GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.

Do you really consider yourself sane or smart when you start a troll thread about "them evil Republicans want to end eeedumakation!"?
"Conservative Christians fear education:..."

From the first sentence, this pinko drek starts with the straw man argument.

Straw man? Roberts said that he wants to do away with higher education. You could argue that it is an over generalization fallacy, but I'm willing to bet that there are many others who share his sentiment. Make America Stupid Again.

How about this:

Republican Recorn on higher education - Bing video
Yes, straw man argument...Combined with begging the question.

It's more than certain that christian conservatives wouldn't want to do away with places like Hillsdale, Liberty, or Texas A&M....This would blow away the straw man argument that they "fear education".

So take your phony baloney "conservatives are a-skeered of us degenerates" bullshit and stuff it where the sun don't shine.

As much of a degenerate faggot that RegressiveParasite is, I'll bet a glimmer of sunlight gets into his colon on occasion, somehow.

This is one of his few threads that isn't devoted to perversion of society at least. It's almost as if it learned a new song.

A strong argument can be made about ending the leftist indoctrination in universities and firing the apparatchiks posing as professors that warp the minds of young people rather than teach them things they need to know. The fact that there are courses called "gender studies" at all is testament to the fact that "higher education" has more to do with how much LSD someone must have been on to invent the subject matter.

We need engineers and scientists that innovate new useful technologies, not promote hoax science that keeps autistic moonbats employed searching for polar bear shit. We need legal scholars that study the law as it was written and have a reverence for the constitution instead of contempt for the founders.

No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

You forgot the part where he said he was being sarcastic.

He didn't forget it, his filter prevented him from seeing it.
The fact that there are courses called "gender studies

Oy! My son had to take a 'gender studies' class.
He was the only male in a sea full of females.
It was required for him to complete his BS

which had


to do

'gender studies' in the least bit!
It's really very simple. Conservatives consider education to be science, math, engineering, and computers. Liberals consider education to be feelings, social consciousness, and political correctness. Naturally, they're going to think anyone emphasizing STEM at the expense of feelings is trying to destroy "education".

Conservatives want kids to graduate from college with careers that can pay off student loans. Liberals want the loans to just be forgotten.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.

Do you really consider yourself sane or smart when you start a troll thread about "them evil Republicans want to end eeedumakation!"?
How is it a troll thread when I have documented Republican hostility to education? See post #3
You are lying, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
My opinion is not a lie. And I quoted the RN verbatim to the best of my memory. That's all you need to know.
But it is a lie.

Of course it is, but you don't expect a pig brained right winger to admit that, do you?

Of course not. Right wingers are above all truth and fact.

youre the one that called it a lie and failed to say what the truth is,,

how do we know you arent lying???

Because there are doctors practicing abortions and other that have chosen to specialize in other areas. There is no doctor forced to do abortions and none who are threatened to lose a license if they choose to do something else.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.

Do you really consider yourself sane or smart when you start a troll thread about "them evil Republicans want to end eeedumakation!"?
How is it a troll thread when I have documented Republican hostility to education? See post #3

It's a troll thread in intention and execution. You cite one local state senator and try to draw broad conclusions about all Republicans based on that. You know what you are doing, troll. I guess by your reasoning, ALL democrats think Guam will flip over if too many people stand on one side of it.
It's really very simple. Conservatives consider education to be science, math, engineering, and computers. Liberals consider education to be feelings, social consciousness, and political correctness. Naturally, they're going to think anyone emphasizing STEM at the expense of feelings is trying to destroy "education".

Conservatives want kids to graduate from college with careers that can pay off student loans. Liberals want the loans to just be forgotten.
Give me a damned break. !! Education is both knowledge and fostering emotional maturity, the latter of which most conservatives sorely lack. It take all of it to make it in life.
My opinion is not a lie. And I quoted the RN verbatim to the best of my memory. That's all you need to know.
But it is a lie.

Of course it is, but you don't expect a pig brained right winger to admit that, do you?

Of course not. Right wingers are above all truth and fact.

youre the one that called it a lie and failed to say what the truth is,,

how do we know you arent lying???
He's confused because he bought the farm on false narrative and has earned himself a top spot on my ignore list along with his fellow troll. ;)

No one gives a damn about your ignore list. The only false narrative is yours. You are a modern day Pharisee.
It's really very simple. Conservatives consider education to be science, math, engineering, and computers. Liberals consider education to be feelings, social consciousness, and political correctness. Naturally, they're going to think anyone emphasizing STEM at the expense of feelings is trying to destroy "education".

Conservatives want kids to graduate from college with careers that can pay off student loans. Liberals want the loans to just be forgotten.
Liberals want college to be affordable to all regardless of economic status.
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!

