GOP jobs agenda

I still can't believe I got Dad to admit that Barack Obama had no hand at all in creating all of the high paying jobs we now have in the natural gas and shale oil production industries. I'm curious as to how he's going to walk that admission back once he realizes that has been a major driver of what little recovery we have had and he's precluded Barry from getting any credit.

IF you think 61,500 jobs created since 2008, is a major driver wing nutter

That # isn't even remotely accurate. You embarrass yourself every time that you quote it.

How the US Shale Boom Will Change the World


Total in the industry from an industry sock puppet WITHOUT his sources? lol
"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!

GOP: Why'd you take so long to get our car out of the ditch?

I know exactly why Barack Obama hasn't been able to get "our car" out of the ditch, Dad...he never learned to drive yet you idiots gave him the keys!


Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc


"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!
I know Obama did a better job than Romney would have done.

Yeah because as we all know...Barry has a long history of success when it comes to turning around troubled organizations and working across the aisle to get the job done! Oh wait...that was Mitt Romney! Barack Obama has a long history me here, Faun...I can't think of anything dealing with economics or jobs that Barry has a history of success with.

According to Rick Perry, Mittens was nothing but a vulture capitalist???

History of success? I guess keeping US out of ANOTHER GOP great depression, getting Bin Laden AND seeing 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created since he got MILLIONS more health insurance, Feb 2010, is failure in right wing world, lol

George Bush's TARP kept the US out of another Great Depression. Barack Obama's total lack of an economic strategy to increase jobs in the Private Sector created the Great Recession.

You mean HALF of TARP, the other half Dubya left to Obama, so wingnutters like YOU could blame him? lol

Economists think you are full of shit Bubba

Now, imagine that a Republican president produced 58 straight months of job growth IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR WITH 11+ MILLION JOBS, coming off the worst financial crisis since the Depression.

Now, imagine that a Republican president produced 58 straight months of job growth IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR WITH 11+ MILLION coming off the worst financial crisis since the Depression.

As for Barry getting Osama bin Laden? That was indeed an accomplishment. Too bad he followed it up by allowing ISIS to take over a good part of the Middle East.

Invading a nation on false premises MIGHT cause instability you think? lol
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Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!

GOP: Why'd you take so long to get our car out of the ditch?

I know exactly why Barack Obama hasn't been able to get "our car" out of the ditch, Dad...he never learned to drive yet you idiots gave him the keys!


Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!
GOP: Why'd you take so long to get our car out of the ditch?

I know exactly why Barack Obama hasn't been able to get "our car" out of the ditch, Dad...he never learned to drive yet you idiots gave him the keys!


Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
Now, imagine that a Republican president produced 58 straight months of job growth IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR WITH 11+ MILLIOcoming off the worst financial crisis since the Depression.
As for Barry getting Osama bin Laden? That was indeed an accomplishment. Too bad he followed it up by allowing ISIS to take over a good part of the Middle East.

Invading a nation on false premises MIGHT cause instability you think? lol

Pulling out ground troops prematurely when his military advisers all cautioned him it would cause instability is what caused ISIS. It's what happens when you let ideology obscure your judgement. Then Barry compounded his mistake by pretending that ISIS wasn't a problem like Al Queda because they were just the "JV"!

So NO, you can't refute that ONLY 61,500 JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE OIL/GAS FIELD SINCE 2008. Thanks

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs, according to Convex Capital Management research director Sonu Varghese.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

That HuffPo piece is SO wrong, yet you keep trotting it out there.
U.S. Chamber 8217 s fracking job boom Behind the numbers Midwest Energy News

"Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan are also listed among the country’s “top 10 non-producing states” in terms of job creation linked to fracking. Ohio and North Dakota are among the top 10 “producing” states for job creation, with 38,830 and 71,824 jobs already created by fracking, respectively, according to the study. Texas tops the list with more than half a million jobs already created."
Come on, Dottie...anyone with a dollop of honesty from your side would admit that the reason Obama didn't increase taxes on the wealthy was because some folks who actually understood economics finally got through to him and his merry band of progressives and explained to them that increasing taxes in the middle of a recession was NOT going to be a good thing for the economy!

