GOP jobs agenda

And here comes Dad again...have you noticed that the bigger the font size gets in his posts...the more ridiculous the posts become?

If you want to see just how bad Dad can be go look at that site he cited about the Reagan Economy. See how he ignores the bulk of a piece that is overwhelmingly complimentary to Reagan to concentrate on one paragraph that wasn't.

So of course YOU went and pointed out the 'truth' and posted the other stuff? How about MISES? LOL
Right wing world:

Reagan economy good because he tripled US debt which he did by GREATLY increasing Gov't spending and the top tax rate was 50% during his first 6 years. Reagan 14 million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years to Carters 9 million. Reagan super hero

My favorite moniker for him and his followers is Oblammer, it is the epitome of your entire agenda...

Post Carter Presidency facts:

  1. Unemployment peaked at 10.8% '81 to '82
  2. Prime Rate at 21.5% '80
  3. Reagan did cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50%
a. Marginal Tax Rate was 39.0% in '79 for Single Income of $23,500 to $28,800
b. Marginal Tax Rate was 26.0% in '86 for Single Income of $19,640 to $25,360

The federal funds rate, which was about 11% in 1979, rose to 20% by June 1981. The prime interest rate, a highly important economic measure, eventually reached 21.5% in June 1982

Early 1980s recession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

50% top rate for 6 years, that socialist. Weird and it only took 11 tax increases to NOT even get the revenues back, how Reagan tripled the debt

So a roughly 13% decrease in Income Taxes over 7 years to the vast majority of Americans created one the largest individual increases in wealth for ALL AMERICANS is a non issue to most Socialist, I get it...

December of 1980 the Prime Rate was 21.5%, record high...

You live in the wrong country Dumb2three...

VAST MAJORITY? Oh you DON'T mean the avg working guys who saw their OVERALL tax burden go UP under Reagan right? lol

Personal income tax revenues declined from 9.4% GDP in 1981 to 8.3% GDP in 1989, while payroll tax revenues increased from 6.0% GDP to 6.7% GDP during the same period. This represented a more regressive tax regime, with more revenue derived from the flat payroll tax versus the progressive income tax.
Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia



Do you read anything through and through? This is the sentence that proceeds your quote from Wiki...

According to a 1996 report of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress, during Reagan's two terms, and through 1993, the top 10% of taxpayers paid an increased share of income taxes (not including payroll taxes) to the Federal government, while the lowest 50% of taxpayers paid a reduced share of income tax revenue...

You have to be one of the dumbest people on this board, you have officially taken Deany's place...
You said: According to a 1996 report of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress, during Reagan's two terms, and through 1993, the top 10% of taxpayers paid an increased share of income taxes (not including payroll taxes) to the Federal government, while the lowest 50% of taxpayers paid a reduced share of income tax revenue...

Well of course they did. Haven't you been keeping up with terms like "widening income gap".
And still Republicans can't name a single GOP policy from the last 40 years that has helped a majority of Americans. I can't think of any. Apparently, neither can Republicans.
That's not possible since the government doesn't rarely compiles such information. This is true of all presidents. By the same token, you cannot prove which policies Reagan passed which has helped the economy or which policies Clinton passed which helped the economy. A president pushes policies and those policies are judged by the performance of the economy. For better or worse, the president gets the credit or the blame for the economy.

I can tell you exactly what strategy Ronald Reagan employed to combat the Stagflation that he inherited from Jimmy Carter. He proposed and the Fed tightened the money supply to fight runaway inflation. He proposed and Congress passed cuts in the marginal tax rate. He proposed and Congress reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. Reagan had a PLAN...a plan he stuck with despite public support waning early on because of an increase in unemployment when he tightened up the money supply. He did what he did because it made common sense to him despite what "some" economists and many politicians were saying.

So tell me what economic policies Barack Obama proposed to lead us out of the recession he inherited from George W. Bush!
Hey look ... you just did what I did. You listed some policies with zero proof they helped the economy. Thanks for confirming my point.

Zero proof? With all due respect, Faun...those policies produced the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history. For you to say that there is no proof they helped the economy is rather amusing.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're doing exactly what I'm doing, only you're claiming you're right but I'm wrong. :eusa_doh:

You're referencing some of Reagan's policies just as I'm referencing some of Obama's policies; and you're using the healthy economy which followed as evidence his policies worked just as I'm using the current economy as evidence Obama's policies have worked.

