GOP on the move: What would big gains in 2022 and 2024 look like?

Democrats have ironically undermined democracy and will steal every necessary election. Biden is president like Putin is president. That trend will continue.
Actually, here's how it's going to play out.

The GOP will make gains in 2022 because the out of power party always does.

They will then do exactly what they did in 1995 and 2011- proceed to remind us all of how crazy they are and why we threw them out of office to start with... and Americans will be damned glad we have Joe Biden to contain their crazy. Clinton became more popular when he stood up to Newt, and Obama became more popular when he stood up to Boehner and Ryan.
You are wrong. Newt saved Clinton along with Perot. Boehner and Ryan were appeasers. Progs do not return the favor. Trump is not or was not a conservative. His agendas were of common sense, and we started to grow again.
You can make all the excuses you want but none of it disputes anything I've said.

2020 was all about Trump, and the picture the Left had painted of him for 4 years. They had convinced people; many of whom liked the policies, to hate the man himself. Notice, everything was almost 100% about Trump and Russia, Trump and impeachment, Trump and Ukraine, all the policy discussion was secondary. No matter if you think they stole it or not, their narrative is actually what defeated him, and many Republicans. They also insisted Joe and friends would govern as moderates.

In 2022, there is no bogeyman perse, to run against. They can paint the GOP philosophy as they wish, but they aren't going to be able to generate the hatred of one man above all else as the deciding factor in this election cycle. Add to that, every American now sees where the Left has brought us to. Some people across the country like it, most by a large majority do not!

So what is the difference between this mid term and those past?

Not much really, but it will be different post election this time. Republicans in their stuffed shirts for the last 50 years or more, never politically fought back. They tried to use facts and figures to win elections, while the Left used heartstrings, racism, and every other ism you can think of. For to long, the left played political chess, while the GOP played checkers. It was always a surprise to many of us that the GOP did as well as it did using this method.

This is now no longer the case! The GOP fights back in the same manner as the Left does, AND they still have the facts and figures to use also.

A wise group of people told me this, and it makes perfect sense-------------> The reason the country is so divided IS because of the GOP; it is their fault! Why? Because in very recent years, it has started to use the same tactics as the Left politically, which now makes the base of the GOP despise the Left as much as the Left has always despised us! So, instead of one camp just despising the other, you have both camps thinking the same way. Honestly, after Russia-Russia-Russia and impeachment 1 and 2 along with Leftist media involvement in it, I don't think the GOP had much choice!

Like, love, dislike, or hate Trump; removing Jan 6th from the equation because that has yet to be determined, what they did to him for 4 years and the GOP was a political abomination. Americans lived it. They are also living in America today under the Lefts governance, and MOST Americans are pissed about both, even if they do not like Trump. We actually do look like a banana republic, with some people in charge viewed as Socialists, and Americans aren't having it.

Unless the GOP totally screws it up, after 2022 you are going to start seeing the moderation of the Democratic party as they will have little choice. There isn't as many far Leftists as you might think, they just scream louder, lol. For if there was, Bernie or Warren would have won the Democratic primary for President. Instead, moderate Democrats held their collective noses and voted for Lunchbucket, believing his word he was a moderate; which he may very well be, but he is run by far Leftists through the back door, because it is the only way they could gain power!
Actually, here's how it's going to play out.

The GOP will make gains in 2022 because the out of power party always does.

They will then do exactly what they did in 1995 and 2011- proceed to remind us all of how crazy they are and why we threw them out of office to start with... and Americans will be damned glad we have Joe Biden to contain their crazy. Clinton became more popular when he stood up to Newt, and Obama became more popular when he stood up to Boehner and Ryan.
Obvious sarcasm.
2020 was all about Trump, and the picture the Left had painted of him for 4 years. They had convinced people; many of whom liked the policies, to hate the man himself. Notice, everything was almost 100% about Trump and Russia, Trump and impeachment, Trump and Ukraine, all the policy discussion was secondary. No matter if you think they stole it or not, their narrative is actually what defeated him, and many Republicans. They also insisted Joe and friends would govern as moderates.

The left did not cause McCain to flip a big middle finger to Trump. Trump did that all on his own.

In 2022, there is no bogeyman perse, to run against. They can paint the GOP philosophy as they wish, but they aren't going to be able to generate the hatred of one man above all else as the deciding factor in this election cycle. Add to that, every American now sees where the Left has brought us to. Some people across the country like it, most by a large majority do not!

So what is the difference between this mid term and those past?

