GOP minority outreach no. 674-D

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.

but the blacks won't get out and vote for wrinkled up white chick ...

like hell they wont


Sure...blacks will come out in the same numbers for Hillary that they did for Obama. :lol:

No sane person believes that. No one.

we'll see ... go eat a couple of cakes before you get a wrinkle on a fat roll.
Ok, this speaks for itself:

View attachment 36122

So, you really think that the Latino Community, which the GOP desperately needs to win in order to have a rat's chance of success in presidential elections, is not going to notice that Steve King, a member of Congress, just called a Latino a "deportable"?

That is just plain old stupid, but great news ----

--- for Hillary.

Why do you object to the truth? Most latinos I know object to illegals as much as most Americans, they know better than most the economic impact they are having on the country. BTW we have illegals from every country in the world, why does the left just try to make it about latinos?
The Dems are in serious trouble because they can't even get 40% of whites to vote for them. The last election cycle the Dems got only 37% of the white vote.

Keep in mind...whites are over 2/3 of the electorate.

Maybe instead of Libs worrying about how much of the Latino vote the GOP will get....they should worry about not losing white voters forever.

The usual idiot post by the OP. :(
Your idiocy has missed the fact the GOP peformed an "autopsy" after their loss to Obama for the second time and concluded they needed an "outreach" program for Hispanics.

Steve King is demonstrating the nature of that program. That's what this topic is about.

RNC Completes Autopsy on 2012 Loss Calls for Inclusion but No Policy Change - ABC News

GOP rolls out strategy to woo Hispanic voters - CBS News

We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate we care about them, too.

How's that going?

The Democrat Minority Outreach Program - pander, pander, pander

yep, they don't see a minority as a very smart person evidently. Of course it's the same for a woman. To them a woman can't SURVIVE without that party looking out for them. Myself I find their thinking offensive.

Hopefully the people has had enough of all their nonsense such as how the Gop doesn't plan on reaching out to minorities

Define reaching out to minorities.
Why do you object to the truth? Most latinos I know object to illegals as much as most Americans, they know better than most the economic impact they are having on the country.

Your anecdotal experience is worthless. Do you even know what "deportable" King was talking about?

He was talking about a college student in Texas who was brought here as a child. Do you seriously think most Latinos believe a kid like that should be deported?

Guess what? Survey after survey after survey show that 80 percent of all Americans believe illegals should be provided legal status and/or a path to citizenship. So the voices in your head you are calling "most latinos I know" are not representative of reality in any way.

The GOP has been on the wrong side of this issue, and they know it.

You are going to be very surprised when the GOP congress passes an amnesty bill.

BTW we have illegals from every country in the world, why does the left just try to make it about latinos?

Hey dumbshit. This topic is about a Republican who made it about Latinos. The same Republican who has harped about Mexican immigrants in the past.

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.

but the blacks won't get out and vote for wrinkled up white chick ...

like hell they wont


Sure...blacks will come out in the same numbers for Hillary that they did for Obama. :lol:

No sane person believes that. No one.

But blacks are going to vote against their own best interests by supporting the racist GOP instead?

All that voter suppression is just bringing them around in droves to sign up as Republicans, right?

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Why do you object to the truth? Most latinos I know object to illegals as much as most Americans, they know better than most the economic impact they are having on the country.

Your anecdotal experience is worthless. Do you even know what "deportable" King was talking about?

He was talking about a college student in Texas who was brought here as a child. Do you seriously think most Latinos believe a kid like that should be deported?

Guess what? Survey after survey after survey show that 80 percent of all Americans believe illegals should be provided legal status and/or a path to citizenship. So the voices in your head you are calling "most latinos I know" are not representative of reality in any way.

The GOP has been on the wrong side of this issue, and they know it.

You are going to be very surprised when the GOP congress passes an amnesty bill.

BTW we have illegals from every country in the world, why does the left just try to make it about latinos?

Hey dumbshit. This topic is about a Republican who made it about Latinos. The same Republican who has harped about Mexican immigrants in the past.

Really, King only said a deportable, there wan no mention of ethnicity. I thought you were more concerned about accuracy than that.
The large majority of Black people would vote for anyone other than a republican.

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.

but the blacks won't get out and vote for wrinkled up white chick ...

like hell they wont


Sure...blacks will come out in the same numbers for Hillary that they did for Obama. :lol:

No sane person believes that. No one.

But blacks are going to vote against their own best interests by supporting the racist GOP instead?

All that voter suppression is just bring them around in droves to sign up as Republicans, right?

The constant assault of stupidity on this forum is mind boggling.
From the GOP minority outreach book I linked to earlier:

It is imperative that the RNC changes how it engages with Hispanic communities to welcome
in new members of our Party.

If Hispanic Americans hear that the GOP doesn’t want them in the United States, they won’t pay
attention to our next sentence.

Send in the clowns!


We don't need no beaner votes!
The large majority of Black people would vote for anyone other than a republican.

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.

but the blacks won't get out and vote for wrinkled up white chick ...

like hell they wont


Sure...blacks will come out in the same numbers for Hillary that they did for Obama. :lol:

No sane person believes that. No one.

But blacks are going to vote against their own best interests by supporting the racist GOP instead?

All that voter suppression is just bring them around in droves to sign up as Republicans, right?

The constant assault of stupidity on this forum is mind boggling.

And look which room temp IQ's are leading that assault.
The Dems are in serious trouble because they can't even get 40% of whites to vote for them. The last election cycle the Dems got only 37% of the white vote.

Keep in mind...whites are over 2/3 of the electorate.

