GOP minority outreach no. 674-D

Meanwhile Obama brags about how many Latino's he's deported and none of you leftwits think that hurts the Democratic party. Liberal = lie and talk out your ass.
You must think Latinos are stupid. They can see through the Reps racism. They see who is blocking the path to citizenship for the ones that are looking to get it with fear tactics and racism..

Again, Obama brags about how many latino's he's deported how is that not offensive to Latino's?
When did he brag about how many "Latinos" he has deported? Do you have a link?

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.
Easy to tell which party panders to blacks. It's easy to tell why blacks voted twice for Obama including those that voted for the first time in 2008 having had the chance to vote many elections prior to that.

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.
Easy to tell which party panders to blacks. It's easy to tell why blacks voted twice for Obama including those that voted for the first time in 2008 having had the chance to vote many elections prior to that.
Its also easy to tell what party panders to racists.
Steve King represents a 95.8% white enclave in Iowa. I guess he can bash negroes and beaners and fags all the live long day and those farmers eat that shit right up.

You said it. Farmers. How many black farmers do you know in Iowa.

  1. The G.O.P. has averaged a measly 10 percent of the black vote in the presidential elections of the past fifty years. Gerald Ford made a rare case in 1972 when he won 15 percent.
Easy to tell which party panders to blacks. It's easy to tell why blacks voted twice for Obama including those that voted for the first time in 2008 having had the chance to vote many elections prior to that.
Its also easy to tell what party panders to racists.

The Democrats to white hating black boys like you Alclitoris.
If a minority doesn't know what the Republicans stand for by now. That's their fault.

Pandering is the Democrats game because they like Gruber believes all the people in this country is stupid.

Not just the ones in their base. take this thread for expample:badgrin:

Are you even capable of staying on topic?

Guess not.

Do you think it is good to call another human being a "deportable"?
So opposing a path to citizenship for those whose first act coming here was to break the law is now racism?

No, that is not racist at all.

Using dehumanizing terms to describe a person is. Like using the term "deportable", as if that young woman is a product, and not a human being.

And the problem with that is that the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Latinos who are here legally, who are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even 4th generation US Citizens, they see this crap and are then turned off to the GOP. Romney only got 26% of the Latino vote in 2012. There is no way a party can remain viable on the national level and get these kind of numbers among the fastest growing voter block in the USA.

There, I took time to discuss this with you in spite of the fact that you are a complete fuckwad.

LEARN from this experience.
Hillary had your vote already and didnt' need anything more than the split between her legs she was born with.

That is the kind of rhetoric that is going to allow Hillary to sweep the female vote by +20 or perhaps much more.

Lordy, Righties are really very, very stupid creatures. They don't understand even the most simple math.

Hate on the gays = lose the gay vote
demonize the Latinos = lose the Latino vote
fling poo at blacks day in and day out = lose the black vote
talk about Hillary's vagina = LOSE THE FEMALE VOTE.

Please, I hope that more Conservatives like you say this stuff a lot. Please. Because if nutbags like you can get recorded in the media enough, Clinton will hardly have to campaign in order to win. She could run her campaign like McKinley did in 1900.
So opposing a path to citizenship for those whose first act coming here was to break the law is now racism?

No, that is not racist at all.

Using dehumanizing terms to describe a person is. Like using the term "deportable", as if that young woman is a product, and not a human being.

And the problem with that is that the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Latinos who are here legally, who are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even 4th generation US Citizens, they see this crap and are then turned off to the GOP. Romney only got 26% of the Latino vote in 2012. There is no way a party can remain viable on the national level and get these kind of numbers among the fastest growing voter block in the USA.

There, I took time to discuss this with you in spite of the fact that you are a complete fuckwad.

LEARN from this experience.

If she's here illegally, she is deportable.
That she broke the law getting here means she dehumanized herself.

Why woulnd't the legal support the pandering to the illegals by the Democrats. It's their own kind.

You couldn't teach a fish to swim son. I'm so far ahead of you in intelligence, you can't fathom the difference.
Hillary had your vote already and didnt' need anything more than the split between her legs she was born with.

That is the kind of rhetoric that is going to allow Hillary to sweep the female vote by +20 or perhaps much more.

