GOP lunatics use Obama as an excuse to hate on the worthless GOP majority they voted for.

Its not me...It's Jesus

You said you didn't understand. The anger on the right is one of the most important memes out there in the US today.

I'm offering to explain it to you, quickly and easily.

Do you want to know, or do you prefer to remain ignorant?

Its an open what you want
You don't require my permission and I am not offering any

I will probably mock what you post you are better off remaining silent

I can't show you without a tiny amount of effort from you.

I assumed that you would still refuse to accept the truth, but I am willing to try.

Three sentences, and then you can go back to normal, for you.

Do you want to know the reason for the anger?

I refuse to allow you to post the reason

YOur barriers to communication are even greater than I expected.

Though it is interesting that you are afraid to open yourself up to even the potential of hearing the other side.

On some level, you know that your HOuse of Cards is built on a Foundation of LIes.

You had your you are forbidden to post your reasons

You blew it
You said you didn't understand. The anger on the right is one of the most important memes out there in the US today.

I'm offering to explain it to you, quickly and easily.

Do you want to know, or do you prefer to remain ignorant?

Its an open what you want
You don't require my permission and I am not offering any

I will probably mock what you post you are better off remaining silent

I can't show you without a tiny amount of effort from you.

I assumed that you would still refuse to accept the truth, but I am willing to try.

Three sentences, and then you can go back to normal, for you.

Do you want to know the reason for the anger?

I refuse to allow you to post the reason

YOur barriers to communication are even greater than I expected.

Though it is interesting that you are afraid to open yourself up to even the potential of hearing the other side.

On some level, you know that your HOuse of Cards is built on a Foundation of LIes.

You had your you are forbidden to post your reasons

You blew it

Communication is a two way street. I clearly told you that it would require a "tiny" effort from you.

YOu have refused.

YOu would rather remain ignorant of one cause of the most important developments of the last 50 years.
Its an open what you want
You don't require my permission and I am not offering any

I will probably mock what you post you are better off remaining silent

I can't show you without a tiny amount of effort from you.

I assumed that you would still refuse to accept the truth, but I am willing to try.

Three sentences, and then you can go back to normal, for you.

Do you want to know the reason for the anger?

I refuse to allow you to post the reason

YOur barriers to communication are even greater than I expected.

Though it is interesting that you are afraid to open yourself up to even the potential of hearing the other side.

On some level, you know that your HOuse of Cards is built on a Foundation of LIes.

You had your you are forbidden to post your reasons

You blew it

Communication is a two way street. I clearly told you that it would require a "tiny" effort from you.

YOu have refused.

YOu would rather remain ignorant of one cause of the most important developments of the last 50 years.

Damn I make you my bitch or what?
I can't show you without a tiny amount of effort from you.

I assumed that you would still refuse to accept the truth, but I am willing to try.

Three sentences, and then you can go back to normal, for you.

Do you want to know the reason for the anger?

I refuse to allow you to post the reason

YOur barriers to communication are even greater than I expected.

Though it is interesting that you are afraid to open yourself up to even the potential of hearing the other side.

On some level, you know that your HOuse of Cards is built on a Foundation of LIes.

You had your you are forbidden to post your reasons

You blew it

Communication is a two way street. I clearly told you that it would require a "tiny" effort from you.

YOu have refused.

YOu would rather remain ignorant of one cause of the most important developments of the last 50 years.

Damn I make you my bitch or what?

I was willing to attempt to communicate to you a very important and very large piece of information that you have been hiding from for several decades.

You are the one that was afraid of that.

You wish to remain ignorant.

Now you are trying to tell yourself that this is a win for you...

I refuse to allow you to post the reason

YOur barriers to communication are even greater than I expected.

Though it is interesting that you are afraid to open yourself up to even the potential of hearing the other side.

On some level, you know that your HOuse of Cards is built on a Foundation of LIes.

You had your you are forbidden to post your reasons

You blew it

Communication is a two way street. I clearly told you that it would require a "tiny" effort from you.

YOu have refused.

YOu would rather remain ignorant of one cause of the most important developments of the last 50 years.

Damn I make you my bitch or what?

I was willing to attempt to communicate to you a very important and very large piece of information that you have been hiding from for several decades.

You are the one that was afraid of that.

You wish to remain ignorant.

Now you are trying to tell yourself that this is a win for you...


I have already told you that you are not allowed to post it
YOur barriers to communication are even greater than I expected.

Though it is interesting that you are afraid to open yourself up to even the potential of hearing the other side.

On some level, you know that your HOuse of Cards is built on a Foundation of LIes.

