GOP Rep. Praises Tea Partiers For Being "Polite And Respectful"

An Alinsky tactic

" the spring of 1972, at Tulane University...students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations - a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration's Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush's address. That's the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative - and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.' And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results." from "Let Them Call Me Rebel"

Any proof this story is true?
Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Kay Fischer, a protester from North Carolina, said she was watching...


Fischer said Frank was the first to start using salty language.

She said she and a half-dozen other protesters were waiting outside a committee room in the Longworth House Office Building on Saturday for about 45 minutes when Frank finally emerged. He was mobbed by reporters, she said, and the protesters started shouting things like, "Kill the bill."


Shortly after that, she said, a tall man with brown hair, who hadn't been chanting with the other protesters at all, walked up and said "fag" to Frank.

This has started to sprout some conspiracy theories.


"I have gay friends. ... There were a bunch of people moaning like, 'Oh God,'" she said.

The crazy Tea Party Lady goes on to say she thinks the perp was a plant, while admitting she couldn't prove it. She gives no rational or sane reason for why a plant would be there,.


btw, great article for taking apart how FOX spins accounts. They list what happened, then give reasons to gullible FoxBots for why what happened may not have happened...may...they can always take both sides.

Actually it fits. They don't check IDs and look into backgrounds. Anyone can show up at these events. And the usual m.o. is to plant someone.....a professional instigator. They start some shit and it's all blamed on the Tea-party. It's so easy to do. The article shows this to be the case. Nobody can prove anything which is so convenient.

The only thing that "fits" is your retarded footprints on the Teabag Party Path to Glorious Stoopidity. Wake the fuk up man.
it's all very amusing, this faux outrage at the terms "ni**er" and "faggot" all the while the liberals chortle and snark and chuckle over calling people "teabaggers" who gives a shit about their stupid faux outrage? No I said the cat.
an alinsky tactic

" the spring of 1972, at tulane university...students asked alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by george h. W. Bush, then u.s. Representative to the united nations - a speech likely to include a defense of the nixon administration's vietnam war policies. The students told alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting bush's address. That's the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative - and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the ku klux klan, and whenever bush said something in defense of the vietnam war, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘the kkk supports bush.' and that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results." from "let them call me rebel"

any proof this story is true?

Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Kay Fischer, a protester from North Carolina, said she was watching...


Fischer said Frank was the first to start using salty language.

She said she and a half-dozen other protesters were waiting outside a committee room in the Longworth House Office Building on Saturday for about 45 minutes when Frank finally emerged. He was mobbed by reporters, she said, and the protesters started shouting things like, "Kill the bill."


Shortly after that, she said, a tall man with brown hair, who hadn't been chanting with the other protesters at all, walked up and said "fag" to Frank.

This has started to sprout some conspiracy theories.


"I have gay friends. ... There were a bunch of people moaning like, 'Oh God,'" she said.

The crazy Tea Party Lady goes on to say she thinks the perp was a plant, while admitting she couldn't prove it. She gives no rational or sane reason for why a plant would be there,.


btw, great article for taking apart how FOX spins accounts. They list what happened, then give reasons to gullible FoxBots for why what happened may not have happened...may...they can always take both sides.

Actually it fits. They don't check IDs and look into backgrounds. Anyone can show up at these events. And the usual m.o. is to plant someone.....a professional instigator. They start some shit and it's all blamed on the Tea-party. It's so easy to do. The article shows this to be the case. Nobody can prove anything which is so convenient.

You mean "the usual Republican m.o."
Prove the statement that I've highlighted to be true!

Ever hear the phrase "Tiller the Baby Killer"?

It wasn't used on Mainstream (legitimate) media

Sure I have so what 's your point?

I've also heard that phrase on the MSM describing what some pro-lifers called Tiller and when questioning O'Reilly's use of the phrase. So that makes you a liar.

Tiller Killing Puts Spotlight on Fox's O'Reilly - ABC News

CBS News Mobile George Tiller: Culture War Casualty?

But none of that proves your statement to be true. So what if Fox used that phrase? Show me where that phrase was used to incite violence or how it was used to "whip them (whoever the fuck "them" are) into a frenzy".

So, by your own account, the Mainstream Legitimate Media questioned O'Reillys use of the phrase while Republican Propaganda Network Fox allowed it to be broadcast unchallenged.

Once again Fox and O'Reilly denied culpability in much the same way a Mafia Don would deny any culpability in ordering a hit
Ever hear the phrase "Tiller the Baby Killer"?

It wasn't used on Mainstream (legitimate) media

Sure I have so what 's your point?

I've also heard that phrase on the MSM describing what some pro-lifers called Tiller and when questioning O'Reilly's use of the phrase. So that makes you a liar.

