GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9

I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...

I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
Then vote no and bring on the next nom! It wasn’t about votes it was about denying obama a pick so they could get through the election. That’s been stated by those turds it’s not something to debate

It has happened before several times in the past where nominations don't get taken up at all, it just sits there,, but you ignore all that partisan history behind it.

How am I ignoring that? Are you having a hard time comprehending simple English?

You forget what YOU wrote?

"Then vote no and bring on the next nom! It wasn’t about votes it was about denying obama a pick so they could get through the election. That’s been stated by those turds it’s not something to debate"

bolding mine


Here is what LEE said:

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

bolding mine


There never going to be a vote at all, it was already decided, you moron!

You finally get it?
No shit!! That’s my whole point. You’re here blaming oBama for not putting somebody else up. That’s regarded given what you just wrote.

My stance is that what happened reflects a broken system that needs to be fixed. When I say vote no and nominate somebody else I’m saying how it should work. Why do I need to explain this to you? Like talking to a grade schooler

The Nomination process is fine, it worked well for 200 years, it isn't broken at all. Heck Reagans two picks were nearly unanimous just a few decades ago now we see Kavanaugh with a fine Judicial record squeak by because of partisan politics getting in the way. The problem began with the absurd Clarence Thomas nomination hearing that was all politics.

The problem is PARTISAN POLITICS, that is why it has become messed up.
You have not once showed me where I was wrong....... :oops-28:

The solution is drop the freaking politics and get back on the long successful nomination process.
The system is broken and I just pointed out way. I don’t care if partisanship is what exposed the broken parts, that’s our reality which is why I think it should be fixed. Or you can just say screw it we can do it the partisan way and toss a few more judges on the court
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
You posted direct quotes saying they weren’t taking votes because of an election year!!! What the hell is wrong with you?! It wasn’t about Garland it was about blocking the nomination for control.

like I asked before. What’s to stop a dem senate from sitting on the next Republican presidents pick? Even if it’s in the first year. Why not just not vote ever and sit on it till power shifts. Cause that’s what our current broken system will apparently allow. Is that what you’re defending?
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
My money would be on the President's commission recommending an amendment also keeping the court at 9 but either impose term limits or a mandatory retirement age for new judges appointed after amendment's ratification.

Opinion piece by the commission's co-chairman: Liberals Should Not Pack the Courts - The Atlantic
Last edited:
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Changing the Constitution is incredibly difficult, as it should be.

Odds are the Republicans will never get such an amendment passed.

Just as the odds are equally slim that the democrats would get an amendment passed which would allow them to pack the court...
What makes you think an amendment is needed to add seats to that bench?

Admittedly, I'm not up on such matters, but it seemed to me that if the GOP was going to introduce an amendment to limit the number of seats to nine, that perhaps an amendment might be needed to expand the number of seats to 13...
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
I already said McConnell was allowed to pull the stunt he pulled. Just like Democrats are allowed to pack the Supreme Court now, if they so choose. I get you don't like a stunt like that. I understand as I didn't like the stunt McConnell pulled. You'll just have to deal with it.

I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Changing the Constitution is incredibly difficult, as it should be.

Odds are the Republicans will never get such an amendment passed.

Just as the odds are equally slim that the democrats would get an amendment passed which would allow them to pack the court...
What makes you think an amendment is needed to add seats to that bench?

Admittedly, I'm not up on such matters, but it seemed to me that if the GOP was going to introduce an amendment to limit the number of seats to nine, that perhaps an amendment might be needed to expand the number of seats to 13...
If an amendment was needed to add seats, an amendment wouldn't be needed to keep the seats at 9.
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
I already said McConnell was allowed to pull the stunt he pulled. Just like Democrats are allowed to pack the Supreme Court now, if they so choose. I get you don't like a stunt like that. I understand as I didn't like the stunt McConnell pulled. You'll just have to deal with it.

Good point.

However, the tides do turn....and that means there will be GOP retaliation.....and that is good for no-one.
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
I already said McConnell was allowed to pull the stunt he pulled. Just like Democrats are allowed to pack the Supreme Court now, if they so choose. I get you don't like a stunt like that. I understand as I didn't like the stunt McConnell pulled. You'll just have to deal with it.

Good point.

However, the tides do turn....and that means there will be GOP retaliation.....and that is good for no-one.
That's correct, the tide will turn at some point. So what do you suggest Democrats do? Take it on the chin and do nothing with that bench, hoping Republicans don't pull more stunts like that in the future?
This has even less chance of passage than the Democrats' make believe attempt to increase the court's size.
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
I already said McConnell was allowed to pull the stunt he pulled. Just like Democrats are allowed to pack the Supreme Court now, if they so choose. I get you don't like a stunt like that. I understand as I didn't like the stunt McConnell pulled. You'll just have to deal with it.

Good point.

However, the tides do turn....and that means there will be GOP retaliation.....and that is good for no-one.
That's correct, the tide will turn at some point. So what do you suggest Democrats do? Take it on the chin and do nothing with that bench, hoping Republicans don't pull more stunts like that in the future?
I suggest they keep the Supreme Court as it has been for decades.
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...

If they go four, Repubs must go six more if they get the chance.
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
I already said McConnell was allowed to pull the stunt he pulled. Just like Democrats are allowed to pack the Supreme Court now, if they so choose. I get you don't like a stunt like that. I understand as I didn't like the stunt McConnell pulled. You'll just have to deal with it.

Good point.

