GOP Rep. Praises Tea Partiers For Being "Polite And Respectful"

In the 1970s we heard disturbing reports of veterans returning from Vietnam being spat upon in airports. I never personally witnessed anything like this and I can't personally recall anything like this actually happening. But the reports were there. And the right ran with them painting each and every American who saw that war for the disaster it was as capable and probably culpable of such attacks.

In 1960, Bill Mazeroski hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the World Series for my Pittsburgh Pirates over the damn New York Yankees. Forbes Field held less than 40,000. Yet as the years drift by, one would be amazed at the number of eye witnesses to Maz's epic blast!

Are some folks out of line? Absolutely. Does that make everyone who was in attendance at the event guilty? Absolutely not. Can such behavior be rationalized? Not by anyone who has an once of decency.

Let's see how many Right Wingers here step up and decry the treatment of say Kent State students on May 4, 1970 while cheering on the slobs who spat and called names last weekend on Capitol Hill.

The veterans being spat upon at airports appears to be a myth

Vietnam Veterans Against the War: THE VETERAN: Debunking A Myth

How does one attempt to prove a negative - that something didn't happen? This author does it by examining the positive side and failing to find any conclusive proof that it occurred. Along the way he finds many indications that it is indeed a myth

His research examined newspapers from New York and San Francisco, as well as police reports detailing the interaction between protesters and veterans. No spitting incidents were reported, and the observers noticed that over time the veterans assumed leadership positions among the protesters. Lembcke did find newspaper reports of spitting during demonstrations in the late 1960s, but they referred to hawks spitting on anti-war protesters.

Reinforcing his myth hypothesis, Lembcke cites a Harris poll reported to Congress in 1972 that indicates 93% of returning veterans found their homecoming friendly, while only 3% found it unfriendly. The poll also reported that over 75% of returning vets were opposed to the war.

The first documented reports of being spit upon don't begin to appear until the early 1980s. According to the author, who is currently an associate professor of sociology, the time delay is a strong indication that the story is a myth. So where did the myth come from?

Though no definitive proof can be produced to absolve activists, or to confirm their innocence, one can examine existing records and determine that, with the lack of positive proof and in the face of other events, it is unlikely any spitting occurred.
So, a day later, there's still no palpable evidence that those perpetrating the acts in question --other than the say-so of one of the most dubious sources on the interwebs-- were in fact "teabaggers".

In the 1970s we heard disturbing reports of veterans returning from Vietnam being spat upon in airports. I never personally witnessed anything like this and I can't personally recall anything like this actually happening. But the reports were there. And the right ran with them painting each and every American who saw that war for the disaster it was as capable and probably culpable of such attacks.

In 1960, Bill Mazeroski hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the World Series for my Pittsburgh Pirates over the damn New York Yankees. Forbes Field held less than 40,000. Yet as the years drift by, one would be amazed at the number of eye witnesses to Maz's epic blast!

Are some folks out of line? Absolutely. Does that make everyone who was in attendance at the event guilty? Absolutely not. Can such behavior be rationalized? Not by anyone who has an once of decency.

Let's see how many Right Wingers here step up and decry the treatment of say Kent State students on May 4, 1970 while cheering on the slobs who spat and called names last weekend on Capitol Hill.

The veterans being spat upon at airports appears to be a myth

Vietnam Veterans Against the War: THE VETERAN: Debunking A Myth

How does one attempt to prove a negative - that something didn't happen? This author does it by examining the positive side and failing to find any conclusive proof that it occurred. Along the way he finds many indications that it is indeed a myth

His research examined newspapers from New York and San Francisco, as well as police reports detailing the interaction between protesters and veterans. No spitting incidents were reported, and the observers noticed that over time the veterans assumed leadership positions among the protesters. Lembcke did find newspaper reports of spitting during demonstrations in the late 1960s, but they referred to hawks spitting on anti-war protesters.

Reinforcing his myth hypothesis, Lembcke cites a Harris poll reported to Congress in 1972 that indicates 93% of returning veterans found their homecoming friendly, while only 3% found it unfriendly. The poll also reported that over 75% of returning vets were opposed to the war.

The first documented reports of being spit upon don't begin to appear until the early 1980s. According to the author, who is currently an associate professor of sociology, the time delay is a strong indication that the story is a myth. So where did the myth come from?

Though no definitive proof can be produced to absolve activists, or to confirm their innocence, one can examine existing records and determine that, with the lack of positive proof and in the face of other events, it is unlikely any spitting occurred.
FOX News even reported that media people heard the shouted slurs, and that the incident with Frank happened in the corridors/halls.

Of course they go on to commentary, that what happened might not have happened, yet they offer NO proof to debunk what others know happened.
Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Kay Fischer, a protester from North Carolina, said she was watching...


Fischer said Frank was the first to start using salty language.

She said she and a half-dozen other protesters were waiting outside a committee room in the Longworth House Office Building on Saturday for about 45 minutes when Frank finally emerged. He was mobbed by reporters, she said, and the protesters started shouting things like, "Kill the bill."


Shortly after that, she said, a tall man with brown hair, who hadn't been chanting with the other protesters at all, walked up and said "fag" to Frank.

