GOP runs Kansas into ground, another red welfare state.

Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

They should be more like IL and CA, right?
There are a couple of ways to handle things like this, and since you brought up California, and state budgets.

Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

What does the more seasoned version of Brown intend to do?...he is holding back increases for provider reimbursement to Medi-Cal doctors, which was supposed to result in more Medi-Cal doctors, a big problem. In the name of "balance", for the poor, he wants to have the average tax credit be $460 a year with a maximum credit of $2,653 for families with three or more children, to complement the federal tax credit program. It would be available to individuals with incomes of less than $6,580, or up to $13,870 for families with three or more dependents.

So Jerry Brown is doing what a true fiscal conservative like Eisenhower or Goldwater would have done. He is taking government programs away from poor people, but putting more money in their pockets, so that the poor have to do the math with their own budgets, as opposed to the Government giving them a card of some type, and putting them in line for some bureaucractic process complete with uncaring state workers, forms, and inefficiency.

This is all happening now, and you'd think the Republicans would LOVE this....but wait...they can't, because Jerry Brown is a (D).

Brown has pissed off many Democrats in the state, for every Republican who is sitting back unable to approve of what he's doing.

You need to realize your side, is not interested in making things right, they're interested in promoting the Republican cause, which is getting back into power.

People like Jerry Brown are few, and he's earned my respect for how he transformed downtown Oakland as Mayor, and what he's doing as Governor.

Brown is doing fiscally conservative things out here, but they're not like what Kansas, and most Republican red states want to do.

Kansas Republicans think starving the poor, and feeding the rich, will reduce poverty.

Think of how fundamentally wrong that sentence sounds.
Don't try to sell trickle down to me, quit buying that bullshit years ago. The wealthy do not create jobs out of thin air out of the goodness of their heart. They capitalize on demand for goods and services no matter the tax structure.

More importantly, allowing more wealth to flow into the hands of the wealthy does not guarantee they will invest it into the local state economy....more likely in our globalized world they will find some foreign country to make money in and they'll invest their new found wealth into Asia or something. The state probably will never see the money they lose from those tax cuts for the rich.

Republicans need to stop thinking it's still the 1950's.

Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Newsflash, money people earn belongs to them not the state allowing people to keep their own money they earned isn't a gift from government.
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

What happens to every dollar is not relevant, it's what happens on average. The facts are that tax cuts on the rich spur hiring and increases spur cuts far more than increases and cuts across the board do. And what's more pathetic in your approach is that cuts reduce deficits and increases grow them.

Explain how when I have less money that does not in your mind affect hiring and pay in my business. You're supporting the fag Muslim's stupid OP. All you are showing is you clearly don't know math
Repeat the myth

Tax cuts on the rich do not spur hiring. Cut taxes on the rich and they just keep the money

So what if they do, its their money. Its not my responsibility to pay your damn bills.
More importantly, allowing more wealth to flow into the hands of the wealthy does not guarantee they will invest it into the local state economy....more likely in our globalized world they will find some foreign country to make money in and they'll invest their new found wealth into Asia or something. The state probably will never see the money they lose from those tax cuts for the rich.

Republicans need to stop thinking it's still the 1950's.

Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

What happens to every dollar is not relevant, it's what happens on average. The facts are that tax cuts on the rich spur hiring and increases spur cuts far more than increases and cuts across the board do. And what's more pathetic in your approach is that cuts reduce deficits and increases grow them.

Explain how when I have less money that does not in your mind affect hiring and pay in my business. You're supporting the fag Muslim's stupid OP. All you are showing is you clearly don't know math
Tax cuts for job creators do create jobs, but not for American workers if the job creators can avoid it.

The smart employers are taking advantage of the lowest tax rates in history, to outsource American jobs, and increase the bottom line even more.