It's quite amusing how you rely on the same type of evidence as myself but you think it only works for you. :rolleyes:

Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:
And here comes Dad again...have you noticed that the bigger the font size gets in his posts...the more ridiculous the posts become?

If you want to see just how bad Dad can be go look at that site he cited about the Reagan Economy. See how he ignores the bulk of a piece that is overwhelmingly complimentary to Reagan to concentrate on one paragraph that wasn't.

So of course YOU went and pointed out the 'truth' and posted the other stuff? How about MISES? LOL

Seriously, you feel any shame at all when you go to a site like that and blatantly cherry pick the one paragraph that's a little bit critical towards Reagan while ignoring the overwhelmingly positive bulk of the article?

It was actually a good summary of what Reagan accomplished. Too bad you ignored 90% of it!
I can tell you exactly what strategy Ronald Reagan employed to combat the Stagflation that he inherited from Jimmy Carter. He proposed and the Fed tightened the money supply to fight runaway inflation. He proposed and Congress passed cuts in the marginal tax rate. He proposed and Congress reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. Reagan had a PLAN...a plan he stuck with despite public support waning early on because of an increase in unemployment when he tightened up the money supply. He did what he did because it made common sense to him despite what "some" economists and many politicians were saying.

So tell me what economic policies Barack Obama proposed to lead us out of the recession he inherited from George W. Bush!
Hey look ... you just did what I did. You listed some policies with zero proof they helped the economy. Thanks for confirming my point.

Zero proof? With all due respect, Faun...those policies produced the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history. For you to say that there is no proof they helped the economy is rather amusing.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're doing exactly what I'm doing, only you're claiming you're right but I'm wrong. :eusa_doh:

You're referencing some of Reagan's policies just as I'm referencing some of Obama's policies; and you're using the healthy economy which followed as evidence his policies worked just as I'm using the current economy as evidence Obama's policies have worked.

It's quite amusing how you rely on the same type of evidence as myself but you think it only works for you. :rolleyes:

Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
Hey look ... you just did what I did. You listed some policies with zero proof they helped the economy. Thanks for confirming my point.

Zero proof? With all due respect, Faun...those policies produced the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history. For you to say that there is no proof they helped the economy is rather amusing.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're doing exactly what I'm doing, only you're claiming you're right but I'm wrong. :eusa_doh:

You're referencing some of Reagan's policies just as I'm referencing some of Obama's policies; and you're using the healthy economy which followed as evidence his policies worked just as I'm using the current economy as evidence Obama's policies have worked.

It's quite amusing how you rely on the same type of evidence as myself but you think it only works for you. :rolleyes:

Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!


"So of course YOU went and pointed out the 'truth' and posted the other stuff? How about MISES? LOL"

Hey look ... you just did what I did. You listed some policies with zero proof they helped the economy. Thanks for confirming my point.

Zero proof? With all due respect, Faun...those policies produced the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history. For you to say that there is no proof they helped the economy is rather amusing.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're doing exactly what I'm doing, only you're claiming you're right but I'm wrong. :eusa_doh:

You're referencing some of Reagan's policies just as I'm referencing some of Obama's policies; and you're using the healthy economy which followed as evidence his policies worked just as I'm using the current economy as evidence Obama's policies have worked.

It's quite amusing how you rely on the same type of evidence as myself but you think it only works for you. :rolleyes:

Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?
And here comes Dad again...have you noticed that the bigger the font size gets in his posts...the more ridiculous the posts become?

If you want to see just how bad Dad can be go look at that site he cited about the Reagan Economy. See how he ignores the bulk of a piece that is overwhelmingly complimentary to Reagan to concentrate on one paragraph that wasn't.

So of course YOU went and pointed out the 'truth' and posted the other stuff? How about MISES? LOL

Seriously, you feel any shame at all when you go to a site like that and blatantly cherry pick the one paragraph that's a little bit critical towards Reagan while ignoring the overwhelmingly positive bulk of the article?

