GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

I get that Democrats want to say that it is incredibly stupid for a Republican to believe that Democrats would ever advocate for litter boxes in public school bathrooms transpecies students. But it is in no way a stretch to think that would happen give the fact that they act so gullible about other pranks that kids play on them, like pretending to think they are a girl to join the girl's volleyball team so they can be a starter and make comments at girls while they undress.

I don't see how a litter box in the locker room is worse than that.

If you told me that Trump had said something outrageous, I might ask for proof. But I would not say, "It's incredibly stupid to think thatt he said that." Because Trump says a lot of off-the-wall stuff where he's talking out his ass, bigly. Even if it turns out he never said that, it wasn't stupid for you to believe it because his mouth so often goes on autopilot while is brain is elsewhere.

By the same logic it is not incredibly stupid to believe that litter boxes in the bathroom meme.
You would object to students who identify as cats being provided a litter box?!?!?!?!

By Allah, it is sad that the first amendment allows you to publicly spew such hatred!


So, you expect children who identify as cats to what? Hold it all day until they get outside? Stay home and be home schooled to save the cost of a litter box and some litter?

Have you always hated children and cats?
You are sick. Seek treatment .
I get that Democrats want to say that it is incredibly stupid for a Republican to believe that Democrats would ever advocate for litter boxes in public school bathrooms transpecies students. But it is in no way a stretch to think that would happen give the fact that they act so gullible about other pranks that kids play on them, like pretending to think they are a girl to join the girl's volleyball team so they can be a starter and make comments at girls while they undress.

I don't see how a litter box in the locker room is worse than that.

If you told me that Trump had said something outrageous, I might ask for proof. But I would not say, "It's incredibly stupid to think thatt he said that." Because Trump says a lot of off-the-wall stuff where he's talking out his ass, bigly. Even if it turns out he never said that, it wasn't stupid for you to believe it because his mouth so often goes on autopilot while is brain is elsewhere.

By the same logic it is not incredibly stupid to believe that litter boxes in the bathroom meme.
You are sick. Seek treatment.
Boebert and Greene for example:

All I ask is a link to they QAnon website so I know what the espouse, along with statements from Boebert and Greene saying that QAnon is a source for their beliefs.

If I accuse a Democrat of following Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals, I would need to show a link to prove That Rules for Radicals is a real thing, and some evidence that the Democrat actually follows it. Examples of beliefs they have that are (to me) similar to RfR would not be sufficient, especially if I could not even show that the book is a real thing.
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I never made any mention of the democrats, democrat policies, or anything about the left.

That's some fucking weird "fun" though... What school did you go to?
You did not watch the videos, you do not know those teenagers. You have no idea what they are doing and why.

You are sick. Seek treatment.
All I ask is a link to the QAnon website so I know what the espouse, along with statements from Boebert and Greene saying that QAnon is a source for their beliefs.
Well here are some remarks:

Earlier this year, Boebert said in an interview that she was “very familiar” with the QAnon conspiracy theory, but she stopped just short of saying she was a follower.
However, she did say: “Everything that I’ve heard of Q, I hope that this is real because it only means that America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values.”

There is no offocoal Qanon website, it isn't a group or person. It is a conspiracy theory. A set of ideas.

If I accuse a Democrat of following Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals, I would need to show a link to prove That Rules for Radicals is a real thing, and some evidence that the Democrat actually follows it.

You are unique among rightists then.

Examples of beliefs they have that are (to me) similar to RfR would not be sufficient, especially if I could not even show that the book is a real thing.
Thank Goodness we have Republicans to protect our children

Guess what? We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd. “They lick themselves, they’re cats. When they don’t like something, they hiss – people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.

“And get this, get this,” he continued. “They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. … These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs. Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”

Does anyone question why Q is so powerful with Republicans?
Good Grief this shit is just plain silly....Just buck up there RW'er and accept that you people are about to lose embarrassingly in 12 days....
Good Grief this shit is just plain silly....Just buck up there RW'er and accept that you people are about to lose embarrassingly in 12 days....
I know

You really got us with that litter box issue
They are? Liberal Democrats all but have a monopoly on positions in the public schools....All you're doing here is deflecting...

Most public schools are run by conservatives
They are busy banning books and hunting down CRT
There are litter boxes being put in school bathrooms to cater to these sick kids. My kid’s school thankfully said no way to that garbage, but many of the surrounding districts caved. Including one of the largest districts in our area. I can’t imagine custodians are too happy with having to clean human feces out of these things. So sadly, it’s not an exaggeration.
Well here are some remarks:

Earlier this year, Boebert said in an interview that she was “very familiar” with the QAnon conspiracy theory, but she stopped just short of saying she was a follower.
Interesting. That one and MTG are kind of Fringe republicans, I guess. I think those two are popular because they don't watch what they say and they are fun to listen to. Also because they are females who are kind of okay looking. Not exactly Fox News babes, but easier on the eyes than that Gomert guy or Rand Paul.

Basically the Republican version of AOC or Beto.

Hopefully that article will explain more about what specifically The QAnon Conspiracy Theory is. I have a lot to say on conspiracy theories, but that is a threat of its own sometime.
However, she did say: “Everything that I’ve heard of Q, I hope that this is real because it only means that America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values.”
If that organization or whatever is really stupid or racist or crazy then that's a lick on Boebert for supporting them, even in that weird backhanded way.
There is no offocoal Qanon website, it isn't a group or person. It is a conspiracy theory. A set of ideas.
Like secret machinations of groups pulling strings behind closed doors? There's always been and always will be theories like that. In my humble opinion the reason for such conspiracy theories is that government is so secretive when it doesn't need to be. When you don't tell people the truth, it leaves their minds free to assume the worst.
You are unique among rightists then.
I'm not actually a rightist. I'm a Libertarian who has temporarily paused my idealism to support Trump.

I know what you mean, though. It was Rush Limbaugh and his imitators who started putting forth the idea that Democrats follow Saul alinsky. Their evidence for that is that Democrats do and espouse some of the things that Saul Alinsky talked about in the book.

But that's like saying a person who doesn't cheat on his wife must be a Bible thumping Christian because the Bible says Thou shalt not commit adultery. It would be silly to say that because a person doesn't commit adultery, they also want to burn witches.

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