GOP jobs agenda

Come on, Dottie...anyone with a dollop of honesty from your side would admit that the reason Obama didn't increase taxes on the wealthy was because some folks who actually understood economics finally got through to him and his merry band of progressives and explained to them that increasing taxes in the middle of a recession was NOT going to be a good thing for the economy!

Oh sure...he blamed it on the GOP...but what HASN'T Barry blamed on the GOP! Heck, he was accusing them of obstructionism when the Democrats had Super Majorities in the House and Senate!
more of your non-sourced word salad? :eusa_doh: Are ALL conservatives as lazy as you? Judging from the rw posts on this page I'd have to give that question a resounding "YES!" for an answer. :eusa_clap: Save it rw ideologue boi. :talktothehand:No sources then its just another rw opinion :tinfoil:

I'm curious, Dottie...who's "lazier"...people like Dad who haven't had an original thought in about a decade...or myself who relies on my own intellect to formulate an intelligent viewpoint of topics? Since when did original thought become "lazy" and copying someone else become working hard?
AGAIN dummy. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one,. Bring sources to the table or STFU. Thats freshman-level, debating 101 Skippy Oldstyle MOST people who join debating forums are aware of that tidbit of knowledge.

BTW- have you even logged-off today bro'? :eusa_eh:

YOU, Mr. NoSource, carping at others.


That is to funny.

Why don't you take your weak minded :bs1::bs1::bs1::bs1:

And fuck off.

Has Oldstyle been logged-on all day spouting sourceless opinions (rw talking-points)? He needs help. More than the board can supply I'm afraid.

It is pretty obvious that nobody on this board can help you with your head-up-your-ass condition.

It's so cute the way you cheerlead from under your mother's skirt. I hope she wears underwear.
We're basically going to end up with a lost decade because we've elected someone with absolutely zero aptitude for the job at hand. We've gotten "leading from behind" and "don't do stupid stuff!" as administration mantras. Is it any wonder everything the guy touches turns to mud?
who ever said putting countries back together after Repub Presidents "give away the store" was easy son? :eusa_eh: Talking to you is like "amateur hour" :rofl:

Yep...we can tank FDR for letting the japs run up on us.

Then the fucker gives away eastern Europe. FDR a real repu...oh wait.

Can you be any more stupid ?

So NO, you can't refute that ONLY 61,500 JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE OIL/GAS FIELD SINCE 2008. Thanks

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs, according to Convex Capital Management research director Sonu Varghese.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

That HuffPo piece is SO wrong, yet you keep trotting it out there.

Again, ALL you have is OPINION, and ALL you present is bullshit. HOW ABOUT PROVING THEM WRONG?? lol

Instead you'll post fluff pieces from industry sources. Should be damn easy to refute right??? lol

Post 791 was opinion.

Oldstyle complaining that the President isn't fixing Dubya's & Dick's tax cuts for the wealthy & war mess' fast enough. Priceless :laugh:

Congressional Budget Office Estimates........

Did you really mean to look stupid ?

So NO, you can't refute that ONLY 61,500 JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE OIL/GAS FIELD SINCE 2008. Thanks

Since 2008, the oil and gas sector has added 61,500 jobs, accounting for nearly 4.5 percent of new U.S. jobs, according to Convex Capital Management research director Sonu Varghese.

The Oil Job Boom Is Over

That HuffPo piece is SO wrong, yet you keep trotting it out there.

Again, ALL you have is OPINION, and ALL you present is bullshit. HOW ABOUT PROVING THEM WRONG?? lol

Instead you'll post fluff pieces from industry sources. Should be damn easy to refute right??? lol

Post 791 was opinion.



U.S. Chamber’s fracking job boom: Behind the numbers

There’s no question that widespread extraction of shale gas will have a significant economic impact. The scope of that impact, however, will likely be more difficult to pin down than industry projections might suggest.

A study commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 21st Century Energy Institute (INDUSTRY TRADE GROUP???, LOL)says the extraction of “unconventional” shale oil and gas through horizontal hydraulic fracturing – or fracking – has meant a job boom even in states that don’t actually have shale deposits, with 1.7 million jobs already created and a total of 3.5 million projected by 2035.

The study was released in two phases in October and December, and a third phase is forthcoming.

Skeptics with environmental and citizens groups have questioned the numbers and also the benefits that these jobs actually provide to local communities. ...

U.S. Chamber 8217 s fracking job boom Behind the numbers Midwest Energy News


The United States Chamber of Commerce (USCC) is “the world’s largest business federation,” serving as a large-scale lobbying and litigation group for American businesses. The Chamber, led by CEO Tom Donohue, promotes largely conservative and libertarian values, particularly a free-market ideology.

