GOP Success: We removed Saddam and replaced him with Islam

Islam was in Iraq long before Saddam was even a twinkle in his father's eye. He lived by Islamic law all his life - and by centuries old hatreds of other Islamic tribes. There have long been issues between Sunnis, Shites, and Kurds. It's been a horrific blood-bath particularly for the Kurds and Saddam and his cousin "Chemical Ali" enjoyed every minute of it while Saddam was in power. Women wore "black ninja" clothing long before Saddam's reign and they will continue to dress like this - it's Islamic law. US forces had nothing to do with it.


It's the first time an islamic theocracy has ever existed in Iraq. But let's keep that a secret.
Iraq became part of the Khilafah under Abu Bakr (RA); the capital was moved to Baghdad during the Abbasid dynasty.
Islam was in Iraq long before Saddam was even a twinkle in his father's eye. He lived by Islamic law all his life


Saddam Hussein was an apostate who perpetuated secular oppression in Iraq and who openly supported the Russian slaughter of Muslims in Chechnya.

In an interview with journalists, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri Al-Hadithi had the opportunity to state Iraq's position with regard to Chechnya, namely that Chechnya is an integral part of Russia. "Iraq is firmly against any manifestations of separatism in Russia." At the end of the audience, (pro-Russian puppet Akhmad) Kadyrov presented Saddam with a dagger made in Chechnya. - RFE/RL​
why is this thread still going? i thought it was settled that IT WAS THEIR COUNTRY?

what else is there to discuss?

don't you like freedom or what?
THe gov't may have been secular but people practice Islam there and have for quite a while.
It is hardly a "theocracy." This has been shown many times already.

Then show us where it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution -

Def of Theocracy:

a form of government in which god or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.

"sacerdotal government under divine inspiration"

1.A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.

Theocracy | Define Theocracy at

The fact that women have been placed under Sharia law, the gays murdered, and the Christian population murdered, forced to convert or chased out of they country PROVES they are a religious country.

What is wrong with you people. Their constitution, by every definition of "Theocracy" says they are a theocracy.

How can you deny it? How? It's NOT possible. What is wrong with you people. You need a sledge hammer to get the truth though those thick skulls?

"Theocracy" usually suggests that a government is controlled by the clergy of one religion or another. Islam has no clergy; only the illegitimate innovations of certain Shi'ites and other splinter groups allow for the existence of clergies and theocracies that incorrectly claim to be within the fold of Islam. That being said, Shi'ite-majority Iraq still isn't a theocracy. It's a puppet state with a secular system of government, their meaningless constitutional article notwithstanding. Shari'ah has not been implemented, the government is based on the Western parliamentary model, their constitution was drafted by a committee that included communists and other secularists, etc.
Then show us where it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution -

Def of Theocracy:

a form of government in which god or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.

"sacerdotal government under divine inspiration"

1.A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.

Theocracy | Define Theocracy at

The fact that women have been placed under Sharia law, the gays murdered, and the Christian population murdered, forced to convert or chased out of they country PROVES they are a religious country.

What is wrong with you people. Their constitution, by every definition of "Theocracy" says they are a theocracy.

How can you deny it? How? It's NOT possible. What is wrong with you people. You need a sledge hammer to get the truth though those thick skulls?

"Theocracy" usually suggests that a government is controlled by the clergy of one religion or another. Islam has no clergy; only the illegitimate innovations of certain Shi'ites and other splinter groups allow for the existence of clergies and theocracies that incorrectly claim to be within the fold of Islam. That being said, Shi'ite-majority Iraq still isn't a theocracy. It's a puppet state with a secular system of government, their meaningless constitutional article notwithstanding. Shari'ah has not been implemented, the government is based on the Western parliamentary model, their constitution was drafted by a committee that included communists and other secularists, etc.

The Iraqi government hasn't fully matured. In fact, weeks after the last election there still isn't a coalition government in place. Worse, the news is terrible:


On Monday, Iraqi human-rights officials said they discovered a secret prison run by al-Maliki's military office that contained hundreds of Sunni men who had been routinely tortured and raped by guards. It's beginning to feel like 2005 again in Baghdad.

Iraq Election Stalemate: Baghdad Vote Recount Looms - TIME

Al-Maliki has instead turned to another slate, the Iraqi National Alliance, led by Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and other religious leaders, to form what U.S. ambassador Christopher Hill called this week "a Shi'ite mega-party." The religious slate needs only four additional seats to form a party, and by acquiring them, it could edge out Allawi altogether.

