GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

Thank Goodness we have Republicans to protect our children

Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

Does anyone question why Q is so powerful with Republicans?
Since the Left invented Q everyone questions it. All you got?
It isn't a question of being turned gay. You start telling a child at an early age that being gay is perfectly fine or that really there's no such thing as gay because there's no such thing as people having a specific gender and there's no telling what direction their sexuality will go in.

Think about a blind kid who comes from a family where there's not a lot of hugging. They may not really be familiar with the difference between boys and girls. Even with hugging, that doesn't really give them the idea of biological sexual differences.

Since we are not like animals who smell sexual differences, how would their sexuality develop?
Who made you enjoy sucking dick?
No one. Teachers weren't allowed to spend class time telling kids that gay and straight, or male and female are a spectrum not a binary choice.

Nor did they tell us that minor attracted persons are not bad people.
No one can, dope. Because it’s not your preference. People are attracted to whoever they’re attracted to.
Knowing about the world is not indoctrination. It’s knowledge that helps in understanding others and accepting their differences just as they accept yours. It’s the same reason you all want any discussion of race removed from the classroom and Christianity named the national religion. You don’t accept divergence from what you’re comfortable with.

Your ideal is a homogeneous, straight, white Christian nationalism.

That’s not reality.
No one can, dope. Because it’s not your preference. People are attracted to whoever they’re attracted to.
Knowing about the world is not indoctrination. It’s knowledge that helps in understanding others and accepting their differences just as they accept yours. It’s the same reason you all want any discussion of race removed from the classroom and Christianity named the national religion. You don’t accept divergence from what you’re comfortable with.

Your ideal is a homogeneous, straight, white Christian nationalism.

That’s not reality.
I didn't say any of that. I just don't want teachers grooming children. You seem to have an objection to preventing that but you won't say why.
I didn't say any of that. I just don't want teachers grooming children. You seem to have an objection to preventing that but you won't say why.
You just did say it.
Learning about others isn’t being “groomed”.
Learning about the Nazis isn’t grooming anyone to be a Nazi, dope.
Men in prison turn to homosexuality because it is normalized there and because there is no access to avaiable females.

Most late elementary boys also don't have female sexual partners available. If homosexuality is normalized in school and they are given books like Lawn Boy which very explicitly describes the pleasure of preteen male to male oral sex why won't they try it?
Why "present" homosexuality to school children at all is the point. They don't (or shouldnt) present heterosexuality.
Because they will be in school with people who are different then themselves. Just as they do with students who have learning or physical disabilities. People are more open about it in today’s society. Learning to accept others should be a part of any healthy curriculum.

It seems to have been lacking in your formative years.
Because they will be in school with people who are different then themselves. Just as they do with students who have learning or physical disabilities. People are more open about it in today’s society. Learning to accept others should be a part of any healthy curriculum.
How much time would you propose dedicating to teaching acceptance of homosexuality rather than math or grammar?

If a school brings in drag strippers to teach tolerance should it also teach tolerance of straights by bringing in bio female strippers?

It seems to have been lacking in your formative years.
I was taught the golden rule which covered all of that.

I had a student ask me to sponsor a trans anti bullying student club. I said I would be glad to sponsor an anti bullying club but not unless it was inclusive of all students not just trans students. "James" lost interest.
How much time would you propose dedicating to teaching acceptance of homosexuality rather than math or grammar?

If a school brings in drag strippers to teach tolerance should it also teach tolerance of straights by bringing in bio female strippers?

I was taught the golden rule which covered all of that.

I had a student ask me to sponsor a trans anti bullying student club. I said I would be glad to sponsor an anti bullying club but not unless it was inclusive of all students not just trans students. "James" lost interest.
Kids don’t go to school with red herring drag strippers.

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