You had your you are forbidden to post your reasons

You blew it

Communication is a two way street. I clearly told you that it would require a "tiny" effort from you.

YOu have refused.

YOu would rather remain ignorant of one cause of the most important developments of the last 50 years.

Damn I make you my bitch or what?

I was willing to attempt to communicate to you a very important and very large piece of information that you have been hiding from for several decades.

You are the one that was afraid of that.

You wish to remain ignorant.

Now you are trying to tell yourself that this is a win for you...


I have already told you that you are not allowed to post it

And I repeatedly told you that I couldn't do it without a "tiny" effort from you.

And here you are lying about that...

To what end, i can't imagine.

My intent was not that big of a thing. Your fear seems much larger than is appropriate.
The question is, "Is the country better off than it was when Obama because president".

Republicans left the economy in tatters.
They helped move millions of jobs overseas
They helped close tens of thousands of factories
They wanted the auto industry to go bankrupt
Medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy
They went to war on a credit card
They redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%

That's what they left Obama a mere 7 years ago. You would have to be a turd to deny it. So there are lots of GOP turds. Not even Christ could fix the mess the GOP left even with the help of congress. The congress Obama has is treasonous. It can hardly be denied.

The question is, "Is the country better off than it was when Obama because president".

Republicans left the economy in tatters.
They helped move millions of jobs overseas
They helped close tens of thousands of factories
They wanted the auto industry to go bankrupt
Medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy
They went to war on a credit card
They redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%

That's what they left Obama a mere 7 years ago. You would have to be a turd to deny it. So there are lots of GOP turds. Not even Christ could fix the mess the GOP left even with the help of congress. The congress Obama has is treasonous. It can hardly be denied.


and what's even funnier is after blacks and other minorities voted for obummer, they still have nothing but slave status. The DNC buying votes, telling the blacks and other minorities we'll redistribute the money, and yet, squaller, segregation, crime in their neighborhoods. You're right, you can't make this shit up. unkept promise after promise and failure to provide.
And after all that, they blame the republicans, and the
POS blacks believe it.
It shouldn't be too hard for even angry lefties to remember when democrats gained the majority during Bush's second term. What was the first thing the democrat senate majority tackled? Was it the economy or foreign policy? Wrong, the senate majority decided that steroid use in baseball was the number one issue for Americans. Meanwhile the House elected Barney Frank as Banking chairperson which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. Under Frank's "leadership" Fannie Mae collapsed bringing down the entire international economy. Nobody ever asked Frank if he was just stupid or incompetent or if he intentionally undermined the economy as the biggest October surprise in history. Meanwhile both the domocrat controlled senate and the house undermined the Military mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't accept the charges from radical angry lefties that the current Republican majority in congress was a do-nothing endeavor but even if it was it was better than a bunch of democrat party ignorant traitors who's apparent mission was to destroy the U.S. during a republican administration.
On your best effin day, you can't make this shit up. White conservative voters who foolishly gave a majority to both the house and senate found out very quickly after celebrating in 014, that once again, their party is nothing but a party that scares them into votes and then do absolutely nothing once in office. Time and time again, conservative voters waste thier votes on mentally challenged candidates; who's sole purpose is to receive a 6 figure welfare check and government perks off the backs of the working class poor and middle class in this country.

It makes my stomach churn witnessing over and over and over Obama; trying to reach across the isle to these mindless mentally challenged white men, trying to get shit done and these conservative cowards all afraid of losing their cushion jobs in their gerrymandered districts from compromising with the BLACK GUY IN THE WHITE nothing gets done.

HOWEVER, instead of blaming their worthless party, they turn on Obama and then turn to fools like Trump and Cruz for salvation. Trump who don't know is arm pit from his ass hole and Cruz who would rather shut down a country, just to get his own way....than compromise on what's best for everyone.

To this day, I am still trying to figure out just what the hell OBama has done for conservatives to feel this country is no longer theirs....For the last 8 years, Obama has kissed more white ass, than a nigga hangin out in a white girls sorority over night.

Like I said, white folks will blame Democrats, Obama, minorities, negros...everybody, but that pale pink reflection they see in the MIRROR!

You have to keep in mind that American conservatives are morons
They believed that once they took Congress, they could now do anything they want and Obama is powerless.

