GOP jobs agenda

you can't see the forest for the trees dummy. :talktothehand: How quickly rw drones forget the GObP holding this great nation hostage to maintain tax-cuts for the wealthy

Did you miss the Wiki post your loser friend Dumb2three posted???

I don't get it, is this Kool Aid so strong that you still believe the wealthiest American's do not pay the lions share of Income Taxes in this country?? I mean you would have to have an IQ below 50 not to get it by now...

I do understand hatred overshadows FACTS for all humans, our Muslim Jihadist in the ME are a prime example that comes to mind, oh sorry I forgot their your favorite Anti Israeli supporters...

Anyway, you do realize that millions of American's pay much less in Income Taxes than they receive in Income Tax refunds don't you???

When you can honestly digest this let me know...

"Anyway, you do realize that millions of American's pay much less in Income Taxes than they receive in Income Tax refunds don't you???"

You mean they are part of the bottom half of US with less than $15,000 per FAMILY AVERAGE INCOMES? The very poor the GOP has created as they allowed the shifting of nearly $5,000 PER FAMILY away from the bottom half of US from what they had in 1980?

Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Reagan strongly supported the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which sends checks to Americans who work but earn less than around $46,000 a year, depending on family size. Recipients of the credit are among those who don’t pay income tax, but Reagan never regarded that as a problem. His administration estimated that the 1986 reform of the tax code would remove 6 million working poor from the tax rolls. Reagan called the reform a “sweeping victory for fairness” and “perhaps the biggest antipoverty program in our history.”

Ronald Reagan and the 47 Percent - Businessweek
Oh you mean the GOP House and GOP Senate report? Yeah, EVERYTHING coming from the GOP should be believed, lol

Again, from your source? Do you waffle this much on everything?

I have always realized that your inability to think for yourself is why you copy and paste, yet you fail to read the full opinion given in these postings you copy, it's sad. It also clarifies how limited your understanding is. Most people would stop making an ass out of themselves after one or two times, but your continued addiction to being a mouthpiece for the dumbest members of our society appears to be never ending...

BTW the JEC is a Bi-Partisan Committee...
Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.

You know what, Dottie? I've been hearing this same refrain from you Progressives for the better part of a decade you are the champions of the Middle Class and how the GOP only cares about the wealthy...yet under two terms of an Administration that is dominated by progressives the Middle Class has taken a beating and the wealthy have gotten wealthier. So why is that? Are you guys just totally clueless when it comes to "doing" rather than it all nothing more than political posturing...or a combination of the two?

To be quite blunt...with you guys "working" for the Middle Class...there won't BE a Middle Class much longer!
you can't see the forest for the trees dummy. :talktothehand: How quickly rw drones forget the GObP holding this great nation hostage to maintain tax-cuts for the wealthy

People, such as yourself, either don't keep up w/ current events or you lie. which is it Oldstyle ? Either way, it doesn't look good for you hack boi :laugh:

Obama GOP Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage - CBS News

GAWD but you're a tool and a transparent one at that :thup:
"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!
Oh you mean the GOP House and GOP Senate report? Yeah, EVERYTHING coming from the GOP should be believed, lol

Again, from your source? Do you waffle this much on everything?

I have always realized that your inability to think for yourself is why you copy and paste, yet you fail to read the full opinion given in these postings you copy, it's sad. It also clarifies how limited your understanding is. Most people would stop making an ass out of themselves after one or two times, but your continued addiction to being a mouthpiece for the dumbest members of our society appears to be never ending...

BTW the JEC is a Bi-Partisan Committee...

You can always spot the low hanging fruit on the board...they think if they capitalize what they cut and paste so that it's REALLY big...that everyone will be impressed.
I still can't believe I got Dad to admit that Barack Obama had no hand at all in creating all of the high paying jobs we now have in the natural gas and shale oil production industries. I'm curious as to how he's going to walk that admission back once he realizes that has been a major driver of what little recovery we have had and he's precluded Barry from getting any credit.
You mean they are part of the bottom half of US with less than $15,000 per FAMILY AVERAGE INCOMES? The very poor the GOP has created as they allowed the shifting of nearly $5,000 PER FAMILY away from the bottom half of US from what they had in 1980?

Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Out of 137,982,203 Tax Returns filed in 2009, 10.4 Million filed with incomes less than $16,000 earned...

Your ignorance is beyond belief...

Stay home and get help today...
Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.

You know what, Dottie? I've been hearing this same refrain from you Progressives for the better part of a decade you are the champions of the Middle Class and how the GOP only cares about the wealthy...yet under two terms of an Administration that is dominated by progressives the Middle Class has taken a beating and the wealthy have gotten wealthier. So why is that? Are you guys just totally clueless when it comes to "doing" rather than it all nothing more than political posturing...or a combination of the two?

