GOP Seeking to do Away With ATF

Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

What "subordinate" agencies would those be?
See post #21
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

In ATF, the T means tobacco. They took tobacco out of prisons and that increased prison crime rate. I pay $7 for a pack of smokes today and that is more than outrageous when more than half of the price is tax to make me stop smoking. I will smoke until I die and proud of it, damned libtard gooberment.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

They can't be too central since they are only allowed to operate outside the US, can they? And your link basically proves my point, we got'em but we don't really need all of them.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

No, the problem is that, in spite of creating a monstrous DHS to supposedly mesh everything together, most agencies don't share squat with the others!
You could be right, I don't know. But again. the "Central" in the title CIA, seems to suggest it was designed to be the hub of an Intelligence system. And I am not sure anyone can prove it isn't. Just saying so one way or the other doesn't mean much.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

No, the problem is that, in spite of creating a monstrous DHS to supposedly mesh everything together, most agencies don't share squat with the others!
You could be right, I don't know. But again. the "Central" in the title CIA, seems to suggest it was designed to be the hub of an Intelligence system. And I am not sure anyone can prove it isn't. Just saying so one way or the other doesn't mean much.

It may have been years, maybe decades ago, now DHS is tasked with coordinating all intel, now the CIA is just another cog in the ever expanding wheel.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

No, the problem is that, in spite of creating a monstrous DHS to supposedly mesh everything together, most agencies don't share squat with the others!
You could be right, I don't know. But again. the "Central" in the title CIA, seems to suggest it was designed to be the hub of an Intelligence system. And I am not sure anyone can prove it isn't. Just saying so one way or the other doesn't mean much.

The hub of the Universe is in central Ohio at the intersection of 5th Avenue and North High Street in Columbus, way back in the day.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

From the article:

In a statement released on his website Thursday, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wisc., announced that he was introducing legislation that would eliminate the ATF and fold its mandate and resources into larger agencies.

SO do these other agenizes do the same thing as the ATF? If so then maybe it is best to merge it with those other agencies and save money!
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

They can't be too central since they are only allowed to operate outside the US, can they? And your link basically proves my point, we got'em but we don't really need all of them.

Well, yes , the CIA can be the hub where all foreign intelligence is collected ,analyzed and disseminated to proper authorities. The focus of virtually all US Intelligence agencies is , as far as I can tell, on foreign targets around the world. Domestic intelligence is the purview of the FBI. From what I can surmise there are 5 major card players at the table of American Intelligentsia. the CIA, NSA, DIA , FBI and Homeland Security.

"The duties break down roughly as follows: The CIA conducts foreign covert operations, counterintelligence operations, and collects and analyzes foreign intelligence for the president and his staff to aid in national security decisions. The DIA concentrates on foreign military intelligence information, including battlefield intelligence. NSA handles the making and breaking of codes, and intercepts communications from abroad. Last but not least, the FBI conducts domestic counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations in addition to its role as the lead law enforcement agency in the country. "

Pssttt. I am not sure what Homeland Security really does that couldn't be done by the FBI
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

From the article:

In a statement released on his website Thursday, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wisc., announced that he was introducing legislation that would eliminate the ATF and fold its mandate and resources into larger agencies.

SO do these other agenizes do the same thing as the ATF? If so then maybe it is best to merge it with those other agencies and save money!

Doing so will give transparency. I did projects in Wisconsin and found the people friendly. I did a project in Minnesota and those people were not too friendly.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

No, the problem is that, in spite of creating a monstrous DHS to supposedly mesh everything together, most agencies don't share squat with the others!
You could be right, I don't know. But again. the "Central" in the title CIA, seems to suggest it was designed to be the hub of an Intelligence system. And I am not sure anyone can prove it isn't. Just saying so one way or the other doesn't mean much.

The hub of the Universe is in central Ohio at the intersection of 5th Avenue and North High Street in Columbus, way back in the day.
Yeah, and the earth is least in some places it is.
Good idea or not? According to this, they want the FBI to handle firearms, explosives and arson while DEA would handle alcohol.

Additionally, the Act calls for an immediate hiring freeze at the agency and requires the Department of Justice to eliminate and reduce duplicative functions and waste, as well as report to Congress with a detailed plan on how the transition will take place,” it continued. “Further, it would transfer enforcement of firearms, explosives and arson laws to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products would be transferred to the Drug Enforcement Agency

What's your take on it? Story @ BREAKING: GOP Keeps Pressure Up, Terrifies ATF With Game-Changing Announcement

I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

No, the problem is that, in spite of creating a monstrous DHS to supposedly mesh everything together, most agencies don't share squat with the others!
You could be right, I don't know. But again. the "Central" in the title CIA, seems to suggest it was designed to be the hub of an Intelligence system. And I am not sure anyone can prove it isn't. Just saying so one way or the other doesn't mean much.

It may have been years, maybe decades ago, now DHS is tasked with coordinating all intel, now the CIA is just another cog in the ever expanding wheel.
Sounds good to least for the moment!
I like it, we have duplicate services being preformed by many federal agencies. Have you ever asked yourself why we have 17 different intelligence agencies? It doesn't make sense, no wonder they can't put together effective policies, no one knows what the other guys are doing.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

They can't be too central since they are only allowed to operate outside the US, can they? And your link basically proves my point, we got'em but we don't really need all of them.

