GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

I don't miss your point Willy and people should act in a honorable manner when they are expressing themselves. I don't condone anyone that would not allow their fellow citizen to speak. I believe that anyone that acting in a manner that the people who are running these townhalls feel is being disruptive should be removed. That being said though, it's equally dishonorable to somehow in the media make these people feel like they have no right to express their opinion simply because someone does not agree with them or make an effort in the media to make them appear as dishonorable for doing so.

I agree with you. Show up and speak. It is your right to be heard.

I am only asking for some logical consistancy. Not from the media, that's a lost cause. Each side has it's own partisan coverage. Rush and Fox do a fine job of portraying left wing protestors as traitors and criminals. The truth is that everyone has a right to protest and be heard and no one is any more or less patriotic or entitled to do so.

With regard to the "disorderly conduct" angle, if a group of people plan to yell and shout, out of turn, at a public meeting, with the intent to derail the normal course of civilized debate, that is a hell of a lot more fitting to the definition of "disorderly conduct" than an old man shouting from his front porch at a cop he's pissed off with. The old man's intention is not to cause disorder. A group that plans to yell and shout, rock the boat and speak out of turn.....well, that's the definition of disorder. And they didn't do it spontaneously, they planned it.

It's simple. if you split your opinion on the criminal nature of these two incidents, no matter which way you split, you're a partisan pea brain, on one side or the other. YOu can support both causes for arrest or neither and you're at least taking a respectable position. If you split, you aren't honest. Even with yourself.
the two situations are so far from each other yet you seem to think they are similar

that makes YOU the peabrain

THe issue is shouting and yelling in public and shouting and yelling at public officials. There is no other issue.

Gates was arrested for yelling at a police officer while seven people looked on.

Now we have people who intend to yell at a US Rep with a hundred people looking on.

The situations are very similar.

Neither is a crime.

Your opinion is split because you are a biased observer.
Hey, if I'm at one of these events, I'll simply get up in one of their faces and start screaming at them from two inches away. I'll provoke them into a fight, making sure not to throw the first punch, and after I kick their nasty little Neo-Con ass, they'll be the ones arrested. LOL.
I agree with you. Show up and speak. It is your right to be heard.

I am only asking for some logical consistancy. Not from the media, that's a lost cause. Each side has it's own partisan coverage. Rush and Fox do a fine job of portraying left wing protestors as traitors and criminals. The truth is that everyone has a right to protest and be heard and no one is any more or less patriotic or entitled to do so.

With regard to the "disorderly conduct" angle, if a group of people plan to yell and shout, out of turn, at a public meeting, with the intent to derail the normal course of civilized debate, that is a hell of a lot more fitting to the definition of "disorderly conduct" than an old man shouting from his front porch at a cop he's pissed off with. The old man's intention is not to cause disorder. A group that plans to yell and shout, rock the boat and speak out of turn.....well, that's the definition of disorder. And they didn't do it spontaneously, they planned it.

It's simple. if you split your opinion on the criminal nature of these two incidents, no matter which way you split, you're a partisan pea brain, on one side or the other. YOu can support both causes for arrest or neither and you're at least taking a respectable position. If you split, you aren't honest. Even with yourself.
the two situations are so far from each other yet you seem to think they are similar

that makes YOU the peabrain

THe issue is shouting and yelling in public and shouting and yelling at public officials. There is no other issue.

Gates was arrested for yelling at a police officer while seven people looked on.

Now we have people who intend to yell at a US Rep with a hundred people looking on.

The situations are very similar.

Neither is a crime.

Your opinion is split because you are a biased observer.
your opinion is the biased one
the siutuations have NOTHING in common
Hey, if I'm at one of these events, I'll simply get up in one of their faces and start screaming at them from two inches away. I'll provoke them into a fight, making sure not to throw the first punch, and after I kick their nasty little Neo-Con ass, they'll be the ones arrested. LOL.

sealybobo is that yew? where have yew been?:eusa_eh:
Hey, if I'm at one of these events, I'll simply get up in one of their faces and start screaming at them from two inches away. I'll provoke them into a fight, making sure not to throw the first punch, and after I kick their nasty little Neo-Con ass, they'll be the ones arrested. LOL.

The right wing nuts are desperately afraid that the monied interests will lose out to the good of the people. They have spent $3.4 billion dollars in Congress to keep this from happening.
Absolute bullshit.

The purpose is to rattle the speaker off of his message and to make him have doubts about his position. A disruption would be that the speaker is unable to get his message out due to the disorderly conduct of the audience.

This is clearly not what the memo states for the audience to do. Do not try to spin it. You will get called on your BS.

There is no spin, only the instructions in the memo.

