GOP Rep Madison Cawthorn is “on the medal stand for worst new member of Congress”, his hometown paper says

now that Trump is gone, the liberal media is looking for new scapegoats!

The stupidity of your average Trump cultist, from this clown to Taylor Greene, to the wannabe Sarah Palin from Colorado, is truly appalling. You folks are just flat out dumb, and you seek out and vote for those like you.
He’s the GameStop of representatives.

Fundamentally worthless but propped up for lolz.
i don't think this is gonna help...
You lose, calling "Godwin's Law". Thanks for playing.
It's not godwyning if it's true.
The first one to reference anything Nazi or Hitler loses the debate, that is Godwin's Law.
If you can't win the debate straight-up, that act of desperation means you lose instantly.
It's not godwyning if it's true.

Sorry for your luck.
1. Hawthorne called Hitler the "supreme evil" and was NOT in any way supportive of Nazism, the video says that, but then keep spewing what sites Hawthorne visited. So what? I often wondered how Germans could have been so converted to Nazism, then I see what the democrats are doing with Twitter and Parler, how everything Trump is demonized, and how one party is trying to silence all free speech and the freedom of the press. I admire the 1/6 protesters, many veterans, for actually doing something they believe in.

2. The video just demonizes Republicans who have extreme views. I make fun of the democrat who said that the island of Guam is going to capsize, how stupid is that? Low IQ Maxine said to attack Trump admin people in restaurants, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders was. After it happened to democrats, once on 1/6, they shit their pants. I do not accept double standards, if the democrats want to play rough, fine, but they need to take it as well as dish it out, and not hide behind a barbed wire fence and the US Army. They like to harass people in their homes with loud speakers though, huh?
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Democrat communists are pulling out all the stops to have veto power over the vote. In fact it would suit them just fine if there were no more elections. Just appointed communists.
The GOP will take the House back in 2022, but Pelosi is retiring, so technically we're taking back the House from AOC and "The Squad".

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