Not much really, but it will be different post election this time. Republicans in their stuffed shirts for the last 50 years or more, never politically fought back. They tried to use facts and figures to win elections, while the Left used heartstrings, racism, and every other ism you can think of. For to long, the left played political chess, while the GOP played checkers. It was always a surprise to many of us that the GOP did as well as it did using this method.

This is now no longer the case! The GOP fights back in the same manner as the Left does, AND they still have the facts and figures to use also.

A wise group of people told me this, and it makes perfect sense-------------> The reason the country is so divided IS because of the GOP; it is their fault! Why? Because in very recent years, it has started to use the same tactics as the Left politically, which now makes the base of the GOP despise the Left as much as the Left has always despised us! So, instead of one camp just despising the other, you have both camps thinking the same way. Honestly, after Russia-Russia-Russia and impeachment 1 and 2 along with Leftist media involvement in it, I don't think the GOP had much cho

Right, because the right never did the same thing to Hillary. (Not that she didn't deserve it)

Like, love, dislike, or hate Trump; removing Jan 6th from the equation because that has yet to be determined, what they did to him for 4 years and the GOP was a political abomination. Americans lived it. They are also living in America today under the Lefts governance, and MOST Americans are pissed about both, even if they do not like Trump. We actually do look like a banana republic, with some people in charge viewed as Socialists, and Americans aren't having it.

Unless the GOP totally screws it up, after 2022 you are going to start seeing the moderation of the Democratic party as they will have little choice. There isn't as many far Leftists as you might think, they just scream louder, lol. For if there was, Bernie or Warren would have won the Democratic primary for President. Instead, moderate Democrats held their collective noses and voted for Lunchbucket, believing his word he was a moderate; which he may very well be, but he is run by far Leftists through the back door, because it is the only way they could gain power!

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he wins again. The left did not make Trump the person that he is. But that really has little to do with what I've said. Neither party can hold anything for long. We have seen it over and over.
(R)'s had the White House, Senate and House in 2020. What did they do with that? They failed at overturning Obamacare and boom, lost the House and then the Senate and White House.

The Democrats did the same thing under Obama, which is what this thread is about.

I would disagree.

Trump is arrogant, pompous, rude and at times obnoxious. It's unfortunate that in this country, we have people voting on personality than they do accomplishments. It's why I've been saying for quite some time now we need to have people take a test before being allowed to vote. if you're going to use the same criteria to vote for representatives that you used to vote for your favorite American Idol contestant, then you're going to end up with the disaster we have today.

I was talking with my old GF yesterday. She said she knows a woman who admittedly voted for Dementia and said she would do the same today. She said she'd rather pay $10.00 a gallon for gasoline than to have Trump back in office. Does this sound like somebody looking out for her country when she votes?

So here we are. Thanks to Dementia the Taliban is the most well armed terrorist group in the world, we have out of control inflation, a labor shortage that caused a supply chain shortage, the border the worst it's been in 20 years, Putin having us over a barrel because he supplies our fuel for this country so we can't do anything to help Ukraine, speaking of which gasoline went up over 50% after Dementia stepped into office, and polls show he has a 38% approval rating? As Jerry Seinfeld use to say "Who are these people???"
I would disagree.

Trump is arrogant, pompous, rude and at times obnoxious. It's unfortunate that in this country, we have people voting on personality than they do accomplishments. It's why I've been saying for quite some time now we need to have people take a test before being allowed to vote. if you're going to use the same criteria to vote for representatives that you used to vote for your favorite American Idol contestant, then you're going to end up with the disaster we have today.

I was talking with my old GF yesterday. She said she knows a woman who admittedly voted for Dementia and said she would do the same today. She said she'd rather pay $10.00 a gallon for gasoline than to have Trump back in office. Does this sound like somebody looking out for her country when she votes?

So here we are. Thanks to Dementia the Taliban is the most well armed terrorist group in the world, we have out of control inflation, a labor shortage that caused a supply chain shortage, the border the worst it's been in 20 years, Putin having us over a barrel because he supplies our fuel for this country so we can't do anything to help Ukraine, speaking of which gasoline went up over 50% after Dementia stepped into office, and polls show he has a 38% approval rating? As Jerry Seinfeld use to say "Who are these people???"

Trump wasn't able to accomplish anything because Trump is arrogant, pompous, rude and at times obnoxious. .
Don't bet on it. In 2016 the Republicans had the White House, the Senate and the House and lost all three but still many look to Trump. We never learn.

