GOP Offers A MoonShine On America! A Pie In The Face Plan(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hello, it is hard to find a proof on the bottle of the New GOP in America! At the GOP House Website, anyone can do some linking.

A Pledge to America - The Fall 2010 GOP Agenda -

The document itself is apparently pretty much a picture book. One of the opening photos is of the rock pile at the bottom of Mount Rushmore(?)!

Apparently the reader is supposed to "Cry Freedom(?)!"

The facing page alludes to "An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites(?) that makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many!"

That has to be straight, "Fantasize-Along-With-FoxTV News." It even gets continued in the cheat notes later on. The Republicans, it is widely known, are the minority party in the federal legislatures. The elected people in the legislatures are not self-appointed, but are elected Democrats, Independents and a Socialist. One even looks like a blond, Alfred E Neuman! Just because there are televised hearings, however, and just because there is Madness in Connecticut, espeically at year-end: That does not mean that the people elected are self-appointed commentators.

Commentators fail to accept or request the input of the many. The GOP, Pledge document, opening alludes to "Rising joblessness," which in fact has stabilized, and in 28 states is falling through July of this year, with the Stimulus in place.

The document claims that hasn't happened!

Later on, the Republicans intend to freeze all the unspent jobs-money, for infra-structure projects, along with the tax cuts, benefits, and other monies. Their claim is that all that hoarding will in fact create new jobs and spending(?)! They will freeze all federal hiring to increase jobs(?)! More hoarding at least may pay down the deficit(?)! In a Recession, the GOP isn't going back to Bush. The Role Model is apparently Herbert Hoover, instead--or Coolidge or Harding.

"We pledge to honor the Constitution as constructed by its framers and honor the original inent of those precepts that have been consistenty ignored, particularly the Tenth Amendment, which grants that all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, or prohibited by it to the states, or the people."

Anyone notices that the Tea Party GOP tends to miss a lot! For one thing, The Republicans are the Party of Abraham Lincoln, which changed a lot of that. There also appears to be some language missing(?)!

The Republicans intend a repeal of the Heath Care Plan. Instead they want to revise the medical liability laws, apparently punto. There is not much else in their plan.

Big Example: The Republicans will," strengthen the Doctor Patient relationship," and apparently without any money!

"We will improve HSA's by making it easier for patients with high deductible health plans to use them to obtain quality care!" That is all the money that there is in their plan, and none of it comes from public funding!

Again, if you have no health plan now, you get nothing. Apparently, the doctor gets a stronger relationship(?)! Witchcraft practitioners, on dates: Likely understand that! Health Care Savings Accounts are presented as the funding answer, the GOP has. They propose the unfunded mandate of elimination, or modification, of pre-existing condiitons rules.

So anyone notices that Socialist is not what the new proof in the GOP bottle is all about!

Eventually, the document shows a pie chart with all the various spending programs, without apparent comment about what gets cut. Social Security and Agriculture subsidies seem to be the highest of the intended eliminations(?) on the list.

Anyone notices that on September 23, 2010: The Republicans offered a pie in the face as their plan for America!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Also Has Offered Poison Blankets, and Rotted Corn: To Many Nations!)
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After Delay and Dubya, the GOP has a long long way to go before anyone takes them seriously on tax and spending.

The Dems aren't even in the picture
You know, I watched Boehner and McCarthy share this "Pledge," just after I watched Obama address the U.N., and one comment stuck with me. At one point, McCarthey said that the government had failed us, or words to that effect, and he said them as if he and those in his party were just as agrieved as the rest of us.

I was left thinking, do you people realize that you were just as much of the problem as the Democrats?
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Hard work to GOP, going up, is clearly, "Four More Floors!"

The current crisis was a slow financial bubble, that even the Bush White House tried to assuage: With stimulus money, and not with hoarding. The Federal Reserve was trying to assuage it as well. Even though the Federal Reserve keeps tabs of the Total Credit Market, the enormity of what even that is: Apparently is lost to the entire planet even now.

The mortgage lenders tried a trick, adjustable rate mortgages, and created instead a slew of insurmountable problems, each one alone too enormous to solve.

(1)The mortgage paper was worthless. That was problem one. Loans had been made which the poor could not repay. So bank assets, not transparent, were no longer known. Eventually the banks would stop even trusting one another. The Libor soared.

(2) Business conditions had already been deteriorating, but were at least holding up. When the financial houses started to coallapse, and credit stopped happening, from the banks: Then business-conditions worsened. The banks were hoarding. Even now, famously, surviving businesses are hoarding. Only slowly is the entire financial community gaining some foothold on what is worthless, and what is not!

(3) Until it actually put people back to work, TARP was worthless. The Total Credit Market didn't need the money. A financial overhauld was clearly needed, and appaently still is needed: To Understand the newer, Socialist realities of business on the planet. It is not just about banker bonuses, anymore(?)! TARP was repaid, with interest, within 18 months The giant exception is for the part so far: That actually put people back to work at Socialist MotorCars, USA. Building subsidized competition to Socialist Competitiors has finally become Job One!

