GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

NO WHERE in the police 911 call or dispatch calls was Gates DESCRIBED as a suspect, he was never a suspect....Crowley immediately upon arrival assessed that Gates was the LAWFUL resident of the the police report!!!!

GATES WAS NEVER a suspected robber....he was simply arrested for yelling on his own front porch in which 7 passerbyes that gathered could hear him....that's it.


Yelling at a cop in the manner that Mr Gates did is constitutionally protected free speech according to the Massachusetts Supreme court.

So why people keep saying that Gates was arrested for yelling at a cop is beyond me and are simply WRONG.


He was arrested for disorderly conduct. A part of that conduct included yelling, it doesn't matter who the fuck he was yelling at, the fact was, he was being disorderly in public.

Disorderly Conduct:

An offense involving disturbance of the public peace and decency.

no, wrong! it does matter who he was yelling at, because if it was only yelling at cops, with no one disturbed in the public, then there is no disorderly conduct in massachusetts...

you keep trying to say, so it seems that yelling and screaming and ranting at a cop in massachusetts, the way gates did, is disorderly conduct, AND IT IS NOT. IT IS constitutionally protected speech, according to the massachusetts supreme court.

it may be disorderly conduct in texas, but it is NOT in massachusetts.



Well thanks for clarifying it. All you people in Ma. are fucking idiots.
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SharePrintCommentsKeith Olbermann apologized and issued a correction over an erroneous transcript of a Rupert Murdoch quote from a recent News Corp earnings call.

Olbermann has enjoyed repeating Murdoch's claim that News Corp has "never been a company that tolerates facts."
Keith Olbermann Apologizes, Corrects Erroneous Story On Rupert Murdoch (VIDEO)

NEW YORK, Feb. 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is from Betsy
McCaughey, Ph.D., the author of the recent article, "Ruin Your
Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan."

I am requesting that MSNBC and Keith Olbermann apologize and issue a

Mr. Olbermann charges that I, Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. was paid, directly or
indirectly, by the pharmaceutical industry, the biotech industry, the Hudson
Institute, or Cantel Medical Corp. to write my analysis of the stimulus bill
or speak about that issue. All these charges are false.

I have shown all these charges to be false in a previous statement except the
new charge regarding my board membership at Cantel Medical Corp. I serve on
the board of Cantel Medical Corp. as a patient advocate and infection
prevention expert. No one at Cantel Medical has ever asked me about the
stimulus bill or requested that I address the issue. I have not discussed the
issue with anyone in the company. I urge those who are interested to contact
Cantel Medical directly (973-890-7220).
Don't Believe What You Hear on Countdown: Keith Olbermann's Factual Errors | Reuters

The bottom line is that people like Olbermann, Bill O , Rush, etc. are entertainer's and are no where near what you would call journalists. So I find it extremely funny when someone like Olbermann is looked upon as an expert in anything, when he basically made his living at MSNBC as the man who accused Bush of being a moron when Olbermann himself was rejected from the same school Bush got a degree from. That tell's me all I need to know about Olbermann. Don't thinks is an endorsment of any other so called commentator in the same mold because it's far from it.
Not really. CNN is drivel, not propaganda. NBC News is pretty good.

I have yet to see Olbermann make anything up the way that Fox does.

Opinionated? Yes.

But I have not see any outright lies like FoxNews.

you have GOT to be fucking insane
Olbermann makes shit up all the time

Olbermann makes shit up all the time

I agree with dude above. The guy is a selfserving blowhard ...but a liar?

Could you site a circumstance where ol Kieth lied?
has already been provided

you have GOT to be fucking insane
Olbermann makes shit up all the time

Olbermann makes shit up all the time

I agree with dude above. The guy is a selfserving blowhard ...but a liar?

Could you site a circumstance where ol Kieth lied?
has already been provided

What I saw was a report of a retraction of an erroneous statement and Betsy McCaughney's self-serving denial.

I don't think anyone thinks Olbermann is correct all of the time, and he certainly has a political perspective...

on the other hand he's not telling weak-minded people that the government wants to kill their grandparents like Rush is.

A little perspective?
So now cops get special treatment? .

Do they have the power to arrest you? Yes, therefore they get special treatment.

The rest of your post is just regurgitation of the same garbage that has already been shown to be intellectually dishonest.
There is no spin, only the instructions in the memo.

