GOP runs Kansas into ground, another red welfare state.

Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

What your side did to Detroit and Baltimore and all you got is a furlough in Kansas??? That's the best you can do?

You have to wonder how they can feed themselves, don't you?
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

What your side did to Detroit and Baltimore and all you got is a furlough in Kansas??? That's the best you can do?

You have to wonder how they can feed themselves, don't you?

Federal food stamps.
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

They should be more like IL and CA, right?
There are a couple of ways to handle things like this, and since you brought up California, and state budgets.

Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

What does the more seasoned version of Brown intend to do?...he is holding back increases for provider reimbursement to Medi-Cal doctors, which was supposed to result in more Medi-Cal doctors, a big problem. In the name of "balance", for the poor, he wants to have the average tax credit be $460 a year with a maximum credit of $2,653 for families with three or more children, to complement the federal tax credit program. It would be available to individuals with incomes of less than $6,580, or up to $13,870 for families with three or more dependents.

So Jerry Brown is doing what a true fiscal conservative like Eisenhower or Goldwater would have done. He is taking government programs away from poor people, but putting more money in their pockets, so that the poor have to do the math with their own budgets, as opposed to the Government giving them a card of some type, and putting them in line for some bureaucractic process complete with uncaring state workers, forms, and inefficiency.

This is all happening now, and you'd think the Republicans would LOVE this....but wait...they can't, because Jerry Brown is a (D).

Brown has pissed off many Democrats in the state, for every Republican who is sitting back unable to approve of what he's doing.

You need to realize your side, is not interested in making things right, they're interested in promoting the Republican cause, which is getting back into power.

People like Jerry Brown are few, and he's earned my respect for how he transformed downtown Oakland as Mayor, and what he's doing as Governor.

Brown is doing fiscally conservative things out here, but they're not like what Kansas, and most Republican red states want to do.

Kansas Republicans think starving the poor, and feeding the rich, will reduce poverty.

Think of how fundamentally wrong that sentence sounds.

Well, you're totally wrong so the sentence is immaterial
How is it wrong?

Are Kansas politicians not practicing austerity to motivate the poor out of subsistence?
Australians are fined $20 for not voting.

We should offer people $20 to not vote

they accuse people of trying to SURPRESS voting no matter what. so I say, we give all those on (taxpayer/welfare assistance of any kind) $20 bucks and not allow them to vote. these Democrat dividers are going to bitch anyway as we see with shrillary

I say we just offer them $20 to not vote, most of the parasites will take it. One nice thing about parasites like sealy is they don't think things through. He knows that his voters would take the money, that's why he flipped out and started that hysterical shrieking when I suggested it
perfect example of why I'm a Democrat Democrats voting want people to vote want people take care want people to be engaged Republicans don't you have to be some kind of weirdo evil mean greedy person to be a Republican dick I think they have the selfish gene

Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.
Lol seems both parties are trying to keep people on welfare down. Better get rid of it.
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

What your side did to Detroit and Baltimore and all you got is a furlough in Kansas??? That's the best you can do?

You have to wonder how they can feed themselves, don't you?

Federal food stamps.

Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

What your side did to Detroit and Baltimore and all you got is a furlough in Kansas??? That's the best you can do?

You have to wonder how they can feed themselves, don't you?

Federal food stamps.
go research the subject and educate yourself as to exactly why and when and who welfare was started in the first place it was typically poor white women with children but actually now that I think about it it was probably because of widowed women after world war 2 so maybe that program has been abused now that I think about it. today's women aren't single parents and poor because of a war they're doing it by choice or having children before they are ready they can't afford them if they have them anyways
they accuse people of trying to SURPRESS voting no matter what. so I say, we give all those on (taxpayer/welfare assistance of any kind) $20 bucks and not allow them to vote. these Democrat dividers are going to bitch anyway as we see with shrillary

I say we just offer them $20 to not vote, most of the parasites will take it. One nice thing about parasites like sealy is they don't think things through. He knows that his voters would take the money, that's why he flipped out and started that hysterical shrieking when I suggested it
perfect example of why I'm a Democrat Democrats voting want people to vote want people take care want people to be engaged Republicans don't you have to be some kind of weirdo evil mean greedy person to be a Republican dick I think they have the selfish gene

Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity
Best thing for Kansas to do is cut more taxes

Wealth and prosperity will surely follow

Those struggling CEO's need their corporate deductions, as millions of dollars a year in salaries and bonuses is barely enough to send the poodle for a wash.

