GOP runs Kansas into ground, another red welfare state.

We're 14th in the world for education. I think it is time to get that closer to first or second. WE sure as hell can't do it without spending money and demanding some serious reforms.

We need to improve our infrastructure. HOw do we do that without spending money???

How do we hold our lead in science without spending money???

There's a lot I don't like about the left but to be against maintaining your country...Well, that makes you a dumbass.
The Tea Party is really getting beat up bad in this thread.

Maybe they should consider some the replies and facts presented them, and rethink who they trust.
The Tea Party ideas aren't new.

It was just a hastily constructed, or rather coopted, movement set up for Republicans to hide in and assuage their Republican-ness after the Bush admin ended in economic disaster.

The European austerity experiments haven't resulted in what Tea Partiers think would happen here.
We're 14th in the world for education. I think it is time to get that closer to first or second. WE sure as hell can't do it without spending money and demanding some serious reforms.

We need to improve our infrastructure. HOw do we do that without spending money???

How do we hold our lead in science without spending money???

There's a lot I don't like about the left but to be against maintaining your country...Well, that makes you a dumbass.
There many lists that the US used to be #1 on, and we just keep sliding down those lists year after year.

I believe that not only have Americans stagnated educationally and developmentally, but the world is catching up too.

There are many countries where things are getting better, and we're not doing anything like that here.

The most dangerous development IMO is how we're growing less food for ourselves. Almost every instance of an empire not being able to produce it's own food has ended badly.

But yeah, the great infrastructure projects from the New Deal, and how Eisenhower built the Interstates, needs some maintenance.

We've been resting on our laurels
X = Y
X = Cost of Gov't
Y = Revenue

If Y goes down........or X goes up

What must be done to remain equal?
You could always raise taxes and fees

Opps--that is the 'liberal' answer isn't it?

Cut government--reduce the national guard, crack down and fire dirty cops--oh wait, we got to protect the public

legalize and Tax weed--damn, thats the liberal answer again!!

To be honest, there is alot of ways to reduce government or raise funds outside of raising taxes. However, the elected politicians are used to a script they follow for re-election.

No creativity, too much catering--always BS. That is American politics.
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

Look if I'm $300 freaking billion in debt I'm not finding new things to spend money I don't have on.
Once again you don't understand Brown's proposals.

He wants to cut Medicare reimbursements and pensions

Good luck with that in California. lol
Jerry Brown, having grown cantankerous and salty compared to his days as "moon beam"...has arguably managed to "balance" California's budget. The resulting new expenses for medi-cal/Medicaid expansion in California has the potential to derail that balance.

Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

Look if I'm $300 freaking billion in debt I'm not finding new things to spend money I don't have on.
Once again you don't understand Brown's proposals.

He wants to cut Medicare reimbursements and pensions

Good luck with that in California. lol
I know other states love it when California has problems, but honestly, California is so used to leading the nation on most things, Californians think very little, if anything at all, about what resentments fly over red states have for them
Some of you might trying looking travelling to other countries to see how poorly maintained your country is. When we go to the US, the lack of maintenance and shabby conditions in your cities are just shocking to us. It's no wonder you keep sliding down the list of great places to live, to do business with and to visit. Other countries are surpassing you in every way.
Some of you might trying looking travelling to other countries to see how poorly maintained your country is. When we go to the US, the lack of maintenance and shabby conditions in your cities are just shocking to us. It's no wonder you keep sliding down the list of great places to live, to do business with and to visit. Other countries are surpassing you in every way.
Want to buy some Republicans?
Riiiight and the California $300+ billion dollar public pension shortfall? Balanced budget my ass.
Brown is addressing that along with his budget, but that's just not an issue that get's resolved over night.

The idea that you can resolve that over night is a key element of the GOP's economic scaremongering

Look if I'm $300 freaking billion in debt I'm not finding new things to spend money I don't have on.
Once again you don't understand Brown's proposals.

