GOP lies on Benghaz keep piling up

About 4500 Americans were killed in Iraq and no one was brought to justice for lying us into that war. Why aren't you enraged about that?
How about the 56,000 American lives lost in Vietnam?

Thread topic: Not Iraq.

Please try to keep up on current events.

The fact you refuse to talk about it just shows your trying to utilize four people that were killed as political tools.

Clinton fucked up as she didn't bring in enough protecting for a war zone. This is the fuck up.
About 4500 Americans were killed in Iraq and no one was brought to justice for lying us into that war. Why aren't you enraged about that?
How about the 56,000 American lives lost in Vietnam?

Thread topic: Not Iraq.

Please try to keep up on current events.

The fact you refuse to talk about it just shows your trying to utilize four people that were killed as political tools.
You want a thread about Iraq, start one.

BTW, I didn't support invading Iraq.

Now, quit trying to change the subject from Benghazi and the highly questionable nature of the source of "facts" listed in the OP.
Media Maters is the proven deliberate leftist apologist hack source linked in the OP. Fox is not.

Yelling FOX NEWS! doesn't change the nature of Media Matters.

Calling Media Matters leftist doesn't change any facts they doesn't show any inconsistencies with their reports. The fact that they are left leaning matters how? Can you disprove anything they are stating? I can disprove plenty of things Fox News says, so if Media Matters is so much worse that shouldn't be too hard.

Left Wing relies on Knowledge

Right Wing relies on Ignorance
Media Matters doesn't deal in facts. They deal in political spin from, of, by and for the hard left. That is an undeniable fact.

The left relies upon lies and propaganda. Also a fact.

Fox News isn't even relevant.

Their entire company is based on being a fact checker...they literally "only" deal in facts.

How long do you think people would listen to a fact checker that gets discredited by only reporting propaganda? They wouldn't last long. If you actually read anything from Media Matters you'd see they are a well organized think group that drives Fox News CRAZY for busting them so many times. Media Matters has been instrumental in getting Glenn Beck fired from Fox.
How about the 56,000 American lives lost in Vietnam?

Thread topic: Not Iraq.

Please try to keep up on current events.

The fact you refuse to talk about it just shows your trying to utilize four people that were killed as political tools.

Clinton fucked up as she didn't bring in enough protecting for a war zone. This is the fuck up.

The thread is about Benghazi, but Matthew, you and I agree. Iraq was a giant fuck up. Bush didn't lie. It does not matter. The war was a mistake.
CBS' Lara Logan, producer on leave after discredited Benghazi report -

Republicans And Right-Wing Media Championed Discredited 60 Minutes Benghazi Report | Research | Media Matters for America

Republican and conservative media figures lauded a report from CBS' 60 Minutes on the September 2012 Benghazi attacks, using it to advance their attacks on the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton. But that report has since come under fire following the revelation that the piece's key Benghazi "eyewitness" had previously claimed he was nowhere near the compound on the night of the attack.

The media, the enemy of the GOP, seems to feel this is not important anymore....oh yeah, since they were the ones who promoted the GOP lie.

Are we to believe the same network that produced false documentation about Bush would lie again? You can bet your bibby. Just ask Dan Rather.
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Calling Media Matters leftist doesn't change any facts they doesn't show any inconsistencies with their reports. The fact that they are left leaning matters how? Can you disprove anything they are stating? I can disprove plenty of things Fox News says, so if Media Matters is so much worse that shouldn't be too hard.

Left Wing relies on Knowledge

Right Wing relies on Ignorance
Media Matters doesn't deal in facts. They deal in political spin from, of, by and for the hard left. That is an undeniable fact.

The left relies upon lies and propaganda. Also a fact.

Fox News isn't even relevant.

Their entire company is based on being a fact checker...they literally "only" deal in facts.

How long do you think people would listen to a fact checker that gets discredited by only reporting propaganda? They wouldn't last long. If you actually read anything from Media Matters you'd see they are a well organized think group that drives Fox News CRAZY for busting them so many times. Media Matters has been instrumental in getting Glenn Beck fired from Fox.
Their entire company is built upon dispensing leftist groupthink propaganda.

I'm sorry that you are such a blind true believer Borgbot to recognize the fact.

And Beck left Fox on his own volition.
Voter Suppression, Gerrymandering, and False Scandals....

That's basically all the GOP has these days, forget about being a legitimate party.

Just keep on with your bullshit. Too funny. Even South Africa requires voter ID for all their elections. Only in America is it considered voter suppression.

And gerrymandering? Ha! D's do it too. Really truly don't play holier than thou.

This is a picture of Maryland's Third District. Democrats drew this one up for Rep. John Sarbanes.


This is for Illinois 4th for Rep. Luis Gutierrez. Democrats drew this one throwing in as many Hispanics as possible.

Media Matters doesn't deal in facts. They deal in political spin from, of, by and for the hard left. That is an undeniable fact.

The left relies upon lies and propaganda. Also a fact.

Fox News isn't even relevant.

Their entire company is based on being a fact checker...they literally "only" deal in facts.