Can you name the last President that accomplished more positive things than Trump did in his one and only term?
Can you name the last President that accomplished more positive things than Trump did in his one and only term?

I can't think of much anything Trump actually did. Certainly nothing sustainable because Trump is arrogant, pompous, rude and at times obnoxious and that is not how you get people to work with you.
The GOP is going to get MASSIVE turnout, not only in national elections, but in state and local elections. They're saving America from from evil Hitler commies and their guaranteed concentration camp tyranny. That's some pretty freakin' intense motivation right there.

The Dems? Their support among minorities is beginning to fray, and many of their voters are frustrated as hell. Voting "against" something may not be enough to get them to the polls in the future. That gets old.

It's the covid mandates or attempted mandates that will put the cherry on top of the cake. The only leader with a worse approval rating than Dementia is that commie in Canada Trudeau. You can only push people so far before they push back.
I can't think of much anything Trump actually did. Certainly nothing sustainable because Trump is arrogant, pompous, rude and at times obnoxious and that is not how you get people to work with you.

Trump tried to get people to work with him. The very first thing he did once he entered the White House was put together a bowling match with leaders of the Democrat party. He tried to be friends. In the end their response was.


What did Trump accomplish: We had the best economy in nearly 50 years, record high median household income, record lows in unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept, and before Covid even had a million more jobs than Americans who could work them. I've never seen that in the 61 years I've been on this planet and country.

He was the first American President to meet with the leader of North Korea. While he didn't accomplish everything he hoped for, he got Un to stop firing test missiles and threatening South Korea. Same with Commie Care, he didn't get it defeated because of losers like McCain, but he managed to get rid of the fines that plagued our people that could least afford coverage. He created policy that for every new business regulation created, two would be removed in it's place. He lowered taxes on most Americans while increasing them for people that owned a house with a mortgage over a million dollars.

His border policies included Stay in Mexico, getting rid of catch and release, threatened our foreign aid to Mexico if they didn't stop migrants from crossing their country to get into ours, created asylum policy of applying in your own country at a US embassy, automatic rejection if you did make it to the US border and were offered asylum by another country along the way. It took a year or so to get this all in place fighting the Congress and commie judges, but he got it passed. He even found a way to fund his border wall which consisted of 460 miles of replacement wall and several dozen miles of wall where none existed before. Some parts of the wall were so weak an 80 year old woman could have crossed them because they were only vehicle barriers.

vehicle barriers.jpeg

After Covid hit Trump was faced with many problems because our PPE cabinet was emptied by DumBama and never replaced. The testing kits we had were defective because the FDA only approved one kit, and that were those made by the CDC. He used his Emergency Powers act to force companies to produce needed supplies. Trump pushed the FDA for approval of the vaccine. He paid over 13 billion dollars to 8 potential vaccine makers where he signed contracts with each guaranteeing the US with the first 200 million doses, with a rider that gave us the next 500 million doses on demand so that we Americans came first.

Any other questions?
You are wrong. Newt saved Clinton along with Perot. Boehner and Ryan were appeasers. Progs do not return the favor. Trump is not or was not a conservative. His agendas were of common sense, and we started to grow again.

Trump was first president since Hoover to post a net job loss.

And the only reason why we grew is he went along with a massive bailout of the economy that OBama would have LOVED to have had in 2009.

But you are right. Newt did save Clinton by being a crazy person.

Trump tried to get people to work with him. The very first thing he did once he entered the White House was put together a bowling match with leaders of the Democrat party. He tried to be friends. In the end their response was.

YOu don't get to be "Friends" after you conspire with the Russians to steal an election from the American people.

What did Trump accomplish:

400,000 Dead
65,000 businesses shuttered.
a net 5 million job loss
Riots in the streets.

That's what Trump accomplished.
YOu don't get to be "Friends" after you conspire with the Russians to steal an election from the American people.

And yet after a 30 million dollar year long investigation by a team of anti-Trumpers, you have zero evidence to your lie...........I mean claim.

400,000 Dead
65,000 businesses shuttered.
a net 5 million job loss
Riots in the streets.

That's what Trump accomplished.

400,000 dead with no vaccines or PPE that DumBama used and never replaced, still less deaths than Dementia who had three vaccines.
Businesses shuttered because the Communists closed up businesses in their cities and states, and the US still had the least GDP damage of all other G7 countries.
Job losses due to the virus, not Trump, but we know leftists are born liars, otherwise they wouldn't be leftists.
Riots only in Communist cities encouraged by the Communist leaders like your now VP Whorris, who encouraged lowlifes to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bailout the criminals so they could continue rioting.

