, no honor, no code. Which is why they don't ever feel the need to apologize unless FORCED by someone else to do so.

dimocraps are lying scum.


And Brian Williams is done. Put a fork in him. He'll be gone by Tuesday at the latest.

I just thought of the latest faux 'apology' from the latest lying dimocrap dirtbag.

Whatever :dunno:
Wow, I guess he's ashamed of his heritage, how sad for him.
I think its more the Repub Party is ashamed to have a non-white in its ranks :redface:

Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.
So where is the real portrait? Your link said nothing about this photo being photo shopped.
Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.

Given that an image of the official portrait is right there above, and it's pale as well, you should apologize to the board for spreading falsehoods. Explain yourself. Did you just fail to read the thread, or did you deliberately lie?

Edge, you should answer as well, since you were also caught trying to pass off outrageous falsehoods. Are you deliberately being dishonest in the name of your cult, or are you simply a cult dupe?
Wow, I guess he's ashamed of his heritage, how sad for him.
I think its more the Repub Party is ashamed to have a non-white in its ranks :redface:

Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.
it was "on loan" to his office. That means someone in his office "accepted" it instead of falling down and ROFL.
Here's a thought you imbecilic, knob-slurping, knee-pad wearing moronic sycophants that think everything some fucking 25 year-old J-School Columbia Graduate thinks is important actually IS important.......

Maybe the artist who did the painting SUCKS.....

Ever think of that of that?

Of course not, you're too stupid
It is a poor painting,high school art class.
Thanks for proving you didn't read the SUPPLIED link chickenwing you lazy (quelle surprise!!!) rw'er :thup:

LOL the painting sucks whats more to see or read i dont care who painted it for what reason,its a shity painting,you on the other hand must make a hack response for everything,dumb ass!!
Wow, I guess he's ashamed of his heritage, how sad for him.
I think its more the Repub Party is ashamed to have a non-white in its ranks :redface:

Read this and then apologize:

Bobby Jindal artist decries hatchet job in skin-tone controversy - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

This unauthorized "portrait" was photo-shopped for dupes like you.
LOL! So the "artist" never saw him in person and thought he was white, because God only knows only a white man could be elected governor in a southern state.

I know right? You can't make this stuff up that goes on in the eXtreme South rwing-o-verse hive mind
CrusaderFrank ;)
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Here's a thought you imbecilic, knob-slurping, knee-pad wearing moronic sycophants that think everything some fucking 25 year-old J-School Columbia Graduate thinks is important actually IS important.......

Maybe the artist who did the painting SUCKS.....

Ever think of that of that?

Of course not, you're too stupid

You seem angry. Well, actually, you always seem angry.

Got anything to actually contribute to the OP?

I do.

The article clearly states that the one portrait is on loan:


However, the OFFICIAL portrait is similarly VERY VERY light in color:


Bobby Jindal has a truly wonderful, beautiful, rich brown skin color. Why not actually show it?

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