GOP jobs agenda

Come on guys...this shouldn't be hard for you! You've got SIX YEARS PLUS to choose policy from! Surely Barry must have had at least ONE policy in all that time that was good for the economy and created jobs?
ACA created hundreds of thousands of jobs managing and educating people about ACA. This is good for the economy because every dollar spent on income quadruples over time when those people buy products from walmart. Pelosi said so, so it must be true.

maybe it was true ..

Alan Krueger top economist to Obama says most new jobs since health care law passed are full time PolitiFact

Krueger said that "since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." The statistics show that 87 percent of the increase in jobs between March 2010 and July 2013 consisted of full-time jobs. A shorter time frame would show the opposite pattern, but on the numbers, Krueger is right. We rate the claim True.

Here's the problem with your claim, Siete...the Affordable Care Act's provision to require business with a certain number of employees provide healthcare to their employees or pay fines kept getting pushed back so the American people wouldn't get a feel for what it was REALLY going to mean for them. The closer we got to the implementation of that provision the more part time jobs were being created and the fewer full time jobs. Your own PolitiFact article admitted as much:

"Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions.

In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument."

The sad truth is they never read or better yet can not comprehend what they copy and paste...

I am pretty sure "Liberalism" can now be quantified as a disease...
The Republicans are for stopping illegal immigration, and deporting illegals here now. No proposal is more job creating than that, and none is more job-killing than Obama's executive order amnesty.

Sure, THAT'S why when the GOP had control of Congress (mostly) from 1995-2007, it was HIGH on their lists of things to do right???? lol
I could spend time researching that, but I'm not interested in the past. Let's talk about right now. Besides from 1995-2007, they knew they had a pro-illegal alien president to veto their stuff.

Yeah NOT like they have ANY history of passing bills a Prez wouldn't sign (OBAMACARES 55+ TIMES), lol
Apples and oranges. Getting back on topic, Obama's pro-immigration policies are killing jobs for Americans, all while he brags about creating them (for foreigners).

Apples and oranges? lol

OK, Dubya had a loss of 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years with his and the GOP's 'job creator' policies., Even stopping Dec 2007, it was a miserable 4 million in 7 years

That socialist Obama has 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since passing the 'job killer' Obamacares in Feb 2010, that's a NET of 7 million PRIVATE sector jobs since Obama came into office (since Dubya/.GOP policy lost 4 million in 2009)!

Besides you Bircher bullshit, do you have ANYTHING???
YOU KNOW what I have (from Post #660) and that's all I need to have. As far as the 15 million unemployed Americans, are concerned, Obama's job creation hasn't done squat for them, because his immigration policies has them going to millions of illegal invaders (he sees as votes for his people), and many more legal ones on work visas. He has no job creation credential AT ALL because of that.
And I supported Obama's infrastructure jobs bills which the House Republicans vetoed, so you can skip the Bircher routine,
Apples and oranges? lol

OK, Dubya had a loss of 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years with his and the GOP's 'job creator' policies., Even stopping Dec 2007, it was a miserable 4 million in 7 years

That socialist Obama has 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since passing the 'job killer' Obamacares in Feb 2010, that's a NET of 7 million PRIVATE sector jobs since Obama came into office (since Dubya/.GOP policy lost 4 million in 2009)!

Besides you Bircher bullshit, do you have ANYTHING???

You are worried about other people's bullshit.


So NO you aren't a man of your word, and will just keep popping in and ONLY answer the posit's you want.. lol

You are on ignore because I can get through a thread page 4 times faster if I don't have scroll through your worthless spamshit.

You don't like it....Fuck Off.
If he's on ignore, how do you see his posts?

There is a button that allows me to see ignored content.

I check up on it from time to time to see if the spam shit has changed much from the last 100 times it was posted.

Also, an ignored poster's posts show up in the quotes.
Saying the Obama Stimulus was "successful" is akin to having your barn catch on fire...calling the Fire Department...which then ignores the barn fire...raids your ice box for beers...calls out for pizzas on your credit card they found on the kitchen table...and then declares that particular response to a 911 call a success because they managed to "save" the house!
Nah, it's not that bad. You're forgetting that by the end of Bush's reign of error; you had already lost your job, your barn was in foreclosure anyway, your wife died in the WTC, and your sons and daughters were still on their third deployment to Iraq in search of WMD that weren't there to begin with. Hell, it's thanks to Obama that you had an ObamaPhone to call the fire department.

