GOP Leadership Memo Suggests Senate Cannot Block Trial If House Votes To Impeach Trump

The "do me a favor" line was in reference to looking into the orgins of the dirty dossier(server and Crowdstrike). Why do Democrats keep taking it out of context? I can tell you why. The mainstream media is reporting it this way to dupe the ignorant masses.
The "do me a favor" line was in reference to looking into the orgins of the dirty dossier(server and Crowdstrike). Why do Democrats keep taking it out of context? I can tell you why. The mainstream media is reporting it this way to dupe the ignorant masses.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

Your boy got caught. he blabbed off,and people exposed it faster than his cronies could cover it up.
The "do me a favor" line was in reference to looking into the orgins of the dirty dossier(server and Crowdstrike). Why do Democrats keep taking it out of context? I can tell you why. The mainstream media is reporting it this way to dupe the ignorant masses.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.

Your boy got caught. he blabbed off,and people exposed it faster than his cronies could cover it up.

Read the transcript yourself you idiot. It was in direct reference to that. You know like when someone says "Do me a favor, pass the potatoes." If 3 minutes later you mentiion something else, it is not part of the "do me a favor" line.
Why would this even be an issue?

The GOP and the White House should welcome a trial in the Senate. The White House will have every right to call witnesses in the trial and put those witnesses under oath.

So many democrats, democrat operatives, deep state intel officials, and deep state DoJ officials to question, the trial could take months. In fact, they could call so many witnesses that the trial would last until late summer of 2020. At the end, the vote to convict will fail and the GOP will go into the election with a huge victory.
Read the transcript yourself you idiot. It was in direct reference to that. You know like when someone says "Do me a favor, pass the potatoes." If 3 minutes later you mentiion something else, it is not part of the "do me a favor" line.

First, it wasn't a "Transcript", it was a memo.

Second, he wasn't asking him to pass the potatoes. He was asking him to investigate a rival and find proof of a goofy conspiracy theory.

Third, the fact he held up aid package makes it a bit more than a friendly request.
Why would this even be an issue?

The GOP and the White House should welcome a trial in the Senate. The White House will have every right to call witnesses in the trial and put those witnesses under oath.

So many democrats, democrat operatives, deep state intel officials, and deep state DoJ officials to question, the trial could take months. In fact, they could call so many witnesses that the trial would last until late summer of 2020. At the end, the vote to convict will fail and the GOP will go into the election with a huge victory.

I think you are a bit delusional.

Here's the biggest problem Trump has with dragging this out. The longer he drags it out, the longer our slow slide into recession will play into it.

If Watergate had gone to trial in 1973, Nixon would have easily beat it. But because he dragged it out all the way into 1974, with the recession from the end of Vietnam Spending plus the oil crisis hitting, even Republicans broke bad on him.

The biggest danger to Trump is Republicans realizing that they are probably better off taking a hit now than later.
Why would this even be an issue?

The GOP and the White House should welcome a trial in the Senate. The White House will have every right to call witnesses in the trial and put those witnesses under oath.

So many democrats, democrat operatives, deep state intel officials, and deep state DoJ officials to question, the trial could take months. In fact, they could call so many witnesses that the trial would last until late summer of 2020. At the end, the vote to convict will fail and the GOP will go into the election with a huge victory.

I think you are a bit delusional.

Here's the biggest problem Trump has with dragging this out. The longer he drags it out, the longer our slow slide into recession will play into it.

If Watergate had gone to trial in 1973, Nixon would have easily beat it. But because he dragged it out all the way into 1974, with the recession from the end of Vietnam Spending plus the oil crisis hitting, even Republicans broke bad on him.

The biggest danger to Trump is Republicans realizing that they are probably better off taking a hit now than later.
Maybe if you brushed up on how an impeachment trial is conducted?

The accuser in any trial in the United States has the right to call any witness in its defense.

There sure are a lot of people who have been complicit in this attempted soft coup. I myself would like to watch Clinton get cross-examined.
Maybe if you brushed up on how an impeachment trial is conducted?

The accuser in any trial in the United States has the right to call any witness in its defense.

There sure are a lot of people who have been complicit in this attempted soft coup. I myself would like to watch Clinton get cross-examined.

Trump isn't the accuser... he would be the accused. And while he COULD call Mrs. Clinton as a witness, it wouldn't do him all that much good, would it?

Here's the big problem the GOP has if this goes to trial. They are going to have to say, "Here is clear evidence Trump broke the law, but we are going to acquit, anyway."
The "do me a favor" line was in reference to looking into the orgins of the dirty dossier(server and Crowdstrike). Why do Democrats keep taking it out of context? I can tell you why. The mainstream media is reporting it this way to dupe the ignorant masses.
Within a few sentences of Zelensky asking for missiles, Trump asks him to work with Barr on a matter related to Paul Manafort, AND then POTUS asks for "the other thing" which is information on Biden

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

"The President (Trump): I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it..."

