GOP rep to CNN: You are getting played!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.

It's great entertainment.
All Trump has to do is show the world he's a pig and uninformed on most subjects with his twitter account and the world collectively shakes their heads.
GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.

It's great entertainment.
You think being a chauvinistic pig is great entertainment?
Your mother raised you wrong.
GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.

It's great entertainment.
You think being a chauvinistic pig is great entertainment?
Your mother raised you wrong.
Keep whining this is EXACTLY what the GOP rep was talking about. 140 characters or less and President Trump is inside your puny little head for DAYS!
All Trump has to do is show the world he's a pig and uninformed on most subjects with his twitter account and the world collectively shakes their heads.

While he has the media in a war of words using twitter, he and the Legislature has passed many things dismantling much of Obamas legacy. Without the medias attacks on them, holding it all up in hostage with their war on words and opinions.:lmao:
Seems he is better at the political game than the career politicians and media.
Seems West Point taught him well in war strategy war games. :)

Hillary lost twice because she didn't play the Electoral win game very well.

The 12 self proclaimed PC socialist crowd thinks you should be impeached for freedom of speech. They think that moderate and conservative ideology should not be allowed.
That's not working out to well for them. :happy-1:
All Trump has to do is show the world he's a pig and uninformed on most subjects with his twitter account and the world collectively shakes their heads.

GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.
It's great entertainment.
great that trump shows he's an inept infantile pos The world laughs at him and those that elected him
It is easy to see why conservatives adore the Big Orange Idiot. He represents their lack of education and their complete absence of sophistication.

Conservatives claimed they were "embarrassed" by President Obama's consistent dignity, and how he represented the United States with refinement and earned the respect of world leaders. None of this can be said for the Big Orange idiot, as he has become laughing stock for all people in developed nations. Unfortunately, this does NOT embarrass conservatives, they stupidly believe he's doing a great job representing our nation on the world stage.

In the beginning his foolish antics helped camouflage the unconscionable actions by the crooked Republican in congress. But, as his conduct grows more and more outrageous, an increasing number of moderate Republicans are coming to realize his daily stunts will result in them being penalized in 2018 by thoroughly disgusted voters.

Conservatives' willful ignorance has long been a major source of pride for them. However, their defense of Big Orange's childish and boorish behavior, at home and in foreign countries, has provided undeniable proof conservatives have absolutely NO self-respect. Big Orange IS the obnoxious, swaggering American who citizens in foreign nations have come to expect and reject.

Conservatives desperately want to believe all liberals are up-in-arms over the idiocy of Big Orange. But that is far from the truth. As each day passes, liberals are encouraged by the Big Orange Idiot's gathering of more and more "political rope", that will inevitably hang the Republicans in the 2018 mid-term elections.

The current administration is nothing more than the continuation of the humiliating tragicomedy Republican Clown Show. It is a show which began the first day of the 2016 GOP presidential campaigns and is bringing the world to a turning point in history, and sadly, the U.S. public will be the losers. Conservatives, however, just keep stupidly waving their big, foam "We'er #1" fingers, oblivious to reality.

Back in the real world, while the Big Orange idiot and the congressional Republicans hold the U.S. in a death spiral, rational Americans are laughing, crying, shaking their heads in wonder (and disgust), all at the same time.

It is easy to see why conservatives adore the Big Orange Idiot. He represents their lack of education and their complete absence of sophistication.

Conservatives claimed they were "embarrassed" by President Obama's consistent dignity, and how he represented the United States with refinement and earned the respect of world leaders. None of this can be said for the Big Orange idiot, as he has become laughing stock for all people in developed nations. Unfortunately, this does NOT embarrass conservatives, they stupidly believe he's doing a great job representing our nation on the world stage.

In the beginning his foolish antics helped camouflage the unconscionable actions by the crooked Republican in congress. But, as his conduct grows more and more outrageous, an increasing number of moderate Republicans are coming to realize his daily stunts will result in them being penalized in 2018 by thoroughly disgusted voters.

Conservatives' willful ignorance has long been a major source of pride for them. However, their defense of Big Orange's childish and boorish behavior, at home and in foreign countries, has provided undeniable proof conservatives have absolutely NO self-respect. Big Orange IS the obnoxious, swaggering American who citizens in foreign nations have come to expect and reject.

Conservatives desperately want to believe all liberals are up-in-arms over the idiocy of Big Orange. But that is far from the truth. As each day passes, liberals are encouraged by the Big Orange Idiot's gathering of more and more "political rope", that will inevitably hang the Republicans in the 2018 mid-term elections.

The current administration is nothing more than the continuation of the humiliating tragicomedy Republican Clown Show. It is a show which began the first day of the 2016 GOP presidential campaigns and is bringing the world to a turning point in history, and sadly, the U.S. public will be the losers. Conservatives, however, just keep stupidly waving their big, foam "We'er #1" fingers, oblivious to reality.

Back in the real world, while the Big Orange idiot and the congressional Republicans hold the U.S. in a death spiral, rational Americans are laughing, crying, shaking their heads in wonder (and disgust), all at the same time.

GOP Rep Taylor to CNN: 'You Guys Are Getting Played' - Breitbart
Do they REALLY need to be told this? Is it not that freaking obvious? Jeez.

There was nothing more fun as a kid than recognizing parents and teachers who could easily be provoked.

And then getting under their skin and watching the explosion take place.

All President Trump has to do is write a 140 character tweet, and the Democrats'/lib media's hissy fit lasts for days.
It's great entertainment.
great that trump shows he's an inept infantile pos The world laughs at him and those that elected him
thats just what the trump wants you to think…
All democrats and many republicans were appalled over the whiny little bitch's cheap tweets against Mika and Morning Joe and called him out on it.
But the republican whores won't actually start doing something about this madman president until their seats in Congress become threatened.
While signing laws that helps promote Women Entrepreneurship, Education for Blacks, and help with the inner cities.
But you wouldn't know ,because the main stream media doesn't want you to know.
All Trump has to do is show the world he's a pig and uninformed on most subjects with his twitter account and the world collectively shakes their heads.

While he has the media in a war of words using twitter, he and the Legislature has passed many things dismantling much of Obamas legacy. Without the medias attacks on them, holding it all up in hostage with their war on words and opinions.:lmao:
Seems he is better at the political game than the career politicians and media.
Seems West Point taught him well in war strategy war games. :)

Hillary lost twice because she didn't play the Electoral win game very well.

The 12 self proclaimed PC socialist crowd thinks you should be impeached for freedom of speech. They think that moderate and conservative ideology should not be allowed.
That's not working out to well for them. :happy-1:
Yes... DT has dismantled much of Obama's legacy... almost all of it ill conceived.
Hurray for giving BiG COAL the freedom to pollute without restrictions.
Hurray for giving Wall Street the freedom to ruin our financial markets like in 2007.
And then you wonder why this man/ child is the most loathed man on the planet.
He now has unfavorable ratings on 5 continents including ours.
The funny thing is if you guys would stop flipping out of every tweet he probably wouldn't tweet so much. His tweets are not the 2017 version of the Gettysburg address you might try not making them the center of your day.

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