I don't have an ObamaPhone...I'm the guy who has to PAY for them.
Sure, THAT'S why when the GOP had control of Congress (mostly) from 1995-2007, it was HIGH on their lists of things to do right???? lol
I could spend time researching that, but I'm not interested in the past. Let's talk about right now. Besides from 1995-2007, they knew they had a pro-illegal alien president to veto their stuff.

Yeah NOT like they have ANY history of passing bills a Prez wouldn't sign (OBAMACARES 55+ TIMES), lol
Apples and oranges. Getting back on topic, Obama's pro-immigration policies are killing jobs for Americans, all while he brags about creating them (for foreigners).

Apples and oranges? lol

OK, Dubya had a loss of 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years with his and the GOP's 'job creator' policies., Even stopping Dec 2007, it was a miserable 4 million in 7 years

That socialist Obama has 11+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since passing the 'job killer' Obamacares in Feb 2010, that's a NET of 7 million PRIVATE sector jobs since Obama came into office (since Dubya/.GOP policy lost 4 million in 2009)!

Besides you Bircher bullshit, do you have ANYTHING???
YOU KNOW what I have (from Post #660) and that's all I need to have. As far as the 15 million unemployed Americans, are concerned, Obama's job creation hasn't done squat for them, because his immigration policies has them going to millions of illegal invaders (he sees as votes for his people), and many more legal ones on work visas. He has no job creation credential AT ALL because of that.
And I supported Obama's infrastructure jobs bills which the House Republicans vetoed, so you can skip the Bircher routine,
As a percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population, those 15 million people represent about 6.1%.

When Bush became president, that number was 4.9%

When Bush left office, it was 7.6%

That means under Bush, it increased by 55%; whereas under Obama, it's decreased 20%.

This is why I laugh whenever a rightwinger whines about Obama's economy.
Saying the Obama Stimulus was "successful" is akin to having your barn catch on fire...calling the Fire Department...which then ignores the barn fire...raids your ice box for beers...calls out for pizzas on your credit card they found on the kitchen table...and then declares that particular response to a 911 call a success because they managed to "save" the house!
Nah, it's not that bad. You're forgetting that by the end of Bush's reign of error; you had already lost your job, your barn was in foreclosure anyway, your wife died in the WTC, and your sons and daughters were still on their third deployment to Iraq in search of WMD that weren't there to begin with. Hell, it's thanks to Obama that you had an ObamaPhone to call the fire department.

I don't have an ObamaPhone...I'm the guy who has to PAY for them.
What'ya mean, you pay for them?
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Saying the Obama Stimulus was "successful" is akin to having your barn catch on fire...calling the Fire Department...which then ignores the barn fire...raids your ice box for beers...calls out for pizzas on your credit card they found on the kitchen table...and then declares that particular response to a 911 call a success because they managed to "save" the house!
Nah, it's not that bad. You're forgetting that by the end of Bush's reign of error; you had already lost your job, your barn was in foreclosure anyway, your wife died in the WTC, and your sons and daughters were still on their third deployment to Iraq in search of WMD that weren't there to begin with. Hell, it's thanks to Obama that you had an ObamaPhone to call the fire department.

I don't have an ObamaPhone...I'm the guy who has to PAY for them.
What'ya mean, you pay for them?

Oh, let me think that the "Phone Fairy" pays for all those free phones?

What I MEAN is that part of the money that I pay in taxes goes to buy ObamaPhones for people that are too lazy to work and earn money to get their own damn phone! It's just one more example of the whole cradle to the grave entitlement society that you progressives love so much.
Saying the Obama Stimulus was "successful" is akin to having your barn catch on fire...calling the Fire Department...which then ignores the barn fire...raids your ice box for beers...calls out for pizzas on your credit card they found on the kitchen table...and then declares that particular response to a 911 call a success because they managed to "save" the house!
Nah, it's not that bad. You're forgetting that by the end of Bush's reign of error; you had already lost your job, your barn was in foreclosure anyway, your wife died in the WTC, and your sons and daughters were still on their third deployment to Iraq in search of WMD that weren't there to begin with. Hell, it's thanks to Obama that you had an ObamaPhone to call the fire department.

I don't have an ObamaPhone...I'm the guy who has to PAY for them.
What'ya mean, you pay for them?

Oh, let me think that the "Phone Fairy" pays for all those free phones?