TIME Interview: Allawi on Iraqi Election Chaos, Violence - Yahoo! News


Religious leaders will take over the country. It will be another Iran. Their Constitution has set that up.
Does anyone believe Bush and the Republicans had a clue as to what they were doing? They actually thought the war would cost less that 200 billion. That was 2.2 TRILLION dollars ago.
Women back in bags. Republicans can lie all they want, but before we invaded, women in Iraq could go to school and they wore western style clothes.
More than half the population already religiously enslaved.
Iraq is well on it's way to becoming Iran.
This is the Bush/Republican legacy. NOT Obama. This is the Bush/Republican legacy. They did it. It's their ideology. It's their "LACK" of eduction. Of just "not knowing".
It's the first time an islamic theocracy has ever existed in Iraq. But let's keep that a secret.
Iraq became part of the Khilafah under Abu Bakr (RA); the capital was moved to Baghdad during the Abbasid dynasty.

Bakr died in the 7th century. Iraq as we know it did not exist until the early 20th century.

Can't believe you fell for that.
Meh. That's a matter of perspective. Baghdad was the epicenter of an unprecedented, centuries-long scientific revolution that took place within the framework of the Khilafah. Mesopotamia's history of intellectual achievement under Islam played an invaluable role in shaping it into Iraq as we know it.
Iraq became part of the Khilafah under Abu Bakr (RA); the capital was moved to Baghdad during the Abbasid dynasty.

Bakr died in the 7th century. Iraq as we know it did not exist until the early 20th century.

Can't believe you fell for that.
Meh. That's a matter of perspective. Baghdad was the epicenter of an unprecedented, centuries-long scientific revolution that took place within the framework of the Khilafah. Mesopotamia's history of intellectual achievement under Islam played an invaluable role in shaping it into Iraq as we know it.

Confusing mesopotamia for iraq is ignoring the West's role in the ME for the past century and glossing over countless attributes leading us to the problems of today. The British created Iraq. Period. Both by borders and by name.
Religious leaders will take over the country. It will be another Iran. Their Constitution has set that up.
Does anyone believe Bush and the Republicans had a clue as to what they were doing? They actually thought the war would cost less that 200 billion. That was 2.2 TRILLION dollars ago.
Women back in bags. Republicans can lie all they want, but before we invaded, women in Iraq could go to school and they wore western style clothes.
More than half the population already religiously enslaved.
Iraq is well on it's way to becoming Iran.
This is the Bush/Republican legacy. NOT Obama. This is the Bush/Republican legacy. They did it. It's their ideology. It's their "LACK" of eduction. Of just "not knowing".

I might be inclined to agree with you about Iraq becoming an Iranian-style thugocracy if it weren't for Iraq's large Sunni minority. Al-Qa'idah hardly recognizes Shi'ites' right to exist, much less their rule. Iraqi Shi'ites also lack the kind of revolutionary clerical figure that Iran had in Khomeini. The major Shi'ite religious leader in the country, 'Ali as-Sistani, is a pretty tame guy. Muqtada as-Sadr is too young and too low in the Shi'ite religious hierarchy. No, the worst I see happening is more sectarian strife.
Bakr died in the 7th century. Iraq as we know it did not exist until the early 20th century.

Can't believe you fell for that.
Meh. That's a matter of perspective. Baghdad was the epicenter of an unprecedented, centuries-long scientific revolution that took place within the framework of the Khilafah. Mesopotamia's history of intellectual achievement under Islam played an invaluable role in shaping it into Iraq as we know it.

Confusing mesopotamia for iraq is ignoring the West's role in the ME for the past century and glossing over countless attributes leading us to the problems of today. The British created Iraq. Period. Both by borders and by name.

Again, perspective. Iraq encompasses Mesopotamia and the descendants of those who were pioneering scientific innovations centuries ago. I'm not ignoring the West's role; I'm simply acknowledging the contributions made by some of the thousands of years of the region's history that occurred before it was colonized by the West.
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Meh. That's a matter of perspective. Baghdad was the epicenter of an unprecedented, centuries-long scientific revolution that took place within the framework of the Khilafah. Mesopotamia's history of intellectual achievement under Islam played an invaluable role in shaping it into Iraq as we know it.

Confusing mesopotamia for iraq is ignoring the West's role in the ME for the past century and glossing over countless attributes leading us to the problems of today. The British created Iraq. Period. Both by borders and by name.

Again, perspective. Iraq encompasses Mesopotamia and the descendants of those who were pioneering scientific innovations centuries ago. I'm not ignoring the West's role; I'm simply acknowledging the contributions made by some of the thousands of years of the region's history that occurred before it was colonized by the West.

Acknowledging contributions from Mesopotamia's history and recognizing Iraq's first theocracy are exclusive. Would you say the US existed in 1247 because the river we now call the Mississippi was there?
Then show us where it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution -

Def of Theocracy:

a form of government in which god or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.