It was actually a good summary of what Reagan accomplished. Too bad you ignored 90% of it!
You said:
Seriously, you feel any shame at all when you go to a site like that and blatantly cherry pick the one paragraph that's a little bit critical towards Reagan while ignoring the overwhelmingly positive bulk of the article?
It was actually a good summary of what Reagan accomplished. Too bad you ignored 90% of it!

Seems like you can cherry pick every paragraph. I especially liked this one:

In the closing weeks of his presidency, Reagan told The New York Times that the homeless "make it their own choice for staying out there". His policies became widely known as "trickle-down economics", due to the significant cuts in the upper tax brackets. Supporters pointed to the drop in poverty by the end of his term to validate that the tax cuts did indeed trickle down to the poor; opponents noted that the rate quickly shot up even higher in the first year of his successor's term, implying that the full effect of Reagan's policies led to a net increase in poverty. (OOPS)
Zero proof? With all due respect, Faun...those policies produced the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history. For you to say that there is no proof they helped the economy is rather amusing.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're doing exactly what I'm doing, only you're claiming you're right but I'm wrong. :eusa_doh:

You're referencing some of Reagan's policies just as I'm referencing some of Obama's policies; and you're using the healthy economy which followed as evidence his policies worked just as I'm using the current economy as evidence Obama's policies have worked.

It's quite amusing how you rely on the same type of evidence as myself but you think it only works for you. :rolleyes:

Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?

It's amazing the lengths that you Obama supporters will go to protect an "image" of who Barry is, Faun! You steadfastly pretend that what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work because if you did admit that he was successful then it begs the question...why hasn't Obama been successful?

Quite obviously the answer to that question is that Obama's first priority WASN'T the economy and jobs, as Ronald Reagan's was. Barry went after ObamaCare first and put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he did so. It wasn't even his second priority! He was talking about passing Cap & Trade legislation as his next big goal before the 2010 mid-terms made that an impossibility. By the end of Obama's second year in office his chief economic advisers Larry Summers and Christina Romer were both facing a stark reality...their almost two trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus had been turned into a a liberal "pork fest" by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and so few jobs had been created that they had to fudge the numbers with the whole "jobs created or saved" farce! Both of them saw the writing on the wall and resigned. They didn't do so because they had accomplished the job at hand...they did so because they'd failed epically at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're doing exactly what I'm doing, only you're claiming you're right but I'm wrong. :eusa_doh:

You're referencing some of Reagan's policies just as I'm referencing some of Obama's policies; and you're using the healthy economy which followed as evidence his policies worked just as I'm using the current economy as evidence Obama's policies have worked.

It's quite amusing how you rely on the same type of evidence as myself but you think it only works for you. :rolleyes:

Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?

It's amazing the lengths that you Obama supporters will go to protect an "image" of who Barry is, Faun! You steadfastly pretend that what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work because if you did admit that he was successful then it begs the question...why hasn't Obama been successful?
Your reading comprehension issues are noted. For exercise, show me in which of my posts did I declare Reagan's policies did not help the economy ......

Quite obviously the answer to that question is that Obama's first priority WASN'T the economy and jobs, as Ronald Reagan's was. Barry went after ObamaCare first and put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he did so. It wasn't even his second priority! He was talking about passing Cap & Trade legislation as his next big goal before the 2010 mid-terms made that an impossibility. By the end of Obama's second year in office his chief economic advisers Larry Summers and Christina Romer were both facing a stark reality...their almost two trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus had been turned into a a liberal "pork fest" by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and so few jobs had been created that they had to fudge the numbers with the whole "jobs created or saved" farce! Both of them saw the writing on the wall and resigned. They didn't do so because they had accomplished the job at hand...they did so because they'd failed epically at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
Now explain how you generate an "obvious answer" from a question derived from a false premise? That premise being that I "pretended what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work."

I voted twice for Reagan and think he was an excellent president. Just letting you know that in case you need that information when tailoring your next response.

And Obama's policies have failed??

5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment, and 1.3% inflation

And for comparison purposes ... Obama started with 7.8% unemployment and it's currently down to 5.6%. Reagan started with 7.5% unemployment and at this point in his presidency, it was down to only 6.6%.
Actually, Faun...I've shown you the exact policies that Reagan implemented that turned the American economy around. What policies have you show me that Barack Obama implemented? I hope you don't think that pathetic list of legislation you came up with...a list that had little to no effect on jobs or the the same thing as my explaining exactly what Reagan's plan was to attack Stagflation?
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?

