GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Republican operative Liz Mair is planning a "guerrilla campaign" aimed at knocking Donald Trump out of the GOP presidential race, The Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Mair, a former online communications director at the Republican National Committee who also worked on behalf of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's presidential campaign earlier this year, has formed Trump Card LLC "to defeat and destroy" Trump's candidacy, according to the report.

“In the absence of our efforts, Trump is exceedingly unlikely to implode or be forced out of the race,” said an internal memo that the Journal obtained.

“The stark reality is that unless something dramatic and unconventional is done, Trump will be the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton will become president.”

News of the recently formed group comes a day after the super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich, another GOP presidential rival, announced $2.5 million for TV, radio and other ads over two months targeting Trump in New Hampshire, where the real estate tycoon maintains a solid lead.

Another group, the economic think tank Club for Growth, has already hit Trump with $1 million in ads in the early-voting state of Iowa.

The moves underscore growing concern among Republicans that Trump's bid for the GOP presidential nomination, which at first was considered a long-shot, has moved closer toward becoming a reality as he leads national polls with less than three months before the first votes are cast in the 2016 race.

Mair described Trump Card LLC to the Journal as "loosely organized and highly confidential."

She said she hopes to lock up funds from donors who are interested in pushing back against Trump but don't necessarily want their involvement to become publicly known.

GOP operative prepares anti-Trump 'guerilla campaign'

"To defeat and destroy" Trump's candidacy is crystal clear. GOP leaders are very fearful of Trump - as they should be.
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Trump was going to implode, without help, by Easter
Bush will now drive the wedge of data registeries of people Trump does not like into the latter's campaign.

Trump destroyed his candidacy yesterday.
Bush will now drive the wedge of data registeries of people Trump does not like into the latter's campaign.

Trump destroyed his candidacy yesterday.

It's impossible for mere words to describe what a profound idiot you are, Fakey.
“The stark reality is that unless something dramatic and unconventional is done, Trump will be the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton will become president.”


And republicans know this, which is why Trump won't be the nominee.

It's not about Trump 'imploding,' that's not going to happen; rather, it's about average, everyday, rank and file republicans going to actual polls to cast actual ballots during the primaries – where Trump hasn't done the necessary state by state groundwork, nor developed the needed organizational support at the very local level, to get voters likely to vote for Trump to the polls in large enough numbers.
Will the GOP resort to placing a "hit" on Trump? After all, national politics is BIG business. Trump may end up sleeping with the fishes.
The human dildo's comments will further divide the GOP.

Trump, like Joe Biden, another human dildo himself, simply cannot control his speaking.
Trumpie is a loose cannon. When was the last time a loose cannon from either party got a nomination to run for office? Never.

He is vain enough to run as an independent. When was the last time a loose cannon independent got elected POTUS ? Never.

Trump ... NEVER !

end of story.
The GOP is going to take out Adolf Trump. Other than a few white morons - everyone else seems to hate Trump.
Republican operative Liz Mair is planning a "guerrilla campaign" aimed at knocking Donald Trump out of the GOP presidential race, The Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Mair, a former online communications director at the Republican National Committee who also worked on behalf of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's presidential campaign earlier this year, has formed Trump Card LLC "to defeat and destroy" Trump's candidacy, according to the report.

“In the absence of our efforts, Trump is exceedingly unlikely to implode or be forced out of the race,” said an internal memo that the Journal obtained.

“The stark reality is that unless something dramatic and unconventional is done, Trump will be the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton will become president.”

News of the recently formed group comes a day after the super-PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich, another GOP presidential rival, announced $2.5 million for TV, radio and other ads over two months targeting Trump in New Hampshire, where the real estate tycoon maintains a solid lead.

Another group, the economic think tank Club for Growth, has already hit Trump with $1 million in ads in the early-voting state of Iowa.

The moves underscore growing concern among Republicans that Trump's bid for the GOP presidential nomination, which at first was considered a long-shot, has moved closer toward becoming a reality as he leads national polls with less than three months before the first votes are cast in the 2016 race.

Mair described Trump Card LLC to the Journal as "loosely organized and highly confidential."

She said she hopes to lock up funds from donors who are interested in pushing back against Trump but don't necessarily want their involvement to become publicly known.

GOP operative prepares anti-Trump 'guerilla campaign'

"To defeat and destroy" Trump's candidacy is crystal clear. GOP leaders are very fearful of Trump - as they should be.

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