GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

* Tactic would be alternative to government shutdown threat on Obamacare

* Cantor aide says debt limit could be way to try to force action

* Another leadership aide says there are discussions but no decision yet

By Caren Bohan

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican lawmakers, who staunchly oppose President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, are considering using a fall showdown over the country's borrowing limit as leverage to try to delay the law's implementation.

Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says
Leverage means strong arming?

The idea is gaining traction among Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, aides said on Wednesday. An aide to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said the debt limit is a "good leverage point" to try to force some action on the healthcare law known as "Obamacare."
Seems the Right Wing Extremists do believe they can "talk away" ACA .....

Keeps them busy and hoping and dreaming - and out of trouble with the ladies.

There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Damn but you are stupid. Are you really so ignorant that you think single payer will be cheaper for anyone?

65% of americans want obamacare killed, the republicans are doing the right thing.

AND, the debt ceiling should not be raised------we are already 17 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Do you think deficit spending can go on forever?
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Damn but you are stupid. Are you really so ignorant that you think single payer will be cheaper for anyone?

65% of americans want obamacare killed, the republicans are doing the right thing.

AND, the debt ceiling should not be raised------we are already 17 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Do you think deficit spending can go on forever?

I did not say that "single payer will be cheaper for anyone"? You said that.

You cannot support the 65% at all.

I am telling you what will happen, Redfish, if we try to leverage the debt ceiling.

The move will end up with single payer as the response to our actions.

That is the result of your ignorance.
Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

* Tactic would be alternative to government shutdown threat on Obamacare

* Cantor aide says debt limit could be way to try to force action

* Another leadership aide says there are discussions but no decision yet

By Caren Bohan

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican lawmakers, who staunchly oppose President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, are considering using a fall showdown over the country's borrowing limit as leverage to try to delay the law's implementation.

Republicans Could Use Debt Limit As Leverage On Obamacare, Aide Says

Great idea. Why the hell do you think that Obama, congress, the IRS and unions demanded to be exempt from Obamacare? It's because it is too expensive, too intrusive and just plain sucks. It's not good enough for Pelosi and the other idiots who passed it. That means it is not good enough for the rest of us and it needs to be repealed. They pulled a fast one to shove it through by gutting a different bill. The House did not pass this revenue raising bill, as required by the constitution.

Obama is lying out of both sides of his mouth to make it appear that Obamacare is legal. He has to tell the people and congress that it's not a tax because otherwise it would have to pass the House first. He told SCOTUS that is it a tax so they would uphold it because they would have shot it down if it wasn't a tax.

Which is it? Either way, it is not constitutional. You can't say it is simply by having it be a tax only when in the Supreme Court and not a tax where congress is concerned.

If it was a decent plan, congress, the president, the IRS and everyone else would want to be included. Such is not the case. Are you okay with congress saying it's unfair to force them to participate? Why are no liberals able to defend the exemptions?
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Damn but you are stupid. Are you really so ignorant that you think single payer will be cheaper for anyone?

65% of americans want obamacare killed, the republicans are doing the right thing.

AND, the debt ceiling should not be raised------we are already 17 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Do you think deficit spending can go on forever?

I did not say that "single payer will be cheaper for anyone"? You said that.

You cannot support the 65% at all.

I am telling you what will happen, Redfish, if we try to leverage the debt ceiling.

The move will end up with single payer as the response to our actions.

That is the result of your ignorance.

right, the latest poll says 52% want it repealed Americans Want Obamacare Repeal, Worry It's Less Likely |

last time I checked, 52% was a majority.

The GOP needs to stop worrying about the next election and do what needs to be done to prevent the fiscal disaster that we are on the brink of.

They need to stand firm on not raising the debt ceiling and defund obamacare.

If doing the right thing means that dems take over the country----then the country deserves to become a large version of Detroit.
52% is not 68% (your false figure), and the 52% is only about various parts of ACA. And the opposed figure has been dwindling.

"doing the right thing" means the Dems will ram complete socialized health care down our throats forever.
Cruz, Rubio, and Lee have been stuck for 3 months on 13 Republican Senators who support "leverage" (blackmail) to try to defund or weaken ACA.

And that number won't change.

So, when you can't get what you want democratically and legally - you lie, cheat and steal - the Republican way ...

65% of americans want obamacare killed, the republicans are doing the right thing.

No, 61% approve ACA, or want a stronger ACA with single payer.

Just 34% 'disapprove' - whatever that means ....


Give us some cites, please.


"According to the poll, 43% of the public says it supports the health care law, a figure that's mostly unchanged in CNN polling since the measure was passed in 2010 by a Congress then controlled by Democrats and signed into law by President Barack Obama. Fifty-four percent of those questioned say they oppose the law, also relatively unchanged since 2010.

The survey indicates that 35% oppose the health care law because it's too liberal, with 16% saying they oppose the measure because it isn't liberal enough.

Poll: Do you support or oppose the health care law? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Then, 43% approve + 16% want a stronger single payer plan = 59% want the current or stronger ACA

(sorry, 59% not the 61% I stated)

35% disapprove.

It seems unlikely Republicans can rely on the 16% Democrats who want single payer to repeal or defund ACA.

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OK. The GOP doesn't like the ACA. But what we have right now is way more expensive, per capita, than in the other 18 industrial democracies, fails to cover a significant percentage of our citizens, and has a much poorer outcome. Our infant mortality is third world.

So what is the GOP solution? "Let him die, let him die".

Yes, we will eventually get a universal single payer health care system. Call it anything you want, a great many citizens of this nation will be calling it a godsend. And, like Social Security, the GOP will find themselves on the losing end of progress once again.
OK. The GOP doesn't like the ACA. But what we have right now is way more expensive, per capita, than in the other 18 industrial democracies, fails to cover a significant percentage of our citizens, and has a much poorer outcome. Our infant mortality is third world.

So what is the GOP solution? "Let him die, let him die".

Yes, we will eventually get a universal single payer health care system. Call it anything you want, a great many citizens of this nation will be calling it a godsend. And, like Social Security, the GOP will find themselves on the losing end of progress once again.

Very accurate.

The U.S. today has the most expense Health Care system in the World, and we are 35th in the World in delivery of this system to it's citizens.

Expensive, and unavailable - in a nutshell.

Conservatives are too consumed by ideology to even be part of the conversation - they have nothing to offer our country.

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here we go with this damn DEBT CEILING AGAIN...what do the LEFTIES care about they whine more over OBAMACARE might not get funded

They so care about how this DEPT is going to be on their childrens and grandchildrens backs...

NO, GOTTA fund some monster government EXPANSION by the dear Leader we the PEOPLE couldn't AFFORD TO BEGIN WITH
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Stephanie and katzndogz are merely from the reactionary right.
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just fucking defund the monstrosity...and let the chips fall where they's worth it.....

how long do you think the Dims will shut down the government....? i doubt they could stomach it for long.....The People aren't stupid....they will figure out who is doing what....

NOW is the time to FIGHT....if not now...when....?
The TPM time is over, Screaming Eagle. Fight it or not fight it, there is nothing the reactionary right can do about it.

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