He wants to cut Medicare reimbursements and pensions

Good luck with that in California. lol
I know other states love it when California has problems, but honestly, California is so used to leading the nation on most things, Californians think very little, if anything at all, about what resentments fly over red states have for them

Ahahaha well now what does California have to offer, insane traffic, pollution, drought, earth quakes, sky high taxes, government control and regulations gone wild, and a bunch of gender freaks. Meh you can have it, enjoy.
You missed this part when you quoted me.

One thing you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

What do you expect, I learned to hate and distrust Democrats from Democrats. They lie and back stab and are conniving scheming slimes. I will not partner with them on anything, period. Why? Because you cannot compromise with them, they negotiate in bad faith, they are false, they sign a deal with every intention of screwing you over first chance they get. So forget it, we are done with them.
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No, it's OK. We have enough slimy clowns in this country. We call them the Senate.
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

The part you don't seem to get is....this is their goal. Its called 'starving the beast'. They intentionally run government revenue into the ground to create massive budget shortfalls. Then insist that the only way to shore up the budget is to cut programs they don't like.

This is no accident. This is no act of incompetence. This is a calculated strategy to run the state government into the ground in the hopes of weakening it.
You missed this part when you quoted me.

One thing you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

What do you expect, I learned to hate and distrust Democrats from Democrats. They lie and back stab and are conniving scheming slimes. I will not partner with them on anything, period. Why? Because you cannot compromise with them, they negotiate in bad faith, they are false, they sign a deal with every intention of screwing you over first chance they get. So forget it, we are done with them.
You're delusional.

And you're heaping all of your problems on them.
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

They should be more like IL and CA, right?
California economy is on the comeback trail. Can America follow -

Well, like California at least. Good they got rid of their Republican governor and got a good Democrat with fiscal knowledge.
You missed this part when you quoted me.

One thing you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

What do you expect, I learned to hate and distrust Democrats from Democrats. They lie and back stab and are conniving scheming slimes. I will not partner with them on anything, period. Why? Because you cannot compromise with them, they negotiate in bad faith, they are false, they sign a deal with every intention of screwing you over first chance they get. So forget it, we are done with them.
You're delusional.

And you're heaping all of your problems on them.

Of course they are. Do you think that the 'Party of Personal Responsibility' actually takes responsibility? Of course not. Its always someone else's fault. In fact, the folks LEAST responsible a republican lead state government....are republicans.
You missed this part when you quoted me.

One thing you have been programmed to think is that you must hate anything Democrats do, even if it's what Republicans have been recommending, or you're a liberal

What do you expect, I learned to hate and distrust Democrats from Democrats. They lie and back stab and are conniving scheming slimes. I will not partner with them on anything, period. Why? Because you cannot compromise with them, they negotiate in bad faith, they are false, they sign a deal with every intention of screwing you over first chance they get. So forget it, we are done with them.
You're delusional.

And you're heaping all of your problems on them.

So you are saying its rational for liberals to hate us but not the other way around?
Kansas may furlough 7,000 state workers as tax-starved coffers run dry

Red states, just say thanks to us blue staters who float you through the hard times.

You're welcome.

More than 7,000 state employees in Kansas would be furloughed on Monday if state lawmakers cannot agree on a new annual budget by midnight on Saturday, state officials said on Friday.

The Kansas House and Senate are trying to make up an estimated $400 million revenue shortfall in the wake of tax cuts engineered by Republican Governor Sam Brownback in recent years.

Republicans can't do math.

Maybe not, but Republicans know more about math than Democrats do about economics

That is a proven fallacy. Whenever Republicans are in control, they fuck the economy up, leaving it for a Dems to fix. The only exception in my lifetime was Reagan, but as I have said many times, Reagan would be thrown out of the party based on today's conservative beliefs. Reagan was a pragmatist first and an ideologue second. Today's Republicans are just ideologues.

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