(4) The Stimulus was heavily preservative, with far too little focus on jobs creation. Jobs preservation--and even worse, of government and teacher jobs--was its focus. Those are the slime who did the arithmetic that caused it all: In The First Place! They are still reliant the faulty arithmetic. They rely on contractors to even get their own jobs done. They are still doing the flawed arithmetic. There are over 15 million of them, just in America: Without including the military ranks.

Nobody else with a job had a chance!

In fact, the Republicans have spotted the $285.0 bil. that has not been spent by, (see 4. ahove), that would actually put people back to work. The Republicans want that hoarded. Spending has stopped, so no further spending is apparently needed(?)!

Clearly, Teaching is not possible, at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the kids are not worth the extra effort.

The law, and likely worldwide, provides for that. Commentators, called, "Artists and Entertainers," call it "love," along with religious leaders and their laity, and then it's on to the politicians, and then onto government employees and educators, and then it's even on to Mad Magazine, and the unions(?)! And let's not forget that it's also on to the retirees, and on to the dividend payers and their payees. Then let's not forget the money-bucks savers, and the investors: And even the people on Relief! The poor even get in on this burden, here(?)!

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Holy Father, however, did visit the Conservatives' new gulag at Buckingham: And probably to check up on the boys!)
You know, I watched Boehner and McCarthy share this "Pledge," just after I watched Obama address the U.N., and one comment stuck with me. At one point, McCarthey said that the government had failed us, or words to that extent, and he said them as if he and those in his party were just as agrieved as the rest of us.

I was left thinking, do you people realize that you were just as much of the problem as the Democrats?

The Republicans are in for a rude awakening if they think this election means business as usual or they can be Democrat Lite
What's wrong with Moonshine? Moonshine was as American as apple pie before our tyrannical Government forced them out of business and made them "criminals." I'm ok with this pledge. I just hope they stick to it. The last ten years of Neocon & RINO rule has decimated the Republican Party. Lets hope they're making real changes and getting back to real Conservatism. I guess we'll see though.
Only one other time in American History has there been such a disparity between the middle class and the rich. Just before the great depression. Republicans want to race towards that cliff. They finally made their plan to get there public.

Moonshine is toxic, and particularly when lead levels are measured. It is still around, and is still something that doctors have to be aware of in the impacted areas.

"No significant studies have been done to analyze Virginia moonshine for impurities since the 1960s," Holstege said. "Hopefully this research will make the public aware that there are still hazards associated with drinking moonshine."

It's the sort of thing you mix with your tea, apparently!

Likely rich Republicans will not be the intended victims--even of their plan.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Find White Eyes warrior in Costume of Many Nations! Find Mound of Fire Ants! Put in White Eyes Up To Neck! Screw Tea and Moonshine. Pour In Syrup of Molasses!)
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Moonshine is a slice of Americana. Our tyrannical Government forced them out of business and turned them into criminals. The poor people who produced it and the poor people who bought it were very happy doing so. Our tyrannical Government had to destroy that so they could make all the cash. These people were just good & decent poor Americans trying to get by. Shame on the Government for what they did to their fellow Americans. Btw,i also support this pledge. If they stick to it anyway.
The land of the free, and the home of the brave: Needed a revenue source at the outset. Distilled Liqour was taxed. Appalachia had become penniless even then--It would take a Senator Byrd to understand the where and how of tax money usages--and so many made "moonshine" on their own.

At 160 proof, like The Plague recently released, there are not many who expect any energized outcome from it, however.

This below is an excerpt of a Yahoo answer:

"Moonshine. . .did not originate during Prohibition. After the Revolutionary War, whiskey was among the items taxed highly to pay for the war. For this reason, poor farmers built stills in the wilderness, usually in the Appalachians, and distilled whiskey at night. Hence the name "moonshine."

"Also contrary to what some may believe, moonshine itself does not cause blindness. . . . Poorly made moonshine distilled by amateurs during Prohibition was the cause of this. Many people intended to make easy money and so added things like embalming fluid to their whiskey."

"Moonshine is currently illegal in the United States because of taxes. It also has an extremely high alcohol content, usually in the range of 160 proof."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Much Firewater, known to put out lights, and lites, and Old Fat White People!)
"Slaves" are not what the Tea Party sees in the Democrat Majority. "Socialists" are what the GOP sees in the Democrat Majority.

They are also in France, Great Britain, Germany, China, Australia, Canada, Sweden, and other nations that recognize the existence of younger, and leaner, White People!

Abraham Lincoln, for example, seems not have held younger, leaner, White People in high regard, or personal esteem, much at all(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington, now must run against George Bush for title of First African American president in history: 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things! The White House in fact is sending out Mrs. Obama, to campaign, for example! Many call that younger, and leaner, and less likely to arouse. . . .Well. . . .disageements!)
Moonshine is a slice of Americana. Our tyrannical Government forced them out of business and turned them into criminals. The poor people who produced it and the poor people who bought it were very happy doing so. Our tyrannical Government had to destroy that so they could make all the cash. These people were just good & decent poor Americans trying to get by. Shame on the Government for what they did to their fellow Americans. Btw,i also support this pledge. If they stick to it anyway.

By God, let's start the Whiskey Rebellion again. Yessirree Bob, no wimpy Teabags for this boy, let's make it corn from a jar!

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