...Additionally, only 249 of the 7,000 local chambers are members of the USCC, and a third of the Chamber's funding comes from just 19 corporations. Prior to Donohue, the Chamber supported Clinton’s healthcare reform and other projects opposed by the GOP and large corporations. With Donohue in charge, the Chamber rarely strays from the GOP platform and never challenges the policies of its corporate financers.

Stated position on climate change:

The Chamber's position statement on climate change urges continued scientific research on the topic, deferring to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the US Climate Change Science Program. The Chamber warns that US climate policy would be "hugely expensive" but does not defer to scientific institutions or research bodies that have estimated the enormous costs that climate change already imposes on society (estimated at $1.2 trillion per year, worldwide). The Chamber claims that climate model predictions are unreliable

Position on Energy Sources:

The Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy’s “Where We Stand” page makes energy efficiency and investment in clean energy look like a priority, placed above their calls for expanded nuclear power, “clean coal,” coal-to-liquids for transportation fuel, and immediate expansion of domestic oil & gas drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf, the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. oil shale and tar sands extraction, and drilling in the Arctic permafrost. The Chamber has prioritized the promotion of shale oil development and the Keystone XL pipeline, creating websites for both issues (more on Keystone XL below).

Obstruction of climate change policies and promotion of fossil fuels:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce PolluterWatch

Poor duddyasswipe.

Nothing but left wing bullshit quotes. None of which make any kind of point at all.
The left better hope the right has an agenda for jobs.

Nine seats lost in the senate......

More lost in the house.......

If the GOP does not come looks like those on the left better hope food stamps don't run out.

Of course, we'll see all those posting about where the welfare red states like Missouri. Where two large urban centers loaded with democrats suck off the federal tit.
The left better hope the right has an agenda for jobs.

Nine seats lost in the senate......

More lost in the house.......

If the GOP does not come looks like those on the left better hope food stamps don't run out.

Of course, we'll see all those posting about where the welfare red states like Missouri. Where two large urban centers loaded with democrats suck off the federal tit.

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes?

To save space below, “pension benefits” include both Medicare and Social Security; “anti-poverty aid” includes Head Start, Low Income Home Energy Assistance, Food Stamp and nutrition programs for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and several school-lunch-style benefits.

Top Ten (Source: Tax Foundation):

1. New Mexico Indian reservations, military bases, federal research labs, farm subsidies, retirement programs

2. Mississippi Farm subsidies, military spending, nutrition and anti-poverty aid, retirement programs.

3. Alaska Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits; infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.

4. Louisiana Disaster relief, farm subsidies, anti-poverty and nutrition aid, military spending.

5. W. Virginia Farm subsidies, anti-poverty and nutrition aid.

6. N. Dakota Farm subsidies, energy subsidies, retirement and anti-poverty programs, Indian reservations.

7. Alabama Retirement programs, anti-poverty and nutrition aid, federal space/military spending, farm subsidies.

8. S. Dakota Retirement programs, nutrition aid, farm subsidies, military spending, Indian reservations.

9. Virginia Civil service pensions, military spending, veterans benefits, retirement, anti-poverty aid.

10. Kentucky Retirement programs, nutritional and anti-poverty aid, farm subsidies.

Now consider the bottom 10, i.e., the ones that give more to the federal government in taxes than they get in return. From 1 to 10, they are:

New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, Colorado.

Anything strange about that list? Yes, they are all blue states (or the deepest of purple).

Adding to this fallacy are the assumptions surrounding Mitt Romney’s now infamous comments about the indolent “47 percent” of Americans who regard themselves as victims and therefore pay no taxes. As the American Conservative magazine (no less) pointed out recently, nine of those 10 states are in the red-as-ruby Old Confederacy.*

Put another way, again by the American Conservative, “On the other hand, eight of the ten states with the highest non-payment rates are solidly Republican. The exceptions are New Mexico and Florida.”

Is your mouth agape?

Blue state red face Guess who benefits more from your taxes

Pew Research Center finds that a majority of Americans (55%) have received government benefits from at least one of the six best-known federal entitlement programs.

The survey also finds that most Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%).

A Bipartisan Nation of Beneficiaries Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project
It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

In an ironic twist to the GOP’s war on the poor, it turns out that the people who are the most negatively affected by Republican cuts in food programs – are Republicans themselves.

Statistics reveal that the city holding the most beneficiaries of the SNAP program (a favorite target of the GOP) is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Owsley County, Kentucky earns the lowest median household income in the country, but they are the most prolific government-takers in U.S. existence.

It 8217 s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 8216 Moochers 8217 in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party

Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth

Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth - Bloomberg

97 Percent Of Republicans Use Government Social Programs: Survey
97 Percent Of Republicans Use Government Social Programs Survey

I know Obama did a better job than Romney would have done.

Yeah because as we all know...Barry has a long history of success when it comes to turning around troubled organizations and working across the aisle to get the job done! Oh wait...that was Mitt Romney! Barack Obama has a long history me here, Faun...I can't think of anything dealing with economics or jobs that Barry has a history of success with.
And still better than had Romney won.