What I MEAN is that part of the money that I pay in taxes goes to buy ObamaPhones for people that are too lazy to work and earn money to get their own damn phone! It's just one more example of the whole cradle to the grave entitlement society that you progressives love so much.
Yet more nonsense from you. :eusa_doh: You clearly have no idea what you're rambling about now. Phones provided by the LifeLine program (a program started under Reagan), are not paid for with tax dollars. :eusa_doh:

G'head, explain again why you prefer posting your baseless opinions instead of facts.....


You rightwingers crack me up.

Try the FCC...

Who Pays for the Lifeline Program?

All telecommunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of their end-user telecommunications revenues. These companies include wireline telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, and certain Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers.

Some subscribers may notice a “Universal Service” line item on their telephone bills. This line item appears when a company chooses to recover its USF contributions directly from its customers by billing them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs.​


You rightwingers crack me up.

Try the FCC...

Who Pays for the Lifeline Program?

All telecommunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of their end-user telecommunications revenues. These companies include wireline telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, and certain Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers.

Some subscribers may notice a “Universal Service” line item on their telephone bills. This line item appears when a company chooses to recover its USF contributions directly from its customers by billing them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs.​

Show me a company that doesn't pass that cost along to it's customers! My phone bill calls it a "Universal Service Fund Surcharge".

You liberals never cease to pass a tax on all telecommunication service providers forcing them to "contribute" to the Federal USF and then when those companies add that cost to our bills you claim that's not REALLY a tax! Does it make it less of a tax because you call it a "surcharge" and have businesses do it instead of the Federal Government? It's still coming out of our pockets and it's not a "contribution". If you don't pay some point they turn off your phone!
So what you've done is take 2 billion dollars out of the pockets of American consumers in the form of a "surcharge" that is paid to service providers which is then paid as a tax to the Federal Government which then spends it to give people free phones.

For you to sit here and claim that isn't a tax is about as duplicitous as it gets. If you're going to steal money from Americans to pay for your entitlements, least have the political courage to admit what it is you're doing instead of hiding behind schemes like this one.
So what you've done is take 2 billion dollars out of the pockets of American consumers in the form of a "surcharge" that is paid to service providers which is then paid as a tax to the Federal Government which then spends it to give people free phones.

For you to sit here and claim that isn't a tax is about as duplicitous as it gets. If you're going to steal money from Americans to pay for your entitlements, least have the political courage to admit what it is you're doing instead of hiding behind schemes like this one.
Look at the pretzel you're twisting yourself into to maintain your idiocy that your taxes pay for ObamaPhones. :lmao: A charge is not a tax. There are all sorts of charges for all sorts of reasons so companies can turn a profit, that doesn't make them taxes.

And as stated on the FCC website, the 'universal service' fee is optional. Not every company applies it. I'm sure some don't, but collect that fee in other ways.

Sure, you're still paying ... but it's not coming out of your taxes.
So what you've done is take 2 billion dollars out of the pockets of American consumers in the form of a "surcharge" that is paid to service providers which is then paid as a tax to the Federal Government which then spends it to give people free phones.

For you to sit here and claim that isn't a tax is about as duplicitous as it gets. If you're going to steal money from Americans to pay for your entitlements, least have the political courage to admit what it is you're doing instead of hiding behind schemes like this one.
Look at the pretzel you're twisting yourself into to maintain your idiocy that your taxes pay for ObamaPhones. :lmao: A charge is not a tax. There are all sorts of charges for all sorts of reasons so companies can turn a profit, that doesn't make them taxes.

And as stated on the FCC website, the 'universal service' fee is optional. Not every company applies it. I'm sure some don't, but collect that fee in other ways.

Sure, you're still paying ... but it's not coming out of your taxes.
You can't be this dumb Faun. Hidden taxes in the form of corporate taxes and fees are taxes nonetheless. Just because it doesn't show up on your tax bill, and instead shows up as an increase in your phone bill does not mean it's free to you. Unless of course you don't have a phone bill. Let me guess, Faun. Your phone is an Obama phone.
Saying the Obama Stimulus was "successful" is akin to having your barn catch on fire...calling the Fire Department...which then ignores the barn fire...raids your ice box for beers...calls out for pizzas on your credit card they found on the kitchen table...and then declares that particular response to a 911 call a success because they managed to "save" the house!
Nah, it's not that bad. You're forgetting that by the end of Bush's reign of error; you had already lost your job, your barn was in foreclosure anyway, your wife died in the WTC, and your sons and daughters were still on their third deployment to Iraq in search of WMD that weren't there to begin with. Hell, it's thanks to Obama that you had an ObamaPhone to call the fire department.