The memo instructs participants to yell and shout before they are recognized to speak, before the normal time for them to speak. That's a disruption. An interuption of the normal course of events.

I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with double standard dipshits who think a man should be arrested for yelling at an official on his own porch but an organized crowd who have conspired to yell and shout at an official during a meeting are somehow above the same law.

It's a double standard. Anyone but a partisan can see the point. You can stand on either side of the issue, disagreeing with or advocating arrest in both cases. However, if you split your opinion on the issue, there is some kind of unreasonalbe, illogical thought process going on.

Once again, shouting out one or two word intermittently during a public gathering is not the same as berating a police officer repeatedly after being told to stop.

Stop being intellectually dishonest.

ahhhh, but screaming at a police officer at the top of your lungs like gates did, is CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED free speech in massachusetts, ruled by their supreme court....gates was not arrested on disorderly conduct because he was yelling at crowley...police officers are not considered ordinary citizens that he could be trying to incite a riot with....they are trained to be CALM in these type of scenarios according to the supreme court of massachusetts!

learn and know the law of the land!!! the land being massachusetts in the gates case.

i don't think either situations deserve an arrest, but continually disrupting a public scheduled meeting is more so disorderly conduct and harming or annoying to the public than yelling at a police officer imo!

There is no spin, only the instructions in the memo.

The memo instructs participants to yell and shout before they are recognized to speak, before the normal time for them to speak. That's a disruption. An interuption of the normal course of events.

I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with double standard dipshits who think a man should be arrested for yelling at an official on his own porch but an organized crowd who have conspired to yell and shout at an official during a meeting are somehow above the same law.

It's a double standard. Anyone but a partisan can see the point. You can stand on either side of the issue, disagreeing with or advocating arrest in both cases. However, if you split your opinion on the issue, there is some kind of unreasonalbe, illogical thought process going on.

Once again, shouting out one or two word intermittently during a public gathering is not the same as berating a police officer repeatedly after being told to stop.

Stop being intellectually dishonest.

ahhhh, but screaming at a police officer at the top of your lungs like gates did, is CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED free speech in massachusetts, ruled by their supreme court....gates was not arrested on disorderly conduct because he was yelling at crowley...police officers are not considered ordinary citizens that he could be trying to incite a riot with....they are trained to be CALM in these type of scenarios according to the supreme court of massachusetts!

learn and know the law of the land!!! the land being massachusetts in the gates case.

i don't think either situations deserve an arrest, but continually disrupting a public scheduled meeting is more so disorderly conduct and harming or annoying to the public than yelling at a police officer imo!


I don't know if Radioman followed the threads in which we hashed that entire action, MA code and case law included. But you are right, Crowley's report bears out that he followed procedure and the law to a near T in order to arrest Gates. He was outside and yelled loud enough for seven people to hear him and react. That is the legal justification for the arrest on disorderly.

How many times can a US Rep be yelled at?

How many people have to hear you yell before you are disorderly?

If the Rep tells you to stop yelling, do you have to?

It's common sense. You can get loud at a public meeting. You can get away with shouting a little. You could even cause the meting to be closed prematurely or recessed. Probably not something you would be charged for. Especially if you're in a group. You can shout at Dick Cheney and tell him to go fuck himself on the news.

There is no crime in an old man shouting from his front porch. Old men shouting on their front porch is as American as apple pie.

And I'm sorry you right types are having such a hard time with this new "protest" stuff. Don't worry, it gets easier after a few decades. :lol:
[ame=]YouTube - Local Tea Party patriots protest Obama-care at Senator Claire McCaskills St. Louis district office[/ame]

Yes these are some real unruley mobs, I swear. It really is a shame to have these people who want to express their opinions be labeled that way. I happen to notice the DNC has spent quite a lot of effort painting these people as somehow being extremists when you heard nothing at all from them when groups like code pink were blocking access to USMC recruiting stations or perhaps not one word when healthcare committee meetings were disrupted on behalf of groups advocating for healthcare.
More is being spent to stop healthcare reform than was spent by both Kerry and Bush in the 2004 presidential campaign. They have to protect those obscene profits.
It is a focused campaign now within the media and the Democrat leadership to portray those who question Obama and the Democrats as "a mob", or "fake", or "right wing nutjobs", when in fact these are people now active in trying to influence the direction of their country - just as the war protestors were doing just a few short years ago against the Bush administration.

