GOP Senator: ‘My Party Might Not Deserve To Lead’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
“Never has a party abandoned and fled its principles and deeply held beliefs so quickly.”

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) took aim at his own party over its unwavering support of President Donald Trump.

“Never has a party abandoned and fled its principles and deeply held beliefs so quickly as my party did in the face of the nativist juggernaut,” Flake said on Thursday in a speech to the National Press Club, according to the Arizona Republic. “We have become strangers to ourselves.”

Flake, who is not seeking re-election, said:

“If we are going to cloister ourselves in the alternative truth of an erratic leader, if we are going to refuse to live in the world that everyone else lives in and reckon with the daily reality that they face, including the very real anxiety that they feel, then my party might not deserve to lead.”

He called on the Republican Party to act now to “mitigate and repair the damage” caused by Trump.

More: GOP Sen. Jeff Flake Comes Out And Says It: 'My Party Might Not Deserve To Lead'

Who in the Republican Party has enough balls and patriotism to act? Certainly not cowardly scum like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
Trump should do the right thing for America and put an end to it.
Flake likely knows he doesn't deserve to lead and is whining because the man who clearly does has made him irrelevant.

Jeff Flake is a career politician out of a job next January. I bet his Mormon family is praying that he took advantage of a US congressman's right to insider trading.
Flake is a flake just like all the democrats. Not GOP as Lakhota implies with his fake news!
“Never has a party abandoned and fled its principles and deeply held beliefs so quickly.”

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) took aim at his own party over its unwavering support of President Donald Trump.

“Never has a party abandoned and fled its principles and deeply held beliefs so quickly as my party did in the face of the nativist juggernaut,” Flake said on Thursday in a speech to the National Press Club, according to the Arizona Republic. “We have become strangers to ourselves.”

Flake, who is not seeking re-election, said:

“If we are going to cloister ourselves in the alternative truth of an erratic leader, if we are going to refuse to live in the world that everyone else lives in and reckon with the daily reality that they face, including the very real anxiety that they feel, then my party might not deserve to lead.”

He called on the Republican Party to act now to “mitigate and repair the damage” caused by Trump.

More: GOP Sen. Jeff Flake Comes Out And Says It: 'My Party Might Not Deserve To Lead'

Who in the Republican Party has enough balls and patriotism to act? Certainly not cowardly scum like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

Flake has about as much influence on the national scene as you do.
Trump should do the right thing for America and put an end to it.
Actually, it is important for Mueller to conclude his investigation and for the idiot trump's entire administration and those congressmen who helped obstruct justice to be tried and convicted for their crimes.

There must be no doubt the idiot trump's election was illegally won, and his corrupt presidency must be declared invalid.

This would force every executive order and bill he signed to be reversed, and ALL of his appointees would be removed.

His resignation could not repair the massive damage he and his Republican majority have caused.

Flake is a back stabbing traitor, let him run he'll get about as much support as Jeb Bush did 5% then we'll make fun of him until he slinks away.
It is nice to see some Republicans put Country before Party.

Nothing describes Trump and his band of miscreants better than Pogo.

"We have met the enemy and he is us".
Neither party deserves too much power, obviously.

We need a strong and viable Third Party to center things before this shit goes off the rails.
Neither party deserves too much power, obviously.

We need a strong and viable Third Party to center things before this shit goes off the rails.
Nice to see you think Constitutionalists and Communists should compromise.

“When comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations it's so lopsided as to be ridiculous. Yet all I ever hear is how corrupt the Democrats are. So why don't we break it down by president and the numbers.

Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.

Reagan (R) - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) - 2 1/2 yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence. Pardoned Richard Nixon.

Nixon (R) - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.

So, let’s see where that leaves us. in the last 53 years Democrats have been in office for 25 of those years while Republicans held it for 28. in their 25yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence. that's one whole executive branch official convicted of a crime in two and a half decades of Democrat leadership.

In the 28yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53yrs they have had a total of(a drum roll would be more than appropriate), 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down. That's more prison sentences than years in office since 1968 for Republicans. If you want to count articles of impeachment as indictments (they aren't really but we can count them as an action), both sides get one more. However, Clinton wasn't found guilty while Nixon resigned and was pardoned by Ford. so those only serve to make Republicans look even worse.

With everything going on with Trump and his people right now, it's a safe bet Republicans are going to be padding their numbers a bit real soon. So let's just go over the numbers one more time shall we. 120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions and 34 prison sentences. Those aren't "feelings" or "alternate facts" those are simply the stats by the numbers. Republicans are, and have been for my entire lifetime, the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.”
Neither party deserves too much power, obviously.

We need a strong and viable Third Party to center things before this shit goes off the rails.
Nice to see you think Constitutionalists and Communists should compromise.
I don't expect the wingers on either end to understand the value of intelligent collaboration.

What I'd like to see are more serious, sober, honest, clear-thinking people gain in influence.

Ideology is a difficult affliction to cure, and the clock is ticking.

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