GOP Solution To Labor Shortage - Ban Abortion For Der Homeland

No one is making any one get an abortion, no one is demanding you approve of abortions. why are we not working together to make them not needed..
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter
How is it any different from allowing the 3rd world to do the same thing and then importing their babies here?
There is no ‘abortion industry’ – that’s just another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Democrats support the Constitution and the right to privacy, they oppose authoritarian government most conservatives support.
If there's no abortion industry, who's doing the abortions?

You are either a complete moron, or you think we are.

My advice to you is STFU.
I'm guessing that the white conservative birthrate is relatively low compared to other demographics.
Actually, it isn’t.

It is the white liberal birthrate that is abysmal.

Without the indoctrination perpetrated on the children of white conservatives by academia, there wouldn’t be any white liberals.
Here is what Wisconson GOP Rep. Scott Allen actually said on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Friday;

“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines and labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth, and limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services infrastructure,” Rep. Allen claimed. “In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the Democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”

This smacks of a direct kinship to the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program established by the SS in 1930's Germany. Instead of producing an army of babies for the Reich war machine, Rep. Allen says we need to produce babies for labor to fill industry's future labor needs! How could the once great Republican party degenerate to this despicable state with these despicable types?

Video of statement during House floor address:
NARAL on Twitter
How is it any different from allowing the 3rd world to do the same thing and then importing their babies here?
How is it any different from allowing the 3rd world to do the same thing and then importing their babies here?
Your question doesn't make much sense, but I'll give it a stab based on the topic of the OP...somehow!

If you are incapable comprehending the difference, between the question of the State violating a woman's Constitutional rights by taking control of her reproductive decisions on the one hand and on the other the question regarding the the broad topic of immigration and the narrower scope of birthright citizenship under the 14th amendment, then you are incapable of understanding any explanation of the foregoing penetrating the thick bony matter atop your shoulders!

Now consider two different cases for comparison for any governmental overreach. If it is proper for women to be ordered to yield a portion of their 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 14th Amendment rights protected via the decision in Roe v. Wade to protect the future life of an embryo in a woman's womb against that woman's wishes simply so her issue may compliment and add to the work force to accomplish goals of the State as described by Rep. Allen, WHY wouldn't it be just as proper to force gun owner's to register and license ALL sales of ALL firearms anywhere at any time of any sale to ensure firearms didn't get into the hands of those who can't lawfully posses them WITHOUT giving up any of their 2nd Amendment rights.

If the State can force a woman to yield her Constitutional rights of those five different Amendments for one desired outcome to protect an embryo incapable of viability on its own, why not apply another practice to gun owners who may use a weapon they bought to kill a living, breathing human being(s) at a concert or in a church, or in a school or in a theater for that SAME desired outcome of protecting lives WITHOUT any degradation of their Constitutional rights (see Heller decision for details)? Got any logical reasoning why the life of an embryo should have greater protections than a 2nd grade girl at school or a pregnant woman in a church when a gun nut is out to put a round through them?

Further, when/if you proof read your post before sending, did your question truly make sense to you as written?

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