Well, yes , the CIA can be the hub where all foreign intelligence is collected ,analyzed and disseminated to proper authorities. The focus of virtually all US Intelligence agencies is , as far as I can tell, on foreign targets around the world. Domestic intelligence is the purview of the FBI. From what I can surmise there are 5 major card players at the table of American Intelligentsia. the CIA, NSA, DIA , FBI and Homeland Security.

"The duties break down roughly as follows: The CIA conducts foreign covert operations, counterintelligence operations, and collects and analyzes foreign intelligence for the president and his staff to aid in national security decisions. The DIA concentrates on foreign military intelligence information, including battlefield intelligence. NSA handles the making and breaking of codes, and intercepts communications from abroad. Last but not least, the FBI conducts domestic counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations in addition to its role as the lead law enforcement agency in the country. "

Pssttt. I am not sure what Homeland Security really does that couldn't be done by the FBI

So what do the other 13 do?
Do away with the DEA and the war on drugs

Abolish the DEA and make all drugs legal. The herd needs to be culled and let the private citizen judge what is too strong. I have done every illegal drug known to man and when it hurt, stopped doing it. Pot is a beneficial drug that soothes my soul.
I would think the Central Intelligence Agency uses data from the subordinate agencies to make a comparative analysis. Consolidation might make more sense ostensibly but would destroy the effect of check and balance afforded by independent agenciesl

First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

They can't be too central since they are only allowed to operate outside the US, can they? And your link basically proves my point, we got'em but we don't really need all of them.

Well, yes , the CIA can be the hub where all foreign intelligence is collected ,analyzed and disseminated to proper authorities. The focus of virtually all US Intelligence agencies is , as far as I can tell, on foreign targets around the world. Domestic intelligence is the purview of the FBI. From what I can surmise there are 5 major card players at the table of American Intelligentsia. the CIA, NSA, DIA , FBI and Homeland Security.

"The duties break down roughly as follows: The CIA conducts foreign covert operations, counterintelligence operations, and collects and analyzes foreign intelligence for the president and his staff to aid in national security decisions. The DIA concentrates on foreign military intelligence information, including battlefield intelligence. NSA handles the making and breaking of codes, and intercepts communications from abroad. Last but not least, the FBI conducts domestic counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations in addition to its role as the lead law enforcement agency in the country. "

Pssttt. I am not sure what Homeland Security really does that couldn't be done by the FBI

So what do the other 13 do?
Its no secret. Here is a rundown:

Members of the IC
First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

They can't be too central since they are only allowed to operate outside the US, can they? And your link basically proves my point, we got'em but we don't really need all of them.

Well, yes , the CIA can be the hub where all foreign intelligence is collected ,analyzed and disseminated to proper authorities. The focus of virtually all US Intelligence agencies is , as far as I can tell, on foreign targets around the world. Domestic intelligence is the purview of the FBI. From what I can surmise there are 5 major card players at the table of American Intelligentsia. the CIA, NSA, DIA , FBI and Homeland Security.

"The duties break down roughly as follows: The CIA conducts foreign covert operations, counterintelligence operations, and collects and analyzes foreign intelligence for the president and his staff to aid in national security decisions. The DIA concentrates on foreign military intelligence information, including battlefield intelligence. NSA handles the making and breaking of codes, and intercepts communications from abroad. Last but not least, the FBI conducts domestic counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations in addition to its role as the lead law enforcement agency in the country. "

Pssttt. I am not sure what Homeland Security really does that couldn't be done by the FBI

So what do the other 13 do?
Its no secret. Here is a rundown:

Members of the IC
Well, after discovering that IC link, my eyes have been opened. it appears we were all merely speculating on what the 17 Intelligence agencies did. I now see them in an entirely new light... Now I suspect everyone of you are checking that link out...interesting isn't it?
First, what makes you think the other agencies are subordinate to the CIA? Second I might buy 2 or 3 agencies, not 17. That's 17 different bureaucracies and cultures the tax payers have to support.
I am not going to pretend your question isn't a good one. I assumed the name Central, in the title CIA, meant that agency was the hub off all federal intelligence. I could be wrong on that one. After a bit more researchI found this piece. What do you get out of it?

Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

They can't be too central since they are only allowed to operate outside the US, can they? And your link basically proves my point, we got'em but we don't really need all of them.

Well, yes , the CIA can be the hub where all foreign intelligence is collected ,analyzed and disseminated to proper authorities. The focus of virtually all US Intelligence agencies is , as far as I can tell, on foreign targets around the world. Domestic intelligence is the purview of the FBI. From what I can surmise there are 5 major card players at the table of American Intelligentsia. the CIA, NSA, DIA , FBI and Homeland Security.

"The duties break down roughly as follows: The CIA conducts foreign covert operations, counterintelligence operations, and collects and analyzes foreign intelligence for the president and his staff to aid in national security decisions. The DIA concentrates on foreign military intelligence information, including battlefield intelligence. NSA handles the making and breaking of codes, and intercepts communications from abroad. Last but not least, the FBI conducts domestic counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations in addition to its role as the lead law enforcement agency in the country. "

Pssttt. I am not sure what Homeland Security really does that couldn't be done by the FBI

So what do the other 13 do?
Its no secret. Here is a rundown:

Members of the IC

I see a butt load of overlap and waste. I see no reason not to consolidate similar functions.
Hey, OkTexas. The least you could allow is drugs so people without can deal with the pain of having no healthcare and starvation on the side of the street. Come on, have a heart.

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