GOP minority outreach no. 674-D

If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Dem strategy is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote to win elections. Those numbers are eroding in both directions for Dems. Very bad if you want to win national elections. :(
Obama won with a low white vote and high collective "minority" vote. This trend is only going to get worse everytime the GOP opens its racist mouth and says something stupid and racist.. As usual you fail to analyze the situation with vision and intellect.

In other words, the white trash, guilt ridden white bleeding heart, also trash, and you black boys.
If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Dem strategy is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote to win elections. Those numbers are eroding in both directions for Dems. Very bad if you want to win national elections. :(
Obama won with a low white vote and high collective "minority" vote. This trend is only going to get worse everytime the GOP opens its racist mouth and says something stupid and racist.. As usual you fail to analyze the situation with vision and intellect.

Stupid shit from an idiot. :lol: Nobody thinks blacks are gonna turn out for an old, tired, wrinkly white woman like Hillary the way they did for Obama.

The Dems are in serious trouble in 2016.
If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Dem strategy is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote to win elections. Those numbers are eroding in both directions for Dems. Very bad if you want to win national elections. :(
Obama won with a low white vote and high collective "minority" vote. This trend is only going to get worse everytime the GOP opens its racist mouth and says something stupid and racist.. As usual you fail to analyze the situation with vision and intellect.

Stupid shit from an idiot. :lol: Nobody thinks blacks are gonna turn out for an old, tired, wrinkly white woman like Hillary the way they did for Obama.

The Dems are in serious trouble in 2016.


If we assume that Hilary is the Dem candidate then she will have bipartisan appeal to women voters who are by far the single voting bloc nationwide.

Obama beat Romney by double digits when it came to women voters. What are the odds that Hilary will do worse than Obama in that demographic?

AWG's are a shrinking minority and there isn't a single female in the GOP running for president as of now.
If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Dem strategy is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote to win elections. Those numbers are eroding in both directions for Dems. Very bad if you want to win national elections. :(
Obama won with a low white vote and high collective "minority" vote. This trend is only going to get worse everytime the GOP opens its racist mouth and says something stupid and racist.. As usual you fail to analyze the situation with vision and intellect.

Stupid shit from an idiot. :lol: Nobody thinks blacks are gonna turn out for an old, tired, wrinkly white woman like Hillary the way they did for Obama.

The Dems are in serious trouble in 2016.
People that dont think usually end up on the short end of the stick. Thats why the GOP is teetering on the brink of extinction. You dont think and lack analytical skills.
The Dems are in serious trouble because they can't even get 40% of whites to vote for them. The last election cycle the Dems got only 37% of the white vote.

Keep in mind...whites are over 2/3 of the electorate.

Maybe instead of Libs worrying about how much of the Latino vote the GOP will get....they should worry about not losing white voters forever.

The usual idiot post by the OP. :(
Your idiocy has missed the fact the GOP peformed an "autopsy" after their loss to Obama for the second time and concluded they needed an "outreach" program for Hispanics.

Steve King is demonstrating the nature of that program. That's what this topic is about.

RNC Completes Autopsy on 2012 Loss Calls for Inclusion but No Policy Change - ABC News

GOP rolls out strategy to woo Hispanic voters - CBS News

We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate we care about them, too.

How's that going?

The Democrat Minority Outreach Program - pander, pander, pander

yep, they don't see a minority as a very smart person evidently. Of course it's the same for a woman. To them a woman can't SURVIVE without that party looking out for them. Myself I find their thinking offensive.

Hopefully the people has had enough of all their nonsense such as how the Gop doesn't plan on reaching out to minorities
If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Dem strategy is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote to win elections. Those numbers are eroding in both directions for Dems. Very bad if you want to win national elections. :(
Obama won with a low white vote and high collective "minority" vote. This trend is only going to get worse everytime the GOP opens its racist mouth and says something stupid and racist.. As usual you fail to analyze the situation with vision and intellect.

Stupid shit from an idiot. :lol: Nobody thinks blacks are gonna turn out for an old, tired, wrinkly white woman like Hillary the way they did for Obama.

The Dems are in serious trouble in 2016.


There is no extreme rightwing War on Women who post hateful BS like this!

"old, tired, wrinkly white woman"
Steve King sez to the GOP, fuck those beaner voters. We don't need 'em.

Steve King represents a congressional district in Iowa.

You think there are a lot of Hispanic voters out there in Iowa?


Hmmm. What kind of white voters do you think King is pandering to when he slurs Hispanics?

There must be a lot of those kind of white voters out there in Iowa, eh?
Did you see all the hateful posts about Jodi Ernst over the last few days. Tell me again who has a war on women?

And btw....Mark Udall ran on that crap in Colorado and got beaten in what was considered early on to be a safe Dem seat.

They just got their asses kicked out of congress for all this ugly stuff from Obama to their Democrat Representatives, leftwing hate sites, etc etc. You think their base would have learned something by it. As we see. They haven't. It's back to the same ole same smears, dirt, garbage
If we assume that Hilary is the Dem candidate then she will have bipartisan appeal to women voters who are by far the single voting bloc nationwide.

Obama beat Romney by double digits when it came to women voters. What are the odds that Hilary will do worse than Obama in that demographic?

AWG's are a shrinking minority and there isn't a single female in the GOP running for president as of now.

The last voting cycle the GOP got a large majority of white female voters. Again...facts are facts. Dems have a major problem with white voters. That cannot be argued. Either they fix it...and fast....or they will continue to struggle.
If we assume that Hilary is the Dem candidate then she will have bipartisan appeal to women voters who are by far the single voting bloc nationwide.

Obama beat Romney by double digits when it came to women voters. What are the odds that Hilary will do worse than Obama in that demographic?

AWG's are a shrinking minority and there isn't a single female in the GOP running for president as of now.

The last voting cycle the GOP got a large majority of white female voters. Again...facts are facts. Dems have a major problem with white voters. That cannot be argued. Either they fix it...and fast....or they will continue to struggle.

Yep, they can't win with only the black or minority vote. so maybe they should be worried over THEIR own party instead of Republicans
More "Republicans are despicable racists" crap from te Krapmeister in Chief.
Hey, shithead. Hispanics in this country arent criminals and probably dont condone criminal acts.
Steve King represents a 95.8% white enclave in Iowa. I guess he can bash negroes and beaners and fags all the live long day and those farmers eat that shit right up.

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.

but the blacks won't get out and vote for wrinkled up white chick ...

like hell they wont


Sure...blacks will come out in the same numbers for Hillary that they did for Obama. :lol:

No sane person believes that. No one.

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