GOP runs Kansas into ground, another red welfare state.

I said 1% pay 40%, 5% pay 60%. You came back with that 2.4% pay about half. That contradicts me how?

And you said poor and middle class pay most of the taxes, which is obviously ridiculous

We all know that nearly half not only get out of paying taxes but they get "refunds" that they never paid in. The middle class always gets screwed.

Bloody hell, the damn illegals have been filing for fraudulent child income tax refunds for years and getting away with it. An illegal getting a refund of $6k, $8k, $12k of our money?? Under Obama this fraud has exploded to over $4 billion a year. The IRS says its hands are tied and congress needs to act, meanwhile Dem's in congress block efforts to put a stop to it.
In 2000, the Gore campaign sent letters to every county on how to use technicalities to toss military write in ballots

I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

People shouldn't be allowed to listen to people you disagree with
I'm amazed by the difference between what I write, and think, and how your head processes it sometimes.

I listen to those guys, so what made you believe I don't want it allowed?

Answer: One or all of those guys told you it's what I want, and that residual misleading and false impression was rattling around in your psyche, ready to be thrown out in haste

Yes, only liberals think, everyone else is told what to think by talk radio. And somehow the liberals who think all think the same thing and conservatives are telling me to be libertarian. Why are they doing that again? Pure rhetorical genius on your part, LOL

Liberals think their shit doesn't stink and they fart daisies.
Notice the odd assumption that the Kansas economy is doing badly because the state government is reducing its workforce to live within its means! In point of fact, Kansas's economy is doing very well, as I showed earlier.

I guess the liberal solution would be for the state to raise taxes to pay to keep 7,000 state employees on the payroll, which of course would suck a bunch of money out of the state's economy and would leave businesses with less money for expansion, bonuses, raises, etc.--and would leave individual taxpayers with less money to spend.
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser. The only downside I see is that no one in either state will have the education to qualify for anything other than a gas station attendant, and there has not been a need for them in 30 years.
Last edited:
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Translation...I'm a liberal and I don't care, poor and middle class Democrats in Kansas can go to hell.
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Reality check: The Kansas economy is doing very well:

* Kansas's unemployment rate is 4.2%, about 30% lower than the national rate (5.5%).

* In 2014, Kansas saw a huge jump in manufacturing exports, to the tune of a $400-million-plus increase over the previous year. In fact, 2014 saw the state's exports top $12 billion, a record only matched in two other years in the state's history.

* Last year Kansas exporters outpaced their competition in the neighboring four states (Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma). Their average export value was $9.74 billion, $2.26 billion less than that of Kansas.

* Kansas has the sixth lowest cost of living in the country. The cost of living in Kansas is nearly 8.74% below the national average.

* Housing costs in Kansas are especially low, with the median value of owner-occupied homes nearly 216.7% below the national average.

* Kansas ranks 22nd in the country in the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. In 2011, Kansas ranked 25th, so the state's tax climate has improved substantially since 2011. The index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and taxes on property, including residential and commercial property.

* Kansas governor Sam Brownback was awarded an "A" by the fiscally conservative Cato Institute for his tax cuts and spending restraint and for reducing the size of the state bureaucracy. Said Cato,

Sam Brownback of Kansas has spearheaded major tax reforms. In 2012 he signed into law a package that reduced the number of individual income tax brackets from three to two and cut the top tax rate from 6.45 to 4.9 percent. The reform also increased the standard deduction, reduced taxes on small businesses, and repealed numerous narrow tax breaks. Brownback approved additional changes in 2013, including further income tax rate cuts, broadening the income tax base, and increasing the sales tax rate. The governor has also been a frugal budgeter since 2012, overseeing just small increases in general fund spending.​

* Americans for Tax Reform has called Brownback's 2015 budget sound and frugal. You have to keep in mind that any Republican governor who imposes even modest fiscal restraint will be accused of taking food from babies, starving grandmas, gutting "education," etc., etc. So the Americans for Tax Reform analysis is a good reality check on Brownback's budget.

* The majority of the budget shortfall has nothing--as in nothing--to do with Brownback's tax cuts.

* The Kansas real median household income is slightly higher than the national average.

* Kansas GDP growth has been above or at the national average since Brownback took office, and it has been nearly double that of Obama's home state of Illinois. In September 2014, economist Stephen Moore noted,

On economic growth, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that Kansas’ real GDP increase was up 1.9 % last year – slighter higher than the national average of 1.8%. Illinois crept up 0.9%.​

Much more could be said about the overall positive direction of the Kansas budget and economy under Republican leadership, but this will have to suffice for now.

So the next time you see some liberal claim that Kansas is somehow "proof" that conservative economic policies don't work, remind him or her of these facts.

Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website - Quality of Life

Cost of Living in Kansas - PayScale

Kansas Tax Foundation

Pro-liberty Republican governors are slashing high taxes and rolling back big government -- and that s good for taxpayers United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback Americans for Tax Reform

Here s How Kansas Is Flourishing Under Republican Governor Sam Brownback

Kansas State Household Income Department of Numbers
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Translation...I'm a liberal and I don't care, poor and middle class Democrats in Kansas can go to hell.

True.Ii believe that people get the government that they deserve. Even I voted for Bush II the first time he was elected.

As for the stellar health of the Kansas economy, you post is too ludicrous to even respond to.
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Translation...I'm a liberal and I don't care, poor and middle class Democrats in Kansas can go to hell.

well of course. the poor and middle class is only there for them to use, make fun of, or mock them. Look who started thread. and for what reason?
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Translation...I'm a liberal and I don't care, poor and middle class Democrats in Kansas can go to hell.

True.Ii believe that people get the government that they deserve. Even I voted for Bush II the first time he was elected.

As for the stellar health of the Kansas economy, you post is too ludicrous to even respond to.

What post is that, the one you made up in your head?
Republicans have only been in power since 2010 and Barry Hussein and democrats were in charge. The Feds get no criticism when democrats are in power? . Sebellius and Parkinson ran Kansas into the ground between 2003 and 2009. Federal government regulations that punish agra businesses and federal bureaucracies that punish political enemies are what ran Kansas into the ground after the democrats were kicked out.
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Translation...I'm a liberal and I don't care, poor and middle class Democrats in Kansas can go to hell.

well of course. the poor and middle class is only there for them to use, make fun of, or mock them. Look who started thread. and for what reason?

Just like most lowlife scum regimes liberals ultimately will be defeated and kicked to the curb.
As for the stellar health of the Kansas economy, you post is too ludicrous to even respond to.

Read: You have no answer for the facts. You don't care that, in point of verifiable fact, Kansas's economy is doing very well--better than the national average in a number of categories.

One big part of the problem here is that somehow you think it's awful for a state government to reduce its workforce to live within its means, whereas most people who pay taxes (who don't get back everything they pay) think that's a very good, responsible thing to do.
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Reality check: The Kansas economy is doing very well:

* Kansas's unemployment rate is 4.2%, about 30% lower than the national rate (5.5%).

* In 2014, Kansas saw a huge jump in manufacturing exports, to the tune of a $400-million-plus increase over the previous year. In fact, 2014 saw the state's exports top $12 billion, a record only matched in two other years in the state's history.

* Last year Kansas exporters outpaced their competition in the neighboring four states (Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma). Their average export value was $9.74 billion, $2.26 billion less than that of Kansas.

* Kansas has the sixth lowest cost of living in the country. The cost of living in Kansas is nearly 8.74% below the national average.

* Housing costs in Kansas are especially low, with the median value of owner-occupied homes nearly 216.7% below the national average.

* Kansas ranks 22nd in the country in the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. In 2011, Kansas ranked 25th, so the state's tax climate has improved substantially since 2011. The index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and taxes on property, including residential and commercial property.

* Kansas governor Sam Brownback was awarded an "A" by the fiscally conservative Cato Institute for his tax cuts and spending restraint and for reducing the size of the state bureaucracy. Said Cato,

Sam Brownback of Kansas has spearheaded major tax reforms. In 2012 he signed into law a package that reduced the number of individual income tax brackets from three to two and cut the top tax rate from 6.45 to 4.9 percent. The reform also increased the standard deduction, reduced taxes on small businesses, and repealed numerous narrow tax breaks. Brownback approved additional changes in 2013, including further income tax rate cuts, broadening the income tax base, and increasing the sales tax rate. The governor has also been a frugal budgeter since 2012, overseeing just small increases in general fund spending.​

* Americans for Tax Reform has called Brownback's 2015 budget sound and frugal. You have to keep in mind that any Republican governor who imposes even modest fiscal restraint will be accused of taking food from babies, starving grandmas, gutting "education," etc., etc. So the Americans for Tax Reform analysis is a good reality check on Brownback's budget.

* The majority of the budget shortfall has nothing--as in nothing--to do with Brownback's tax cuts.

* The Kansas real median household income is slightly higher than the national average.

* Kansas GDP growth has been above or at the national average since Brownback took office, and it has been nearly double that of Obama's home state of Illinois. In September 2014, economist Stephen Moore noted,

On economic growth, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that Kansas’ real GDP increase was up 1.9 % last year – slighter higher than the national average of 1.8%. Illinois crept up 0.9%.​

Much more could be said about the overall positive direction of the Kansas budget and economy under Republican leadership, but this will have to suffice for now.

So the next time you see some liberal claim that Kansas is somehow "proof" that conservative economic policies don't work, remind him or her of these facts.

Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website - Quality of Life

Cost of Living in Kansas - PayScale

Kansas Tax Foundation

Pro-liberty Republican governors are slashing high taxes and rolling back big government -- and that s good for taxpayers United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback Americans for Tax Reform

Here s How Kansas Is Flourishing Under Republican Governor Sam Brownback

Kansas State Household Income Department of Numbers
That is kind of the point isn't it?

If the economy is doing so well, why are they forcing unnecessary austerity on the people?
How is it wrong?

Are Kansas politicians not practicing austerity to motivate the poor out of subsistence?

Well you're lying about staring the poor so that makes it wrong
noun: dysphemism; plural noun: dysphemisms
  1. a derogatory or unpleasant term used instead of a pleasant or neutral one, such as “loony bin” for “mental hospital.”

Well, you're lying. No nice way of saying it.
Always simple you are Frank.

So yeah, have it your way.

I'll make you a deal: stop lying and I'll stop calling you out on it.

You didn't believe me did you?

Awe, you did....that's adorable
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

Look if I'm $300 freaking billion in debt I'm not finding new things to spend money I don't have on.
Once again you don't understand Brown's proposals.

He wants to cut Medicare reimbursements and pensions
On economic issues the gop is stupid...


We need accountable government...NOT USELESS government.
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Reality check: The Kansas economy is doing very well:

* Kansas's unemployment rate is 4.2%, about 30% lower than the national rate (5.5%).

* In 2014, Kansas saw a huge jump in manufacturing exports, to the tune of a $400-million-plus increase over the previous year. In fact, 2014 saw the state's exports top $12 billion, a record only matched in two other years in the state's history.

* Last year Kansas exporters outpaced their competition in the neighboring four states (Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma). Their average export value was $9.74 billion, $2.26 billion less than that of Kansas.

* Kansas has the sixth lowest cost of living in the country. The cost of living in Kansas is nearly 8.74% below the national average.

* Housing costs in Kansas are especially low, with the median value of owner-occupied homes nearly 216.7% below the national average.

* Kansas ranks 22nd in the country in the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. In 2011, Kansas ranked 25th, so the state's tax climate has improved substantially since 2011. The index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and taxes on property, including residential and commercial property.

* Kansas governor Sam Brownback was awarded an "A" by the fiscally conservative Cato Institute for his tax cuts and spending restraint and for reducing the size of the state bureaucracy. Said Cato,

Sam Brownback of Kansas has spearheaded major tax reforms. In 2012 he signed into law a package that reduced the number of individual income tax brackets from three to two and cut the top tax rate from 6.45 to 4.9 percent. The reform also increased the standard deduction, reduced taxes on small businesses, and repealed numerous narrow tax breaks. Brownback approved additional changes in 2013, including further income tax rate cuts, broadening the income tax base, and increasing the sales tax rate. The governor has also been a frugal budgeter since 2012, overseeing just small increases in general fund spending.​

* Americans for Tax Reform has called Brownback's 2015 budget sound and frugal. You have to keep in mind that any Republican governor who imposes even modest fiscal restraint will be accused of taking food from babies, starving grandmas, gutting "education," etc., etc. So the Americans for Tax Reform analysis is a good reality check on Brownback's budget.

* The majority of the budget shortfall has nothing--as in nothing--to do with Brownback's tax cuts.

* The Kansas real median household income is slightly higher than the national average.

* Kansas GDP growth has been above or at the national average since Brownback took office, and it has been nearly double that of Obama's home state of Illinois. In September 2014, economist Stephen Moore noted,

On economic growth, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that Kansas’ real GDP increase was up 1.9 % last year – slighter higher than the national average of 1.8%. Illinois crept up 0.9%.​

Much more could be said about the overall positive direction of the Kansas budget and economy under Republican leadership, but this will have to suffice for now.

So the next time you see some liberal claim that Kansas is somehow "proof" that conservative economic policies don't work, remind him or her of these facts.

Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website - Quality of Life

Cost of Living in Kansas - PayScale

Kansas Tax Foundation

Pro-liberty Republican governors are slashing high taxes and rolling back big government -- and that s good for taxpayers United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback Americans for Tax Reform

Here s How Kansas Is Flourishing Under Republican Governor Sam Brownback

Kansas State Household Income Department of Numbers
That is kind of the point isn't it?

If the economy is doing so well, why are they forcing unnecessary austerity on the people?

They don't believe that tax payers should have to pay for their roads, schools and first world institutions. This is why the gop loses so many elections as they don't want to lead shit.

It takes MONEY to run a first world country. I say this knowing that the liberals suck ass on other issues.
I smell bullshit

Savage, Levin, Limbaugh or Hannity?
It's all the same BS

Brietbart, Savage, Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Hannity

People shouldn't be allowed to listen to people you disagree with
I'm amazed by the difference between what I write, and think, and how your head processes it sometimes.

