GOP jobs agenda

Yeah, look at how he stated that in Federalist 45......laaol

They're helpless.

So NO, you will not address your bullsgit premise the 'left' was responsible for Dubya's regulator failure over the Bankster created WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST. Weird like Reagan (S&L) Dubya ignored regulator warnings too!

The Outline for the Constitution
Madison is credited with outlining a proposal for government which became known as the “Virginia Plan.” Governor Edmund Randolph, another Virginia delegate, presented the plan to the Constitutional Convention soon after it officially opened. Key elements included:

● Federal veto of state laws

Virginia Plan Montpelier
Madison? The guy who wanted a FEDERAL veto power over the states? lol

You are a deluded wingnutter who STILL can't accept reality. I'm NOT shocked by you klowns anymore, lol

Rid itself? Oh you mean they wanted representation AND didn't want to pay back England for the cost of previous wars to protect US?

The same Madison who penned the 10th and this from the 45th Federalist Paper ?

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States.

Yeah, THAT guy wanted a federal veto over ALL states laws, lol

Yeah, look at how he stated that in Federalist 45......laaol

Yeah, weird right, almost like he was trying to sell something???

James Madison “Godfather of the Constitution”

On the contrary, Madison was thwarted on a wide range of minor and not-so-minor points, including two issues — a federal “negative” (veto) over the states and proportional representation in both houses of Congress — that he considered crucial to his dream of a government that would safeguard private rights and still promote the public good.

James Madison Godfather of the Constitution - Archiving Early America


The Virginia Plan

● Proportional representation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives

As Madison saw it, the most populous states, Virginia and Massachusetts, should have more influence than Delaware or Rhode Island. These small states should not have as much power to sway the course of government as the large states.

● A central government that could create uniform laws where needed

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.” (James Madison to George Washington, April 16, 1787). This included regulating trade, fixing terms of naturalization, and areas of oversight that should remain consistent from one state to another. Madison described this as a “positive” power.

● Federal veto of state laws

If creating uniform national laws was the positive power of a federal government, vetoing state laws was a negative power. Madison thought the federal government should have authority to veto state laws in order to prevent the states from evading federal laws, violating treaties, and harassing other states. Madison described the role of the federal government as that of an “umpire” to mediate disputes and quell factions in his letter to Washington. The federal judiciary branch should have the same supremacy over state courts, and there should be some degree of central control over the militias.

Virginia Plan Montpelier

Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol
Why are Republicans screaming about jobs they aren't qualified for anyway? That's what happens when you think education is for snobs.



Are you an educated woman?

Please enlighten us with your credentials.

(FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14... )
You said: FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14...

Did you write that? Because the sentence is very strangely structured. Not sure what it means.

Yes, that was me berating you, for projecting ignorance upon your opposition, querying you for clarification of your education bona fides, then I projected that you're response would attempt to establish your otherwise ignorant ass, as genius intellect and highly educated.

All of which was done to demonstrate that you're a dumbass.

So... "Mission Accomplished".

Anything else?
You said: projecting ignorance upon your opposition

OK, I won't disagree. You were projecting ignorance.

But still:

You said: FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14...

And I said: Did you write that? Because the sentence is very strangely structured. Not sure what it means.

And it's still strange.

Why don't you go play somewhere that people don't feel are a total asshole ?
ROFL full swing... ROFL...
5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment (0.1 point away from full employment), 1.3% inflation....

Yup, full swing.
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
And I'm still waiting to hear what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This section provides information relating to employment in oil and gas extraction.

Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)


Industries at a Glance Oil and Gas Extraction NAICS 211

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

Do you not understand English? I ask what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries and you spam that same stupid shit? It's a simple question, Sparky...WHAT OBAMA POLICY HAS CREATED JOBS IN THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES?


OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

Jobs are not being created.

More than 50% of the spike in GDP was the result of consumers buying health insurance, per the recent legal requirement to do so.