It's amazing the lengths that you Obama supporters will go to protect an "image" of who Barry is, Faun! You steadfastly pretend that what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work because if you did admit that he was successful then it begs the question...why hasn't Obama been successful?
Your reading comprehension issues are noted. For exercise, show me in which of my posts did I declare Reagan's policies did not help the economy ......

Quite obviously the answer to that question is that Obama's first priority WASN'T the economy and jobs, as Ronald Reagan's was. Barry went after ObamaCare first and put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he did so. It wasn't even his second priority! He was talking about passing Cap & Trade legislation as his next big goal before the 2010 mid-terms made that an impossibility. By the end of Obama's second year in office his chief economic advisers Larry Summers and Christina Romer were both facing a stark reality...their almost two trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus had been turned into a a liberal "pork fest" by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and so few jobs had been created that they had to fudge the numbers with the whole "jobs created or saved" farce! Both of them saw the writing on the wall and resigned. They didn't do so because they had accomplished the job at hand...they did so because they'd failed epically at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
Now explain how you generate an "obvious answer" from a question derived from a false premise? That premise being that I "pretended what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work."

I voted twice for Reagan and think he was an excellent president. Just letting you know that in case you need that information when tailoring your next response.

And Obama's policies have failed??

5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment, and 1.3% inflation

And for comparison purposes ... Obama started with 7.8% unemployment and it's currently down to 5.6%. Reagan started with 7.5% unemployment and at this point in his presidency, it was down to only 6.6%.

Speaking of deriving something from a false premise! We keep going round and round about this, Faun and I can't get an answer out of you! What policy of Barack Obama's has created a drop in unemployment? My assertion is that the unemployment rate has dropped DESPITE what Barry has tried to do in office....due in large part to the public's rejection of the liberal agenda and their voting out of office Democrats. The current economic boom is being led by cheap oil and natural gas...two things that Obama specifically was against...which makes it hard to credit him for what's happening at this point of his Presidency.
I'd be interested to know why you voted for Reagan twice...yet obviously voted for Obama twice this time around? They are opposite sides of a coin...about as far apart in their visions as is humanly possible.
And yet, you did as I did ... credited policies with helping the economy with no more supoorting evidence than I posted. That you think you proved your case any more than I did only serves to demonstrate hiw crazy rightwingers are. :cuckoo:

I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?

It's amazing the lengths that you Obama supporters will go to protect an "image" of who Barry is, Faun! You steadfastly pretend that what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work because if you did admit that he was successful then it begs the question...why hasn't Obama been successful?
Your reading comprehension issues are noted. For exercise, show me in which of my posts did I declare Reagan's policies did not help the economy ......

Quite obviously the answer to that question is that Obama's first priority WASN'T the economy and jobs, as Ronald Reagan's was. Barry went after ObamaCare first and put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he did so. It wasn't even his second priority! He was talking about passing Cap & Trade legislation as his next big goal before the 2010 mid-terms made that an impossibility. By the end of Obama's second year in office his chief economic advisers Larry Summers and Christina Romer were both facing a stark reality...their almost two trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus had been turned into a a liberal "pork fest" by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and so few jobs had been created that they had to fudge the numbers with the whole "jobs created or saved" farce! Both of them saw the writing on the wall and resigned. They didn't do so because they had accomplished the job at hand...they did so because they'd failed epically at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
Now explain how you generate an "obvious answer" from a question derived from a false premise? That premise being that I "pretended what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work."

I voted twice for Reagan and think he was an excellent president. Just letting you know that in case you need that information when tailoring your next response.

And Obama's policies have failed??

5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment, and 1.3% inflation

And for comparison purposes ... Obama started with 7.8% unemployment and it's currently down to 5.6%. Reagan started with 7.5% unemployment and at this point in his presidency, it was down to only 6.6%.