If the kids can't eat, they should get a job, as all state revenue 'belongs to those who make it'TM.*

*Even though most tax revenue is from the poor and middle class, and corporations receive tax credits and subsidies that often exceed the tax they pay.
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

How does that contradict the point?
I say we just offer them $20 to not vote, most of the parasites will take it. One nice thing about parasites like sealy is they don't think things through. He knows that his voters would take the money, that's why he flipped out and started that hysterical shrieking when I suggested it
perfect example of why I'm a Democrat Democrats voting want people to vote want people take care want people to be engaged Republicans don't you have to be some kind of weirdo evil mean greedy person to be a Republican dick I think they have the selfish gene

Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

People shouldn't be allowed to listen to people you disagree with
*Even though most tax revenue is from the poor and middle class, and corporations receive tax credits and subsidies that often exceed the tax they pay.

How does that work since 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of taxes, 5% pay 60% and 50% pay 100%?

Not very good at math, are you?
perfect example of why I'm a Democrat Democrats voting want people to vote want people take care want people to be engaged Republicans don't you have to be some kind of weirdo evil mean greedy person to be a Republican dick I think they have the selfish gene

Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

People shouldn't be allowed to listen to people you disagree with
I said they shouldn't listen to you I didn't say they shouldn't be allowed to listen to you there's a difference
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

How does that contradict the point?
I said "arguably" balancing the budget, and Blues was arguing.

What Blues did was simply restate the dilemma, not say why Brown's proposals are bad.

I gather he didn't even know that Brown is negotiating with Unions and Democrats to address the pensions and their affect on his budget.

You probably didn't either.
they accuse people of trying to SURPRESS voting no matter what. so I say, we give all those on (taxpayer/welfare assistance of any kind) $20 bucks and not allow them to vote. these Democrat dividers are going to bitch anyway as we see with shrillary

I say we just offer them $20 to not vote, most of the parasites will take it. One nice thing about parasites like sealy is they don't think things through. He knows that his voters would take the money, that's why he flipped out and started that hysterical shrieking when I suggested it
perfect example of why I'm a Democrat Democrats voting want people to vote want people take care want people to be engaged Republicans don't you have to be some kind of weirdo evil mean greedy person to be a Republican dick I think they have the selfish gene

Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Of course you do, I keep telling you to keep your finger out of your ass and stop pulling stuff out

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?

You want sources you have to stop ignoring when I ask you to prove the crap you make up. You gotta give it to get it
perfect example of why I'm a Democrat Democrats voting want people to vote want people take care want people to be engaged Republicans don't you have to be some kind of weirdo evil mean greedy person to be a Republican dick I think they have the selfish gene

Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

People shouldn't be allowed to listen to people you disagree with
I'm amazed by the difference between what I write, and think, and how your head processes it sometimes.

I listen to those guys, so what made you believe I don't want it allowed?

Answer: One or all of those guys told you it's what I want, and that residual misleading and false impression was rattling around in your psyche, ready to be thrown out in haste
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

How does that contradict the point?
I said "arguably" balancing the budget, and Blues was arguing.

What Blues did was simply restate the dilemma, not say why Brown's proposals are bad.

I gather he didn't even know that Brown is negotiating with Unions and Democrats to address the pensions and their affect on his budget.

You probably didn't either.

Arguably meaning he didn't but you could argue it anyway?
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

How does that contradict the point?
I said "arguably" balancing the budget, and Blues was arguing.

What Blues did was simply restate the dilemma, not say why Brown's proposals are bad.

I gather he didn't even know that Brown is negotiating with Unions and Democrats to address the pensions and their affect on his budget.

You probably didn't either.

Arguably meaning he didn't but you could argue it anyway?
You're overthinking it.

If Brown got his budget as proposed, the budget would be balanced, and people are arguing with him

I'm scratching my head as to why you would be against him balancing the budget.

I guess as opposed to agreeing with it, the Republicans can just continue saying he, and I, don't want that
Riiiiight Democrats bend over backwards to make sure military service men and womens votes are counted /level 10 sarcasm

In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

People shouldn't be allowed to listen to people you disagree with
I'm amazed by the difference between what I write, and think, and how your head processes it sometimes.

I listen to those guys, so what made you believe I don't want it allowed?

Answer: One or all of those guys told you it's what I want, and that residual misleading and false impression was rattling around in your psyche, ready to be thrown out in haste

Yes, only liberals think, everyone else is told what to think by talk radio. And somehow the liberals who think all think the same thing and conservatives are telling me to be libertarian. Why are they doing that again? Pure rhetorical genius on your part, LOL

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