This has started to sprout some conspiracy theories.


"I have gay friends. ... There were a bunch of people moaning like, 'Oh God,'" she said.

The crazy Tea Party Lady goes on to say she thinks the perp was a plant, while admitting she couldn't prove it. She gives no rational or sane reason for why a plant would be there,.


btw, great article for taking apart how FOX spins accounts. They list what happened, then give reasons to gullible FoxBots for why what happened may not have happened...may...they can always take both sides.

I beleive her statement. The guy in Denver who pretended to be a tea party protestor broke out windows at the denver DNC office attempting to blame it on the tea party. It was found that he was a democratic polster. It happened and was printed all over the National news and Denver newspapers. Google it. I don't buy any of the bull-shit that the dems are saying.
In the 1970s we heard disturbing reports of veterans returning from Vietnam being spat upon in airports. I never personally witnessed anything like this and I can't personally recall anything like this actually happening. But the reports were there. And the right ran with them painting each and every American who saw that war for the disaster it was as capable and probably culpable of such attacks.

In 1960, Bill Mazeroski hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the World Series for my Pittsburgh Pirates over the damn New York Yankees. Forbes Field held less than 40,000. Yet as the years drift by, one would be amazed at the number of eye witnesses to Maz's epic blast!

Are some folks out of line? Absolutely. Does that make everyone who was in attendance at the event guilty? Absolutely not. Can such behavior be rationalized? Not by anyone who has an once of decency.

Let's see how many Right Wingers here step up and decry the treatment of say Kent State students on May 4, 1970 while cheering on the slobs who spat and called names last weekend on Capitol Hill.

The veterans being spat upon at airports appears to be a myth

Vietnam Veterans Against the War: THE VETERAN: Debunking A Myth

How does one attempt to prove a negative - that something didn't happen? This author does it by examining the positive side and failing to find any conclusive proof that it occurred. Along the way he finds many indications that it is indeed a myth

His research examined newspapers from New York and San Francisco, as well as police reports detailing the interaction between protesters and veterans. No spitting incidents were reported, and the observers noticed that over time the veterans assumed leadership positions among the protesters. Lembcke did find newspaper reports of spitting during demonstrations in the late 1960s, but they referred to hawks spitting on anti-war protesters.

Reinforcing his myth hypothesis, Lembcke cites a Harris poll reported to Congress in 1972 that indicates 93% of returning veterans found their homecoming friendly, while only 3% found it unfriendly. The poll also reported that over 75% of returning vets were opposed to the war.

The first documented reports of being spit upon don't begin to appear until the early 1980s. According to the author, who is currently an associate professor of sociology, the time delay is a strong indication that the story is a myth. So where did the myth come from?

Though no definitive proof can be produced to absolve activists, or to confirm their innocence, one can examine existing records and determine that, with the lack of positive proof and in the face of other events, it is unlikely any spitting occurred.
FOX News even reported that media people heard the shouted slurs, and that the incident with Frank happened in the corridors/halls.

Of course they go on to commentary, that what happened might not have happened, yet they offer NO proof to debunk what others know happened.

Why don't you just say, "there is no proof it actually happened"?
Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Kay Fischer, a protester from North Carolina, said she was watching...


Fischer said Frank was the first to start using salty language.

She said she and a half-dozen other protesters were waiting outside a committee room in the Longworth House Office Building on Saturday for about 45 minutes when Frank finally emerged. He was mobbed by reporters, she said, and the protesters started shouting things like, "Kill the bill."


Shortly after that, she said, a tall man with brown hair, who hadn't been chanting with the other protesters at all, walked up and said "fag" to Frank.

This has started to sprout some conspiracy theories.


"I have gay friends. ... There were a bunch of people moaning like, 'Oh God,'" she said.

The crazy Tea Party Lady goes on to say she thinks the perp was a plant, while admitting she couldn't prove it. She gives no rational or sane reason for why a plant would be there,.


btw, great article for taking apart how FOX spins accounts. They list what happened, then give reasons to gullible FoxBots for why what happened may not have happened...may...they can always take both sides.

She is not crazy- she is probably dead on RIGHT.

Democratic Party Headquarters Vandalized - Politics News Story - KMGH Denver

Denver Police said they don't know what motivated the suspects. The headquarters was unoccupied at the time and there were no injuries reported.

The Denver Post reported in its Wednesday editions that Schwenkler had Democratic ties. He received $500 in November 2008 to walk door-to-door in support of Democrat Mollie Cullom, who lost her race to Republican state Rep. David Balmer of Centennial, according to The Post.

Schwenkler is not listed in the Democratic party’s database of registered voters.

Balmer said he suspects the vandalism might have been intended to make the Republican Party look bad.

"This sounds like the type of Democratic tactic from the left fringe trying to make Republicans look mean-spirited," Balmer said. "In this case, it blew up in their face."

Campaign records show Schwenkler was among dozens of canvassers paid by a political committee called
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The problem is the right wing media (Fox, Hannity, Rush) whips them into a frenzy and sends them on their way. When incidents happen they just shrug and say "What?....Who me?....I didn't tell them to do that"

Where is Rush and company in urging their listeners to protest peacefully and repectfully?