Speaking of deriving something from a false premise! We keep going round and round about this, Faun and I can't get an answer out of you! What policy of Barack Obama's has created a drop in unemployment? My assertion is that the unemployment rate has dropped DESPITE what Barry has tried to do in office....due in large part to the public's rejection of the liberal agenda and their voting out of office Democrats. The current economic boom is being led by cheap oil and natural gas...two things that Obama specifically was against...which makes it hard to credit him for what's happening at this point of his Presidency.
Not only have I given you the answer ... that being it is not possible in most cases to prove causation since studies on policies' results are rarely done. And you proved that beautifully by pointing out some of Reagan's policies which helped the economy without showing evidence of causation.

You did what I did.

Only you seem to think you're right but I'm not.

I can only chalk that up to your sycophancy.
I would suggest that you read the article that Dad provided on Reagan's handling of the economy. It illustrates rather well both what Reagan faced when he took office...the steps he took...and the results. Hard to accuse me of providing a biased source when it was provided by the biggest progressive fluffer now posting here!
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?

It's amazing the lengths that you Obama supporters will go to protect an "image" of who Barry is, Faun! You steadfastly pretend that what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work because if you did admit that he was successful then it begs the question...why hasn't Obama been successful?
Your reading comprehension issues are noted. For exercise, show me in which of my posts did I declare Reagan's policies did not help the economy ......

Quite obviously the answer to that question is that Obama's first priority WASN'T the economy and jobs, as Ronald Reagan's was. Barry went after ObamaCare first and put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he did so. It wasn't even his second priority! He was talking about passing Cap & Trade legislation as his next big goal before the 2010 mid-terms made that an impossibility. By the end of Obama's second year in office his chief economic advisers Larry Summers and Christina Romer were both facing a stark reality...their almost two trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus had been turned into a a liberal "pork fest" by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and so few jobs had been created that they had to fudge the numbers with the whole "jobs created or saved" farce! Both of them saw the writing on the wall and resigned. They didn't do so because they had accomplished the job at hand...they did so because they'd failed epically at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
Now explain how you generate an "obvious answer" from a question derived from a false premise? That premise being that I "pretended what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work."

I voted twice for Reagan and think he was an excellent president. Just letting you know that in case you need that information when tailoring your next response.

And Obama's policies have failed??

5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment, and 1.3% inflation

And for comparison purposes ... Obama started with 7.8% unemployment and it's currently down to 5.6%. Reagan started with 7.5% unemployment and at this point in his presidency, it was down to only 6.6%.

Speaking of deriving something from a false premise! We keep going round and round about this, Faun and I can't get an answer out of you! What policy of Barack Obama's has created a drop in unemployment? My assertion is that the unemployment rate has dropped DESPITE what Barry has tried to do in office....due in large part to the public's rejection of the liberal agenda and their voting out of office Democrats. The current economic boom is being led by cheap oil and natural gas...two things that Obama specifically was against...which makes it hard to credit him for what's happening at this point of his Presidency.
Not only have I given you the answer ... that being it is not possible in most cases to prove causation since studies on policies' results are rarely done. And you proved that beautifully by pointing out some of Reagan's policies which helped the economy without showing evidence of causation.

You did what I did.

Only you seem to think you're right but I'm not.

I can only chalk that up to your sycophancy.

So you honestly believe that Reagan's policies had no "causation", Faun? Really? I've pointed out exactly what Reagan's steps were to attack the Stagflation he inherited. First he tightened up the money supply to deal with inflation. Then he cut taxes and government regulations to spur job creation. The result was twenty years of unprecedented economic growth.

So what has Barack Obama done, policy wise to deal with the economy?
I'd be interested to know why you voted for Reagan twice...yet obviously voted for Obama twice this time around? They are opposite sides of a coin...about as far apart in their visions as is humanly possible.
I voted for Reagan the first time because I thought Carter was a crappy president. I voted for him a second time because I thought he did a good job turning the economy around and I gave him credit for having to tackle a bad economy.

In 2008, I voted for Obama because I expected U.S. Supreme Court seats to open up and I preferred Liberal justices to be selected. In 2012 I voted for him again because I saw the economy was improving and I gave him credit for having to tackle a bad economy. An economy even worse than Reagan inherited.
I read the article. It no more demonstrates causation than you have.

Have you figured out yet you're posting no more evidence than I have? Have you learned yet that you have proven my point beautifully?

