GOP Senate candidate to protect children from Litter Boxes

Conservatives lying about ‘litter boxes’ in schools is dishonest.

Conservatives believing the lie is stupidity.

And given the idiocy of ‘litter boxes’ in schools, there’s clearly no limit to the right’s dishonesty and stupidity.

Nobody cares partisan dweeb
Silliest thing I ever heard. Do any of your students require a litter box?

Nor have any of them insisted on using the bathroom of the other biological sex.

This year, we have at our school a boy who has been dressing and wearing his hair in traditionally feminine ways since 6th grade. Not blatant, but mom jeans with colorful tops and long curly hair. Two weeks ago we had wear school colors day and he came in a maroon and blue dress. We have a very masculine appearing girl who is on the football team.

The boy does not insist on using the girls room, and the girl changes in her own locker room. She's just happy she's a starter.

We have some gay students and their parent are always keen to hear that they have been bullied. They aren't. No one cares.

See the point? I doubt it.

The point is that a person can be transgender or gay without being an asshole. It takes a gaping asshole to want to make girls uncomfortable in what is supposed to be a safe place for them to change or pee away from the male gaze.

Nor have any of them insisted on using the bathroom of the other biological sex.

This year, we have at our school a boy who has been dressing and wearing his hair in traditionally feminine ways since 6th grade. Not blatant, but mom jeans with colorful tops and long curly hair. Two weeks ago we had wear school colors day and he came in a maroon and blue dress. We have a very masculine appearing girl who is on the football team.

The boy does not insist on using the girls room, and the girl changes in her own locker room. She's just happy she's a starter.

We have some gay students and their parent are always keen to hear that they have been bullied. They aren't. No one cares.

See the point? I doubt it.

The point is that a person can be transgender or gay without being an asshole. It takes a gaping asshole to want to make girls uncomfortable in what is supposed to be a safe place for them to change or pee away from the male gaze.

I absolutely do see your point, but why would parents want to believe their children are bullied?

I went to school with a few classmates who turned out to be gay, but nobody mistreated them. I did attend small schools.
Conservatives lying about ‘litter boxes’ in schools is dishonest.

Conservatives believing the lie is stupidity.

And given the idiocy of ‘litter boxes’ in schools, there’s clearly no limit to the right’s dishonesty and stupidity.
Far exceeded by yours and the left.
Conservatives lying about ‘litter boxes’ in schools is dishonest.

Conservatives believing the lie is stupidity.

And given the idiocy of ‘litter boxes’ in schools, there’s clearly no limit to the right’s dishonesty and stupidity.

And coming from a former General and current Senatorial candidate it demonstrates the insanity that has gripped the Republican Party
I would object to that.
You would object to students who identify as cats being provided a litter box?!?!?!?!

By Allah, it is sad that the first amendment allows you to publicly spew such hatred!


So, you expect children who identify as cats to what? Hold it all day until they get outside? Stay home and be home schooled to save the cost of a litter box and some litter?

Have you always hated children and cats?
The larger question is what do we do with students who self identify as Republicans?
They are obviously confused and have probably been reading misinformation on the internet.

Do we provide them with MAGA hats and just pretend they are as normal as the other kids?
Or we just leave politics out of school, tough as it is for Democrats to resist a captive audience who can be suspended for disagreeing with current poltical correctness.
I absolutely do see your point, but why would parents want to believe their children are bullied?
I have to say, I can only think of two examples. Both of them are special ed students with parents I refer to as "involved," but other teachers call "high maintenance" or "crazy." It's that apple/tree thing

One girl was bisexual according to her mother, but we never saw it. In high school, she got caught banging a boy in a soundproof band practice room. Her mother questioned whether she was being singed out for being bisexual(?).

I have a 6th grade boy who will say, "I don't like girls, girls are mean. I like guys." No one bullies him because his wit is too sharp. He often makes mean comments to other students so he is more a bully than other kids. But that is his mom's go to is that we discriminate against him.
I went to school with a few classmates who turned out to be gay, but nobody mistreated them. I did attend small schools.
Kids are tolerant. It's the adults who act stupid.
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Or we just leave politics out of school, tough as it is for Democrats to resist a captive audience who can be suspended for disagreeing with current poltical correctness.
Republican students are social outcasts.

They believe groomers are out to get them, that they will be forced to use litter boxes and that they really don’t get Fs but someone is switching their grades
Republican students are social outcasts.

They believe groomers are out to get them, that they will be forced to use litter boxes and that they really don’t get Fs but someone is switching their grades
I'm sure that you've met many Republican students who believe that.
I'm sure that you've met many Republican students who believe that.

Just think…

If you are a High School student
Would you rather sit next to someone who thinks they are a dog or cat or next to some kid who self identifies as a Republican ?

Who is more annoying?
Just think…

If you are a High School student
Would you rather sit next to someone who thinks they are a dog or cat or next to some kid who self identifies as a Republican ?

Who is more annoying?
At least the Republican student won't stick his nose in my butt. A self-identified dog would.

So would lots of Democrats, now that I think about it.
At least the Republican student won't stick his nose in my butt. A self-identified dog would.

So would lots of Democrats, now that I think about it.
Students who self identify as Republicans need all the help we can give them

Normal students can pretend that Trump is really the President, that COVID is a hoax, that Climate Change is a liberal conspiracy and that gay people will capture Republican children and groom them to be gay
Students who self identify as Republicans need all the help we can give them

Normal students can pretend that Trump is really the President, that COVID is a hoax, that Climate Change is a liberal conspiracy and that gay people will capture Republican children and groom them to be gay
If normal students would do that for Republicans, I'm sure normal students who sit next do Democrats will be willing to pretend that there are an infinite number of genders and that all people can pick which one they are, changing their mind as often as they like.

They can also pretend that printing more money stops inflation, that the strategic oil reserve was intended to help Democrats in election years, and that unlimited immigration helps working class blacks.

I'll let you have the last word, RW, since this exchange has jumped the shark.
Spawn of Republicans really can’t help it.

They are raised in households that believe Obama was born in Kenya, that Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor and that gays will force them into homosexuality

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