"As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible...."

"The President (Trump): Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved.

"Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great..."

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."
A FAVOR-not a quid pro quo or extortion. I have said "do me a favor" a thousand times, should I be impeached?
A FAVOR-not a quid pro quo or extortion. I have said "do me a favor" a thousand times, should I be impeached?
Did you infer you would withhold desperately needed military aid if you did not get your favor?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

"'I have received information' is different than witnessing information.

"The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true.

"This raises questions that the whistleblower doesn’t address in the complaint, but which Congress could investigate: Were these other officials concerned? And if the interference described below is only one kind of solicitation — “among other things” — what else did Trump try to do?"
If you are talking about inferring and implying the case is over. His complaint would seem mild compared to my complaint about George Bush and his WMD war. We have to stick to ACTUAL statements.
If you are talking about inferring and implying the case is over. His complaint would seem mild compared to my complaint about George Bush and his WMD war. We have to stick to ACTUAL statements.
Is this an accurate source for ACTUAL statements made during the Trump-Zelensky conversation?

Trump's Ukraine phone call, annotated

"CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion.

"The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.

"A number of factors can affect the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word 'inaudible' is used to indicate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

"Reminder from the Situation Room notetakers: What we’re seeing here are detailed notes and not, strictly speaking, a word-for-word transcript."
So when he said "do me a favor" the bad connection blocked him saying "do it or else". Really?
So when he said "do me a favor" the bad connect
When the mob boss says "I need a favor"

"or else" is optional.

Russia, NATO, Trump: The Shadow World
OK, what other words do we want to put into someone's mouth, but hurry, do it before the trial!
Read the transcript yourself you idiot. It was in direct reference to that. You know like when someone says "Do me a favor, pass the potatoes." If 3 minutes later you mentiion something else, it is not part of the "do me a favor" line.

First, it wasn't a "Transcript", it was a memo.

Second, he wasn't asking him to pass the potatoes. He was asking him to investigate a rival and find proof of a goofy conspiracy theory.

Third, the fact he held up aid package makes it a bit more than a friendly request.
And by holding up that aid he was helping his pal Putin
While in the long run it's a losing effort in the cowardly repub senate it's a great opportunity to bury the Trump POS Parade the scum in front of the people and watch them squirm
Maybe if you brushed up on how an impeachment trial is conducted?

The accuser in any trial in the United States has the right to call any witness in its defense.

There sure are a lot of people who have been complicit in this attempted soft coup. I myself would like to watch Clinton get cross-examined.

Trump isn't the accuser... he would be the accused. And while he COULD call Mrs. Clinton as a witness, it wouldn't do him all that much good, would it?

Here's the big problem the GOP has if this goes to trial. They are going to have to say, "Here is clear evidence Trump broke the law, but we are going to acquit, anyway."
He would be the defendant, as as such, has every right to call any and all witnesses in his defense.

Everyone he would call to testimony will be questioned under oath, with real consequences for dishonesty.

So, by all means, let's get this impeachment going. The trial should prove very enlightening.
Elected officials are windsocks. The GOP members of the Senate are NOT going to find Trump guilty of any charges until the majority of their constituents say so...
Elected officials are windsocks. The GOP members of the Senate are NOT going to find Trump guilty of any charges until the majority of their constituents say so...

I think that's pretty accurate. Add to that fact that we are in the middle of a Presidential election season, and Donald J Trump is the only serious candidate and the party's only chance to save the country from socialism and the New Green Deal, I can't see them throwing him under the bus.
The real tell-tale to look for if this makes it to a trial is the offers of immunity to specific Democrats.

D.C. prosecutors in Justice love using them as a means of getting confessions.

When that happens, we will see the Democrats in power eat themselves alive to stay out of jail.
There will be no vote to impeach though, so this is just some fairy tale to keep you distracted.

So are ya? :71:

Too soon to know how all the evidence will influence minds. Public perception is critical.
Already shifting towards impeachment in just a couple of days.

A trial you dumbass.

The senate will never convict him.

But if they did, President Pence will be appointing at least 2 justices to the s.c.
I've been saying Moscow Mitch's meatpuppets won't convict him a along dipshit.

I know you're a tRumpling, but at least try to keep up.

Impeachment is removal. That is what you said.

Please look in the mirror when lecturing others about keeping up.
“We’ll follow the Senate rules,” the majority leader said of the impeachment process.

U.S. Senate rules require the upper chamber to begin a trial if the House votes to impeach President Donald Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Monday.

“We’ll follow the Senate rules,” McConnell told CNBC. “I would have no choice but to take it up.”

Mitch McConnell Says He'd Have 'No Choice' But To Start Impeachment Trial

I still don't trust him.
he needs to hear from master trump first

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