Maybe instead of Libs worrying about how much of the Latino vote the GOP will get....they should worry about not losing white voters forever.

The usual idiot post by the OP. :(


Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2012 Presidential Election



Hispanic 10

Yes, really.

obama got 39% of the white vote. Romney got 6% of the black vote. (and libs call Republicans racist for not voting for obama)

Read your own link, idiot.
The Dems are in serious trouble because they can't even get 40% of whites to vote for them. The last election cycle the Dems got only 37% of the white vote.

Keep in mind...whites are over 2/3 of the electorate.

Maybe instead of Libs worrying about how much of the Latino vote the GOP will get....they should worry about not losing white voters forever.

The usual idiot post by the OP. :(


Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2012 Presidential Election



Hispanic 10

Yes, really.

obama got 39% of the white vote. Romney got 6% of the black vote. (and libs call Republicans racist for not voting for obama)

Read your own link, idiot.

Romney was an idiot to insult 47% of the voters so it is hardly surprising that he got thumped at the polls.
Why do you object to the truth? Most latinos I know object to illegals as much as most Americans, they know better than most the economic impact they are having on the country.

Your anecdotal experience is worthless. Do you even know what "deportable" King was talking about?

He was talking about a college student in Texas who was brought here as a child. Do you seriously think most Latinos believe a kid like that should be deported?

Guess what? Survey after survey after survey show that 80 percent of all Americans believe illegals should be provided legal status and/or a path to citizenship. So the voices in your head you are calling "most latinos I know" are not representative of reality in any way.

The GOP has been on the wrong side of this issue, and they know it.

You are going to be very surprised when the GOP congress passes an amnesty bill.

BTW we have illegals from every country in the world, why does the left just try to make it about latinos?

Hey dumbshit. This topic is about a Republican who made it about Latinos. The same Republican who has harped about Mexican immigrants in the past.

Really, King only said a deportable, there wan no mention of ethnicity. I thought you were more concerned about accuracy than that.
The "deportable" is a Hispanic college student. And King has a history of targeting Hispanics.

‘We have to do something about the 11 million. Some of them are valedictorians.’ Well, my answer to that is…it’s true in some cases, but they aren’t all valedictorians. They weren’t all brought in by their parents. For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.

Notice he connects valedictorians to his Mexicans hauling marijuana across the desert fantasy? He is cutting down even hardworking Hispanic kids with that statement. He would throw the good out with the bad.

And what was the "deportable" he singled out? A college kid brought in by his parents.

And then there is this, which I linked to earlier: Steve King: Let's Not Worry About the Hispanic Vote

Off all the guests sitting with the First Lady, he targets the Hispanic kid.

The man's got a hard-on for Hispanics.
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Meanwhile Obama brags about how many Latino's he's deported and none of you leftwits think that hurts the Democratic party. Liberal = lie and talk out your ass.

Is that the argument that you think is going to help the GOP to attract Latino voters in 2016? Really?

I'm rubbing your liberal noses in the epic hypocrisy you are displaying.
Meanwhile Obama brags about how many Latino's he's deported and none of you leftwits think that hurts the Democratic party. Liberal = lie and talk out your ass.
You must think Latinos are stupid. They can see through the Reps racism. They see who is blocking the path to citizenship for the ones that are looking to get it with fear tactics and racism..

Again, Obama brags about how many latino's he's deported how is that not offensive to Latino's?
More from the last link:

Six-in-ten Hispanic adults in February said the increased number of deportations of unauthorized immigrants is a “bad thing,” while the U.S. general public was divided on the issue. And while 89% of Hispanics in 2013 said they support a pathway to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants who meet certain requirements, a majority (55%) said deportation relief is more important than a pathway to citizenship for this population.

So much for OKTexas' bullshit claim, "Most latinos I know object to illegals as much as most Americans".

Voices in his head. I'm tellin ya.
Why do you object to the truth? Most latinos I know object to illegals as much as most Americans, they know better than most the economic impact they are having on the country.

Your anecdotal experience is worthless. Do you even know what "deportable" King was talking about?

He was talking about a college student in Texas who was brought here as a child. Do you seriously think most Latinos believe a kid like that should be deported?

Guess what? Survey after survey after survey show that 80 percent of all Americans believe illegals should be provided legal status and/or a path to citizenship. So the voices in your head you are calling "most latinos I know" are not representative of reality in any way.

The GOP has been on the wrong side of this issue, and they know it.

You are going to be very surprised when the GOP congress passes an amnesty bill.

BTW we have illegals from every country in the world, why does the left just try to make it about latinos?

Hey dumbshit. This topic is about a Republican who made it about Latinos. The same Republican who has harped about Mexican immigrants in the past.

Really, King only said a deportable, there wan no mention of ethnicity. I thought you were more concerned about accuracy than that.
The "deportable" is a Hispanic college student. And King has a history of targeting Hispanics.

‘We have to do something about the 11 million. Some of them are valedictorians.’ Well, my answer to that is…it’s true in some cases, but they aren’t all valedictorians. They weren’t all brought in by their parents. For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.

Notice he connects valedictorians to his Mexicans hauling marijuana across the desert fantasy? He is cutting down even hardworking Hispanic kids with that statement. He would throw the good out with the bad.

And what was the "deportable" he singled out? A college kid brought in by his parents.

And then there is this, which I linked to earlier: Steve King: Let's Not Worry About the Hispanic Vote

Off all the guests sitting with the First Lady, he targets the Hispanic kid.

The man's got a hard-on for Hispanics.

So you're contending that there are no OTM's hauling drugs across the border? Once again there was no mention of ethnicity in his statement.

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