Tiller Killing Puts Spotlight on Fox's O'Reilly - ABC News

CBS News Mobile George Tiller: Culture War Casualty?

But none of that proves your statement to be true. So what if Fox used that phrase? Show me where that phrase was used to incite violence or how it was used to "whip them (whoever the fuck "them" are) into a frenzy".

So, by your own account, the Mainstream Legitimate Media questioned O'Reillys use of the phrase while Republican Propaganda Network Fox allowed it to be broadcast unchallenged.

Once again Fox and O'Reilly denied culpability in much the same way a Mafia Don would deny any culpability in ordering a hit

Fox didn't challenge it because there was nothing to challenge and that's what the MSM found out. O'Reilly used that phrase when reporting how far right extremist described Tiller, it was factual reportage, nothing more. But no matter what the reason for MSM reportage the fact is they did use the phrase that you claimed they didn't use and that makes you a liar. Is that all you have to support your claim that Fox, Hannity and Rush whipped whoever the imaginary "them" is into a frenzy?

What is Fox or O'Reilly denying? You haven't shown either has done anything remotely resembling the actions you described.

Your credibility ( or what's left of it) is waning.
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The problem is the right wing media (Fox, Hannity, Rush) whips them into a frenzy and sends them on their way. When incidents happen they just shrug and say "What?....Who me?....I didn't tell them to do that"

Where is Rush and company in urging their listeners to protest peacefully and repectfully?

Prove the statement that I've highlighted to be true!

Ever hear the phrase "Tiller the Baby Killer"?

It wasn't used on Mainstream (legitimate) media

Tiller? Hmmm. Tiller.

Oh yeah! Ain't he the guy who partially decapitated newborns for a living?
Im skeptical that A tea party person did this , I would believe a progressive provocateur would do so to sully the movement .
That I can envision is a heartbeat.
Im skeptical that A tea party person did this , I would believe a progressive provocateur would do so to sully the movement .
That I can envision is a heartbeat.

Of course the Right wing can envision it. It's an core part of their platform....Rove, Watergate, Operation Chaos, Backward B Girl....
I have never heard the term "reportage" before.

Do you say it like "report-ij" or "reportahg" (like "decopage").

Also I am currently drinking the most revolting coffee I have ever been cursed with tasting.
The unfortunate thing is I made a huge pot of it, so I'd better get used to it.
Im skeptical that A tea party person did this , I would believe a progressive provocateur would do so to sully the movement .
That I can envision is a heartbeat.

Of course the Right wing can envision it. It's an core part of their platform....Rove, Watergate, Operation Chaos, Backward B Girl....

Are you saying it is not possible an agent provocateur from the left could not have been operating in this instance?
I have never heard the term "reportage" before.

Do you say it like "report-ij" or "reportahg" (like "decopage").

Also I am currently drinking the most revolting coffee I have ever been cursed with tasting.
The unfortunate thing is I made a huge pot of it, so I'd better get used to it.

Why do you continue to drink that which is bad for you and taastes like shit?

Throw it in the garden after it cools and make a new pot that at least tastes good.

I guess its the con thinking that makes you want to continue to swallow stuff that is shit and bad for you instead of doing the smart thing which is to try something that is good for you and doesnt taste like shit.
I have never heard the term "reportage" before.

Do you say it like "report-ij" or "reportahg" (like "decopage").

Also I am currently drinking the most revolting coffee I have ever been cursed with tasting.
The unfortunate thing is I made a huge pot of it, so I'd better get used to it.
Just make a new pot, life is to short to drink crappy coffee .
Haven't there been quite a few fake attacks? The "carve B" episode, the assault by libruls on a conservative college student, etc. So it's funny as hell to see this conspiracy theory spring from that camp.
In the 1970s we heard disturbing reports of veterans returning from Vietnam being spat upon in airports. I never personally witnessed anything like this and I can't personally recall anything like this actually happening. But the reports were there. And the right ran with them painting each and every American who saw that war for the disaster it was as capable and probably culpable of such attacks.

In 1960, Bill Mazeroski hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the World Series for my Pittsburgh Pirates over the damn New York Yankees. Forbes Field held less than 40,000. Yet as the years drift by, one would be amazed at the number of eye witnesses to Maz's epic blast!

Are some folks out of line? Absolutely. Does that make everyone who was in attendance at the event guilty? Absolutely not. Can such behavior be rationalized? Not by anyone who has an once of decency.

Let's see how many Right Wingers here step up and decry the treatment of say Kent State students on May 4, 1970 while cheering on the slobs who spat and called names last weekend on Capitol Hill.

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