We've had six years of "amateur hour" as Barack Obama and his little cadre of Progressives tried to deal with the economy, Faun. It would have been amusing to watch if it wasn't for the millions of Americans who have been hurt by their adherence to political dogma instead of practical solutions.

Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.
Unemployment would still be over 6% had Romney been elected.

And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco
I know exactly why Barack Obama hasn't been able to get "our car" out of the ditch, Dad...he never learned to drive yet you idiots gave him the keys!


Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
Yeah because as we all know...Barry has a long history of success when it comes to turning around troubled organizations and working across the aisle to get the job done! Oh wait...that was Mitt Romney! Barack Obama has a long history me here, Faun...I can't think of anything dealing with economics or jobs that Barry has a history of success with.
And still better than had Romney won.

We've had six years of "amateur hour" as Barack Obama and his little cadre of Progressives tried to deal with the economy, Faun. It would have been amusing to watch if it wasn't for the millions of Americans who have been hurt by their adherence to political dogma instead of practical solutions.

Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.
Unemployment would still be over 6% had Romney been elected.

And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?

Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
And still better than had Romney won.

We've had six years of "amateur hour" as Barack Obama and his little cadre of Progressives tried to deal with the economy, Faun. It would have been amusing to watch if it wasn't for the millions of Americans who have been hurt by their adherence to political dogma instead of practical solutions.

Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.
Unemployment would still be over 6% had Romney been elected.

And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.
Oldstyle complaining that the President isn't fixing Dubya's & Dick's tax cuts for the wealthy & war mess' fast enough. Priceless :laugh:

What a moron you are. The tax cuts on the so called wealthy have already expired. The tax cuts that remain from Bush are the ones on the poor and lower income middle class. Are you actually blaming bush for tax cuts on the poor and lower income middle class? ROFL
Simple reply to this cartoon that you keep spamming, Dad...what was Barry's economic plan to put people in the Private Sector back to work when he took office in 2009? Spell it out for me.

Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
We've had six years of "amateur hour" as Barack Obama and his little cadre of Progressives tried to deal with the economy, Faun. It would have been amusing to watch if it wasn't for the millions of Americans who have been hurt by their adherence to political dogma instead of practical solutions.

Mitt Romney is the vanilla, boring, workaholic guy who always gets the job done. He's basically the polar opposite of Barry...which is why he's exactly what the country needed.
Unemployment would still be over 6% had Romney been elected.

And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.
Simple, get Gov't working again

Regulators on the beat. Start getting fed Gov't back on sound fiscal footing, like Clinton left US, he gave tax credits for job creation, etc



Bubba? I'm from Massachusetts, idiot child!

AND? You're still a POS Bubba
Unemployment would still be over 6% had Romney been elected.

And you base that on what?

I would argue that if Barack Obama hadn't pushed for ObamaCare and Cap & Trade as the first two big initiatives of his administration that unemployment would never have gone as high as it did and would have rebounded far earlier than it has. I say that because both initiatives created massive amounts of uncertainty in the Private Sector and uncertainty is death to investment.
I base it on Romney's own expectations ...

"I can’t possibly predict precisely what the unemployment rate will be at the end of one year. I can tell you that over a period of four years, by virtue of the policies that we put in place, we’d get the unemployment rate down to 6 percent and perhaps a little lower. It depends in part upon the rate of growth for the globe, as well as what we’re seeing here in the United States. But we’d get the rate down quite substantially. And quite frankly, the key is we are going to show such job growth that there will be competition for employees again, and wages will see the end of this decline." ~ Mitt Romney, 5.23.2012

Mitt Romney pledges 6 percent unemployment by the end of first term - Political Intelligence -

Romney said he could get the unemployment rate down to under 6% by the end of his fir term. Obama accomplished that 27 months quicker than Romney claimed he could. And Romney said even that was based on global conditions. Obama did that despite the fact that some other countries are in, or near, a recession.

As I said, we would have been worse off had Romney won.
Obama acco

How could we POSSIBLY be worse off, Faun? Barack Obama has been the most clueless President we've ever had when it comes to the economy. It isn't even a contest! He doesn't understand it and he brought in a bunch of Ivy League ideologues to help him and THEY managed to spend trillions and create so few jobs that they had to invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was!

Since Summers and Romer jumped ship and ran back to their tenured positions we haven't HAD an economic plan to create jobs. It doesn't exist! Millions of Americans out of work and burning up their life's savings and what was Barry concerned about? Income inequality! Here's a novel concept...put people back to work and they'll have more income! DUH?
I just showed you how. Weren't you paying attention?

Under Obama, the unemployment rate is under 6% since the fall of 2014. Romney said he couldn't get it that low until the end of 2016, almost 2 years from now.

We are far better off than had Romney won.
That's ok, I don't expect an intelligent response from you.

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