GOP jobs agenda

Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
We've had six years of "amateur hour" as Barack Obama and his little cadre of Progressives tried to deal with the economy, Faun. It would have been amusing to watch if it wasn't for the millions of Americans who have been hurt by their adherence to political dogma instead of practical solutions.

Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.
Unemployment would still be over 6% had Romney been elected.

And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.

What has Barack Obama done to lower the unemployment rate, Faun? My point was that it his policies that extended the recession. We've had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and it's because of policy decisions made by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. ObamaCare as their first priority was a jobs killer. Proposing Cap & Trade as their next priority was another jobs killer.
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?

Wow, ALL of that and Obama has STILL seen 12+ MILLION MORE private sector jobs created in 5 years, after hitting Dubya's bottom, than after 8 full years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies??
Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.
That's ok, I don't expect an intelligent response from you.

You want an intelligent response to you holding Romney responsible for his promise to get us to 6% at least by the end of 2016 if he won. Yet, you changed his promise into some sort of insane demand that he meant that he would do something to make it stay above 6% until the end of 2016. You still want a response to that? My response would likely be something like... you are making shit up.

My point was that it his policies that extended the recession. We've had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and it's because of policy decisions made by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. ObamaCare as their first priority was a jobs killer. Proposing Cap & Trade as their next priority was another jobs killer.

More of your opinions being presented as fact. Didn't we go over this bullshit yesterday? Sure we did.
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act
AND? You're still a POS Bubba
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.
That's ok, I don't expect an intelligent response from you.

You want an intelligent response to you holding Romney responsible for his promise to get us to 6% at least by the end of 2016 if he won. Yet, you changed his promise into some sort of insane demand that he meant that he would do something to make it stay above 6% until the end of 2016. You still want a response to that? My response would likely be something like... you are making shit up.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough? I don't expect an intelligent answer from you.

And I never said he would do something to keep it above 6%. I said he claimed his policies would have it down to 6% in 4 years. Well Obama's policies got it down to 6% in less than half that time.
My point was that it his policies that extended the recession. We've had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and it's because of policy decisions made by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. ObamaCare as their first priority was a jobs killer. Proposing Cap & Trade as their next priority was another jobs killer.

More of your opinions being presented as fact. Didn't we go over this bullshit yesterday? Sure we did.

Have we NOT had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

Edward Lazear The Worst Economic Recovery in History - WSJ

The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression - Forbes

Worst. Recession. Jobs. Recovery. Ever. Updated.
Last edited:
My point was that it his policies that extended the recession. We've had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and it's because of policy decisions made by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. ObamaCare as their first priority was a jobs killer. Proposing Cap & Trade as their next priority was another jobs killer.

More of your opinions being presented as fact. Didn't we go over this bullshit yesterday? Sure we did.

Have we NOT had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

its their talking point and they will continue to repeat it. truth is not a criteria for dem/lib talking points.
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.
That's ok, I don't expect an intelligent response from you.

You want an intelligent response to you holding Romney responsible for his promise to get us to 6% at least by the end of 2016 if he won. Yet, you changed his promise into some sort of insane demand that he meant that he would do something to make it stay above 6% until the end of 2016. You still want a response to that? My response would likely be something like... you are making shit up.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough? I don't expect an intelligent answer from you.

And I never said he would do something to keep it above 6%. I said he claimed his policies would have it down to 6% in 4 years. Well Obama's policies got it down to 6% in less than half that time.
Why do you keep lying? First, that is not what you said, ya liar. Go back and read what you said.

Second, Obama's policies have done NOTHING AT ALL to improve our unemployment in any sector beyond government and government contracts.

The main reason it's down to 6% is the republicans forced OBAMA to accept ending the 2-year unemployment extensions. No one could be as stupid as you keep pretending. You butt holes on the left SCREAMED LIKE MURDER when the republicans forced you to be fiscally sound, such as by eliminating the unemployment extensions. Then you try to take credit for it afterwards. You folks are insane.

When the unemployment ended people a few got part time jobs, millions got on disability, and most left the workforce.
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It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
That's not possible since the government rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.
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It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
That's not possible since the government rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.

Let me get this straight. On the one hand you are saying one can't prove which policies help or hurt the economy. Then on the other hand you are saying for better or worse the presidents will get credit or blame for the economy.

IOW you want your cake, and you want to eat it, and you want someone else to pay for it, and you want to blame someone else for eating it, and take credit for paying for it, and then give credit to the president of your choice and blame the president of your choice.

Some changes pushed by and executed by can be directly measured for their effect, positive and negative. For example, all of the taxes and regulations surrounding ACA.
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
That's not possible since the government doesn't rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.

I can tell you exactly what strategy Ronald Reagan employed to combat the Stagflation that he inherited from Jimmy Carter. He proposed and the Fed tightened the money supply to fight runaway inflation. He proposed and Congress passed cuts in the marginal tax rate. He proposed and Congress reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. Reagan had a PLAN...a plan he stuck with despite public support waning early on because of an increase in unemployment when he tightened up the money supply. He did what he did because it made common sense to him despite what "some" economists and many politicians were saying.