To be quite blunt...with you guys "working" for the Middle Class...there won't BE a Middle Class much longer!
The middle class is still suffering from the policies the GOP put in place when they held both houses and the presidency. After the 2000 recession when Republicans swept into office, they did nothing to help anyone but the rich. You know that. Everything the GOP did during the Bush years only helped the rich. And then at the end of Bush's 8 years it all fell apart.
And then Republicans attempted to block anything that would help the economy. The GOP hoped that if they obstructed and fucked everything up, people wouldn't vote and the crazies would elect the GOP into office. And they did. Republicans hope to finish the job they started under Bush. The Republicans have become a terrorist organization. I suspect that the middle class will eventually get their nose out of Kim Kardashian's butt and wake up. It will become a matter of survival as a nation. The GOP must be defeated.
Yeah cause completely eliminating federal personal income taxes for the middle class has been so HORRIBLE for the middle class.

You are a fucking moron.
Come on, Dottie...anyone with a dollop of honesty from your side would admit that the reason Obama didn't increase taxes on the wealthy was because some folks who actually understood economics finally got through to him and his merry band of progressives and explained to them that increasing taxes in the middle of a recession was NOT going to be a good thing for the economy!

Oh sure...he blamed it on the GOP...but what HASN'T Barry blamed on the GOP! Heck, he was accusing them of obstructionism when the Democrats had Super Majorities in the House and Senate!
more of your non-sourced word salad? :eusa_doh: Are ALL conservatives as lazy as you? Judging from the rw posts on this page I'd have to give that question a resounding "YES!" for an answer. :eusa_clap: Save it rw ideologue boi. :talktothehand:No sources then its just another rw opinion :tinfoil:
Last edited:
Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.

You know what, Dottie? I've been hearing this same refrain from you Progressives for the better part of a decade you are the champions of the Middle Class and how the GOP only cares about the wealthy...yet under two terms of an Administration that is dominated by progressives the Middle Class has taken a beating and the wealthy have gotten wealthier. So why is that? Are you guys just totally clueless when it comes to "doing" rather than it all nothing more than political posturing...or a combination of the two?

To be quite blunt...with you guys "working" for the Middle Class...there won't BE a Middle Class much longer!
you can't see the forest for the trees dummy. :talktothehand: How quickly rw drones forget the GObP holding this great nation hostage to maintain tax-cuts for the wealthy

People, such as yourself, either don't keep up w/ current events or you lie. which is it Oldstyle ? Either way, it doesn't look good for you hack boi :laugh:

Obama GOP Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage - CBS News

GAWD but you're a tool and a transparent one at that :thup:
"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!
I know Obama did a better job than Romney would have done.
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.

You know what, Dottie? I've been hearing this same refrain from you Progressives for the better part of a decade you are the champions of the Middle Class and how the GOP only cares about the wealthy...yet under two terms of an Administration that is dominated by progressives the Middle Class has taken a beating and the wealthy have gotten wealthier. So why is that? Are you guys just totally clueless when it comes to "doing" rather than it all nothing more than political posturing...or a combination of the two?

To be quite blunt...with you guys "working" for the Middle Class...there won't BE a Middle Class much longer!
you can't see the forest for the trees dummy. :talktothehand: How quickly rw drones forget the GObP holding this great nation hostage to maintain tax-cuts for the wealthy

People, such as yourself, either don't keep up w/ current events or you lie. which is it Oldstyle ? Either way, it doesn't look good for you hack boi :laugh:

Obama GOP Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage - CBS News

GAWD but you're a tool and a transparent one at that :thup:
"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!
I know Obama did a better job than Romney would have done.

Yeah because as we all know...Barry has a long history of success when it comes to turning around troubled organizations and working across the aisle to get the job done! Oh wait...that was Mitt Romney! Barack Obama has a long history me here, Faun...I can't think of anything dealing with economics or jobs that Barry has a history of success with.
Come on, Dottie...anyone with a dollop of honesty from your side would admit that the reason Obama didn't increase taxes on the wealthy was because some folks who actually understood economics finally got through to him and his merry band of progressives and explained to them that increasing taxes in the middle of a recession was NOT going to be a good thing for the economy!

Oh sure...he blamed it on the GOP...but what HASN'T Barry blamed on the GOP! Heck, he was accusing them of obstructionism when the Democrats had Super Majorities in the House and Senate!
more of your non-sourced word salad? :eusa_doh: Are ALL conservatives as lazy as you? Judging from the rw posts on this page I'd have to give that question a resounding "YES!" for an answer. :eusa_clap: Save it rw ideologue boi. :talktothehand:No sources then its just another rw opinion :tinfoil:

I'm curious, Dottie...who's "lazier"...people like Dad who haven't had an original thought in about a decade...or myself who relies on my own intellect to formulate an intelligent viewpoint of topics? Since when did original thought become "lazy" and copying someone else become working hard?
You know what, Dottie? I've been hearing this same refrain from you Progressives for the better part of a decade you are the champions of the Middle Class and how the GOP only cares about the wealthy...yet under two terms of an Administration that is dominated by progressives the Middle Class has taken a beating and the wealthy have gotten wealthier. So why is that? Are you guys just totally clueless when it comes to "doing" rather than it all nothing more than political posturing...or a combination of the two?

