GOP releases 1023 form outlining $10 million bribe to Joe and Hunter Biden.


Indictment counts...

Trump ... 71
Biden ....... 0

Dim indictments only measure how big of a scumbag the Dims are.
So much for the argument nothing is pointing to Joe. I'm sure this will be dismissed as all the other evidence against the Biden Crime Family.

But that evidence grows by the day. And unlike RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, it's real.

The highly-anticipated internal FBI form that allegedly puts Joe and Hunter Biden at the center of a $10 million bribery scheme to 'coerce' Burisma CEO into making the payments in exchange for their help has been released by Republicans.

The FBI FD-1023 form was created on June 30, 2020 based off information from a highly-paid informant and brought to the attention of Republicans by a whistleblower. It details a $5 million each 'arrangement' between then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and an oil executive - identified as Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky - in exchange for getting a Ukrainian prosecutor who had a probe open into the company fired.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, obtained and published the document after a months-long back-and-forth between the top Republican and the FBI through 'legally protected disclosures' by Department of Justice (DOJ) whistleblowers.

The FD-1023 form obtained by Thursday includes reporting from a confidential human source (CHS) that begins with a 'late 2025 or 2016' first meeting with the source and Burisma executives in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The CHS participated in the meeting during which it was explained to him by Burisma's CFO Vadim Pojarskii that the then-vice president's son Hunter was a sitting board member.

According to the source's recount of the meeting, Pojarskii said Burisma hired Hunter Biden to 'protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.'

According to the form, the source asked why Burisma needed to get assistance 'regarding the purchase/merger of a US-based company when Biden was on their board.'

Pojarskii replied 'that at Hunter Biden was not smart, and they wanted to get additional counsel.'

According to the form, the source said the meeting took place around the time then-Vice President Joe Biden 'made a public statement about (former) Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin being corrupt, and that he should be fired/removed from office.'

At the time, Shokin had opened an investigation into Burisma, which the company knew 'would have a substantial negative impact on Burisma's prospective IPO in the United States.'

The form states that Zlochevsky replied, 'Don't worry Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.'

Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky told the source: 'it costs (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden.'
The only thing you, Grassley, Jordan & the rest of you Trump asslickers have is your vile fantasies.

It took grass fed hog Grassley months to release the bullshit document because it's a crock of shit & he wants payback for his ass buddy Trump being indicted. Plus the old bastard is senile & so are you.
Of course it is. Now they’re showing off an unsubstantiated allegation from a confidential source that the FBI allowed them to see with the understanding that it would be made public.


To harm Biden.

“Viktor Shokin was a major barrier to fighting corruption in Ukraine, which is why there was bipartisan agreement in the United States — bolstered by the EU, IMF, and Ukrainian reformers — that it was imperative he be removed from office.”

European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal,

EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture.
All anonymous. No names are mentioned. No documents are listed.
And by the guys own words, Biden (along with the EU and IMF) had come out against Shokin before Biden threatened withholding the $1 billion.

In fact, Biden was the straw the broke the camels back, not the instigator.
"Came out against Shokin?" Can you post a link to the statement where they demanded he be fired?

. . . . . .

I didn't think so.
So is POS45.

Ad Nauseam.
Shokin was fired for NOT prosecuting the corruption in Ukraine.
Ya Moron ^^^^^
All the evidence indicates he was fired because Biden wanted him fired, and for no other reason.

Even Hannity ran with the FAKE NEWS story again tonight.
How low will FOX, Hannity, and all other right wing scum continue to go.
Tell the LIE enough times, even you will believe it.
I see no evidence that the story is fake.
So? Still, some parts were indeed verified. Unlike this FD-1023, which states nothing that was verified.
so? You claim we should believe a document because some unimportant parts happen to be true?

If the 1023 said the sky is blue or that water is wet, does that mean you'll believe it?

You're a special kind of stupid.
All the evidence indicates he was fired because Biden wanted him fired, and for no other reason.

I see no evidence that the story is fake.

So where is the evidence that the EU demanded that he be fired?
Try reading this ^^^^^
so what about the actual 1023 is fantasy? never mind. you just claimed an actual document isn't back up with documentation!! LMAO. You're fucking retarded and no amount of evidence will convince you of anything beyond your idiotic partisan view.
The unclassified memo is a June 2020 internal FBI report outlining claims by a foreign informant.
There is no evidence
that Joe Biden received any payments from Ukraine.
Senior congressional Republicans have acknowledged the allegation is unverified.

unfortunately when a who bunch or rightwing sites get this story they live this part out. Thus right believers just get

Oh my gosh

The FBI officials have described FD-1023 forms as a means to document "raw, unverified" intelligence information that does not reflect the conclusions of investigators.

that is why its a fantasy, It is not because someone created the document, Its the information in the document. Once reported then the FBI has to investigate if there is enough evidence to prosecute and arrest.

Its not because someone made a statement. If they had a recording, or video then it does make their claims stronger.

Statements have to verified and the FBI has to allocated manpower to this. So if informant has proof then it may lead to this.

Statements with no proof submitted to the FBI is why they really do not want to release these documents.

Right wing sites will just report it and get there supports excited.

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Try reading this ^^^^^
Please quote whatever material you believe supports your case. I'm not wading through that mountain of garbage trying to figure out what you are referring to.

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