GOP releases 1023 form outlining $10 million bribe to Joe and Hunter Biden.

Of course you are. You're doing it right now.

Pointing out you're full of shit is not defending him. If I were to lie and say Trump raped Barron and you called me a liar, that would not be you defending Trump. That would be you accusing me of lying. Meanwhile, Biden is unfit for that office. I've called him an idiot, stupid & senile. I've said if he's committed any crimes, he should go to jail for them. I've said he sucks as president. I've said the only reason I voted for him was to get Trump out. I've said I would have voted for the Republican candidate in 2020 had it not been Trump.

You know, what you fucking moronically refer to as defending him.
In other words, you can't quote it. I told you, I only found Biden demanding that shokin be fired.
That's all you looked for.

When I post the quote below, will you read it?
Or just call it fake news?

Feb. 10, 2015 – Viktor Shokin takes office as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, replacing Yarema.

Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma
Read the next part below carefully.

You asked for quotes, here they are.
Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus. In other words, Pyatt is critical of the prosecutor’s office for not aiding in investigations of Burisma’s owner, which was in line with Biden’s criticism that the office was blocking corruption investigations. Pyatt specifically called for the investigation and removal of officials who were involved in the failure to help the British authorities investigate Zlochevskiy:
That's all you looked for.

When I post the quote below, will you read it?
Or just call it fake news?

Feb. 10, 2015 – Viktor Shokin takes office as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, replacing Yarema.

Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma
Read the next part below carefully.
You asked for quotes, here they are.

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus. In other words, Pyatt is critical of the prosecutor’s office for not aiding in investigations of Burisma’s owner, which was in line with Biden’s criticism that the office was blocking corruption investigations. Pyatt specifically called for the investigation and removal of officials who were involved in the failure to help the British authorities investigate Zlochevskiy:
No specific language to fire Shokin.
No specific language to fire Shokin.
While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus. In other words, Pyatt is critical of the prosecutor’s office for not aiding in investigations of Burisma’s owner, which was in line with Biden’s criticism that the office was blocking corruption investigations. Pyatt specifically called for the investigation and removal of officials who were involved in the failure to help the British authorities investigate Zlochevskiy:

It takes a lot of patience dealing with you.
It's right there ^^^^ and somehow you overlook it.
While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus. In other words, Pyatt is critical of the prosecutor’s office for not aiding in investigations of Burisma’s owner, which was in line with Biden’s criticism that the office was blocking corruption investigations. Pyatt specifically called for the investigation and removal of officials who were involved in the failure to help the British authorities investigate Zlochevskiy:

It takes a lot of patience dealing with you.
It's right there ^^^^ and somehow you overlook it.
No where does he demand that Shokin be fired. You're inferring it.
No where does he demand that Shokin be fired. You're inferring it.
Yes, slowpoke, that is what the entire thing is about.

Likewise, NOWHERE does it say biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS investigating Burisma. It clearly states that Shokin had zero interest in fighting corruption in ALL of Ukraine. Shokin refused to investigate Burisma.

trump and Rudy have a political spin. Imaging that bripat9643, trump going directly after political opponents with LIES.
Yes, slowpoke, that is what the entire thing is about.

Likewise, NOWHERE does it say biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS investigating Burisma. It clearly states that Shokin had zero interest in fighting corruption in ALL of Ukraine. Shokin refused to investigate Burisma.

trump and Rudy have a political spin. Imaging that bripat9643, trump going directly after political opponents with LIES.
I asked for proof, not some prog inferring what he wants to believe.
bripat9643 where is your proof that biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS investigating Burisma and thus protecting Hunter.

You got nothing, that's why you deflect in your weak ASS way.
bripat9643 where is your proof that biden wanted Shokin fired because he WAS investigating Burisma and thus protecting Hunter.

You got nothing, that's why you deflect in your weak ASS way.
Shokin was investigating Burisma - Hunter's "employer"). Biden demanded that the president fire him. a few hours later he was fired,
Shokin was investigating Burisma - Hunter's "employer"). Biden demanded that the president fire him. a few hours later he was fired,
You a truly mistaken.
Shokin was NOT investigating Burisma or any other Corruption.

It pretty simple dude, just read up, and take off the blinders.

Read what I posted, the ENTIRE thing.
You got time.

You a truly mistaken.
Shokin was NOT investigating Burisma or any other Corruption.

It pretty simple dude, just read up, and take off the blinders.
So the Biden defenders claim. What proof of that do we have?

Read what I posted, the ENTIRE thing.
You got time.

Prove Shoken was investigating Burisma. Why would they want him fired if he wasn't?
You know these people wouldn't have been able to testify if they hadn't been vetted by both sides and agreed to. This proves your post is full of shit. If you'd learn to stay out of gay bars watching drag might learn something.

Democrats have no say in this farce. This is a Republican show. If both sides had to agree then they never would have been allowed to testify. You are the one who is full of shit. The difference in you and me is that I believe everyone has the right of free speech. You need to learn something.
Unfortunately, a video of Joe or Hunter robbing a bank could surface and the MSM would ignore it and the lefty’s on this forum would simply claim it is fake and move on. Truly sad.

That is what Trump supporters would do. Trump even says so.
You can’t blame them. They get their quotes from the MSM, which routinely and conveniently heavily edit quotes to sway the masses. It has worked many times.(Charlottesville, for example)

You get your lies from right wing media. Trump supported the fascists in Charlottsville. That is why his Chief of Staff had his face buried in his hands.
Democrats did act and impeached Trump twice with less evidence that has been put forth so far against the Biden’s. Imagine what would be un-earthed during discovery if an actual investigation by an IMPARTIAL DOJ was launched? Like I said, many long time politicians would be caught up in the net, which is one of the reasons it won’t happen. With Trump being an outsider and a newcomer, there was no such danger. HUGE difference.

There was more than sufficient evidence that Trump should have been impeached and removed from office. Legitimate whistleblowers testified. They went through the process and their claims were found to be credible. Republicans put up people who have not gone through the process because they know they can't prove anything..
But you kept referring to events that only occurred in the dossier.

Yeah, you said that every time you asked us to believe some claim made in the Steel dossier.

That, by itself, no. However it's reinforced by all the other evidence.

Hey FAUX, remember when you said that it's not a violation of the 1st Amendment when the FBI tells twitter what to censor? What did the courts have to say about that?
What “other evidence”?

Be specific
There was more than sufficient evidence that Trump should have been impeached and removed from office. Legitimate whistleblowers testified. They went through the process and their claims were found to be credible. Republicans put up people who have not gone through the process because they know they can't prove anything..
Only Trump hating progs found their claims to be credible. Everyone else found it to be laughable.
You get your lies from right wing media. Trump supported the fascists in Charlottsville. That is why his Chief of Staff had his face buried in his hands.
No, Trump did not support the fascists in Charlottesville.
No, ya fucking moron, I don't think unverified parts should be believed. That's why I never said the other unverified parts should be believed.

What I did say is that some parts of Steele's dossier were verified; whereas absolutely nothing in the 1023 was verified.

But here y'all are, waving that 1023 like it sinks Joe Biden; when really, it's less verified than Steele's dossier.
What parts were verified?

Watch this……

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