It's amazing the lengths that you Obama supporters will go to protect an "image" of who Barry is, Faun! You steadfastly pretend that what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work because if you did admit that he was successful then it begs the question...why hasn't Obama been successful?
Your reading comprehension issues are noted. For exercise, show me in which of my posts did I declare Reagan's policies did not help the economy ......

Quite obviously the answer to that question is that Obama's first priority WASN'T the economy and jobs, as Ronald Reagan's was. Barry went after ObamaCare first and put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he did so. It wasn't even his second priority! He was talking about passing Cap & Trade legislation as his next big goal before the 2010 mid-terms made that an impossibility. By the end of Obama's second year in office his chief economic advisers Larry Summers and Christina Romer were both facing a stark reality...their almost two trillion dollar Keynesian stimulus had been turned into a a liberal "pork fest" by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and so few jobs had been created that they had to fudge the numbers with the whole "jobs created or saved" farce! Both of them saw the writing on the wall and resigned. They didn't do so because they had accomplished the job at hand...they did so because they'd failed epically at creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
Now explain how you generate an "obvious answer" from a question derived from a false premise? That premise being that I "pretended what Reagan did to stimulate the economy didn't work."

I voted twice for Reagan and think he was an excellent president. Just letting you know that in case you need that information when tailoring your next response.

And Obama's policies have failed??

5% GDP, 5.6% unemployment, and 1.3% inflation

And for comparison purposes ... Obama started with 7.8% unemployment and it's currently down to 5.6%. Reagan started with 7.5% unemployment and at this point in his presidency, it was down to only 6.6%.

Speaking of deriving something from a false premise! We keep going round and round about this, Faun and I can't get an answer out of you! What policy of Barack Obama's has created a drop in unemployment? My assertion is that the unemployment rate has dropped DESPITE what Barry has tried to do in office....due in large part to the public's rejection of the liberal agenda and their voting out of office Democrats. The current economic boom is being led by cheap oil and natural gas...two things that Obama specifically was against...which makes it hard to credit him for what's happening at this point of his Presidency.
Not only have I given you the answer ... that being it is not possible in most cases to prove causation since studies on policies' results are rarely done. And you proved that beautifully by pointing out some of Reagan's policies which helped the economy without showing evidence of causation.

You did what I did.

Only you seem to think you're right but I'm not.

I can only chalk that up to your sycophancy.

So you honestly believe that Reagan's policies had no "causation", Faun? Really? I've pointed out exactly what Reagan's steps were to attack the Stagflation he inherited. First he tightened up the money supply to deal with inflation. Then he cut taxes and government regulations to spur job creation. The result was twenty years of unprecedented economic growth.

So what has Barack Obama done, policy wise to deal with the economy?
You really should get your reading checked. I didn't say that either.

I said YOU failed to show causation.

You did what I did. You pointed out several policies and then pointed out how the economy improved. So who knows how you can think you're right but I'm not? :dunno:
I'd be interested to know why you voted for Reagan twice...yet obviously voted for Obama twice this time around? They are opposite sides of a coin...about as far apart in their visions as is humanly possible.
I voted for Reagan the first time because I thought Carter was a crappy president. I voted for him a second time because I thought he did a good job turning the economy around and I gave him credit for having to tackle a bad economy.

In 2008, I voted for Obama because I expected U.S. Supreme Court seats to open up and I preferred Liberal justices to be selected. In 2012 I voted for him again because I saw the economy was improving and I gave him credit for having to tackle a bad economy. An economy even worse than Reagan inherited.

Wait a second...first you say that there was no "causation" between Reagan's policies and the improvement in our economy back then...and then you turn around and say you voted for him the second time because you saw the economy improving and gave him credit? Which is it?
I'd be interested to know why you voted for Reagan twice...yet obviously voted for Obama twice this time around? They are opposite sides of a coin...about as far apart in their visions as is humanly possible.
I voted for Reagan the first time because I thought Carter was a crappy president. I voted for him a second time because I thought he did a good job turning the economy around and I gave him credit for having to tackle a bad economy.

In 2008, I voted for Obama because I expected U.S. Supreme Court seats to open up and I preferred Liberal justices to be selected. In 2012 I voted for him again because I saw the economy was improving and I gave him credit for having to tackle a bad economy. An economy even worse than Reagan inherited.

So essentially you're saying you have no clue how the policies of a specific President effect the economy? Noted...

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