GOP Representative Cliff Stearns: "Sell off the National Parks"

Hello? Immie? Are you a Christian or a republican first? I am here as your brother in Christ. Can you find it in your heart to acknowledge the Christian value of forgiveness? The judgement of these men can not hurt you.

And to what, pray tell, are you speaking.

Forgiveness of what?

I simply pointed out to you that the idea that you stated was a Christian idea was in fact a Jewish law and was not adopted by modern times.

By the way, if you call me a Republican again, there will be little chance of me ever forgiving you! :D


Glad to hear that!

I am simply putting out there that forgiving is forgiving. I'm not sure why you try to parse that down to what in specific we have adopted to forgive. I understand that I am to forgive whatever I am able to forgive in my heart. To construe this as somehow that Christian forgiveness does not extend to debt sounds like..... well... let's just say we need to look into our hearts on the matter a little I think. If I can learn to forgive for the most vile of crimes against me, I am sure that forgiving on money, something I am not to love anyway, is included. I do not agree with you at all that debt forgiveness is not embraced by Christianity. I'd say it's more than Christian to forgive.
Who would we sell the national parks to? China?

The righties are losing their minds. Stephanie really should think sometime prior to posting.

Democrats sold secrets for cash, LAND THAT ISNT THEIRS WOULDNT BE A PROBLEM.
So Immie, again, I would just put this out there:

I think that if Christians would forgive the US debt they hold, and chalk it up to forgiveness of their Christian nations debt, it wouldn't be a bad thing. In fact, I'd say it at least wouldn't be sinful and at most would be an admirable thing for Christians to do.

How much US Debt do you hold? I don't hold any T-Bills, or US Bonds.

Are you willing to forgive the US Debt you hold? If not what gives you the right to ask others to forgive the debt they hold?

The biblical concept worked very well back in the days it was implimented. But, do you realize that when a person lent money or land to another they charged based upon the length of time until the next year of forgiveness or in regards to land the next year of Jubilee (the 50th year)?


I have not asked anyone to forgive the debt they hold.

I have merely suggested that it would be a noble and Christian thing to do.

I have forgiven an amount of debt to the government. I felt I owed it for some things that were my responsibility. I don't know if I can ever forgive enough, but I have never claimed a tax refund, despite being "owed" money. I have allowed the federal and state governments to keep everything they have ever taken from me.

I also believe that the charging of interest on money is a sin Immie, but that is another conversation.
Hello? Immie? Are you a Christian or a republican first? I am here as your brother in Christ. Can you find it in your heart to acknowledge the Christian value of forgiveness? The judgement of these men can not hurt you.

And to what, pray tell, are you speaking.

Forgiveness of what?

I simply pointed out to you that the idea that you stated was a Christian idea was in fact a Jewish law and was not adopted by modern times.

By the way, if you call me a Republican again, there will be little chance of me ever forgiving you! :D


Glad to hear that!

I am simply putting out there that forgiving is forgiving. I'm not sure why you try to parse that down to what in specific we have adopted to forgive. I understand that I am to forgive whatever I am able to forgive in my heart. To construe this as somehow that Christian forgiveness does not extend to debt sounds like..... well... let's just say we need to look into our hearts on the matter a little I think. If I can learn to forgive for the most vile of crimes against me, I am sure that forgiving on money, something I am not to love anyway, is included. I do not agree with you at all that debt forgiveness is not embraced by Christianity. I'd say it's more than Christian to forgive.

We'll have to chalk this up to not understanding what each other was talking about.

For instance, when I mentioned that the idea you described was a Jewish law, you thought that I meant that Christians need not consider forgiveness of debt. That never even crossed my mind.

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So Immie, again, I would just put this out there:

I think that if Christians would forgive the US debt they hold, and chalk it up to forgiveness of their Christian nations debt, it wouldn't be a bad thing. In fact, I'd say it at least wouldn't be sinful and at most would be an admirable thing for Christians to do.

How much US Debt do you hold? I don't hold any T-Bills, or US Bonds.

Are you willing to forgive the US Debt you hold? If not what gives you the right to ask others to forgive the debt they hold?

The biblical concept worked very well back in the days it was implimented. But, do you realize that when a person lent money or land to another they charged based upon the length of time until the next year of forgiveness or in regards to land the next year of Jubilee (the 50th year)?


I have not asked anyone to forgive the debt they hold.

I have merely suggested that it would be a noble and Christian thing to do.

I have forgiven an amount of debt to the government. I felt I owed it for some things that were my responsibility. I don't know if I can ever forgive enough, but I have never claimed a tax refund, despite being "owed" money. I have allowed the federal and state governments to keep everything they have ever taken from me.

I also believe that the charging of interest on money is a sin Immie, but that is another conversation.

Yes, another conversation. :)

Do you eat pork by any chance? Seafood?

The bible also says not to hold a mans wages overnight.
Churches do not even pay each day.
How much US Debt do you hold? I don't hold any T-Bills, or US Bonds.

Are you willing to forgive the US Debt you hold? If not what gives you the right to ask others to forgive the debt they hold?

The biblical concept worked very well back in the days it was implimented. But, do you realize that when a person lent money or land to another they charged based upon the length of time until the next year of forgiveness or in regards to land the next year of Jubilee (the 50th year)?


I have not asked anyone to forgive the debt they hold.

I have merely suggested that it would be a noble and Christian thing to do.

I have forgiven an amount of debt to the government. I felt I owed it for some things that were my responsibility. I don't know if I can ever forgive enough, but I have never claimed a tax refund, despite being "owed" money. I have allowed the federal and state governments to keep everything they have ever taken from me.

I also believe that the charging of interest on money is a sin Immie, but that is another conversation.

Yes, another conversation. :)

Do you eat pork by any chance? Seafood?


I eat a lot of fish and wild game. No, I don't observe prohibitions on pork or shellfish.
I have not asked anyone to forgive the debt they hold.

I have merely suggested that it would be a noble and Christian thing to do.

I have forgiven an amount of debt to the government. I felt I owed it for some things that were my responsibility. I don't know if I can ever forgive enough, but I have never claimed a tax refund, despite being "owed" money. I have allowed the federal and state governments to keep everything they have ever taken from me.

I also believe that the charging of interest on money is a sin Immie, but that is another conversation.

Yes, another conversation. :)

Do you eat pork by any chance? Seafood?


I eat a lot of fish and wild game. No, I don't observe prohibitions on pork or shellfish.

I do with regards to shellfish, but that is because I am deathly allergic to it and the last time I took a bite by mistake, I spent the rest of the evening in the hospital getting adrenaline shots trying to keep me alive.


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