Like I said OCD, you'll never win an argument against a conservative using nothing but lies. It's way too easy for us.

Barr says Trump 'lost his grip' in forthcoming memoir​

Former Attorney General William Barr writes in his forthcoming memoir that former President Trump “lost his grip” after the 2020 Presidential election, also urging the Republican party to find a different candidate for 2024, The New York Times reported.

In his new memoir, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,” Barr repeatedly knocks Trump, who he fell out with amid the former president's claims of election fraud.

“He stopped listening to his advisers, became manic and unreasonable, and was off the rails,” Barr writes in his memoir, per the Times. “He surrounded himself with sycophants, including many whack jobs from outside the government, who fed him a steady diet of comforting but unsupported conspiracy theories.”

Barr also urges GOP leaders to pick someone else to be the party’s presidential candidate in 2024, calling another potential Trump campaign “dismaying,” according to the Times.

“Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed,” Barr writes.

Barr also wrote that Trump become furious with his attorney general during a December 2020 meeting, after the Department of Justice found nothing to support Trump’s election fraud claims.

Trump reportedly accused Barr of “pulling the rug out from under me.” When Barr tried to explain why various claims of a election fraud were unfounded and offered to resign from his position, Trump slammed the table and yelled “accepted!" the former AG wrote.

In a statement last June, Trump referred to his former attorney general as a “swamp creature” after he called Trump's election claims "bullshit" in a book authored by ABC News chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl.

"Barr was a 'swamp creature' who was devastated when the Radical Left wanted to impeach him," Trump said at the time. "It takes a very strong and special person to go against the 'mob'. Bill Barr was not that person."
Actually, here's how it's going to play out.

The GOP will make gains in 2022 because the out of power party always does.

They will then do exactly what they did in 1995 and 2011- proceed to remind us all of how crazy they are and why we threw them out of office to start with... and Americans will be damned glad we have Joe Biden to contain their crazy. Clinton became more popular when he stood up to Newt, and Obama became more popular when he stood up to Boehner and Ryan.
I think that is accurate.
I'm generally not into prediction-making, but it sure does seem that the GOP is going to be having their way in 2022 and perhaps 2024. Given how fired up their base remains, that will include at the state and local level in many cases. If that does happen, they'll continue to change election laws in their favor, giving them more future control (and success) at the state and local levels.

Let's make that assumption for the sake of conversation. American again lurches to the Right. Looking at this from a macro perspective, that would mean that we would once again withdraw from the world and our allies, and that our domestic policies would be far more you're-on-your-own and what's-in-it-for-me.

I can only assume that the GOP thinks this situation will win them more voters, or at least enough to leverage the election system they will have changed. So:
  • Is that possible? Will they be able to change minds? Would they be able to finally convince people that they're right?
  • Will not enough Americans really care one way or the other, frustrated with both parties?
  • Will the GOP go too far, again, (as both parties love to do) causing yet enough lurch in the opposite direction?
  • How would the rest of the world view us, as it continues to change and increase in prosperity and influence? (Yes, I realize the GOP isn't concerned about this one)
  • Would there be an increased danger of a significant social backlash due to their policies, and what might that look like?
I’m not sure the Trump base is fired up, but Biden being a disaster will spur Republicans and Independents to go vote and cripple what is perceived weak leadership.
Here is an issue I have with this.

Barr also urges GOP leaders to pick someone else to be the party’s presidential candidate in 2024

That isn't how it is supposed to work. They didn't pick Trump in 2016 either.
Trump was first president since Hoover to post a net job loss.

And the only reason why we grew is he went along with a massive bailout of the economy that OBama would have LOVED to have had in 2009.

But you are right. Newt did save Clinton by being a crazy person.

YOu don't get to be "Friends" after you conspire with the Russians to steal an election from the American people.

400,000 Dead
65,000 businesses shuttered.
a net 5 million job loss
Riots in the streets.

That's what Trump accomplished.
400,000 Dead
65,000 businesses shuttered.
a net 5 million job loss
Riots in the streets.

China is responsible for the deaths. The Left weaponized the disease.

Those businesses were shuttered because of lock downs. Not Trump's idea

The job loss are due to the scamdemic, not Trump.

The riots in the streets were by the Left and backed by Democrats. Their purpose was to intimidate people with violence. Certainly not Trump's fault.

Shove your revisionist history up your ass.

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