GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

But mostly, SR-MSNBC. They were the first to betray their values.

MSNBC rocks!

I am so glad the right wing nuts are on the run.

They almost destroyed America.
MSNBC should have their license pulled.

And the only people on the run are the Democrats. They have resorted to Hitlerian tactics to silence concerned citizens when they don't even have to have a single GOP vote to pass their disaster of a bill.

Tell Me. Who is it that has real fear? Someone who can do as they wish or someone who has nothing to lose?
The lapdog media?

You mean FoxNews?
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are

If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."

Ya know Chris, it's all fine and dandy to disparage Fox, but please don't give the rest of the MSM a free pass, it's ALL propaganda. I've watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all broadcast political propaganda.
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are

If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."

Ya know Chris, it's all fine and dandy to disparage Fox, but please don't give the rest of the MSM a free pass, it's ALL propaganda. I've watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all broadcast political propaganda.
chris is a moron
he will never understand that
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are

If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."

Ya know Chris, it's all fine and dandy to disparage Fox, but please don't give the rest of the MSM a free pass, it's ALL propaganda. I've watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all broadcast political propaganda.

Not really. CNN is drivel, not propaganda. NBC News is pretty good.

I have yet to see Olbermann make anything up the way that Fox does.

Opinionated? Yes.

But I have not see any outright lies like FoxNews.
If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."

Ya know Chris, it's all fine and dandy to disparage Fox, but please don't give the rest of the MSM a free pass, it's ALL propaganda. I've watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all broadcast political propaganda.

Not really. CNN is drivel, not propaganda. NBC News is pretty good.

I have yet to see Olbermann make anything up the way that Fox does.

Opinionated? Yes.

But I have not see any outright lies like FoxNews.

you have GOT to be fucking insane
Olbermann makes shit up all the time
Ya know Chris, it's all fine and dandy to disparage Fox, but please don't give the rest of the MSM a free pass, it's ALL propaganda. I've watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all broadcast political propaganda.

Not really. CNN is drivel, not propaganda. NBC News is pretty good.

I have yet to see Olbermann make anything up the way that Fox does.

Opinionated? Yes.

But I have not see any outright lies like FoxNews.

you have GOT to be fucking insane
Olbermann makes shit up all the time
Name one thing that Keith Olbermann has made up?
I don't ever watch Olberman. Seen him do sports a few times.

I don't know if he lies but I know Divecon does. Regularly. Probably lying about this too.

Come on Divecon, do you have a single example of this guy lying?
I don't ever watch Olberman. Seen him do sports a few times.

I don't know if he lies but I know Divecon does. Regularly. Probably lying about this too.

Come on Divecon, do you have a single example of this guy lying?
and you are another fucking moron that i really dont give a rats ass about

i never lied
that was YOU you scumsucking asshole
the two situations are so far from each other yet you seem to think they are similar

that makes YOU the peabrain

THe issue is shouting and yelling in public and shouting and yelling at public officials. There is no other issue.

Gates was arrested for yelling at a police officer while seven people looked on.

Now we have people who intend to yell at a US Rep with a hundred people looking on.

The situations are very similar.

Neither is a crime.

Your opinion is split because you are a biased observer.

The people at the town hall had reports filed on them that they had just broken into a house?


NO WHERE in the police 911 call or dispatch calls was Gates DESCRIBED as a suspect, he was never a suspect....Crowley immediately upon arrival assessed that Gates was the LAWFUL resident of the the police report!!!!

GATES WAS NEVER a suspected robber....he was simply arrested for yelling on his own front porch in which 7 passerbyes that gathered could hear him....that's it.


Yelling at a cop in the manner that Mr Gates did is constitutionally protected free speech according to the Massachusetts Supreme court.

So why people keep saying that Gates was arrested for yelling at a cop is beyond me and are simply WRONG.

THe issue is shouting and yelling in public and shouting and yelling at public officials. There is no other issue.

Gates was arrested for yelling at a police officer while seven people looked on.

Now we have people who intend to yell at a US Rep with a hundred people looking on.

The situations are very similar.

Neither is a crime.

Your opinion is split because you are a biased observer.

The people at the town hall had reports filed on them that they had just broken into a house?