"sacerdotal government under divine inspiration"

1.A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.

Theocracy | Define Theocracy at

The fact that women have been placed under Sharia law, the gays murdered, and the Christian population murdered, forced to convert or chased out of they country PROVES they are a religious country.

What is wrong with you people. Their constitution, by every definition of "Theocracy" says they are a theocracy.

How can you deny it? How? It's NOT possible. What is wrong with you people. You need a sledge hammer to get the truth though those thick skulls?

"Theocracy" usually suggests that a government is controlled by the clergy of one religion or another. Islam has no clergy; only the illegitimate innovations of certain Shi'ites and other splinter groups allow for the existence of clergies and theocracies that incorrectly claim to be within the fold of Islam. That being said, Shi'ite-majority Iraq still isn't a theocracy. It's a puppet state with a secular system of government, their meaningless constitutional article notwithstanding. Shari'ah has not been implemented, the government is based on the Western parliamentary model, their constitution was drafted by a committee that included communists and other secularists, etc.

That's painful hairsplitting borderlining intellectual dishonesty because you're trying to use theological concepts to ignore ruling classes. Iraq doesn't have a secular government. It's absolutely impossible considering a Religion is cited as the supreme law of the land and all legislation will be based on that Religion. You may not like the perversions you see in the invention of hierarchies but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Religious leaders will take over the country. It will be another Iran. Their Constitution has set that up.
Does anyone believe Bush and the Republicans had a clue as to what they were doing? They actually thought the war would cost less that 200 billion. That was 2.2 TRILLION dollars ago.
Women back in bags. Republicans can lie all they want, but before we invaded, women in Iraq could go to school and they wore western style clothes.
More than half the population already religiously enslaved.
Iraq is well on it's way to becoming Iran.
This is the Bush/Republican legacy. NOT Obama. This is the Bush/Republican legacy. They did it. It's their ideology. It's their "LACK" of eduction. Of just "not knowing".

I might be inclined to agree with you about Iraq becoming an Iranian-style thugocracy if it weren't for Iraq's large Sunni minority. Al-Qa'idah hardly recognizes Shi'ites' right to exist, much less their rule. Iraqi Shi'ites also lack the kind of revolutionary clerical figure that Iran had in Khomeini. The major Shi'ite religious leader in the country, 'Ali as-Sistani, is a pretty tame guy. Muqtada as-Sadr is too young and too low in the Shi'ite religious hierarchy. No, the worst I see happening is more sectarian strife.

Of the three largest minorities, Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis, my understanding is the Sunnis are the smallest.

We know that the Kurd religion is actually a sect of the Sunnis. So you would expect them, politically, to work together. However, the Kurds were mistreated terribly under Saddam.

My feeling is the Kurds will actually, eventually side, politically with the Shiites and the Sunnis will be marginalized.

Things are still being sorted out. Eventually, you will see a Shiite "cleric" in charge. Once the Christians have been completely wiped out, they will turn on the Sunnis.

I don't see it happening any other way.
Then show us where it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

There's this red bar at the top of your screen. One of the items says "search". Click on that and put in Iraq theocracy and see what comes up.
Really, I shouldn't have to do your work for you.

You should do your work since you claimed it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

So show us.

As usual the rabbi ignores backing up his own bullshit.
There's this red bar at the top of your screen. One of the items says "search". Click on that and put in Iraq theocracy and see what comes up.
Really, I shouldn't have to do your work for you.

You should do your work since you claimed it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

So show us.

As usual the rabbi ignores backing up his own bullshit.

If people are too dumb to go back and research it (hell, too dumb to look it up on Wiki) then engaging in discussion would be fruitless.
Iran is a theocracy. Iraq is not. Your inability to differentiate the two might be your problem.
You should do your work since you claimed it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

So show us.

As usual the rabbi ignores backing up his own bullshit.

If people are too dumb to go back and research it (hell, too dumb to look it up on Wiki) then engaging in discussion would be fruitless.
Iran is a theocracy. Iraq is not. Your inability to differentiate the two might be your problem.

You should do your work since you claimed it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."
You should do your work since you claimed it has been shown many times it is "hardly a theocracy."

So show us.

As usual the rabbi ignores backing up his own bullshit.

If people are too dumb to go back and research it (hell, too dumb to look it up on Wiki) then engaging in discussion would be fruitless.
Iran is a theocracy. Iraq is not. Your inability to differentiate the two might be your problem.

Okay so I took your advice and looked up iran's constitution. So you're saying it's a theocracy because it says:

"Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation."

Is that correct?

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