To be quite blunt...with you guys "working" for the Middle Class...there won't BE a Middle Class much longer!
you can't see the forest for the trees dummy. :talktothehand: How quickly rw drones forget the GObP holding this great nation hostage to maintain tax-cuts for the wealthy

People, such as yourself, either don't keep up w/ current events or you lie. which is it Oldstyle ? Either way, it doesn't look good for you hack boi :laugh:

Obama GOP Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage - CBS News

GAWD but you're a tool and a transparent one at that :thup:
"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!
I know Obama did a better job than Romney would have done.

Yeah because as we all know...Barry has a long history of success when it comes to turning around troubled organizations and working across the aisle to get the job done! Oh wait...that was Mitt Romney! Barack Obama has a long history me here, Faun...I can't think of anything dealing with economics or jobs that Barry has a history of success with.
And still better than had Romney won.
you can't see the forest for the trees dummy. :talktothehand: How quickly rw drones forget the GObP holding this great nation hostage to maintain tax-cuts for the wealthy

People, such as yourself, either don't keep up w/ current events or you lie. which is it Oldstyle ? Either way, it doesn't look good for you hack boi :laugh:

Obama GOP Holding Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage - CBS News

GAWD but you're a tool and a transparent one at that :thup:
"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!
I know Obama did a better job than Romney would have done.

Yeah because as we all know...Barry has a long history of success when it comes to turning around troubled organizations and working across the aisle to get the job done! Oh wait...that was Mitt Romney! Barack Obama has a long history me here, Faun...I can't think of anything dealing with economics or jobs that Barry has a history of success with.
And still better than had Romney won.[/QUOTE
We've had six years of "amateur hour" as Barack Obama and his little cadre of Progressives tried to deal with the economy, Faun. It would have been amusing to watch if it wasn't for the millions of Americans who have been hurt by their adherence to political dogma instead of practical solutions.

Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.
.or myself who relies on my own intellect to formulate an intelligent viewpoint of topics? Since when did original thought become "lazy" and copying someone else become working hard?

Since when did revisionist history become "original thought"? Was that about the same time when outright lying became the equivalent of working?:

And relying on your intellect to form erroneous conclusions proves what exactly?
Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.

As Joe says; "a weird Mormon robot" is what the country needed? I don't think so and neither did the voters.
Or at least the voters with any sense didn't think so.
.or myself who relies on my own intellect to formulate an intelligent viewpoint of topics? Since when did original thought become "lazy" and copying someone else become working hard?

Since when did revisionist history become "original thought"? Was that about the same time when outright lying became the equivalent of working?:

And relying on your intellect to form erroneous conclusions proves what exactly?

What conclusion of mine is "erroneous", Zeke? That Dad trolls ridiculously biased sites and spams the nonsense that he finds there? That Barack Obama has been underwhelming when it comes to the economy and creating jobs?

So I take it that you ARE impressed by Dad's cut and paste barrages? How about relying on YOUR intellect for a change?
Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.

As Joe says; "a weird Mormon robot" is what the country needed? I don't think so and neither did the voters.
Or at least the voters with any sense didn't think so.

So we got another four years of Barry? You have a strange notion of what makes "sense", Zeke. I can see for people falling for the whole Hope & Change schtick the first time around but when that morphed into an equally vacuous "Lean Forward" message it got to be a little ridiculous.
.or myself who relies on my own intellect to formulate an intelligent viewpoint of topics? Since when did original thought become "lazy" and copying someone else become working hard?

Since when did revisionist history become "original thought"? Was that about the same time when outright lying became the equivalent of working?:

And relying on your intellect to form erroneous conclusions proves what exactly?

What conclusion of mine is "erroneous", Zeke? That Dad trolls ridiculously biased sites and spams the nonsense that he finds there? That Barack Obama has been underwhelming when it comes to the economy and creating jobs?

So I take it that you ARE impressed by Dad's cut and paste barrages? How about relying on YOUR intellect for a change?

Good grief....AMEN.

Sir Spamelot is a total jerk.
We're basically going to end up with a lost decade because we've elected someone with absolutely zero aptitude for the job at hand. We've gotten "leading from behind" and "don't do stupid stuff!" as administration mantras. Is it any wonder everything the guy touches turns to mud?
Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.

Now that's ironic.

The no-argument moron who only posts Paul Krugman crap but won't argue it is worried about someone else's lack of facts ?

We spank poor old Paul and Dottie sits by with a sucker (or worse) in her mouth just mumbling along.

I'll match my education against yours any day of the week, just let me know when you want to square off.

I've invited you to the bullring on countless occasions and you've run from every invite.

People on the board know you are an old woman.

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