However, the tides do turn....and that means there will be GOP retaliation.....and that is good for no-one.
That's correct, the tide will turn at some point. So what do you suggest Democrats do? Take it on the chin and do nothing with that bench, hoping Republicans don't pull more stunts like that in the future?
I suggest they keep the Supreme Court as it has been for decades.
So "take it on the chin and hope Republicans don't pull a stunt likebthis again," is your answer.

I disagree.

I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...

If they go four, Repubs must go six more if they get the chance.
Of course.
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'

Now that the GOP has packed all of the courts with conservatives picked by the dark money at the Federalist society, they want to freeze the SC. It'll never pass the House or Senate, and it would never be ratified by the States.

Not to mention, Republicans won't be able to get jack shit done as their donors desert the party. The Party of white supremacy and Donald Trump has lost the confidence of the American people.

Moron doesn't know what court packing means
I don't think voters are up for amendments of any kind at this time. The vast majority doesn't trust politicians, and they especially don't trust media.

What with the mood the Americans are in after a year of Covid nonsense, I wouldn't shake the tree too much.

GOP reps announce constitutional amendment to keep Supreme Court at 9 'before it's too late'
What a waste of time. The GOP have no power to pass anything let alone a constitution amendment. There’s our tax dollars at work. How do we dock the pay for these clowns?

Maybe you explain why we need 4 more justices in SCOTUS?
I don’t think we need 4 more. I think Obama got ripped off by McConnell but that’s history. I would support better defining the nomination process so that shit can’t happen again

What shit happened that you think needs changed?
The president gets to nominate justices. Obama should of had his appointment. This election year BS is exactly that as we saw after RBG passed.

Obama had his nomination, after that he has no say in the matter, that was up to the Senate where there were NOT enough votes for that nomination to succeed, thus just sat on it instead. Obama being a moron didn't bother to nominate someone else, thus nothing happened.

There have been a few nominations that never gets acted on, that is a fact people don't realize. Nothing illegal happened the whole time.

RBG herself stated there is nothing wrong with a fast nomination process.
Ok so I guess any senate candidate can just sit on the next nomination the opposing party puts up till the next election. Great logic! I’ll call it. #IdiotLogic

You failed to realize that Garland never had the votes to make it, that is why McConnel sat on it, Obama should have tried again with another candidate but didn't even though he had plenty of time.

It has happened before, I went over this in detail when Judge Barrett was nominated, I stand by my previous post.
Liar. That is not why McConnell sat on it. McConnell sat on it because he was not going to let Obama appoint a 3rd justice. He said so himself when he told Obama not to bother nominating anyone because they would not get a confirmation hearing. And his excuse was because it was an election year. Then McConnell does a 180 in 2020 and gives Trump's 3rd nominee a hearing and confirms her, not just in an election year, but about a week before an election.

Now while that was a bullshit thing to do, he was allowed to do it. Just like now. It would be a bullshit thing to add 4 Liberal justices to the Supreme Court, but Democrats are allowed to do it.


The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."


The votes were not there for Garland.
You can't lie your way out of this. Folks know better than you. They were not going to hold a hearing no matter who Obama nominated because they claimed the principle about not holding confirmation hearings during an election year. That was with a Democrat president. Once we had a Republican president, McDonnell said, fuck that principle, let's replace a Liberal on the bench with a conservative.

"The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president." ~ Mitch McConnell

"I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect in the election that's underway right now." ~ Mitch McConnell

"The decision the Senate made weeks ago remains about a principle, not a person." ~ Mitch McConnell

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'" ~ Mitch McConnell

Politics is a pendulum. McConnell had his day to fuck with the system; now the pendulum has swung back to favor Democrats. Now it's their turn.


You are an idiot since I showed that the Senate Committee who had the Majority control said NO hearings, no voting for Garland, from post 39:

The Senate committee said so, McConnel went with it.:

"Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said holding confirmation hearings for Garland would be "a waste of time."

"In light of the contentious presidential election already well underway, my colleagues and I on the Judiciary Committee have already given our advice and consent on this issue: we will not have any hearings or votes on President Obama’s pick," Lee said."

The votes were not there for Garland. "


I told the truth all along.
Then why were you harping on Obama for not nominating anybody else?

I tire of trying to help you here, go study the HISTORY of the nomination process, there have been a few nominations that simply gets ignored (told you this fact twice already), the President eventually produce another nomination that gets voted on.

That is WHY I keep saying Obama should have tried nominating someone else.
It wouldn't have mattered had Obama tried someone else. McConnell wasn't going to hold confirmation hearings no matter who Obama picked.

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'"

Now Democrats are in charge...


There a huge difference in republicans using the rules for approving a SC pick and democrats changing the make-up of the SC. Just like how Pelosi was able to force through 2 failed impeachments, McConnell was able to prevent O'biden from filling a SC seat in his last year. It was a risk for both sides, many thought more of a risk for republicans since few thought TRUMP could win and if he didn't, Hillary would be able to nominate someone more radical then Garland.
I already said McConnell was allowed to pull the stunt he pulled. Just like Democrats are allowed to pack the Supreme Court now, if they so choose. I get you don't like a stunt like that. I understand as I didn't like the stunt McConnell pulled. You'll just have to deal with it.

Good point.

However, the tides do turn....and that means there will be GOP retaliation.....and that is good for no-one.
That's correct, the tide will turn at some point. So what do you suggest Democrats do? Take it on the chin and do nothing with that bench, hoping Republicans don't pull more stunts like that in the future?
I suggest they keep the Supreme Court as it has been for decades.
So "take it on the chin and hope Republicans don't pull a stunt likebthis again," is your answer.

I disagree.


Just more of your empty rhetoric

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