The American middle class, in it's under educated and semi skilled present state, is the least cost effective work force in the global employment marketplace
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.
are there a lot of gays in Kansas how about blacks what about Mexicans who are the Kansas people blaming for their woes?
Another example of where the GOP represents the poor and a smug democrat using the poor are political fodder. All because they don't like their poor, and minorities, leaving the plantation.
you people are the kind of people who.aim.your battle ships and your bombers and your high weaponry at a weaker opponent and call it a fair figh. the Rich want there to be no rules and they call that fair for everyone we all know they would use that to their benefit and take advantage of the rest of us and they want a government powerless to do anything about it
Don't try to sell trickle down to me, quit buying that bullshit years ago. The wealthy do not create jobs out of thin air out of the goodness of their heart. They capitalize on demand for goods and services no matter the tax structure.
If the market is there to sell more product, they will sell more product

Putting more money in the pockets of the wealthy in a satiated market will not create jobs. They will also not increase wages on those who do work for them

You still haven't explained how you know more about economics than the field of economics

I have no idea what that sentence means

I know you don't, big guy. Don't worry about it
No, seriously

Do you have any idea of what you are posting? Try to read your post before you hit reply

According to you, you're right and the field of economics is wrong. Simple question, big guy. What is your claim of superior knowledge to the field of economics based on
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.
You must be all upset,and will certainly start another thread to complain about new York 2 billion deficit a blue state
More importantly, allowing more wealth to flow into the hands of the wealthy does not guarantee they will invest it into the local state economy....more likely in our globalized world they will find some foreign country to make money in and they'll invest their new found wealth into Asia or something. The state probably will never see the money they lose from those tax cuts for the rich.

Republicans need to stop thinking it's still the 1950's.

Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Newsflash, money people earn belongs to them not the state allowing people to keep their own money they earned isn't a gift from government. the constitution
It doesn't. Government has the responsibility to levy taxes
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.
are there a lot of gays in Kansas how about blacks what about Mexicans who are the Kansas people blaming for their woes?

Another leftist race slut
If the market is there to sell more product, they will sell more product

Putting more money in the pockets of the wealthy in a satiated market will not create jobs. They will also not increase wages on those who do work for them

You still haven't explained how you know more about economics than the field of economics

I have no idea what that sentence means

I know you don't, big guy. Don't worry about it
No, seriously

Do you have any idea of what you are posting? Try to read your post before you hit reply

According to you, you're right and the field of economics is wrong. Simple question, big guy. What is your claim of superior knowledge to the field of economics based on

Actually, the field of economics scoffs at trickle down theories
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Newsflash, money people earn belongs to them not the state allowing people to keep their own money they earned isn't a gift from government. the constitution
It doesn't. Government has the responsibility to levy taxes

LOL, no, big guy. It says it has the authority to, that is not a responsibility to do it. This is why I keep pointing out your atrocious reading skills. They are really bad. Have you considered remedial reading?
You still haven't explained how you know more about economics than the field of economics

I have no idea what that sentence means

I know you don't, big guy. Don't worry about it
No, seriously

Do you have any idea of what you are posting? Try to read your post before you hit reply

According to you, you're right and the field of economics is wrong. Simple question, big guy. What is your claim of superior knowledge to the field of economics based on

Actually, the field of economics scoffs at trickle down theories

I like how you say "actually" before you make something up
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Newsflash, money people earn belongs to them not the state allowing people to keep their own money they earned isn't a gift from government. the constitution
It doesn't. Government has the responsibility to levy taxes
and I guess just like Europe has to bail out Greece occasionally blue states have to bail out red states too often for sure and we should stop since they don't appreciate it we should make them fend for themselves their so dependent on the government dole.

isn't it a fact blue states pay more than we take from the federal government and red Steve take more than they payin so why do they complain?
Another example of where the GOP represents the poor and a smug democrat using the poor are political fodder. All because they don't like their poor, and minorities, leaving the plantation.
you people are the kind of people who.aim.your battle ships and your bombers and your high weaponry at a weaker opponent and call it a fair figh. the Rich want there to be no rules and they call that fair for everyone we all know they would use that to their benefit and take advantage of the rest of us and they want a government powerless to do anything about it

Your problem is you think we are your enemy. Actually, we are your employer
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

What happens to every dollar is not relevant, it's what happens on average. The facts are that tax cuts on the rich spur hiring and increases spur cuts far more than increases and cuts across the board do. And what's more pathetic in your approach is that cuts reduce deficits and increases grow them.