One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.

Do you really consider yourself sane or smart when you start a troll thread about "them evil Republicans want to end eeedumakation!"?
How is it a troll thread when I have documented Republican hostility to education? See post #3

It's a troll thread in intention and execution. You cite one local state senator and try to draw broad conclusions about all Republicans based on that. You know what you are doing, troll. I guess by your reasoning, ALL democrats think Guam will flip over if too many people stand on one side of it.
Once again. I documented the Republican hostility to education
"Conservative Christians fear education:..."

From the first sentence, this pinko drek starts with the straw man argument.

Straw man? Roberts said that he wants to do away with higher education. You could argue that it is an over generalization fallacy, but I'm willing to bet that there are many others who share his sentiment. Make America Stupid Again.

How about this:

Republican Recorn on higher education - Bing video
Yes, straw man argument...Combined with begging the question.

It's more than certain that christian conservatives wouldn't want to do away with places like Hillsdale, Liberty, or Texas A&M....This would blow away the straw man argument that they "fear education".

So take your phony baloney "conservatives are a-skeered of us degenerates" bullshit and stuff it where the sun don't shine.
Every time they try to insist on teaching Creationism as science, they shoot themselves in the foot.
According to beautress, an eye doctor can lose their license because they won't perform abortions.
One TN state senator hardly reflects the prevailing view of the GOP, you hysterical idiot. Maybe you need an education.
You didn't watch the video in past 3 did you. Calling me an hysterical idiot does not make you look sane or smart. Save the ad Homs.

Do you really consider yourself sane or smart when you start a troll thread about "them evil Republicans want to end eeedumakation!"?
How is it a troll thread when I have documented Republican hostility to education? See post #3

It's a troll thread in intention and execution. You cite one local state senator and try to draw broad conclusions about all Republicans based on that. You know what you are doing, troll. I guess by your reasoning, ALL democrats think Guam will flip over if too many people stand on one side of it.
Once again. I documented the Republican hostility to education

Illogical, dishonest troll.
It's really very simple. Conservatives consider education to be science, math, engineering, and computers. Liberals consider education to be feelings, social consciousness, and political correctness. Naturally, they're going to think anyone emphasizing STEM at the expense of feelings is trying to destroy "education".

Conservatives want kids to graduate from college with careers that can pay off student loans. Liberals want the loans to just be forgotten.
Give me a damned break. !! Education is both knowledge and fostering emotional maturity, the latter of which most conservatives sorely lack. It take all of it to make it in life.

Do you really think your mindless partisan hysteria reflects emotional maturity?
No this is not from the Onion or any other satire publication. This is for real. This Republican has taken the dumbing down of America to new heights, or you might say lows.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To End Higher Education To ‘Save America’ From Liberals

Conservative Christians fear education: Tennessee State Senator Kerry Roberts wants to “save America” by putting an end to higher education because it is a “liberal breeding ground.” The Hill reports: A Tennessee state GOP lawmaker has called for getting rid of the entire higher education system, asserting that such a move would “save America.” State Sen. Kerry Roberts made the remarks while speaking on his conservative talk radio show. He addressed his problems with the higher education system while discussing… Read more

My take on it is that this Republican, and probably many more know that an educated electorate will kick them to the curb in a heartbeat!
Have you seen the thousands of inner forty schools around America produce drug dealers, welfare recipients for life, killers, Boston school valedictorians are working at shake shack! Democrats have destroyed education!
First of all what is an "inner forty school.? Secondly , if grads can't get a job, how is that the fault of Democrats.? How have Democrats destroyed education. ? I just documented how Republicans are trying to destroy education ( Post #3)
How have democrats destroyed schools in inner cities? Have you seen the crime numbers? Have you need the oppression, the murders,, you think they get good education? You think republicans are running it?
Yeah, because having no doctors, no engineers, no teachers, and no lawyers will make us such a great country, right?

It always amazes me when elected officials fear elections.
Republicans believe they can be self-taught. That’s not a joke. They actually believe doctors and engineers and scientists can be self-taught.
It's really very simple. Conservatives consider education to be science, math, engineering, and computers. Liberals consider education to be feelings, social consciousness, and political correctness. Naturally, they're going to think anyone emphasizing STEM at the expense of feelings is trying to destroy "education".

Conservatives want kids to graduate from college with careers that can pay off student loans. Liberals want the loans to just be forgotten.
Give me a damned break. !! Education is both knowledge and fostering emotional maturity, the latter of which most conservatives sorely lack. It take all of it to make it in life.

Which is going to make it easier to pay off a six figure student loan debt?

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