I listen to those guys, so what made you believe I don't want it allowed?

Answer: One or all of those guys told you it's what I want, and that residual misleading and false impression was rattling around in your psyche, ready to be thrown out in haste

Yes, only liberals think, everyone else is told what to think by talk radio. And somehow the liberals who think all think the same thing and conservatives are telling me to be libertarian. Why are they doing that again? Pure rhetorical genius on your part, LOL

Liberals think their shit doesn't stink and they fart daisies.
I'm not a liberal, and in terms of outcomes, Jerry Brown isn't acting like one either.

One thing you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal
The mess in Kansas is actually a good thing. First of all, nobody gives a rat's ass about Kansas anyway, so if they bankrupt themselves, so what? Second, if the Tea party simply must demonstrate in the real world just how asinine their economic principles are, what better place to do it than Kansas? Third, Kansas was the model for what Jindal has done to Louisiana, with the same economic result, giving Jindal a 1% polling number in his run for president. By Jindal's figuring, a 1% approval rating is evidence enough that he is a contender for the White house. This, of course, even further marginalizes the Tea Party. It is a win/win situation...unless you live in Kansa or which case, you are already a loser.

Reality check: The Kansas economy is doing very well:

* Kansas's unemployment rate is 4.2%, about 30% lower than the national rate (5.5%).

* In 2014, Kansas saw a huge jump in manufacturing exports, to the tune of a $400-million-plus increase over the previous year. In fact, 2014 saw the state's exports top $12 billion, a record only matched in two other years in the state's history.

* Last year Kansas exporters outpaced their competition in the neighboring four states (Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma). Their average export value was $9.74 billion, $2.26 billion less than that of Kansas.

* Kansas has the sixth lowest cost of living in the country. The cost of living in Kansas is nearly 8.74% below the national average.

* Housing costs in Kansas are especially low, with the median value of owner-occupied homes nearly 216.7% below the national average.

* Kansas ranks 22nd in the country in the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. In 2011, Kansas ranked 25th, so the state's tax climate has improved substantially since 2011. The index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and taxes on property, including residential and commercial property.

* Kansas governor Sam Brownback was awarded an "A" by the fiscally conservative Cato Institute for his tax cuts and spending restraint and for reducing the size of the state bureaucracy. Said Cato,

Sam Brownback of Kansas has spearheaded major tax reforms. In 2012 he signed into law a package that reduced the number of individual income tax brackets from three to two and cut the top tax rate from 6.45 to 4.9 percent. The reform also increased the standard deduction, reduced taxes on small businesses, and repealed numerous narrow tax breaks. Brownback approved additional changes in 2013, including further income tax rate cuts, broadening the income tax base, and increasing the sales tax rate. The governor has also been a frugal budgeter since 2012, overseeing just small increases in general fund spending.​

* Americans for Tax Reform has called Brownback's 2015 budget sound and frugal. You have to keep in mind that any Republican governor who imposes even modest fiscal restraint will be accused of taking food from babies, starving grandmas, gutting "education," etc., etc. So the Americans for Tax Reform analysis is a good reality check on Brownback's budget.

* The majority of the budget shortfall has nothing--as in nothing--to do with Brownback's tax cuts.

* The Kansas real median household income is slightly higher than the national average.

* Kansas GDP growth has been above or at the national average since Brownback took office, and it has been nearly double that of Obama's home state of Illinois. In September 2014, economist Stephen Moore noted,

On economic growth, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that Kansas’ real GDP increase was up 1.9 % last year – slighter higher than the national average of 1.8%. Illinois crept up 0.9%.​

Much more could be said about the overall positive direction of the Kansas budget and economy under Republican leadership, but this will have to suffice for now.

So the next time you see some liberal claim that Kansas is somehow "proof" that conservative economic policies don't work, remind him or her of these facts.

Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website

Kansas Department of Commerce - Official Website - Quality of Life

Cost of Living in Kansas - PayScale

Kansas Tax Foundation

Pro-liberty Republican governors are slashing high taxes and rolling back big government -- and that s good for taxpayers United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback United Liberty Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Sam Brownback Americans for Tax Reform

Here s How Kansas Is Flourishing Under Republican Governor Sam Brownback

Kansas State Household Income Department of Numbers
That is kind of the point isn't it?

If the economy is doing so well, why are they forcing unnecessary austerity on the people?

They don't believe that tax payers should have to pay for their roads, schools and first world institutions. This is why the gop loses so many elections as they don't want to lead shit.

It takes MONEY to run a first world country. I say this knowing that the liberals suck ass on other issues.
Mike G claims the Kansas economy is doing so well. Isn't that the time you should invest in schools and infrastructure instead of cutting funding to it?
The Tea Party is really getting beat up bad in this thread.

Maybe they should consider some the replies and facts presented them, and rethink who they trust.

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