GOP Solution To Labor Shortage - Ban Abortion For Der Homeland


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter
Get the Federal Plantation Porch Sitters off the Government Tit in shit-holes like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and the rest of those rotting cities run by Democrats for 40 years and ship them out to Cali-Mexico and let them pick some oranges and then we won't need to bring in even more who will become Porch Sitters as soon as they can produce some Anchor Babies.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

It does not smack of the Nazi breeding program.

It's a harmless and true reference to some well known economic facts, ie population growth leads to economic growth, normally.

Try to be less dishonest and hateful.

It's a harmless and true reference to some well known economic facts, ie population growth leads to economic growth, normally.
Sure! Now explain how that is working out in Asia, Central America, South America and Africa if that is the NORM! You're spewing pure horseshit propaganda!
There is no ‘abortion industry’ – that’s just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Democrats support the Constitution and the right to privacy, they oppose authoritarian government most conservatives support.
It's a harmless and true reference to some well known economic facts, ie population growth leads to economic growth, normally.
Sure! Now explain how that is working out in Asia, Central America, South America and Africa if that is the NORM! You're spewing pure horseshit propaganda!
Except of course you use the lack of workers abortion created to import cheap labor cause we wont have veggies with out em......LLMMAAOOO
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

It does not smack of the Nazi breeding program.

It's a harmless and true reference to some well known economic facts, ie population growth leads to economic growth, normally.

Try to be less dishonest and hateful.


If you believe that then why not increase legal immigration?
I'm guessing that the white conservative birthrate is relatively low compared to other demographics.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

Of all the "Trump is Hitler" comparisons, this has to be the stupidest one I've heard any of you make.
It is just true. Kill off the existing population and foreign labor has to be imported.

Why is the left so allergic to simple truths?
It's a harmless and true reference to some well known economic facts, ie population growth leads to economic growth, normally.
Sure! Now explain how that is working out in Asia, Central America, South America and Africa if that is the NORM! You're spewing pure horseshit propaganda!

Err, what? Population growth being tied to economic growth?

Sure, there's been a lot of economic growth in those areas. The Third World of today is not the Third World of the 70s.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

It does not smack of the Nazi breeding program.

It's a harmless and true reference to some well known economic facts, ie population growth leads to economic growth, normally.

Try to be less dishonest and hateful.


If you believe that then why not increase legal immigration?

1. I'm more concerned with per capita growth than macro economic.

2. And it ignore numerous other issues, such as culture and national security.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter
Funny you should use (fake) german to try and make a point because I believe die Endlösung definitely parallels the lefts zeal for abortion . The Black community makes up only 14% of the population but are responsible for 34% of the abortions. if that's not an attempt at a final solution I don't know what is.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

Of all the "Trump is Hitler" comparisons, this has to be the stupidest one I've heard any of you make.
Of all the stupid trolling posts of faulty comparisons, yours smacks loudly of petty partisanship! To equate comparisons of tRump vs. Hitler with runaway stupid GOP Nut Job politicians wanting to limit a woman's 1st Amendment rights regarding reproduction vs. the future labor force requirements for the Homeland uber alis, yours has got to be the stupidest attempt to deflect and avoid addressing the topic in the OP. Take your off-topic flaming posts, pretend they're Preparation H and shove them up your raw partisan ass!
Funny you should use (fake) german to try and make a point because I believe die Endlösung definitely parallels the lefts zeal for abortion .
Now just how, EXACTLY, was Hitler's, et al, 'final solution' to eliminate Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and other "undesirables" deemed non-Arian even approximately parallels any given pregnant woman considering to terminate a pregnancy or not. That is abjectly absurd, fool!

The former is an enforced penalty put upon others involuntarily, and the latter a, informed and considered decision of the woman's situation involved. Damn but you wing nuts have a tough time with simply logical considerations as well as being Constitutionally protected.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

Of all the "Trump is Hitler" comparisons, this has to be the stupidest one I've heard any of you make.
Of all the stupid trolling posts of faulty comparisons, yours smacks loudly of petty partisanship! To equate comparisons of tRump vs. Hitler with runaway stupid GOP Nut Job politicians wanting to limit a woman's 1st Amendment rights regarding reproduction vs. the future labor force requirements for the Homeland uber alis, yours has got to be the stupidest attempt to deflect and avoid addressing the topic in the OP. Take your off-topic flaming posts, pretend they're Preparation H and shove them up your raw partisan ass!

Abortion is the First Amendment? Wow! Every thought you post is a crime!
There is no ‘abortion industry’ – that’s just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Democrats support the Constitution and the right to privacy, they oppose authoritarian government most conservatives support.

What about children's rights?
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter

Of all the "Trump is Hitler" comparisons, this has to be the stupidest one I've heard any of you make.
Of all the stupid trolling posts of faulty comparisons, yours smacks loudly of petty partisanship! To equate comparisons of tRump vs. Hitler with runaway stupid GOP Nut Job politicians wanting to limit a woman's 1st Amendment rights regarding reproduction vs. the future labor force requirements for the Homeland uber alis, yours has got to be the stupidest attempt to deflect and avoid addressing the topic in the OP. Take your off-topic flaming posts, pretend they're Preparation H and shove them up your raw partisan ass!

Abortion is the First Amendment? Wow! Every thought you post is a crime!
Abortion is the First Amendment? Wow! Every thought you post is a crime!
As a matter of fact, that Texas law which was being contested in Roe violated the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments per the Syllabus, fool! It is now and has been set and binding case law for the last 44 years. Perhaps you should have read the case before putting fingers to the keys and making yourself appear so mentally impotent and void of the required basic knowledge to speak as basic human unit of worthy comment. Oh well, I guess that's just you, Huh!

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