So tell me what economic policies Barack Obama proposed to lead us out of the recession he inherited from George W. Bush!
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
That's not possible since the government doesn't rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.

I can tell you exactly what strategy Ronald Reagan employed to combat the Stagflation that he inherited from Jimmy Carter. He proposed and the Fed tightened the money supply to fight runaway inflation. He proposed and Congress passed cuts in the marginal tax rate. He proposed and Congress reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. Reagan had a PLAN...a plan he stuck with despite public support waning early on because of an increase in unemployment when he tightened up the money supply. He did what he did because it made common sense to him despite what "some" economists and many politicians were saying.

So tell me what economic policies Barack Obama proposed to lead us out of the recession he inherited from George W. Bush!
Hey look ... you just did what I did. You listed some policies with zero proof they helped the economy. Thanks for confirming my point.
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
That's not possible since the government rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.

Let me get this straight. On the one hand you are saying one can't prove which policies help or hurt the economy. Then on the other hand you are saying for better or worse the presidents will get credit or blame for the economy.

IOW you want your cake, and you want to eat it, and you want someone else to pay for it, and you want to blame someone else for eating it, and take credit for paying for it, and then give credit to the president of your choice and blame the president of your choice.

Some changes pushed by and executed by can be directly measured for their effect, positive and negative. For example, all of the taxes and regulations surrounding ACA.
Actually, the one who wants to eat his cake and have it too is you.

Had the economy failed, you would have been screaming how Obama's policies have failed. But when the economy does well, you posit it has nothing to do with his policies.
It's an easy question, Faun...

Simply tell me what Obama policy it is that's dropped the unemployment rate and created quality jobs for Americans? He was totally against increased production of fossil fuels like shale oil and natural gas so you can cross those jobs off his plus side of the ledger. His stance on coal has caused job losses in coal producing States like West Virginia. His policy of delaying drilling permits caused job losses in States like Louisiana. His stonewalling of the Keystone pipeline cost jobs in Middle America. His Justice Department suing companies like Boeing from opening a new plant in South Carolina delayed the creation of jobs there! God knows that his "green" energy companies that he touted as being our savior going forward have been a disaster! Most of the ones he spent billions of tax payer stimulus dollars on have long since gone bankrupt putting more people out of work. So what's Barry actually done to create jobs, Faun?
Just a few...

- American Financial Stability Act
- Workers tax credit
- Small Business Jobs Act
- Making Home Affordable plan
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act
- Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act

Go through those, Faun and explain to me how it is that they created jobs?

The fact can't come up with any legislation that you Progressives passed or proposed that created you posted that laundry list of legislation that was passed hoping I'd buy the fact that maybe some of them helped to create a few jobs.
That's not possible since the government doesn't rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.

I can tell you exactly what strategy Ronald Reagan employed to combat the Stagflation that he inherited from Jimmy Carter. He proposed and the Fed tightened the money supply to fight runaway inflation. He proposed and Congress passed cuts in the marginal tax rate. He proposed and Congress reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. Reagan had a PLAN...a plan he stuck with despite public support waning early on because of an increase in unemployment when he tightened up the money supply. He did what he did because it made common sense to him despite what "some" economists and many politicians were saying.

So tell me what economic policies Barack Obama proposed to lead us out of the recession he inherited from George W. Bush!
Hey look ... you just did what I did. You listed some policies with zero proof they helped the economy. Thanks for confirming my point.

Zero proof? With all due respect, Faun...those policies produced the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history. For you to say that there is no proof they helped the economy is rather amusing.
You can't bring yourself to admit that Barack Obama hasn't had a coherent economic policy since Larry Summers and Christina Romer jumped ship...can you? I'll bet you can't even name who his chief economic adviser IS right now and you know why that is? Because the economy has been pushed to the back burner by this President for the past four years.
My point was that it his policies that extended the recession. We've had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and it's because of policy decisions made by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. ObamaCare as their first priority was a jobs killer. Proposing Cap & Trade as their next priority was another jobs killer.

More of your opinions being presented as fact. Didn't we go over this bullshit yesterday? Sure we did.

Have we NOT had the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

Edward Lazear The Worst Economic Recovery in History - WSJ

The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression - Forbes

Worst. Recession. Jobs. Recovery. Ever. Updated.

Worst recovery since the FIRST GOP great depression. Yes, and the GOP was trying to slow it down even more.

GOP/conservatives: "You aren't fixing the mess we made fast enough"

Barack Obama came into office with control of the House, the Senate and the Oval Office. He used that control to pass ObamaCare. Kindly explain why he was able to pass the ACA which the GOP HATED...yet they were able to somehow prevent him from fixing the economy?

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