GOP preparing to slam the lower and middle class.....again...

A quick question to add to this fine example of politics of division and strife,one that most likely will not be aswered correctly,but what the heck.
Which tax bracket enjoyed the largest cut percentage in the 2003 tax cuts?

One percent of a million = $10,000
Five percent of a thousand= $50

Notice which group the Republicans want to repeal? (Hint: 47%)
Repeal what?
A quick question to add to this fine example of politics of division and strife,one that most likely will not be aswered correctly,but what the heck.
Which tax bracket enjoyed the largest cut percentage in the 2003 tax cuts?

One percent of a million = $10,000
Five percent of a thousand= $50

Notice which group the Republicans want to repeal? (Hint: 47%)
So you seem at least to be able to understand percentages, but struggle when it comes to the truth. Go ahead say it you won't burst into flames,the middle and lower brackets made out better than the OH MY GOD RICH.
GOP unveils budget plans in face of Obama opposition - CenturyLink

Just how many times does the GOP have to illustrate that they cater to the wealthy, before the low information, FOX digesting, voters in the lower and middle class figure our that the Repubs could give a flip about them.

It seems that if someone slapped me in the face every day, I might try to stay away from them......seriously?

and you got two thank you's for this juvenile post of yours. doesn't say much for you

no facts or anything just regurgitate what some left wing site spew out

not impressive
A quick question to add to this fine example of politics of division and strife,one that most likely will not be aswered correctly,but what the heck.
Which tax bracket enjoyed the largest cut percentage in the 2003 tax cuts?

One percent of a million = $10,000
Five percent of a thousand= $50

Notice which group the Republicans want to repeal? (Hint: 47%)
Repeal what?

Why the tax cut that the 47% received

Romney seemed quite upset by that
A quick question to add to this fine example of politics of division and strife,one that most likely will not be aswered correctly,but what the heck.
Which tax bracket enjoyed the largest cut percentage in the 2003 tax cuts?

One percent of a million = $10,000
Five percent of a thousand= $50

Notice which group the Republicans want to repeal? (Hint: 47%)
So you seem at least to be able to understand percentages, but struggle when it comes to the truth. Go ahead say it you won't burst into flames,the middle and lower brackets made out better than the OH MY GOD RICH.

In terms of significant savings, no they didn't...enough to take the family out to dinner
In terms of what they had to give up in federal funding of healthcare and education ...they made out worse
Anyone see the Obama's tax returns?

they made something like $400.000 and wrote off $160.000 of it on their taxes.

How can that be when we the people has FURNISHED everything for them and their babysitter in-law for the last Six years.

what a laugh. now the Republicans are going to slam slam slam slam those in the (poor and middle class)

I guess that will be after everyone pays their FINE for OScamCare on their taxes

"We the People" provided them with a mother in law?

How generous
A quick question to add to this fine example of politics of division and strife,one that most likely will not be aswered correctly,but what the heck.
Which tax bracket enjoyed the largest cut percentage in the 2003 tax cuts?

One percent of a million = $10,000
Five percent of a thousand= $50

Notice which group the Republicans want to repeal? (Hint: 47%)
So you seem at least to be able to understand percentages, but struggle when it comes to the truth. Go ahead say it you won't burst into flames,the middle and lower brackets made out better than the OH MY GOD RICH.

OK ....lets talk the truth about tax cuts

Truth #1: Tax cuts do not pay for themselves
Truth #2: Tax cuts add to the deficit
Ttuth #3: Republicans wrap their tax cuts for the rich into a package that has tax cuts for the poor and middle class in order to sell the package. In truth, the actual money the poor sees is negligible, while the rich enjoy the lowest tax rates in 70 years
So you seem at least to be able to understand percentages, but struggle when it comes to the truth. Go ahead say it you won't burst into flames,the middle and lower brackets made out better than the OH MY GOD RICH.

Yea, lets take the poor people. They were already getting back every dime they paid in for income taxes. So what did Bush do? He gave them even more money back. Instead of asking employers to give them a raise. Even Bush was smart enough to understand that poor people would spend all the money they got back.

The middle class. Yep got a tax cut. They also lost their savings, housing and jobs under Bush. You think the tax cuts offset the losses? I don't.

The rich have seen huge increases in their income and nice cuts in capital gains and regular income rates.
The rich DEFINITELY benefited the most from the Bush tax cuts.

Were you confused as to who benefited the most from those cuts?
GOP unveils budget plans in face of Obama opposition - CenturyLink

Just how many times does the GOP have to illustrate that they cater to the wealthy, before the low information, FOX digesting, voters in the lower and middle class figure our that the Repubs could give a flip about them.

It seems that if someone slapped me in the face every day, I might try to stay away from them......seriously?
Sorry but which economic group has prospered under the Democrats and which has suffered? Right, the wealthy have done great under Obama and the Democrats.
You lie again. M aybe you cant help it.
The rich always prosper, why Republicans think they need so much assistance is beyond me.
Yes. You have made it quite clear that it is beyond you.
It really isn't that quite difficult to understand....but you just don't want to.

It is not about assisting the wealthy so the wealthy can be more prosperous.

It is about giving the business owners (not just the wealthy) a chance to prosper and when they prosper they tend to expand their reach opening up doors for those that want to capitalize on them.

But putting that aside, the GOP budget is not about assisting the wealthy. You obviously did not read the article before you spewed your ignorance.

The GOP budget is about curbing government spending...about a balanced budget...about living within our means.

