GOP Representative Cliff Stearns: "Sell off the National Parks"


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?

[ame=""]Stearns wants to sell off public lands[/ame]
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?

Stearns wants to sell off public lands
In that same townhall meeting, he also is making news around the country by saying he doubts Obama's birth certificate is legitiment and it's now to late to impeach him.

[ame=]Congressman Cliff Stearns On Obama's Birth Certificate: The Question Is, Is It Legitimate? - YouTube[/ame]
Well, I don't know exactly what is considered a "park" vs just land (and I could barely hear the audio in the video clip), but I would argue the federal government need not own nearly 30% of the land in America. The vast majority of that land is not "parks" in the traditional sense.

The last time we paid off our national debt was under Andrew Jackson and he did it by selling land the feds did not need. Given the soul crushing debt we face today, I think we should strongly consider selling federal land.
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?

Stearns wants to sell off public lands

Crazy Idea!

Or is it? Some where some how the bills need to be paid. Eliminating the tax cuts even for the middle class leaves us with trillion dollar deficits with another entitlement set to kick in.

God help us all.

So, national parks cost money, or make money? If he just wants to get rid of them, I'd buy 'em for a dollar a piece. Lots of money that could be made, I'm sure.
Parks? I don't know. I'd have to look into this idea some more before giving an educated answer on the whole, however, I live and work in the Sumter National Forest. I direct a non profit conservation group, the Tyger - Enoree River Alliance. I work closely with the USDA and the USFS on issues in our national forest and recreation areas. So, considering that I know a little about the topic, let me tell about our national forest here: We make a killing growing trees. Our national forest, like many others in the nation, is pretty much a tree farm. It is managed for the pubic benefit and we do encourage recreational use and we do use Best Management Practices on our timber land, leaving buffer zones, no clear cutting, erosion controls and wildlife management. Most importantly, we turn a profit for the public. We turn so much profit here that the forest is steadily growing. We're about to buy a 2,000 acre farm with timber money to add some more land to grow trees on.

Folks, the problem, not only with this particular group of people here, but everywhere, is that far too many people just don't know what they are talking about. People jump on knee jerk stuff and in a matter of moments will decide "Heck yeah! let's sell our public property!" Now, as I said, I would have to to some deeper research to see what the value of all public lands are but my gut tells me from my knowledge of the Uwharrie , Francis Marion, Sumter, Pisgah and Croatan that selling off our public lands is akin to a farmer thinking that if he just sold off all his land, he could have a good crop and make some money next year...d'oh!
Printable Maps - Federal Lands

Lets see, the fed owns close to 30 percent of the united states........

"progressives" squatters would be happier if they owned 100 percent

Well.. I don't know about that. You understand that a fair amount of that land is Military? Bases and bombing ranges? A lot of it is also what most would consider "waste land?" I mean, my entire District of the Sumter is land that cotton farmers left unplanted and let the soil all wash away. It is literally good for nothing except growing trees. We The People bought it from bankrupt farmers and made it productive again.
I'm not sure what to think.
There are some national parks that need to remain. There are some (the petrified forest for Godsake) that are not much more than glorified wasteland.
Not a good precedent to set.
I'm not sure what to think.
There are some national parks that need to remain. There are some (the petrified forest for Godsake) that are not much more than glorified wasteland.
Not a good precedent to set.

Yes, and I suspect that we hold a lot of this land simply because it is wasteland. The stuff that would fetch us any sort of price will have timber and resources on it. I suspect the BLM stuff out west is near worthless, in the grand scheme of things.
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?

Stearns wants to sell off public lands

These people are insane. They're blinded by ideology. They have NO common sense. They're stupid. I'll probably add more later.

ok, you have a better idea than just TAXING the life's blood out of the citizens to PAY our Dept?

Well... there is always debt forgiveness. There is a Christian idea of debt forgiveness on 7 years, I think it is. Called "the Lord's release" I think. What if Christians that hold US debt just forgave it?

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