NO WHERE in the police 911 call or dispatch calls was Gates DESCRIBED as a suspect, he was never a suspect....Crowley immediately upon arrival assessed that Gates was the LAWFUL resident of the the police report!!!!

GATES WAS NEVER a suspected robber....he was simply arrested for yelling on his own front porch in which 7 passerbyes that gathered could hear him....that's it.


Yelling at a cop in the manner that Mr Gates did is constitutionally protected free speech according to the Massachusetts Supreme court.

So why people keep saying that Gates was arrested for yelling at a cop is beyond me and are simply WRONG.


He was arrested for disorderly conduct. A part of that conduct included yelling, it doesn't matter who the fuck he was yelling at, the fact was, he was being disorderly in public.

Disorderly Conduct:

An offense involving disturbance of the public peace and decency.
Not really. CNN is drivel, not propaganda. NBC News is pretty good.

I have yet to see Olbermann make anything up the way that Fox does.

Opinionated? Yes.

But I have not see any outright lies like FoxNews.

you have GOT to be fucking insane
Olbermann makes shit up all the time
Name one thing that Keith Olbermann has made up?

Olbermann Watch - MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Olbermann Celebrates Return by Lying About Glenn Beck
There may have been a truce, but it never applied to Keith Olbermann lying. That's a constant as reliable as the rising sun, and sure enough he marked his return today by lifting a story from a blue blog, reporting it as fact without bothering to check, and then embellishing it with his own brand of reckless demagoguery. In other words, Another Olbermann Lie.
Ya know Chris, it's all fine and dandy to disparage Fox, but please don't give the rest of the MSM a free pass, it's ALL propaganda. I've watched Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all broadcast political propaganda.

Not really. CNN is drivel, not propaganda. NBC News is pretty good.

I have yet to see Olbermann make anything up the way that Fox does.

Opinionated? Yes.

But I have not see any outright lies like FoxNews.

you have GOT to be fucking insane
Olbermann makes shit up all the time

Olbermann makes shit up all the time

I agree with dude above. The guy is a selfserving blowhard ...but a liar?

Could you site a circumstance where ol Kieth lied?

The people at the town hall had reports filed on them that they had just broken into a house?


NO WHERE in the police 911 call or dispatch calls was Gates DESCRIBED as a suspect, he was never a suspect....Crowley immediately upon arrival assessed that Gates was the LAWFUL resident of the the police report!!!!

GATES WAS NEVER a suspected robber....he was simply arrested for yelling on his own front porch in which 7 passerbyes that gathered could hear him....that's it.


Yelling at a cop in the manner that Mr Gates did is constitutionally protected free speech according to the Massachusetts Supreme court.

So why people keep saying that Gates was arrested for yelling at a cop is beyond me and are simply WRONG.


He was arrested for disorderly conduct. A part of that conduct included yelling, it doesn't matter who the fuck he was yelling at, the fact was, he was being disorderly in public.

Disorderly Conduct:

An offense involving disturbance of the public peace and decency.

no, wrong! it does matter who he was yelling at, because if it was only yelling at cops, with no one disturbed in the public, then there is no disorderly conduct in massachusetts...

you keep trying to say, so it seems that yelling and screaming and ranting at a cop in massachusetts, the way gates did, is disorderly conduct, AND IT IS NOT. IT IS constitutionally protected speech, according to the massachusetts supreme court.

it may be disorderly conduct in texas, but it is NOT in massachusetts.


YouTube - Protest Outside of McCain Town Hall

So I suppose now by definition I can start calling these people who are rightfully exercising their rights as paid lobbyists because they are with SEIU and other Unions and are trying to disrupt a townhall?

Hey Navy...PLEASE explain how these people are trying to disrupt a town hall meeting?

Thats the point , they were not trying too!! understand? My position is that people who exercise their rights under the constitution are doing so rightfully, and it's the responsibility of those that run these meetings to determine who is trying to disrupt them and to expell them if they are. However, to single out one group because they happen to disagree with a political position that you or I may have and to somehow call into question why they are there is a door that can swing both way's. So it seems a little silly IMO to be pointing fingers at these people that go to these townhalls to express themselves regardless if anyone disagree's with them or not, and one thing more to note here, in most case there are groups on both sides of the issue usually at these townhalls.

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