Explain how when I have less money that does not in your mind affect hiring and pay in my business. You're supporting the fag Muslim's stupid OP. All you are showing is you clearly don't know math

Your "business" is located in China (mostly at least). The money from the tax cuts mostly ends up being invested there. In this case, Kansas, sees nothing. In today's world that is extremely easy.

Increased revenue does not always lead to more hiring either. A lot of the times the market is already saturated in an area so more hiring won't produce anything, because there's no extra demand to it's a waste.

You seem so utterly certain of your philosophy when it's quite apparent that it really isn't working out so well in Kansas, or Wisconsin for that matter.

Another clown post. The shit you are pulling out of your ass stinks. Leave it there
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Newsflash, money people earn belongs to them not the state allowing people to keep their own money they earned isn't a gift from government. the constitution
It doesn't. Government has the responsibility to levy taxes

:fu:you and all your ilk. I'm tired of losers just taking my money like King George did to the colonies, read the Declaration of Independence fool.
Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

Newsflash, money people earn belongs to them not the state allowing people to keep their own money they earned isn't a gift from government. the constitution
It doesn't. Government has the responsibility to levy taxes

LOL, no, big guy. It says it has the authority to, that is not a responsibility to do it. This is why I keep pointing out your atrocious reading skills. They are really bad. Have you considered remedial reading?
I noticed after all these years Republicans kept talking about no new taxes and cutting taxes but really only for the rich now the roads are falling apart and they have to raise taxes on all of us why didn't they not lower taxes on the rich so they would have that money now to build the roads you see this is shifting the tax burden unto us when they lower the rich taxes that ultimately raises our taxes
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

What happens to every dollar is not relevant, it's what happens on average. The facts are that tax cuts on the rich spur hiring and increases spur cuts far more than increases and cuts across the board do. And what's more pathetic in your approach is that cuts reduce deficits and increases grow them.

Explain how when I have less money that does not in your mind affect hiring and pay in my business. You're supporting the fag Muslim's stupid OP. All you are showing is you clearly don't know math

Your "business" is located in China (mostly at least). The money from the tax cuts mostly ends up being invested there. In this case, Kansas, sees nothing. In today's world that is extremely easy.

Increased revenue does not always lead to more hiring either. A lot of the times the market is already saturated in an area so more hiring won't produce anything, because there's no extra demand to it's a waste.

You seem so utterly certain of your philosophy when it's quite apparent that it really isn't working out so well in Kansas, or Wisconsin for that matter.

You can keep ignoring DC, California, Illinois and New York. No wait, you can't, I won't let you.

Again, over half of all State debt is in deep blue those three States and New England alone, you're full of shit
Yet you're wrong, who saw that coming? Anyway, you are a clown

Well that's a rather weak, I'm right. Your turn.

You could read my other posts too, dim wit

You could actually say a few words to debate my point - tax cuts do not guarantee wealthy people will invest their money into the state economy.

What happens to every dollar is not relevant, it's what happens on average. The facts are that tax cuts on the rich spur hiring and increases spur cuts far more than increases and cuts across the board do. And what's more pathetic in your approach is that cuts reduce deficits and increases grow them.

Explain how when I have less money that does not in your mind affect hiring and pay in my business. You're supporting the fag Muslim's stupid OP. All you are showing is you clearly don't know math
Repeat the myth

Tax cuts on the rich do not spur hiring. Cut taxes on the rich and they just keep the money

And you know more about economics than the field of economics how exactly?

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