GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

"Conservative Christians fear education:..."

From the first sentence, this pinko drek starts with the straw man argument.

Straw man? Roberts said that he wants to do away with higher education. You could argue that it is an over generalization fallacy, but I'm willing to bet that there are many others who share his sentiment. Make America Stupid Again.

How about this:

Republican Recorn on higher education - Bing video
Yes, straw man argument...Combined with begging the question.

It's more than certain that christian conservatives wouldn't want to do away with places like Hillsdale, Liberty, or Texas A&M....This would blow away the straw man argument that they "fear education".

So take your phony baloney "conservatives are a-skeered of us degenerates" bullshit and stuff it where the sun don't shine.
"Conservative Christians fear education:..."

From the first sentence, this pinko dreck starts with the straw man argument.


so you don't have a problem with liberals and progressives in public schools brainwashing your kids?
I actually do have a problem with the collectivist authoritarian propaganda that's being passed off for "education"...That's why I called BS on the BS OP.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!
Have you seen the thousands of inner forty schools around America produce drug dealers, welfare recipients for life, killers, Boston school valedictorians are working at shake shack! Democrats have destroyed education!
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

You forgot the part where he said he was being sarcastic.
See the link in post #3 Maybe he was being sarcastic but Republicans are not a friend of education, higher or otherwise . They don't even want to fund preschool
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!
Have you seen the thousands of inner forty schools around America produce drug dealers, welfare recipients for life, killers, Boston school valedictorians are working at shake shack! Democrats have destroyed education!
First of all what is an "inner forty school.? Secondly , if grads can't get a job, how is that the fault of Democrats.? How have Democrats destroyed education. ? I just documented how Republicans are trying to destroy education ( Post #3)
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No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

You forgot the part where he said he was being sarcastic.
See the link in post #3 Maybe he was being sarcastic but Republicans are not a friend of education, higher or otherwise . They don't even want to fund preschool

I prefer a more balanced source of information.

I went straight to the horses mouth.

You're seriously misled if you believe ...

"Republicans are not a friend of education, higher or otherwise ."

What THIS Conservative is against is the Liberal dumbing down of education.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

You know what makes this really convincing?

The way that you quote, and I mean, "quote" the tiniest pieces of what he said, while telling us what he said, instead of actually showring us what he said.

Forget about context, you aren't even showing him making the statement. You have TWO phrases from him, with a total of FIVE words, and want us to believe you, in what you are claiming he said.

I call bullshit.
First of all what is an "inner forty school.? Secondly , if grads can't get a job, how is that the fault of Democrats.? How have Democrats destroyed education. ? I just documented hoe Republicans are trying to destroy education ( Post #3)

I'm not sure about Boston - but as a Californian I can attest to the dumbing down of education in this state.

When a 'D' is a passing grade and a 1.0 gpa can get you a High School Diploma.

When basic algebra is taken out of Jr High

When board members of Community Colleges want to throw out ALL math requirements so students can 'graduate'

When I get a fkn two year RN who can't find my vein or 'read' the BP cuff!!
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.
My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!
They are being kicked indeed, but it is by a MISeducated electorate.

I wouldn't eliminate higher education completely ( I taught in it for 3 years), but a lot of revision is sorely needed to get it out of the Democrat campaign business.
"Conservative Christians fear education:..."

From the first sentence, this pinko dreck starts with the straw man argument.

Heck....did you know that being Gay makes you smarter???
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.
Well, you are an hysterical idiot.....Not like it's any big secret.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

Do you know what "sarcasm" is?

I bet you also thought Trump was sending a secret message to Putin when he said during the debates "Hey Russia! If you have Hillary's missing emails, please send them back to us. The media will thank you for it..."
Welcome to the age of Trump people, where EVERYTHING is politicized.

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