GOP on the move: What would big gains in 2022 and 2024 look like?

I'm generally not into prediction-making, but it sure does seem that the GOP is going to be having their way in 2022 and perhaps 2024. Given how fired up their base remains, that will include at the state and local level in many cases. If that does happen, they'll continue to change election laws in their favor, giving them more future control (and success) at the state and local levels.

Let's make that assumption for the sake of conversation. American again lurches to the Right. Looking at this from a macro perspective, that would mean that we would once again withdraw from the world and our allies, and that our domestic policies would be far more you're-on-your-own and what's-in-it-for-me.

I can only assume that the GOP thinks this situation will win them more voters, or at least enough to leverage the election system they will have changed. So:
  • Is that possible? Will they be able to change minds? Would they be able to finally convince people that they're right?
  • Will not enough Americans really care one way or the other, frustrated with both parties?
  • Will the GOP go too far, again, (as both parties love to do) causing yet enough lurch in the opposite direction?
  • How would the rest of the world view us, as it continues to change and increase in prosperity and influence? (Yes, I realize the GOP isn't concerned about this one)
  • Would there be an increased danger of a significant social backlash due to their policies, and what might that look like?
It all depends on how much cheating the democrats get away with
People will say just about anything to sell a book, and what makes Barr an expert on who is or is not fit to be President?

That he has served in government for nearly 40 years, including being AG to people who were actually fit to be president, like Poppy Bush.

As for Trump's accomplishments they are too lengthy to list. It takes a couple of paragraphs.

Yes, if you give him credit for things he had nothing to do with, and ignore all the things he fucked up, he looks kind of awesome. The people remember the plague, the riots and the recession, and not so much.

Also trying to compare trespassers to rioters is a complete joke. They broke into the Capital for a few hours and then were forced to leave. The riots promoted by the Communists lasted for months, closing down businesses some permanently costing Americans billions of dollars when all was said and done.

Uh, people demonstrating because the COPS MURDER THEM is a lot more justified than' Wah, I didn't get the election result I wanted!" Most countries would have taken the 1-6 Rioters out and shot them.

Many officers were injured, people were killed, private and public property destroyed. As a disciple of Satan, of course you would acquit criminals. It's an order you must follow by your God.

People asked for 10 years for the cops to clean up their act. Remember when Colin took a knee? Asking nicely doesn't work. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
That he has served in government for nearly 40 years, including being AG to people who were actually fit to be president, like Poppy Bush.

Yes, if you give him credit for things he had nothing to do with, and ignore all the things he fucked up, he looks kind of awesome. The people remember the plague, the riots and the recession, and not so much.

Uh, people demonstrating because the COPS MURDER THEM is a lot more justified than' Wah, I didn't get the election result I wanted!" Most countries would have taken the 1-6 Rioters out and shot them.

People asked for 10 years for the cops to clean up their act. Remember when Colin took a knee? Asking nicely doesn't work. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
Progs are habitual liars. Shit stirrers. We are entering the Repub stage where in elections more candidates will be louder. If we continue to move left and tyranny than hard liners will run.
Progs are habitual liars. Shit stirrers. We are entering the Repub stage where in elections more candidates will be louder. If we continue to move left and tyranny than hard liners will run.

Does your doctor know you are off your meds again?
The GOP is going to get MASSIVE turnout, not only in national elections, but in state and local elections. They're saving America from from evil Hitler commies and their guaranteed concentration camp tyranny. That's some pretty freakin' intense motivation right there.

The Dems? Their support among minorities is beginning to fray, and many of their voters are frustrated as hell. Voting "against" something may not be enough to get them to the polls in the future. That gets old.

You've still got your friends in China and Russia, Mac.

And Red Jen has your back...

I'm generally not into prediction-making, but it sure does seem that the GOP is going to be having their way in 2022 and perhaps 2024. Given how fired up their base remains, that will include at the state and local level in many cases. If that does happen, they'll continue to change election laws in their favor, giving them more future control (and success) at the state and local levels.

Let's make that assumption for the sake of conversation. American again lurches to the Right. Looking at this from a macro perspective, that would mean that we would once again withdraw from the world and our allies, and that our domestic policies would be far more you're-on-your-own and what's-in-it-for-me.

I can only assume that the GOP thinks this situation will win them more voters, or at least enough to leverage the election system they will have changed. So:
  • Is that possible? Will they be able to change minds? Would they be able to finally convince people that they're right?
  • Will not enough Americans really care one way or the other, frustrated with both parties?
  • Will the GOP go too far, again, (as both parties love to do) causing yet enough lurch in the opposite direction?
  • How would the rest of the world view us, as it continues to change and increase in prosperity and influence? (Yes, I realize the GOP isn't concerned about this one)
  • Would there be an increased danger of a significant social backlash due to their policies, and what might that look like?
They would cut taxes for the wealthy, increase military spending, and increase deficits. That’s all they do.
You are wrong. Newt saved Clinton along with Perot. Boehner and Ryan were appeasers. Progs do not return the favor. Trump is not or was not a conservative. His agendas were of common sense, and we started to grow again.
Common sense?

Trumps policies all failed. He couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth. Deficits increased every single year drastically. Tariffs led to a giant farmer bailout and nothing much else. He cut back on legal immigration and now there is a worker shorter. Even crime went up. Giant failure.

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