How long do you think people would listen to a fact checker that gets discredited by only reporting propaganda? They wouldn't last long. If you actually read anything from Media Matters you'd see they are a well organized think group that drives Fox News CRAZY for busting them so many times. Media Matters has been instrumental in getting Glenn Beck fired from Fox.
Their entire company is built upon dispensing leftist groupthink propaganda.

I'm sorry that you are such a blind true believer Borgbot to recognize the fact.

And Beck left Fox on his own volition.

No he didn't. He left because advertisers didn't want to be associated with him so Fox wasn't making any money by hosting him.

and their entire company is built upon fact checking news outlets.

How about this sad little fact for you:

The Republican Investigative Committee charge with looking into the Benghazi incident FAILED to come up with any scandal which would place blame on the Obama Administration. IT DIDN'T WORK...GET OVER IT!
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Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

I would be shocked, except you side with libs all the time. At least you made me laugh.
Republican lies? Jesus H. Christ! Al Qaeda was burning embassies in Egypt. 9/11 anniversary was coming up. Dims blame republicans for cutting funding. Would it have bankrupted us to take precaution and sent a platoon of Marines as was requested? And a platoon of Marines would have done the job. Dims own the deaths of 4 brave Americans 100%. Video my ass. But at this point what difference does it make?
Their entire company is based on being a fact checker...they literally "only" deal in facts.

How long do you think people would listen to a fact checker that gets discredited by only reporting propaganda? They wouldn't last long. If you actually read anything from Media Matters you'd see they are a well organized think group that drives Fox News CRAZY for busting them so many times. Media Matters has been instrumental in getting Glenn Beck fired from Fox.
Their entire company is built upon dispensing leftist groupthink propaganda.

I'm sorry that you are such a blind true believer Borgbot to recognize the fact.

And Beck left Fox on his own volition.

No he didn't. He left because advertisers didn't want to be associated with him so Fox wasn't making any money by hosting him.

and their entire company is built upon fact checking news outlets.

How about this sad little fact for you:

The Republican Investigative Committee charge with looking into the Benghazi incident FAILED to come up with any scandal which would place blame on the Obama Administration. IT DIDN'T WORK...GET OVER IT!
You are now officially boring. And a hack.

And if you think that the republicans don't have a vested interested in papering over bureaucratic incompetence that could punch them in the face, then there's even less hope for you than I had already imagined.

Go play in cyber traffic.
You guys are right. That is why the Obama Administration was sued by Justice Watch due to its failure to comply with Federal Law and the Freedom of Information Act to release any information on Benghazi.

Still think an internet video was the cause?

Happy four American's were killed and no one has been brought to justice?

Fucking asswipes.

Republicans let Bin Laden go and were so happy, they sent young Americans into the wrong country to "celebrate".

Fucking shitstains.

Not just republicans. Gore, Clinton, Kerry and others were in on it as well.
Voter Suppression, Gerrymandering, and False Scandals....

That's basically all the GOP has these days, forget about being a legitimate party.

Just keep on with your bullshit. Too funny. Even South Africa requires voter ID for all their elections. Only in America is it considered voter suppression.

And gerrymandering? Ha! D's do it too. Really truly don't play holier than thou.

This is a picture of Maryland's Third District. Democrats drew this one up for Rep. John Sarbanes.


This is for Illinois 4th for Rep. Luis Gutierrez. Democrats drew this one throwing in as many Hispanics as possible.


Considering in Illinois the democrats won the vote with 57% of house votes and Maryland they won with 63% it's not like they depend on Gerrymandering, it's an advantage of 2-3 seats between both states, whoop dee doo.

In Ohio alone it's more like 5 seats for Republicans.
You guys are right. That is why the Obama Administration was sued by Justice Watch due to its failure to comply with Federal Law and the Freedom of Information Act to release any information on Benghazi.

Still think an internet video was the cause?

Happy four American's were killed and no one has been brought to justice?

Fucking asswipes.

Was anyone brought to justice for the thousands of Americans killed in Iraq?

Aren't you moving the goalposts?
Their entire company is built upon dispensing leftist groupthink propaganda.

I'm sorry that you are such a blind true believer Borgbot to recognize the fact.

And Beck left Fox on his own volition.

No he didn't. He left because advertisers didn't want to be associated with him so Fox wasn't making any money by hosting him.

and their entire company is built upon fact checking news outlets.

How about this sad little fact for you:

The Republican Investigative Committee charge with looking into the Benghazi incident FAILED to come up with any scandal which would place blame on the Obama Administration. IT DIDN'T WORK...GET OVER IT!
You are now officially boring. And a hack.

And if you think that the republicans don't have a vested interested in papering over bureaucratic incompetence that could punch them in the face, then there's even less hope for you than I had already imagined.

Go play in cyber traffic.

So after I win yet again against right wing idiots it results in personal attacks yet again....this is something new, not.
So would we.

Great, here's your big chance to speak the truth! If I'm wrong, show me!

If you REALLY wanted to know the truth, it is out is your friend. Do you know how many times we've posted links to this truth? If you missed it, it's not my fault. I'm also no wasting my time anymore. If you really want the truth, you would do your own research. We already have.

Sorry - when YOU or your constituents make a claim, the onus is on YOU to prove your case! Not the other way around.

You already have????

Jesus H Christ!!!

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