This month Macy's declared that it was shutting down 50% of it's retail outlets and consequently cutting nearly 1500 jobs.

JC Penny is doing the same thing, except their shutting down 2300 jobs.

Here's the thing... massive layoffs do not come in thriving, or otherwise expanding markets.

BBC News - JC Penney and Macy s to cut thousands of US jobs

Both chains have been hit by the growth in online shopping.
The same Madison who penned the 10th and this from the 45th Federalist Paper ?

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States.

Yeah, THAT guy wanted a federal veto over ALL states laws, lol

Yeah, look at how he stated that in Federalist 45......laaol

Yeah, weird right, almost like he was trying to sell something???

James Madison “Godfather of the Constitution”

On the contrary, Madison was thwarted on a wide range of minor and not-so-minor points, including two issues — a federal “negative” (veto) over the states and proportional representation in both houses of Congress — that he considered crucial to his dream of a government that would safeguard private rights and still promote the public good.

James Madison Godfather of the Constitution - Archiving Early America


The Virginia Plan

● Proportional representation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives

As Madison saw it, the most populous states, Virginia and Massachusetts, should have more influence than Delaware or Rhode Island. These small states should not have as much power to sway the course of government as the large states.

● A central government that could create uniform laws where needed

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.” (James Madison to George Washington, April 16, 1787). This included regulating trade, fixing terms of naturalization, and areas of oversight that should remain consistent from one state to another. Madison described this as a “positive” power.

● Federal veto of state laws

If creating uniform national laws was the positive power of a federal government, vetoing state laws was a negative power. Madison thought the federal government should have authority to veto state laws in order to prevent the states from evading federal laws, violating treaties, and harassing other states. Madison described the role of the federal government as that of an “umpire” to mediate disputes and quell factions in his letter to Washington. The federal judiciary branch should have the same supremacy over state courts, and there should be some degree of central control over the militias.

Virginia Plan Montpelier

Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.
Yeah, THAT guy wanted a federal veto over ALL states laws, lol

Yeah, look at how he stated that in Federalist 45......laaol

Yeah, weird right, almost like he was trying to sell something???

James Madison “Godfather of the Constitution”

On the contrary, Madison was thwarted on a wide range of minor and not-so-minor points, including two issues — a federal “negative” (veto) over the states and proportional representation in both houses of Congress — that he considered crucial to his dream of a government that would safeguard private rights and still promote the public good.

James Madison Godfather of the Constitution - Archiving Early America


The Virginia Plan

● Proportional representation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives

As Madison saw it, the most populous states, Virginia and Massachusetts, should have more influence than Delaware or Rhode Island. These small states should not have as much power to sway the course of government as the large states.

● A central government that could create uniform laws where needed

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.” (James Madison to George Washington, April 16, 1787). This included regulating trade, fixing terms of naturalization, and areas of oversight that should remain consistent from one state to another. Madison described this as a “positive” power.

● Federal veto of state laws

If creating uniform national laws was the positive power of a federal government, vetoing state laws was a negative power. Madison thought the federal government should have authority to veto state laws in order to prevent the states from evading federal laws, violating treaties, and harassing other states. Madison described the role of the federal government as that of an “umpire” to mediate disputes and quell factions in his letter to Washington. The federal judiciary branch should have the same supremacy over state courts, and there should be some degree of central control over the militias.

Virginia Plan Montpelier

Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington
Yeah, look at how he stated that in Federalist 45......laaol

Yeah, weird right, almost like he was trying to sell something???

James Madison “Godfather of the Constitution”

On the contrary, Madison was thwarted on a wide range of minor and not-so-minor points, including two issues — a federal “negative” (veto) over the states and proportional representation in both houses of Congress — that he considered crucial to his dream of a government that would safeguard private rights and still promote the public good.