Prove the statement that I've highlighted to be true!

You can be so willfully ignorant. Oh shit let's just cut to the quick. You are a fucking liar. Before Obama was elected I heard Rush and Hannity and Beck and others promote republicans to sign up as dems to shift the out comes of several elections as well as going to denver to disrupt the dems convention. Then there was that little matter of Roberts going down to Florida and banging on tjhe windows orf the elections ballot counting...before he was nominated for Justice. The neo cons and thier lackeys in the media have a long history of perpetrating acts of violence. You are full of shit and have no credibility.
Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Kay Fischer, a protester from North Carolina, said she was watching...


Fischer said Frank was the first to start using salty language.

She said she and a half-dozen other protesters were waiting outside a committee room in the Longworth House Office Building on Saturday for about 45 minutes when Frank finally emerged. He was mobbed by reporters, she said, and the protesters started shouting things like, "Kill the bill."


Shortly after that, she said, a tall man with brown hair, who hadn't been chanting with the other protesters at all, walked up and said "fag" to Frank.

This has started to sprout some conspiracy theories.


"I have gay friends. ... There were a bunch of people moaning like, 'Oh God,'" she said.

The crazy Tea Party Lady goes on to say she thinks the perp was a plant, while admitting she couldn't prove it. She gives no rational or sane reason for why a plant would be there,.


btw, great article for taking apart how FOX spins accounts. They list what happened, then give reasons to gullible FoxBots for why what happened may not have happened...may...they can always take both sides.

So somebody called Barney Frank a faggot? :eusa_eh:
Rather than advancing balanced perspectives, both tailor their activities towards supporters.

They report with documentation of the lies on the right.

Why dont you start one for the Rs point of view?

MM has been arround for years now and NOT ONE SINGLE republican site has come along to do the same to dems....why is that??????

As if there are no lies told by the left? ;)

First of all, I'm not a Republican. Furthermore, I'm not so foolish as to think dueling propaganda organs leads to truth, understanding or progress.

Which is why I do my own research, rather than relying on MM, or their conservative counterpart, MRC.

Pfft, don't bother Debating with TM, she wont even admit her party has Partisan Hacks.. And wont admit her Party also tells lies..

She's just too damn full of herself to admit it.. Quite Sad actually..


There is proof it happened

Where is it?
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The problem is the right wing media (Fox, Hannity, Rush) whips them into a frenzy and sends them on their way. When incidents happen they just shrug and say "What?....Who me?....I didn't tell them to do that"

Where is Rush and company in urging their listeners to protest peacefully and repectfully?

Prove the statement that I've highlighted to be true!
April 24, 2008
CALLER: I wish you would play those comments back and let your listeners hear that again.

RUSH: No, I'm not going to. I'll sing it again.

CALLER: I know you --

RUSH: (singing) "I'm dreaming of a ri-ots." Are you happy now?

CALLER: (silence)
This was all over the regular media, also. Anyone and everyone saw these people for what they truly are.

that because it is denigrates conservatives, if this were about liberals, the "regular" media would be absolutely silent
Good grief. Both sides give bad press. Does repeating that fact advance anyone's arguments? NO.
As if liberal misinformation in the U.S. media doesn't exist? ;)

Truth is, MediaMatters is biased, by design. Unless they are intentionally balancing it out with other sources, yes, a person relying on MediaMatters would be misinformed, by design.


They report verifiable fact.

Its tape of the people doing what they say they are doing.

Fucking A people talk about bias.

How are the facts and film of the shit being said by the people who say it be untrustable?

When you have a thousand people, and 5% of them are acting like idiots, and you ONLY SHOW FILM of that 5% it is disingenuous and equal to lying.....unless you report it as "there was a small minority of people using this moment to express their biased views"...

but the media reproted it as "A crowd of 1000 teapartyers gathered at the mall today and used their time to scream out racial slurs and biased comments"....

If 15K attend a hockey game and 100 of them are seen tossing beer on the fans below, would you expect the news to report it as:

15K fans attended the game and they used it as a moment to express their hatred for people as they tossed beer all over each other..."

Well, that is exactrly what MSNBC did.

You mean like the Far Right Fundies do at Gay Pride Parades?
I cannot think of one good reason why leftwinger deserve any R E S P E C T. I know they beg for it but they don't D E S E R V E IT.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't have any respect, so what the hell would you know about it?

you are quite correct. I have Zero Respect. For you and your ilk. I save it for those who deserve it.

We cannots haz Willow Tree's carefully rationed respect?
This was all over the regular media, also. Anyone and everyone saw these people for what they truly are.

ROFLMNAO... What was 'all over the regular media' was the myth, innuendo and rumor... What has BEEN NO WHERE TO BE FOUND; is any actual correlating evidence; meaning that not a single camera or microphone of the SEA OF SUCH present on that day; managed to capture ANY OF IT.

It's more lies, by the liars and those who advocate for immoral abuse of power; intellectual dishonesty and the normalization of the abnormal.

Nothing new... or News worthy.

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