But your screen name on here celebrates those that really had no idea why they were protesting......most just exuding their jealousy for the haves that earned what they have by working for it.

So I don't expect you to understand.
So you seem at least to be able to understand percentages, but struggle when it comes to the truth. Go ahead say it you won't burst into flames,the middle and lower brackets made out better than the OH MY GOD RICH.

Yea, lets take the poor people. They were already getting back every dime they paid in for income taxes. So what did Bush do? He gave them even more money back. Instead of asking employers to give them a raise. Even Bush was smart enough to understand that poor people would spend all the money they got back.

The middle class. Yep got a tax cut. They also lost their savings, housing and jobs under Bush. You think the tax cuts offset the losses? I don't.

The rich have seen huge increases in their income and nice cuts in capital gains and regular income rates.
The rich DEFINITELY benefited the most from the Bush tax cuts.

Were you confused as to who benefited the most from those cuts?
Just to make sure you understand the reality of the "losses" under Bush....

They lost their savings ONLY because they invested their savings hoping their savings would make money for them.

They lost their houses because they tried to game the game by taking ARM refinances with the future plan to refinance again before the ARM matured...a gamble they lost.

They lost their jobs because many people lose their jobs when recessions hit....something that is cyclical and occurs at least once if not twice a decade.

Shall we talk about how the middle class prospered under Bush for the bulk of his tenure as President? Of course not. It does not meet your narrative.
GOP unveils budget plans in face of Obama opposition - CenturyLink

Just how many times does the GOP have to illustrate that they cater to the wealthy, before the low information, FOX digesting, voters in the lower and middle class figure our that the Repubs could give a flip about them.

It seems that if someone slapped me in the face every day, I might try to stay away from them......seriously?

and you got two thank you's for this juvenile post of yours. doesn't say much for you

no facts or anything just regurgitate what some left wing site spew out

not impressive

The Associated Press is left leaning? I thought they just published the news....Oh...I see....The Facts are not always what you RW loons want to see. GOTCHA!
The GOP budget is about curbing government spending...about a balanced budget...about living within our means.

Don't you love how the Republicans trot out this ole "we gonna cut some spending and live in out budget" bullshit every single time they have lost the WH for a few years.

Then when they luck out and get back in the WH, what do they do then? Why they spend like drunken sailors.

And people like you turn a blind eye to their spending and pretend they will do better next time. Like you are doing now.

Isn't it to bad that you don't have one instance to point to where a Repub in the WH actually cut spending and deficits. That would make it a little easier to believe what you say about Repub and what they want top do.
Shall we talk about how the middle class prospered under Bush for the bulk of his tenure as President? Of course not. It does not meet your narrative

Well sure lets talk about those gains the middle class made. But seeing as how you are making the claim, how about you list the gains made by the middle class during the Bush Presidency. OK? Don't forget to go from the beginning to the end of his Presidency.
They lost their jobs because many people lose their jobs when recessions hit....something that is cyclical and occurs at least once if not twice a decade.

You aren't very bright this morning.

Yea people used to be "laid off" when a recession hit. Then they got "called back" when the recession ended. Remember those days?

Under Bush, the companies sent the jobs overseas. End of job. No call back to work . Unless you go to China or someplace else where the job got sent to.

Do you see and understand the difference in the two scenarios? You seem to think the first situation applied under Bush. It didn't.
They lost their houses because they tried to game the game by taking ARM refinances with the future plan to refinance again before the ARM matured...a gamble they lost.

I bet you got you some good proof that all the foreclosures and home losses only occurred to homeowners using ARM loans who were gaming the system.

You want to share that information? Or is it secret?
Shall we talk about how the middle class prospered under Bush for the bulk of his tenure as President? Of course not. It does not meet your narrative

Well sure lets talk about those gains the middle class made. But seeing as how you are making the claim, how about you list the gains made by the middle class during the Bush Presidency. OK? Don't forget to go from the beginning to the end of his Presidency.
Well, did it last? Was measures were put in place to ensure American prosperity? How many "up and down" cycles have we been through over the past 50 plus years? Is war profitable? What happened in 2007 and 2008? Do Republicans and Democrats "borrow and spend"?
Shall we talk about how the middle class prospered under Bush for the bulk of his tenure as President? Of course not. It does not meet your narrative

Well sure lets talk about those gains the middle class made. But seeing as how you are making the claim, how about you list the gains made by the middle class during the Bush Presidency. OK? Don't forget to go from the beginning to the end of his Presidency.

Bush had an odd presidency

In terms of terrorism, Conservatives talk about how he "kept us safe for the last seven years"
In terms of the economy, Bush "had a great economy for the first seven years"
They lost their savings ONLY because they invested their savings hoping their savings would make money for them.

I like this one. You mean those middle class people followed the advice of financial planners and other rich gurus about where to invest money if you wanted to have a retirement plan?

Yea, after many middle class lost their jobs, they sold their investments at the worst time. Not because they wanted to, because they had to have some money to try and save their houses.

And you want to blame them for the situation that rich scumbag Wall street players put them in. How nice of you.
Bush had an odd presidency

You are correct. According to our resident right wingers, the Bush Presidency only lasted 7 years.

Of course, part of the right wingers ignore the first year and the rest of them ignore the last year.
Wonder how they reconcile the difference? I know. blame Obama or Clinton. One or the other stole either the first year or the last year. No wonder they are so mad.

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