James Madison Godfather of the Constitution - Archiving Early America


The Virginia Plan

● Proportional representation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives

As Madison saw it, the most populous states, Virginia and Massachusetts, should have more influence than Delaware or Rhode Island. These small states should not have as much power to sway the course of government as the large states.

● A central government that could create uniform laws where needed

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.” (James Madison to George Washington, April 16, 1787). This included regulating trade, fixing terms of naturalization, and areas of oversight that should remain consistent from one state to another. Madison described this as a “positive” power.

● Federal veto of state laws

If creating uniform national laws was the positive power of a federal government, vetoing state laws was a negative power. Madison thought the federal government should have authority to veto state laws in order to prevent the states from evading federal laws, violating treaties, and harassing other states. Madison described the role of the federal government as that of an “umpire” to mediate disputes and quell factions in his letter to Washington. The federal judiciary branch should have the same supremacy over state courts, and there should be some degree of central control over the militias.

Virginia Plan Montpelier

Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.
Yeah, weird right, almost like he was trying to sell something???

James Madison “Godfather of the Constitution”

On the contrary, Madison was thwarted on a wide range of minor and not-so-minor points, including two issues — a federal “negative” (veto) over the states and proportional representation in both houses of Congress — that he considered crucial to his dream of a government that would safeguard private rights and still promote the public good.

James Madison Godfather of the Constitution - Archiving Early America


The Virginia Plan

● Proportional representation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives

As Madison saw it, the most populous states, Virginia and Massachusetts, should have more influence than Delaware or Rhode Island. These small states should not have as much power to sway the course of government as the large states.

● A central government that could create uniform laws where needed

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.” (James Madison to George Washington, April 16, 1787). This included regulating trade, fixing terms of naturalization, and areas of oversight that should remain consistent from one state to another. Madison described this as a “positive” power.

● Federal veto of state laws

If creating uniform national laws was the positive power of a federal government, vetoing state laws was a negative power. Madison thought the federal government should have authority to veto state laws in order to prevent the states from evading federal laws, violating treaties, and harassing other states. Madison described the role of the federal government as that of an “umpire” to mediate disputes and quell factions in his letter to Washington. The federal judiciary branch should have the same supremacy over state courts, and there should be some degree of central control over the militias.

Virginia Plan Montpelier

Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad

You "thought"....what a laugh.

You don't know shit.
Right wing world:

Reagan economy good because he tripled US debt which he did by GREATLY increasing Gov't spending and the top tax rate was 50% during his first 6 years. Reagan 14 million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years to Carters 9 million. Reagan super hero

My favorite moniker for him and his followers is Oblammer, it is the epitome of your entire agenda...

Post Carter Presidency facts:

  1. Unemployment peaked at 10.8% '81 to '82
  2. Prime Rate at 21.5% '80
  3. Reagan did cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50%
a. Marginal Tax Rate was 39.0% in '79 for Single Income of $23,500 to $28,800
b. Marginal Tax Rate was 26.0% in '86 for Single Income of $19,640 to $25,360

The federal funds rate, which was about 11% in 1979, rose to 20% by June 1981. The prime interest rate, a highly important economic measure, eventually reached 21.5% in June 1982

Early 1980s recession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

50% top rate for 6 years, that socialist. Weird and it only took 11 tax increases to NOT even get the revenues back, how Reagan tripled the debt

So a roughly 13% decrease in Income Taxes over 7 years to the vast majority of Americans created one the largest individual increases in wealth for ALL AMERICANS is a non issue to most Socialist, I get it...

December of 1980 the Prime Rate was 21.5%, record high...

You live in the wrong country Dumb2three...
WTF does 5% GDP mean? Are you mentally handicapped?

ROFL full employment... ROFL yeah with a massive increase in illegals that are not counted and a massive increase in people of "working age" leaving the workplace because they got on disability or unemployment insurance ran out. ROFL your making me laugh so hard I'm getting a stomach cramp.

1.3% inflation... ROFL just wait till the oil guy's quit fracking.

WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
Do you not understand English? I ask what Obama policy has created jobs in the oil and natural gas production industries and you spam that same stupid shit? It's a simple question, Sparky...WHAT OBAMA POLICY HAS CREATED JOBS IN THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES?


OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it

So tell me something, Dad...when Barack Obama claims the increased production of oil and natural gas as a "win" for his administration...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you progressives claim that Barry deserves credit for bringing the unemployment rate down...yet you can't name a single part of his agenda that's created jobs...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you cite a ridiculously small number of jobs created by the boom in the natural gas and shale oil industries...who do you think is distorting the truth?
WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it

So tell me something, Dad...when Barack Obama claims the increased production of oil and natural gas as a "win" for his administration...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you progressives claim that Barry deserves credit for bringing the unemployment rate down...yet you can't name a single part of his agenda that's created jobs...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you cite a ridiculously small number of jobs created by the boom in the natural gas and shale oil industries...who do you think is distorting the truth?
They are libtards, the only thing they are good for is taking cred for things they did not do, because quite frankly, they are incapable of doing good on their own.
Right wing world:

Reagan economy good because he tripled US debt which he did by GREATLY increasing Gov't spending and the top tax rate was 50% during his first 6 years. Reagan 14 million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years to Carters 9 million. Reagan super hero

My favorite moniker for him and his followers is Oblammer, it is the epitome of your entire agenda...

Post Carter Presidency facts:

  1. Unemployment peaked at 10.8% '81 to '82
  2. Prime Rate at 21.5% '80
  3. Reagan did cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50%
a. Marginal Tax Rate was 39.0% in '79 for Single Income of $23,500 to $28,800
b. Marginal Tax Rate was 26.0% in '86 for Single Income of $19,640 to $25,360

The federal funds rate, which was about 11% in 1979, rose to 20% by June 1981. The prime interest rate, a highly important economic measure, eventually reached 21.5% in June 1982

Early 1980s recession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

50% top rate for 6 years, that socialist. Weird and it only took 11 tax increases to NOT even get the revenues back, how Reagan tripled the debt

So a roughly 13% decrease in Income Taxes over 7 years to the vast majority of Americans created one the largest individual increases in wealth for ALL AMERICANS is a non issue to most Socialist, I get it...

December of 1980 the Prime Rate was 21.5%, record high...

You live in the wrong country Dumb2three...

VAST MAJORITY? Oh you DON'T mean the avg working guys who saw their OVERALL tax burden go UP under Reagan right? lol

Personal income tax revenues declined from 9.4% GDP in 1981 to 8.3% GDP in 1989, while payroll tax revenues increased from 6.0% GDP to 6.7% GDP during the same period. This represented a more regressive tax regime, with more revenue derived from the flat payroll tax versus the progressive income tax.
Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it

So tell me something, Dad...when Barack Obama claims the increased production of oil and natural gas as a "win" for his administration...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you progressives claim that Barry deserves credit for bringing the unemployment rate down...yet you can't name a single part of his agenda that's created jobs...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you cite a ridiculously small number of jobs created by the boom in the natural gas and shale oil industries...who do you think is distorting the truth?

Got it, WHEN gas prices were going up it was on Obama, EVERYTHING since then is in spite of Obama, you fukking right wing asswipes!
WTF does 5% GDP mean?

U.S. Economy Posts Strongest Growth in More Than a Decade - WSJ

GDP Grows at 5% Rate, Supported by Consumer Spending, Business Investment

The U.S. economy is rounding out 2014 in a sweet spot of robust growth, sustained hiring and falling unemployment, stirring optimism that a postrecession breakout has arrived

Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
OK, Bubba you got me, NONE of Obama's policies created the ENTIRE 61,500 jobs in the oil and gas fields since 2008.

So instead of his policies creating 11.2+ million jobs since hitting the Bush bottom, he only has 11.1+ million to his crewdit!!

Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it

So tell me something, Dad...when Barack Obama claims the increased production of oil and natural gas as a "win" for his administration...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you progressives claim that Barry deserves credit for bringing the unemployment rate down...yet you can't name a single part of his agenda that's created jobs...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you cite a ridiculously small number of jobs created by the boom in the natural gas and shale oil industries...who do you think is distorting the truth?

give it a rest OS ... here are the facts.

The oil and natural gas industry by the numbers:
9.8 million
Number of people directly and indirectly employed by the U.S. oil and natural gas industry.

Increase of the number of jobs supported in just two years.

$200 billion
Paid by the industry paid in direct wages to U.S. employees.

$300 billion
Paid to workers in jobs supported by the industry.

$1.4 million
Number of jobs the industry could create by 2030 with the right government policies in place to expand access to domestic natural resources.

$85 million
Daily amount companies pay to the federal government in income taxes, royalty payments, rents and bonus fees.

$2 trillion
Invested by the industry in U.S. capital projects since 2000 to advance all forms of energy, including alternatives.

$74 billion
Government revenues generated by unconventional oil and natural gas development in 2012, rising to $138 billion in 2025.

12 percent
Percentage that U.S. energy demand will grow between now and 2040

- See more at: Economy
Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it

So tell me something, Dad...when Barack Obama claims the increased production of oil and natural gas as a "win" for his administration...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you progressives claim that Barry deserves credit for bringing the unemployment rate down...yet you can't name a single part of his agenda that's created jobs...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you cite a ridiculously small number of jobs created by the boom in the natural gas and shale oil industries...who do you think is distorting the truth?

Got it, WHEN gas prices were going up it was on Obama, EVERYTHING since then is in spite of Obama, you fukking right wing asswipes!

Are you having a bad day, princess? I'm an "asswipe" because I point out that Barack Obama isn't good at job creation and that his claiming increases in natural gas and shale oil production as an accomplishment of his administration is at best amusing?
Does it really surprise you that jobs are starting to be created now, Siete? People in the Private Sector have been sitting on trillions of dollars trying to figure out what legislation Barack Obama and Progressives in the Congress were going to pass that would affect their bottom line. They no longer have that worry. They are now able to estimate what their costs will be and how much of their profits they will be allowed to keep.
Now we're getting somewhere! You've finally admitted that Barack Obama had ZERO to do with any jobs created in natural gas and oil production! Congrats,'s your first honest statement in this string.

Of course you're still going with the totally incorrect number of jobs created in the natural gas and oil production industries...a number that you got from one of your so biased it's laughable liberal web sites but with you that's a given!

OK, MORE opinion NOT backed up with ANYTHING but more bullshit. Shocking

Ah, Dude? YOU are the one that admitted that Obama didn't have anything to do with creating those jobs in the natural gas and shale oil fields! You want me to "back up" something that you've already admitted is fact? Really...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gawd you wing nutter, I admitted, to move on from your stale bullshit, that out of 11.2+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since we hit Dubya's bottom, the gas/oil sectors 61,500 created since 2008, weren't because of anything Obama did. Just like prices of gas have almost zero to do with ANY Prez, either when they increase or decrease. lol

But you'll just keep on with your usual LIES, distortions and myths. Got it

So tell me something, Dad...when Barack Obama claims the increased production of oil and natural gas as a "win" for his administration...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you progressives claim that Barry deserves credit for bringing the unemployment rate down...yet you can't name a single part of his agenda that's created jobs...who do you think is distorting the truth?

When you cite a ridiculously small number of jobs created by the boom in the natural gas and shale oil industries...who do you think is distorting the truth?

give it a rest OS ... here are the facts.

The oil and natural gas industry by the numbers:
9.8 million
Number of people directly and indirectly employed by the U.S. oil and natural gas industry.

Increase of the number of jobs supported in just two years.

$200 billion
Paid by the industry paid in direct wages to U.S. employees.