The frustration being shown by these everday critics of Obama Inc., is growing throughout the nation - and that has the White House and the lapdog media concerned - BIG TIME.
YouTube - Local Tea Party patriots protest Obama-care at Senator Claire McCaskills St. Louis district office

Yes these are some real unruley mobs, I swear. It really is a shame to have these people who want to express their opinions be labeled that way. I happen to notice the DNC has spent quite a lot of effort painting these people as somehow being extremists when you heard nothing at all from them when groups like code pink were blocking access to USMC recruiting stations or perhaps not one word when healthcare committee meetings were disrupted on behalf of groups advocating for healthcare.

That's a great video. Nothing out of order there, the cops handled it fine.

The black cop makes a COMMON SENSE decision to go in and get the white guy to come out and handle them. I thought that was beautiful. That old white lady was testing his patience, disobeyed an order to go to the other side of the street, a few times. Keeps raising her voice at him and asking the same question over and over......think he maybe should have pulled out his cuffs and threatened to arrest her? Think maybe she would have asked one more time...."how far away do we have to be?"......and he maybe should have cuffed her and put her in the car?
I agree with you. Show up and speak. It is your right to be heard.

I am only asking for some logical consistancy. Not from the media, that's a lost cause. Each side has it's own partisan coverage. Rush and Fox do a fine job of portraying left wing protestors as traitors and criminals. The truth is that everyone has a right to protest and be heard and no one is any more or less patriotic or entitled to do so.

With regard to the "disorderly conduct" angle, if a group of people plan to yell and shout, out of turn, at a public meeting, with the intent to derail the normal course of civilized debate, that is a hell of a lot more fitting to the definition of "disorderly conduct" than an old man shouting from his front porch at a cop he's pissed off with. The old man's intention is not to cause disorder. A group that plans to yell and shout, rock the boat and speak out of turn.....well, that's the definition of disorder. And they didn't do it spontaneously, they planned it.

It's simple. if you split your opinion on the criminal nature of these two incidents, no matter which way you split, you're a partisan pea brain, on one side or the other. YOu can support both causes for arrest or neither and you're at least taking a respectable position. If you split, you aren't honest. Even with yourself.
the two situations are so far from each other yet you seem to think they are similar

that makes YOU the peabrain

THe issue is shouting and yelling in public and shouting and yelling at public officials. There is no other issue.

Gates was arrested for yelling at a police officer while seven people looked on.

Now we have people who intend to yell at a US Rep with a hundred people looking on.

The situations are very similar.

Neither is a crime.

Your opinion is split because you are a biased observer.

The people at the town hall had reports filed on them that they had just broken into a house?

It is a focused campaign now within the media and the Democrat leadership to portray those who question Obama and the Democrats as "a mob", or "fake", or "right wing nutjobs", when in fact these are people now active in trying to influence the direction of their country - just as the war protestors were doing just a few short years ago against the Bush administration.

The frustration being shown by these everday critics of Obama Inc., is growing throughout the nation - and that has the White House and the lapdog media concerned - BIG TIME.

The lapdog media?

You mean FoxNews?
It is a focused campaign now within the media and the Democrat leadership to portray those who question Obama and the Democrats as "a mob", or "fake", or "right wing nutjobs", when in fact these are people now active in trying to influence the direction of their country - just as the war protestors were doing just a few short years ago against the Bush administration.

The frustration being shown by these everday critics of Obama Inc., is growing throughout the nation - and that has the White House and the lapdog media concerned - BIG TIME.

The lapdog media?

You mean FoxNews?
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are
It is a focused campaign now within the media and the Democrat leadership to portray those who question Obama and the Democrats as "a mob", or "fake", or "right wing nutjobs", when in fact these are people now active in trying to influence the direction of their country - just as the war protestors were doing just a few short years ago against the Bush administration.

The frustration being shown by these everday critics of Obama Inc., is growing throughout the nation - and that has the White House and the lapdog media concerned - BIG TIME.

The lapdog media?

You mean FoxNews?
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are

If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."
The lapdog media?

You mean FoxNews?
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are

If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."
i heard it was a piece of crap propaganda bullshit that only complete fucking morons liked

oops, thats right
you are a complete fucking moron
you keep proving what a fucking moron you are

If you haven't seen it, watch OutFoxed.

Great documentary.

FoxNew anchors get their talking points every day in emails.

"Some people say...."
i heard it was a piece of crap propaganda bullshit that only complete fucking morons liked

oops, thats right
you are a complete fucking moron

Really dude, see a doctor.
It is a focused campaign now within the media and the Democrat leadership to portray those who question Obama and the Democrats as "a mob", or "fake", or "right wing nutjobs", when in fact these are people now active in trying to influence the direction of their country - just as the war protestors were doing just a few short years ago against the Bush administration.

The frustration being shown by these everday critics of Obama Inc., is growing throughout the nation - and that has the White House and the lapdog media concerned - BIG TIME.

The lapdog media?

You mean FoxNews?


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