Oh sure...he blamed it on the GOP...but what HASN'T Barry blamed on the GOP! Heck, he was accusing them of obstructionism when the Democrats had Super Majorities in the House and Senate!
more of your non-sourced word salad? :eusa_doh: Are ALL conservatives as lazy as you? Judging from the rw posts on this page I'd have to give that question a resounding "YES!" for an answer. :eusa_clap: Save it rw ideologue boi. :talktothehand:No sources then its just another rw opinion :tinfoil:

I'm curious, Dottie...who's "lazier"...people like Dad who haven't had an original thought in about a decade...or myself who relies on my own intellect to formulate an intelligent viewpoint of topics? Since when did original thought become "lazy" and copying someone else become working hard?
AGAIN dummy. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one,. Bring sources to the table or STFU. Thats freshman-level, debating 101 Skippy Oldstyle MOST people who join debating forums are aware of that tidbit of knowledge.

BTW- have you even logged-off today bro'? :eusa_eh:
We're basically going to end up with a lost decade because we've elected someone with absolutely zero aptitude for the job at hand. We've gotten "leading from behind" and "don't do stupid stuff!" as administration mantras. Is it any wonder everything the guy touches turns to mud?
who ever said putting countries back together after Repub Presidents "give away the store" was easy son? :eusa_eh: Talking to you is like "amateur hour" :rofl:
Now, imagine that a Republican president produced 58 straight months of job growth IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR WITH 11+ MILLIOcoming off the worst financial crisis since the Depression.
As for Barry getting Osama bin Laden? That was indeed an accomplishment. Too bad he followed it up by allowing ISIS to take over a good part of the Middle East.

Invading a nation on false premises MIGHT cause instability you think? lol

Pulling out ground troops prematurely when his military advisers all cautioned him it would cause instability is what caused ISIS. It's what happens when you let ideology obscure your judgement. Then Barry compounded his mistake by pretending that ISIS wasn't a problem like Al Queda because they were just the "JV"!

MORE right wing revisionist history. You mean going on the timeline Dubya set up,

Time: "Iraq's Government, Not Obama, Called Time On U.S. Troop Presence." An October 2011 Time article explained that U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was "an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending" the existing Status of Forces Agreement:

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

AP: SOFA Negotiations Thwarted By Iraqi Government. In October 2011, the Associated Press reported that negotiations for a SOFA were derailed after the Iraqi government refused to grant American troops legal immunity:

Iraq Troop Withdrawal Immunity Issue Scuttled Deal Says Iraq PM

So NO, you can't refute that ONLY 61,500 JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE OIL/GAS FIELD SINCE 2008. Thanks

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs, according to Convex Capital Management research director Sonu Varghese.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

That HuffPo piece is SO wrong, yet you keep trotting it out there.

Again, ALL you have is OPINION, and ALL you present is bullshit. HOW ABOUT PROVING THEM WRONG?? lol

Instead you'll post fluff pieces from industry sources. Should be damn easy to refute right??? lol
Has Oldstyle been logged-on all day spouting sourceless opinions (rw talking-points)? He needs help. More than the board can supply I'm afraid.
U.S. Chamber 8217 s fracking job boom Behind the numbers Midwest Energy News

"Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan are also listed among the country’s “top 10 non-producing states” in terms of job creation linked to fracking. Ohio and North Dakota are among the top 10 “producing” states for job creation, with 38,830 and 71,824 jobs already created by fracking, respectively, according to the study. Texas tops the list with more than half a million jobs already created."

"A study commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 21st Century Energy Institute (CAN YOU SAY INDUSTRY GROUP???, LOL) says the extraction of “unconventional” shale oil and gas through horizontal hydraulic fracturing – or fracking – has meant a job boom even in states that don’t actually have shale deposits, with 1.7 million jobs already created"

"..., the study quantifies and predicts direct, indirect and induced jobs in each state."

"I think the president is missing the bigger point here," he said. "You can't have a strong economy if you're raising taxes on the very people you expect to invest in our economy to begin hiring people again." - Boehner

Wow. How monumentally wrong he turned out to be. :eek:

Wow is right,'ve watched Barack Obama preside over the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...a so called "jobless recovery" because it created so few jobs...and yet you think Barry has a clue about economics or job creation? WOW!!!

GOP: Why'd you take so long to get our car out of the ditch?

I know exactly why Barack Obama hasn't been able to get "our car" out of the ditch, Dad...he never learned to drive yet you idiots gave him the keys!


Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

These pages sure are short.

You must be dueling (well running over) daddyspamshit.

So NO, you can't refute that ONLY 61,500 JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE OIL/GAS FIELD SINCE 2008. Thanks

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs, according to Convex Capital Management research director Sonu Varghese.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

That HuffPo piece is SO wrong, yet you keep trotting it out there.

Being wrong never stopped daddyspamshit from posting.

I hate to think how much bandwidth that fucker takes up.

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