$300 billion
Paid to workers in jobs supported by the industry.

$1.4 million
Number of jobs the industry could create by 2030 with the right government policies in place to expand access to domestic natural resources.

$85 million
Daily amount companies pay to the federal government in income taxes, royalty payments, rents and bonus fees.

$2 trillion
Invested by the industry in U.S. capital projects since 2000 to advance all forms of energy, including alternatives.

$74 billion
Government revenues generated by unconventional oil and natural gas development in 2012, rising to $138 billion in 2025.

12 percent
Percentage that U.S. energy demand will grow between now and 2040

- See more at: Economy
You need to touch base with Dad here, Siete...he's claiming only 68,000 jobs were created in the oil and natural gas industries since 2008.
Why are Republicans screaming about jobs they aren't qualified for anyway? That's what happens when you think education is for snobs.



Are you an educated woman?

Please enlighten us with your credentials.

(FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14... )
You said: FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14...

Did you write that? Because the sentence is very strangely structured. Not sure what it means.

Yes, that was me berating you, for projecting ignorance upon your opposition, querying you for clarification of your education bona fides, then I projected that you're response would attempt to establish your otherwise ignorant ass, as genius intellect and highly educated.

All of which was done to demonstrate that you're a dumbass.

So... "Mission Accomplished".

Anything else?
You said: projecting ignorance upon your opposition

OK, I won't disagree. You were projecting ignorance.

But still:

You said: FYI: The reader should know I have already called, double Ph.D, with several Masters from Ivy League Universities and all before the age of 14...

And I said: Did you write that? Because the sentence is very strangely structured. Not sure what it means.

And it's still strange.

Why don't you go play somewhere that people don't feel are a total asshole ?
Your kind are "people"?
Yes, nothing inconsistent there.

Madison was still articulating his feeling that the fed should have power in specific areas.


Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.
Sure, ALL state laws. NEVER honest are you Bubba, lol

The central government should have “compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity.”

Do you have a clue ? You are so funny questioning my honesty when you 1. you are either openly disregarding context or 2. you were ripped off by whoever sold you your minor.

Sorry Bubba, Forgot you NEVER accept reality

Madison himself:

I would propose next that in addition to the present federal powers, the national Government should be armed with positive and compleat authority in all cases which require uniformity; such as the regulation of trade, including the right of taxing both exports & imports, the fixing the terms and forms of naturalization, &c &c.

Over and above this positive power, a negative in all cases whatsoever on the legislative acts of the States, as heretofore exercised by the Kingly prerogative, appears to me to be absolutely necessary, and to be the least possible encroachment on the State jurisdictions. Without this defensive power, every positive power that can be given on paper will be evaded & defeated.

The States will continue to invade the national jurisdiction, to violate treaties and the law of nations & to harrass each other with rival and spiteful measures dictated by mistaken views of interest. Another happy effect of this prerogative would be its controul on the internal vicisitudes of State policy; and the aggressions of interested majorities on the rights of minorities and of individuals

Federal v. Consolidated Government James Madison to George Washington

Thanks for making my case.

Gawd, you're insane Bubba. I thought EddieB was bad
you have a lot of patience to not have "that one" on ignore. He's an ideologue through & through, facts be damned :tinfoil: Needless to say, he didn't progress very far in school no doubt.

As to the OP, the GOP works for a small group of people and NO, it isn't the middle-class.

You know what, Dottie? I've been hearing this same refrain from you Progressives for the better part of a decade you are the champions of the Middle Class and how the GOP only cares about the wealthy...yet under two terms of an Administration that is dominated by progressives the Middle Class has taken a beating and the wealthy have gotten wealthier. So why is that? Are you guys just totally clueless when it comes to "doing" rather than it all nothing more than political posturing...or a combination of the two?

To be quite blunt...with you guys "working" for the Middle Class...there won't BE a Middle Class much longer!

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