The memo instructs participants to yell and shout before they are recognized to speak, before the normal time for them to speak. That's a disruption. An interuption of the normal course of events.

I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with double standard dipshits who think a man should be arrested for yelling at an official on his own porch but an organized crowd who have conspired to yell and shout at an official during a meeting are somehow above the same law.

It's a double standard. Anyone but a partisan can see the point. You can stand on either side of the issue, disagreeing with or advocating arrest in both cases. However, if you split your opinion on the issue, there is some kind of unreasonalbe, illogical thought process going on.

Once again, shouting out one or two word intermittently during a public gathering is not the same as berating a police officer repeatedly after being told to stop.

Stop being intellectually dishonest.

ahhhh, but screaming at a police officer at the top of your lungs like gates did, is CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED free speech in massachusetts,

Never said it wasn't protected free speech. However the free speech ends when it interferes with a policeman's duties, and/or becomes a public disturbance. Nor is berating a police officer the same thing as intermittently shouting out at townhalls like sweetwilly is claiming.
If you don't beleive me, just take a look at the polling data. These polls don't call JUST right wing nuts, they call everyone. I would bet there are thousands upon thousands of dems who are now regretting their votes.
So now cops get special treatment? .

Do they have the power to arrest you? Yes, therefore they get special treatment.

The rest of your post is just regurgitation of the same garbage that has already been shown to be intellectually dishonest.
That's just wrong on so many levels. Listen to yourself. Next you'll be saying citizens don't have a right to bear arms.
Wow! I guess it's ok when Obama tells his people to "get in their faces" (and they do it) but it's wrong and unAmerican when the Republicans do it. Does the word hipocracy ring any bells, or is it just a short term memory problem?
So now cops get special treatment? .

Do they have the power to arrest you? Yes, therefore they get special treatment.

The rest of your post is just regurgitation of the same garbage that has already been shown to be intellectually dishonest.
That's just wrong on so many levels. Listen to yourself. Next you'll be saying citizens don't have a right to bear arms.

Not even a decent attempt at trolling. Try again.
So now cops get special treatment? .

Do they have the power to arrest you? Yes, therefore they get special treatment.

The rest of your post is just regurgitation of the same garbage that has already been shown to be intellectually dishonest.

But a US Rep. is not afforded this special protection from harsh words?

You are saying that by giving arrest powers to a person, they are protected from certain forms of speech. I say not so. And this has already been established in some MA case law we looked at and I'd bet it holds true most everywhere. An officer is not protected in any special way from yelling. Not anymore than a US Rep. trying to speak to the public.
So now cops get special treatment? .

Do they have the power to arrest you? Yes, therefore they get special treatment.

The rest of your post is just regurgitation of the same garbage that has already been shown to be intellectually dishonest.

But a US Rep. is not afforded this special protection from harsh words?

You are saying that by giving arrest powers to a person, they are protected from certain forms of speech. I say not so. And this has already been established in some MA case law we looked at and I'd bet it holds true most everywhere. An officer is not protected in any special way from yelling. Not anymore than a US Rep. trying to speak to the public.
will you stop trying to tie gates arrest into every fucking topic
Oh, I don't know, he may not want to kill my grandparents but his new health care plan would certainly limit their options which in many cases would be a death sentence. Don't you remember his statement ?it might be better to, " Just take a pain killer."

Obama, (America's new surgeon general.) Well, he is some people's meshiah. LOL
I love that the wing nuts got busted on this issue.

You can't pull this kind of bullshit anymore.
I love that the wing nuts got busted on this issue.

You can't pull this kind of bullshit anymore.
That's right, we wouldn't want the wing nuts stealing a tactic from the loony left. Or was that loony wing and left nuts, I can never tell, you both sound alike to me.
A community organizer bitching about communities organizing.... :lol:
Right, our communities certainly don't need any help from a community organizer. :ahole-1:

Yeah, they do. It's important that reps hear from as many as possible. They can vote how they choose, but will be mindful of what was wanted. Now if they choose to vote against their constituency, that will be an informed choice.
I love that the wing nuts got busted on this issue.

You can't pull this kind of bullshit anymore.
That's right, we wouldn't want the wing nuts stealing a tactic from the loony left. Or was that loony wing and left nuts, I can never tell, you both sound alike to me.

Fuck the loony left.

Distruptive tactics are bullshit, no matter who does them.

Don't tase me, bro!!!

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