GOP senators hoping to sneak amnesty into President Trumps reforms

Zeus, that is terrible.

Looking at that article;

"Barbour and other BPC officials pushed the “pairing” strategy throughout the press event. “The idea of pairing… makes a lot of sense,” said Michael Chertoff, the former Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush. Chertoff is the co-chair of the BPC’s Immigration Task Force."

If Michael Chertoff's name comes up, it means the Deep State, and it means the enemy of everything good and American. Trump should stamp that shit out.

Hillary Clinton’s National Security Advisers Are a “Who’s Who” of the Warfare State

Hillary Clinton’s National Security Advisers Are a “Who’s Who” of the Warfare State
"Another notable member of Clinton’s group is Michael Chertoff, a hardliner who served as President George W. Bush’s last secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and who since leaving government in 2009 has helmed a corporate consulting firm called the Chertoff Group that promotes security-industry priorities. For example, in 2010, he gave dozens of media interviews touting full-body scanners at airports while his firm was employed by a company that produced body scanning machines. His firm also employs a number of other ex-security state officials, such as former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden. It does not disclose a complete list of its clients — all of whom now have a line of access to Clinton."

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