Repeal Obamacare, Keystone, end gay marriage, kill Planned Parenthood

The idea that they would actually have to find a middle ground with the President was repulsive to them. So they pass useless legislation, it gets killed and then conservative voters blame the politicians who promised them the moon

That is why we get Trump

This is what makes conservatives America's nightmare.....they're always looking to something or for someone to guide their party into this by gone days of yesteryear; when white people ruled every motherfuckin thing. They rushed to Reagan and we ended up with the cold war with Russia, they then ran to the fake Bible eaters, got burnt, then they turned to the Tea party and ended up with a bunch of Ted Cruz nuts and now they're turning to Trump and next time, it'll be someone else, then some else, anybody or anything to keep these people aloof and stuck. Conservatives seem to admire, support and wish for...people are literally out to destroy them. And they turn on anyone that makes sense????
It shouldn't be too hard for even angry lefties to remember when democrats gained the majority during Bush's second term. What was the first thing the democrat senate majority tackled? Was it the economy or foreign policy? Wrong, the senate majority decided that steroid use in baseball was the number one issue for Americans. Meanwhile the House elected Barney Frank as Banking chairperson which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. Under Frank's "leadership" Fannie Mae collapsed bringing down the entire international economy. Nobody ever asked Frank if he was just stupid or incompetent or if he intentionally undermined the economy as the biggest October surprise in history. Meanwhile both the domocrat controlled senate and the house undermined the Military mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't accept the charges from radical angry lefties that the current Republican majority in congress was a do-nothing endeavor but even if it was it was better than a bunch of democrat party ignorant traitors who's apparent mission was to destroy the U.S. during a republican administration.

Uh, Bush was left with a surplus, our economy wasn't in shambles, we weren't fighting 3 fuckin wars all at once and you white motherfuckers wasn't bat shit crazy fuckin over nigga's and the country... Either restate your bullshit with those facts or shut the fuck up!!
and what's even funnier is after blacks and other minorities voted for obummer, they still have nothing but slave status. The DNC buying votes, telling the blacks and other minorities we'll redistribute the money, and yet, squaller, segregation, crime in their neighborhoods. You're right, you can't make this shit up. unkept promise after promise and failure to provide.
And after all that, they blame the republicans, and the
POS blacks believe it.

I do believe that republicans calling them "POS blacks" has something to do with it
It shouldn't be too hard for even angry lefties to remember when democrats gained the majority during Bush's second term. What was the first thing the democrat senate majority tackled? Was it the economy or foreign policy? Wrong, the senate majority decided that steroid use in baseball was the number one issue for Americans. Meanwhile the House elected Barney Frank as Banking chairperson which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. Under Frank's "leadership" Fannie Mae collapsed bringing down the entire international economy. Nobody ever asked Frank if he was just stupid or incompetent or if he intentionally undermined the economy as the biggest October surprise in history. Meanwhile both the domocrat controlled senate and the house undermined the Military mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't accept the charges from radical angry lefties that the current Republican majority in congress was a do-nothing endeavor but even if it was it was better than a bunch of democrat party ignorant traitors who's apparent mission was to destroy the U.S. during a republican administration.
Again the myth that Fannie Mae wrote bad loans, borrowers defaulted and Fannie Mae collapsed all within seven months of Barnie Frank taking over an oversight committee
It shouldn't be too hard for even angry lefties to remember when democrats gained the majority during Bush's second term. What was the first thing the democrat senate majority tackled? Was it the economy or foreign policy? Wrong, the senate majority decided that steroid use in baseball was the number one issue for Americans. Meanwhile the House elected Barney Frank as Banking chairperson which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. Under Frank's "leadership" Fannie Mae collapsed bringing down the entire international economy. Nobody ever asked Frank if he was just stupid or incompetent or if he intentionally undermined the economy as the biggest October surprise in history. Meanwhile both the domocrat controlled senate and the house undermined the Military mission in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't accept the charges from radical angry lefties that the current Republican majority in congress was a do-nothing endeavor but even if it was it was better than a bunch of democrat party ignorant traitors who's apparent mission was to destroy the U.S. during a republican administration.
Again the myth that Fannie Mae wrote bad loans, borrowers defaulted and Fannie Mae collapsed all within seven months of Barnie Frank taking over an oversight committee

No one is saying the problems there STARTED under him.

But he denied they existed and then it blew up our economy.

He deserves a big heaping portion of the blame.
and what's even funnier is after blacks and other minorities voted for obummer, they still have nothing but slave status. The DNC buying votes, telling the blacks and other minorities we'll redistribute the money, and yet, squaller, segregation, crime in their neighborhoods. You're right, you can't make this shit up. unkept promise after promise and failure to provide.
And after all that, they blame the republicans, and the
POS blacks believe it.

I do believe that republicans calling them "POS blacks" has something to do with it
Yeah post a link stupid fk!

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