GOP Losing Secular Kamikaze Campaign Issue To Iraqi Successes Containing Secular ISIL Again!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Noted worldwide--that GOP supports Moslem Alliance Deal Buster, Donald Trump--is the further evidence of Iraqi forces retaking Ramadi, Anbar Province capital. The forces of USA are not centerpiece recruiting video stars--like Trump and Rubio intend, spreading hate and lies. The Iraqis can instead create a Moslem timetable, to concentrate themselves on recruiting Sunni forces to stabilize the Containment of Secular ISIL, underway! A GOP "Weapons of Mass Destruction inspired" invasion is clearly counter-productive at this time. Likely the Iraqi forces have no need of Republican Supported, Blustering Videos, at this time. Senator Graham lapsed his own U.S. intervention strategy, folding up his own campaign in recent days.

Much as Secular Kamikaze activity increased on two Continents in recent weeks: The Middle Eastern Secular Kamikaze base is losing ground and material support. Like elsewhere noted, even the refineries are being taken away from the Secular Crusade for a materialist confederacy on the ground, run by Sunni. No successor to Mohammed is claimed. Nothing religious supported has happened in the recent months and years.

So the likelihood of a Republican voter turnout is easily said diminishing. The focus of the Trump campaign in Iowa, so far, is on Yiddish things(?). Trump is not about USA, or even GOP. Iowa is not Urban New York City. Mostly even Ben Carson had a chance in Iowa, with the various Evangelical communities. Seems that Carson has trouble with the Evangelical Christian concept of assisting refugees without exception!

The forces of Mideast boots on the ground are gaining ascendancy, and territory. They are Moslems. Indirectly, they are not thought to be welcome in the United States by Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Bush, Christie, Kasich, Fiorina, or Paul, Paul, et. al. On the one hand, the Secular Kamikazes cannot say that the Iraqi forces are USA-well-liked or well-respected, or well-regarded. On the other hand, the Secular Kamikaze recruiters can point to the Republican Party--misrepresenting the Christian Evangelical, Refugee Support concepts: Of usual Christian teaching. Instead the Secular Kamikazes can say that "The West" is fervently anti-Moslem, intending them starved and slaughtered. Generally, the Secular Kamikazes can point to recent Republican history in the region. Favorable alliances are not the partisan, Republican brand. The pro-Secular-Kamikaze lengths to which the Republicans intend to go are on videos worldwide. The Republicans can only now hate Moslems as usual.

So instead of a partisan campaign, more likely it can be better said that the usual Republican Fifth Column strategy is even, "Born Again(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Denial of existence of lethal snake venom: Not generally thought a viable plan!)
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what ever happened to the translator ring we used to have on here?
desperation is showing
The Republican Desperation is now on videotapes worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many worldwide maybe wondering just when Fox News became Yiddish-Language centered(?)!)
The Republican Desperation is now on videotapes worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many worldwide maybe wondering just when Fox News became Yiddish-Language centered(?)!)

and you are a good little DNC tool. and your desperation is showing. I hope they pay good
Republican Party Despised Moslem troops are winning on the ground in Iraq. Senator Graham, possibly on behalf of RNC, graciously dropped out of the presidential nomination campaign, having goofed by proposing hating Moslems, and sending in 10,000 U.S. Nationals instead.

Next there can be Rubio: Who has either proposed sending in Stallone, or the 10,000 armed with Smart Phones--to take some videos to post on social media(?).

And then there is Trump! And maybe there is Bush? And then there is Cruz(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Goldwater offered a "Choice, Not An Echo!" Now the chorus is an echo from every mountain(?)!)
Noted worldwide--that GOP supports Moslem Alliance Deal Buster, Donald Trump--is the further evidence of Iraqi forces retaking Ramadi, Anbar Province capital. The forces of USA are not centerpiece recruiting video stars--like Trump and Rubio intend, spreading hate and lies. The Iraqis can instead create a Moslem timetable, to concentrate themselves on recruiting Sunni forces to stabilize the Containment of Secular ISIL, underway! A GOP "Weapons of Mass Destruction inspired" invasion is clearly counter-productive at this time. Likely the Iraqi forces have no need of Republican Supported, Blustering Videos, at this time. Senator Graham lapsed his own U.S. intervention strategy, folding up his own campaign in recent days.

Much as Secular Kamikaze activity increased on two Continents in recent weeks: The Middle Eastern Secular Kamikaze base is losing ground and material support. Like elsewhere noted, even the refineries are being taken away from the Secular Crusade for a materialist confederacy on the ground, run by Sunni. No successor to Mohammed is claimed. Nothing religious supported has happened in the recent months and years.

So the likelihood of a Republican voter turnout is easily said diminishing. The focus of the Trump campaign in Iowa, so far, is on Yiddish things(?). Trump is not about USA, or even GOP. Iowa is not Urban New York City. Mostly even Ben Carson had a chance in Iowa, with the various Evangelical communities. Seems that Carson has trouble with the Evangelical Christian concept of assisting refugees without exception!

The forces of Mideast boots on the ground are gaining ascendancy, and territory. They are Moslems. Indirectly, they are not thought to be welcome in the United States by Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Bush, Christie, Kasich, Fiorina, or Paul, Paul, et. al. On the one hand, the Secular Kamikazes cannot say that the Iraqi forces are USA-well-liked or well-respected, or well-regarded. On the other hand, the Secular Kamikaze recruiters can point to the Republican Party--misrepresenting the Christian Evangelical, Refugee Support concepts: Of usual Christian teaching. Instead the Secular Kamikazes can say that "The West" is fervently anti-Moslem, intending them starved and slaughtered. Generally, the Secular Kamikazes can point to recent Republican history in the region. Favorable alliances are not the partisan, Republican brand. The pro-Secular-Kamikaze lengths to which the Republicans intend to go are on videos worldwide. The Republicans can only now hate Moslems as usual.

So instead of a partisan campaign, more likely it can be better said that the usual Republican Fifth Column strategy is even, "Born Again(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Denial of existence of lethal snake venom: Not generally thought a viable plan!)

What the hell are "secular Kamikazis?"
Secular Kamikazes did the Paris Shootings. Secular Kamikazes did the San Bernardino Shootings. Secular Kamikazes are like the losing side in WWII, with the US Fleet approaching.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Secular Kamikazes need Great Spirit to claim a religious movement: Like "Seven Come Eleven" on Lands of Many Nations!)
Secular Kamikazes did the Paris Shootings. Secular Kamikazes did the San Bernardino Shootings. Secular Kamikazes are like the losing side in WWII, with the US Fleet approaching.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Secular Kamikazes need Great Spirit to claim a religious movement: Like "Seven Come Eleven" on Lands of Many Nations!)
Wrong. Muslims did the Paris shootings. They claimed to be Muslims, and I see no reason to dispute their claims.
Secular Kamikazes did the Paris Shootings. Secular Kamikazes did the San Bernardino Shootings. Secular Kamikazes are like the losing side in WWII, with the US Fleet approaching.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Secular Kamikazes need Great Spirit to claim a religious movement: Like "Seven Come Eleven" on Lands of Many Nations!)
Wrong. Muslims did the Paris shootings. They claimed to be Muslims, and I see no reason to dispute their claims.

secular totally fucked you pea brain didn't it?


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