I don't have an ObamaPhone...I'm the guy who has to PAY for them.
What'ya mean, you pay for them?

Oh, let me think that the "Phone Fairy" pays for all those free phones?

What I MEAN is that part of the money that I pay in taxes goes to buy ObamaPhones for people that are too lazy to work and earn money to get their own damn phone! It's just one more example of the whole cradle to the grave entitlement society that you progressives love so much.
Yet more nonsense from you. :eusa_doh: You clearly have no idea what you're rambling about now. Phones provided by the LifeLine program (a program started under Reagan), are not paid for with tax dollars. :eusa_doh:

G'head, explain again why you prefer posting your baseless opinions instead of facts.....
The program started under Reagan was completely different and for a different purpose. Reagan wanted to make sure poor people in remote locations had access to a land line phone for emergency purposes. The new system is around a plan to redistribute income by handing out smart phones with free minutes and text plans so people can play with their phones all day instead of working for a living. The new system has nothing to do with making sure people in remote locations have access to an phone for 911 calls. Why? Because all cell phones, even ones that don't have minute plans have access, by law, to make 911 calls. Thus emergency phones are entirely free now. However, instead of just killing the plan that Reagan started, since it is no longer needed, the demoscum bags decided to turn the program into a voter registration tool.. come get your free smart phone with a free use plan and register to vote for the democrat party!

However, instead of just killing the plan that Reagan started, since it is no longer needed, the demoscum bags decided to turn the program into a voter registration tool.. come get your free smart phone with a free use plan and register to vote for the democrat party!

Here is how stupid you are. You probably think the phone company lobbyist's don't go apeshit when the very mention of cutting this program off comes up. You probably think the phone companies don't make money off this program. You probably think that our Congress turds have the balls to stand up to these lobbyist's and kill this program. Who knows what else you probably think.
It's just so much easier to blame Obama when you suffer from the ODS, now isn't it?
However, instead of just killing the plan that Reagan started, since it is no longer needed, the demoscum bags decided to turn the program into a voter registration tool.. come get your free smart phone with a free use plan and register to vote for the democrat party!

Here is how stupid you are. My IQ exceeds 99.99% of all humans. Eat me.

You probably think the phone company lobbyist's don't go apeshit when the very mention of cutting this program off comes up. Apeshit? I have no idea whether or not some phone company lobby is pushing for this program, nor do I care. I'm against it either way. Stick that down your dumb ass pie hole.

You probably think the phone companies don't make money off this program.
I have no idea whether or not some phone companies are making money off this program, nor do I care. I'm against it either way. Stick that down your dumb ass pie hole.

You probably think that our Congress turds have the balls to stand up to these lobbyist's and kill this program.
I have no idea whether or not our congressional representatives have the balls to stand up and kill this program, the ones I voted for did, but they did not get elected. I'm against it either way.

Who knows what else you probably think.
Why are you do apeshit about guessing what I think when you can just ask?

It's just so much easier to blame Obama when you suffer from the ODS, now isn't it?
Easier than what? All your guesses were wrong so this question has no basis for discussion. I'll grant that it is easier to blame Obama than to do the work to identify which of his minions on the left and right are also to blame.

In blue.
So what you've done is take 2 billion dollars out of the pockets of American consumers in the form of a "surcharge" that is paid to service providers which is then paid as a tax to the Federal Government which then spends it to give people free phones.

For you to sit here and claim that isn't a tax is about as duplicitous as it gets. If you're going to steal money from Americans to pay for your entitlements, least have the political courage to admit what it is you're doing instead of hiding behind schemes like this one.
Look at the pretzel you're twisting yourself into to maintain your idiocy that your taxes pay for ObamaPhones. :lmao: A charge is not a tax. There are all sorts of charges for all sorts of reasons so companies can turn a profit, that doesn't make them taxes.

And as stated on the FCC website, the 'universal service' fee is optional. Not every company applies it. I'm sure some don't, but collect that fee in other ways.

Sure, you're still paying ... but it's not coming out of your taxes.
You can't be this dumb Faun. Hidden taxes in the form of corporate taxes and fees are taxes nonetheless. Just because it doesn't show up on your tax bill, and instead shows up as an increase in your phone bill does not mean it's free to you. Unless of course you don't have a phone bill. Let me guess, Faun. Your phone is an Obama phone.
That's as stupid as calling a "tip" a "tax" since your waitress pays some of her taxes with the tip you leave her. :cuckoo:

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