GOP Rep. Larry Pittman Cracks Birther Joke Sending Liberals Into A Frenzy

There seem to be lots of threads about low profile politicians saying or doing something dumb seriously do people just sit in front of the computer all day trolling the web for this kind of stuff?
How dare he talk about the messiah like that. That's what is happening this evening as liberals have found a video of North Carolina Rep. Larry Pittman cracking a funny birther joke about Obama at a town hall event this past Monday. The hyper-sensitive liberal news rags are not letting him get away with it as they are livid about the joke which I thought was pretty funny about the 'putative' president.

GOP Lawmaker Cracks Birther Joke

WATCH: North Carolina GOP State Rep. Makes Birther Joke About Obama | Mediaite

Rep Pittman Makes Birther Joke - YouTube

Any liberal would tell you that, that was not funny.

On the other hand calling Palin a **** is hilarious!!
How dare he talk about the messiah like that. That's what is happening this evening as liberals have found a video of North Carolina Rep. Larry Pittman cracking a funny birther joke about Obama at a town hall event this past Monday. The hyper-sensitive liberal news rags are not letting him get away with it as they are livid about the joke which I thought was pretty funny about the 'putative' president.

GOP Lawmaker Cracks Birther Joke

WATCH: North Carolina GOP State Rep. Makes Birther Joke About Obama | Mediaite

Rep Pittman Makes Birther Joke - YouTube

Any liberal would tell you that, that was not funny.

On the other hand calling Palin a **** is hilarious!!

What a dumbass opinion! Hypocrite! :mad:
How dare he talk about the messiah like that. That's what is happening this evening as liberals have found a video of North Carolina Rep. Larry Pittman cracking a funny birther joke about Obama at a town hall event this past Monday. The hyper-sensitive liberal news rags are not letting him get away with it as they are livid about the joke which I thought was pretty funny about the 'putative' president.

GOP Lawmaker Cracks Birther Joke

WATCH: North Carolina GOP State Rep. Makes Birther Joke About Obama | Mediaite

Rep Pittman Makes Birther Joke - YouTube

Any liberal would tell you that, that was not funny.

On the other hand calling Palin a **** is hilarious!!

What a dumbass opinion! Hypocrite! :mad:

You're the expert at giving dumbass opinions.

Fact is Mahr was giving a pass when he called Palin a **** by you idiot lefties saying he was a comedian and it was a joke.

But when a conservative tells a joke you get your panties in a twist.

Liberals are the true hypocrites.
Oh, NOW it's a "joke"? Only NOW?

Oh the fact he wasn't born here is truth. But what he said was a joke maybe you should try listening to it and then responding.

birfers are funny. thanks for the laughs, birfer :lol:

I saw a very nice looking woman around 40 years old in an expensive business suit slip on a pile of dog shit. A really big pile. She landed on top of the dog shit on her butt and stood up with her hand and the back of her business suit smeared with dog shit. She fell with a classic feet shooting out from under her and clearly wasn't even mildly injured. For a split second, it was funny. Then the realty of all that shit and the stink. Then it wasn't funny any more. It was awful. And you ended up being very angry at whoever left that huge pile of dogshit on the sidewalk. Birthers are dogshit.

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