Lordy, Righties are really very, very stupid creatures. They don't understand even the most simple math.

Hate on the gays = lose the gay vote
demonize the Latinos = lose the Latino vote
fling poo at blacks day in and day out = lose the black vote
talk about Hillary's vagina = LOSE THE FEMALE VOTE.

Please, I hope that more Conservatives like you say this stuff a lot. Please. Because if nutbags like you can get recorded in the media enough, Clinton will hardly have to campaign in order to win. She could run her campaign like McKinley did in 1900.

The only reason you vote Hillary is to meet a concept of having a vagina as President. You voted for the black boy because of skin color.
Ok, this speaks for itself:

View attachment 36122

So, you really think that the Latino Community, which the GOP desperately needs to win in order to have a rat's chance of success in presidential elections, is not going to notice that Steve King, a member of Congress, just called a Latino a "deportable"?

That is just plain old stupid, but great news ----

--- for Hillary.

Do you assume that all Latinos support illegal immigration? The left seems to think they know how people think just by looking at their skin. So racist.

If someone is here illegally, our federal laws say they are deportable.
If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Democratic Party demographics, as Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have proven, are so rounded out with people of all persuasions that the DEMS don't need much more than 41% of the White vote, if at all, to win. And that is going to change again in the next years.

In 50 years, DEM will be able to win a solid landslide and only take 33% of the White Vote.

This is the math that knuckle-dragging conservatives do not understand.
Meanwhile Obama brags about how many Latino's he's deported and none of you leftwits think that hurts the Democratic party. Liberal = lie and talk out your ass.
You must think Latinos are stupid. They can see through the Reps racism. They see who is blocking the path to citizenship for the ones that are looking to get it with fear tactics and racism..

Someone pointed out that the only hope the GOP has in 2016 is to deny the Dems the FL electoral college votes by running either Jeb or Rubio.

Too bad that Obama has outflanked them by normalizing relations with Cuba which Rubio opposes. That leaves Jeb who is "soft" on immigration by supporting a "path to citizenship" which means he won't win the primary.

I will remind again: Pres. Obama won Florida in 2012 by +0.88%, due in large part to the MASSIVE swing of Cuban Latinos to the Democratic vote in that year. Latinos in Florida have been a pretty strong Democratic group, the the Cuban Latinos have been a GOP demographic group for a long time. Not any more. Not that it matters much: Hillary is mopping up the floor with GOP clown car types in Florida polling as well.
The Dems are in serious trouble because they can't even get 40% of whites to vote for them. The last election cycle the Dems got only 37% of the white vote.

Keep in mind...whites are over 2/3 of the electorate.

Maybe instead of Libs worrying about how much of the Latino vote the GOP will get....they should worry about not losing white voters forever.

The usual idiot post by the OP. :(
Your idiocy has missed the fact the GOP peformed an "autopsy" after their loss to Obama for the second time and concluded they needed an "outreach" program for Hispanics.

Steve King is demonstrating the nature of that program. That's what this topic is about.

RNC Completes Autopsy on 2012 Loss Calls for Inclusion but No Policy Change - ABC News

GOP rolls out strategy to woo Hispanic voters - CBS News

We need to campaign among Hispanic, black, Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate we care about them, too.

So how is that plan going?

Hispanics voted nearly two to one for Democratic candidates on Tuesday just as they did in the 2010 midterm elections, a national exit poll shows.


Thank you.
If the Dems don't find a way to reach out to white voters they are fucked. The retards on this board keep sticking their heads in the sand, wishing the problem will go away. It will not.
Obama was elected then reelected and both times the vote was under 50% from the white demographic. Thats only going to get better as more white youngsters enter the fray on the Dem side. They know the Repubs are racists.

The Democratic Party demographics, as Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have proven, are so rounded out with people of all persuasions that the DEMS don't need much more than 41% of the White vote, if at all, to win. And that is going to change again in the next years.

In 50 years, DEM will be able to win a solid landslide and only take 33% of the White Vote.

This is the math that knuckle-dragging conservatives do not understand.

I understand that when you pander to n*****rs, spics, white trash, fags, etc., it's easy to get their votes. When those groups, other than the fags can continue to squirt out bastard kids at such a high rate, the numbers add up.

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